I'm sure there are a few people on here who you could pack neatly in to the 'weak' box that Mr Peterson so eloquently describes.
Just a shame that the rabid, post modern, third wave, man hating feminist had an unwavering agenda that she was not deviating from. Regardless that she made herself look wholly unprofessional and showed herself to be unable to grasp what people are saying in favour of pushing her own warped beliefs.
'So what you are saying is....'
WARNING. This video may be difficult viewing for some.
I'm sure there are a few people on here who you could pack neatly in to the 'weak' box that Mr Peterson so eloquently describes.
Just a shame that the rabid, post modern, third wave, man hating feminist had an unwavering agenda that she was not deviating from. Regardless that she made herself look wholly unprofessional and showed herself to be unable to grasp what people are saying in favour of pushing her own warped beliefs.
'So what you are saying is....'
WARNING. This video may be difficult viewing for some.
I'm sure there are a few people on here who you could pack neatly in to the 'weak' box that Mr Peterson so eloquently describes.
Just a shame that the rabid, post modern, third wave, man hating feminist had an unwavering agenda that she was not deviating from. Regardless that she made herself look wholly unprofessional and showed herself to be unable to grasp what people are saying in favour of pushing her own warped beliefs.
'So what you are saying is....'
WARNING. This video may be difficult viewing for some.
Bit like when they stopped making The Black & White Minstrel Show, banned smoking in pubs and gave women the vote, all to general uproar, maybe it’s time to move on?
Jordan Peterson is another attention-hogging c**t from the same bracket as Milo. If you're siding with these absolute wankers in the culture wars, don't be amazed when people start thinking you're a moron
PC over reaction. Their outfits more the issue than their presence. Female racing drivers/bikers rare enough but (in UK at least) not unknown for them to have grid boy. Opportunist cost cutting by the Darts promoters dressed up as new found respectability fooling nobody
Jordan Peterson is another attention-hogging c**t from the same bracket as Milo. If you're siding with these absolute wankers in the culture wars, don't be amazed when people start thinking you're a moron
Dear moron,
You're not able to argue against him either then, right?
Just call him an 'attention-hogging c**t' and a 'wanker' and hope that everyone believes you.
Jordan Peterson uses more logic in his reasoning than you ever will, mate, and you don't like that as you can't nail him down and/or pin him to your outrage wall.
A few people have hit the nail on the head here, why has nobody thought to ask the women who do this for their opinion on the matter?
For all the steps forward the world and society has taken forwards with equality and recognising diversity there is always something like this that is done to smash those advances back 40 years. The male presenters at the BBC is another, they have to take a pay cut, what? To go down to the women's level? Why could the female presenters doing identical jobs be paid the same?
I.coukdnt give two shits about a woman walking down an aisle with a darts player, it matters not to me, nobody is going to convince me Barry Hearn has got women's rights and feminism at the top of his priority list all of a sudden neither sky sports! Let's look at sky sports news shall we, all of the female presenters are there purely for their appearance keep in mind the channel is essentially one long advertisement for whatever sky have an investment in anyway.
It's not lost on me in all this the head of OFCOM is in her role not because she is any good or more knowledgeable or more forward thinking or a genuine leader but because of positive discrimination, she is fucking hopeless and there are people, male and female, within the industry who are far more capable than her at that particular role. She is ticking all the right boxes as far as political demographic box ticking goes.
I look forward to the day when catwalk models no longer exist and let's be honest, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell are not intelligent women, they are women who have the 'right' skin, hair, bone structure, whatever but they are the epitome of objectification of women and if this is what the world wants to stop then great but how about we ask those involved, those who are top of their field of industry of walking a few yards looking pretty. Like the women who do that at the darts.
Cheerleaders too, let's get rid of them, forget the fact they will have practised and practised for most of their lives to do what they do.
This isn't about treating women equally, it's about trying to be trendy and appeasing an ever growing, rabid minority who see it as their duty in life to be professionally offended and generally be a fucking nuisance.
It doesn't help that a worrying amount of women ironically look up to appalling human beings like Kim Kardashian who is famous for having a dad or a step dad who defended and somehow got a man away with murder, who regularly is seen pulling her tits out on that notoriously family friendly forum Twitter and is an absolute mega star. And Jordan, fucking hell a woman who has sold her and her kids privacy for a pound note is seen as an aspirational figure, along with all the other dead between the ears morons from any number of reality tv shows. They are so thick, so, so thick yet they are adored by young women.
So no, I don't think it's advancing gender equality banning walk on girls from the darts, formula one or any other sport that needs shit like that. It makes no difference to me whether or not they are there, I'll still only watch both sports once a year. The hypocrisy is what aggravates me
Jordan Peterson is another attention-hogging c**t from the same bracket as Milo. If you're siding with these absolute wankers in the culture wars, don't be amazed when people start thinking you're a moron
Dear moron,
You're not able to argue against him either then, right?
Just call him a wanker and hope that everyone believes you.
Jordan Peterson uses more logic in his reasoning than you ever will, mate, and you don't like that as you can't nail him down and/or pin him to your outrage wall.
Jordan Peterson is another attention-hogging c**t from the same bracket as Milo. If you're siding with these absolute wankers in the culture wars, don't be amazed when people start thinking you're a moron
Dear moron,
You're not able to argue against him either then, right?
Just call him a wanker and hope that everyone believes you.
Jordan Peterson uses more logic in his reasoning than you ever will, mate, and you don't like that as you can't nail him down and/or pin him to your outrage wall.
Damn didn't work not sure how to put a gif/ image in
I'm all for criticising someone but not if you're unable to pull apart what someone has said and can only chuck a few sweary words at them in the hope that people don't look any further in to what has actually been said.
Peterson is a very good debater and is purposefully careful with how he speaks so that the likes of Leuth can get as outraged as they want but, ultimately, they are unable to counter him properly. As Cathy Newman has shown quite brilliantly.
Jordan Peterson is another attention-hogging c**t from the same bracket as Milo. If you're siding with these absolute wankers in the culture wars, don't be amazed when people start thinking you're a moron
Dear moron,
You're not able to argue against him either then, right?
Just call him a wanker and hope that everyone believes you.
Jordan Peterson uses more logic in his reasoning than you ever will, mate, and you don't like that as you can't nail him down and/or pin him to your outrage wall.
Jordan Peterson is another attention-hogging c**t from the same bracket as Milo. If you're siding with these absolute wankers in the culture wars, don't be amazed when people start thinking you're a moron
Dear moron,
You're not able to argue against him either then, right?
Just call him a wanker and hope that everyone believes you.
Jordan Peterson uses more logic in his reasoning than you ever will, mate, and you don't like that as you can't nail him down and/or pin him to your outrage wall.
Damn didn't work not sure how to put a gif/ image in
I'm all for criticising someone but not if you're unable to pull apart what someone has said and can only chuck a few sweary words at them in the hope that people don't look any further in to what has actually been said.
Peterson is a very good debater and is purposefully careful with how he speaks so that the likes of Leuth can get as outraged as they want but, ultimately, they are unable to counter him properly. As Cathy Newman has shown quite brilliantly.
Jordan Peterson is another attention-hogging c**t from the same bracket as Milo. If you're siding with these absolute wankers in the culture wars, don't be amazed when people start thinking you're a moron
Dear moron,
You're not able to argue against him either then, right?
Just call him a wanker and hope that everyone believes you.
Jordan Peterson uses more logic in his reasoning than you ever will, mate, and you don't like that as you can't nail him down and/or pin him to your outrage wall.
Damn didn't work not sure how to put a gif/ image in
I'm all for criticising someone but not if you're unable to pull apart what someone has said and can only chuck a few sweary words at them in the hope that people don't look any further in to what has actually been said.
Peterson is a very good debater and is purposefully careful with how he speaks so that the likes of Leuth can get as outraged as they want but, ultimately, they are unable to counter him properly. As Cathy Newman has shown quite brilliantly.
Jordan Peterson is another attention-hogging c**t from the same bracket as Milo. If you're siding with these absolute wankers in the culture wars, don't be amazed when people start thinking you're a moron
Dear moron,
You're not able to argue against him either then, right?
Just call him a wanker and hope that everyone believes you.
Jordan Peterson uses more logic in his reasoning than you ever will, mate, and you don't like that as you can't nail him down and/or pin him to your outrage wall.
Yes, everything Peterson says has rock-solid grounding in logic, that's true. 'Cultural Marxism' is definitely a thing that exists! The means of cultural production have been seized (?) by the enemies of Western culture (??) and with 'postmodernism' their weapon the Cultural Marxists are busy deconstructing the very foundations of the English language that have existed forever! Peterson is right to say that the world reached a cultural apex in the 1950s and that he'd like us to stop and get off the train of so-called 'progress' at around that point, before anyone had read too much Derrida. Because imagine a world where someone can just 'invent' a new gender* and request ~shock horror~ a pronoun other than 'he' or 'she' in order to feel a little bit less like committing suicide! HEAVEN FORFEND, it is the end of Culture! We all had it so worked out before: nuclear families, XX/XY chromosomes, all proven by Science - but now, a load of pink-haired genderqueer culture-destroyers are actively attempting to deny all men the right to have sex! Or at least, with all their postmodern Cultural Marxist beliefs, they're trying to argue that men shouldn't rape, and that people who are gender-dysphoric and suicidal should have the right to determine their own identities. Identities were all settled in the 1950s when we cracked the human genome, idiots!
*obviously, certain Polynesian societies, among others, have believed in more than 2 genders for...centuries? millennia?
Yes, everything Peterson says has rock-solid grounding in logic, that's true. 'Cultural Marxism' is definitely a thing that exists! The means of cultural production have been seized (?) by the enemies of Western culture (??) and with 'postmodernism' their weapon the Cultural Marxists are busy deconstructing the very foundations of the English language that have existed forever! Peterson is right to say that the world reached a cultural apex in the 1950s and that he'd like us to stop and get off the train of so-called 'progress' at around that point, before anyone had read too much Derrida. Because imagine a world where someone can just 'invent' a new gender* and request ~shock horror~ a pronoun other than 'he' or 'she' in order to feel a little bit less like committing suicide! HEAVEN FORFEND, it is the end of Culture! We all had it so worked out before: nuclear families, XX/XY chromosomes, all proven by Science - but now, a load of pink-haired genderqueer culture-destroyers are actively attempting to deny all men the right to have sex! Or at least, with all their postmodern Cultural Marxist beliefs, they're trying to argue that men shouldn't rape, and that people who are gender-dysphoric and suicidal should have no right to determine their own identities, because identities were all settled in the 1950s when we cracked the human genome, idiots!
*obviously, certain Polynesian societies, among others, have believed in more than 2 genders for...centuries? millennia?
That's not what he said though, is it? Did you used to have a career as a singer? Chubby Checker perhaps?
Do you want people to take your stance as opposed to that of an expert and clinical psychologist? What expertise have you got in this field that would make others believe you over the impressive Mr Peterson?
Rape? fucking hell you're desperate. It's yet another example of not being able to counter his actual points and instead go off one and say things that haven't even been mentioned.
Just a shame that the rabid, post modern, third wave, man hating feminist had an unwavering agenda that she was not deviating from. Regardless that she made herself look wholly unprofessional and showed herself to be unable to grasp what people are saying in favour of pushing her own warped beliefs.
'So what you are saying is....'
WARNING. This video may be difficult viewing for some.
Bit like when they stopped making The Black & White Minstrel Show, banned smoking in pubs and gave women the vote, all to general uproar, maybe it’s time to move on?
You're not able to argue against him either then, right?
Just call him an 'attention-hogging c**t' and a 'wanker' and hope that everyone believes you.
Jordan Peterson uses more logic in his reasoning than you ever will, mate, and you don't like that as you can't nail him down and/or pin him to your outrage wall.
Another moron.
Damn didn't work not sure how to put a gif/ image in
I'm all for criticising someone but not if you're unable to pull apart what someone has said and can only chuck a few sweary words at them in the hope that people don't look any further in to what has actually been said.
Peterson is a very good debater and is purposefully careful with how he speaks so that the likes of Leuth can get as outraged as they want but, ultimately, they are unable to counter him properly. As Cathy Newman has shown quite brilliantly.
*obviously, certain Polynesian societies, among others, have believed in more than 2 genders for...centuries? millennia?
Do you want people to take your stance as opposed to that of an expert and clinical psychologist? What expertise have you got in this field that would make others believe you over the impressive Mr Peterson?
Rape? fucking hell you're desperate. It's yet another example of not being able to counter his actual points and instead go off one and say things that haven't even been mentioned.
You carry on ranting, mate