He'll put a statement out before saturday after reading this. This is what we now have to threaten to do to get anything out of this poxy club.
I think you are right but in which case CARD wins.
As you say, this is where we are now
What do they win?
They get a response from the club on what is happening
They get more information
They show that the fans are still important and not to be ignored in the takeover process
I’ve been waiting for a decent response from the club for years now. You think that by card stamping it’s feet answers will just roll of Murray’s tongue?
He might say something. But he won’t tell us anything.
Partly because he doesn’t know. And partly because he couldn’t care less about the fans. He’s made that abundantly clear.
Each day this sham continues we LOSE.
Empty words mean nothing. The only time I would even begin to think we are on some sort off winning track is the day that Duchâtelet, and Murray have left this club for good.
And what are you doing to try to achieve that then?
In my opinion, any well organised "passion" shown in the West Stand car park on Saturday, in line with previously excellently organised CARD protest, will show any potential new owners more about us than anything they will see inside the ground. The Valley at the moment is a 3/4 empty shell. Let "them" see for themselves what Charlton supporters think about the absolute shower of shite they are thinking of replacing (for the right fee.)
Rolands been fucking the club and the supporters sideways up the arse and we should all stay quiet and wait , not saying it's the greatest idea or protest but it's a damn sight more than sitting there turning the other cheek as roland shits on us from a great height . we're a fucking laughing stock of a club and we should just carry on happy clapping our way, wow
Well done CARD for putting a bit of pressure on RM but I think the following statement is going a bit too far. "We want a guarantee that if Konsa goes without a takeover then a significant part of the fee will be made available to Robinson to strengthen the team. We also want a timeline for takeover negotiations with clarity about whether a deal is possible or likely before the end of January"
CARD have zero chance of a "guarantee" any transfer money will be given to KR to strengthen and equally a timeline for takeover negotiations.
Is it acceptable for Duchatelet to pocket £4m for Konsa and leave the team weakened then? What if he sells Aribo too for whatever he can get? Should fans just accept that?
Why is it impossible to say if there is any chance of a deal within the transfer window?
That's a separate matter. Unfortunately, nobody can stop Roland doing that all the time that he owns the club. Asking for assurances from Murray is going to get us nowhere and any assurances that he might give would be worthless anyway. Protesting directly against Duchatelet is the only worthwhile action.
How is it a separate matter? Murray may not be able to stop Duchatelet but he doesn’t have participate in and defend his actions. He has chosen to do so. Why shouldn’t he have to explain himself?
All protests are ultimately “against Duchatelet” but asking questions of his main collaborator is a reasonable and more easily practical move this weekend.
Unfortunately he doesn't have to explain himself and there would be no point in doing so anyway. It's clear that he is Judas in all of this and needs to be gone from the club the minute that the Rat sells.
So we have potential buyers of the club at the game on Saturday and then CARD come along with a pointless exercise as i think it is fair to say that not one person from the club will come out and make a statement, all what will happen is make a potential buyer think twice, surely it would be better to get behind the team, create an atmosphere and potential buyers thinking we could have something good here. Imagine selling a house would you let potential buyers view your property when the noisy neighbours are in or out. No logic whatsoever and will get no thanks from the management team.
Maybe just maybe it will force someone from the club apart from Robinson to make a statement about what's going on, even if it's before Saturday, as i'm sure they (club) wouldn't like a scene.
Do you really think that they will give you answers with people outside shouting. The only thing that will happen is that you prove that the club is currently toxic and if i was a buyer wouldn't touch it with a ten foot barge pole. Flip it to have a great atmosphere in the ground, and buyers would see the club as a good investment rather than anarchy in the car park wearing black and white.
Only 5 days ago two potential interested parties held talks with the club
There have been 3 others that are more than interested
What more is there that you need to know
Airman has been updating Redhenry has we have heard far more than we really should or needed to
What else do you really expect to hear
None of which has been said by the club and unless they read Charlton Life most fans would be unaware of that.
No one expects names or numbers but some sort of update and some clarity on what happens to the Holmes, and if it happens, Konsa fees would be a start.
Well done CARD for putting a bit of pressure on RM but I think the following statement is going a bit too far. "We want a guarantee that if Konsa goes without a takeover then a significant part of the fee will be made available to Robinson to strengthen the team. We also want a timeline for takeover negotiations with clarity about whether a deal is possible or likely before the end of January"
CARD have zero chance of a "guarantee" any transfer money will be given to KR to strengthen and equally a timeline for takeover negotiations.
Is it acceptable for Duchatelet to pocket £4m for Konsa and leave the team weakened then? What if he sells Aribo too for whatever he can get? Should fans just accept that?
Why is it impossible to say if there is any chance of a deal within the transfer window?
No it is not acceptable if the sale of a player leaves the team weakened and the money is not reinvested and I did begin with well done CARD for putting the pressure on RM.
However it is RD's club and his money keeping it afloat so if he wants to grab some back before any sale goes through he is entitled to do it. It stinks but there is nothing we can do about it.
I have been a supporter for 50 years and have always watched Charlton sell players for "X" and buy replacements for "Y". In most cases the value of "Y" was always lower than "X".
My point was no member of the current board is going to publicly state that money from the sale of any player will be re-invested in the playing squad before, during or after any sale of the club goes though.
And I would say the same applies to any potential sale of the club. Due Diligence is not just about looking at the finances, I would guess if there is a serious offer on the table confidentiality agreements have been signed meaning all parties have to keep quiet.
This applies even more so if any buyer is listed on the stock exchange as any leak of news could lead to a drastic change in the share price.
By all accounts there are multiple interested parties and nobody is expecting a running commentary. Whether it is possible or impossible for a deal to be done by the close of the transfer window would be a significant advance, to Robinson as well as fans. One or other must be the case. They have already claimed to be in talks so an indicative timeline is not going to breach any confidentiality agreement, although given the multi-party interest I doubt there is one.
We are not talking about Y belong lower than X. That is a given. We are talking about Y being zero.
Only 5 days ago two potential interested parties held talks with the club
There have been 3 others that are more than interested
What more is there that you need to know
Airman has been updating Redhenry has we have heard far more than we really should or needed to
What else do you really expect to hear
How long the fire sale will go on for? How big the fire sale will be? Is he trying to cash in on just Konsa or are we in danger of losing Aribo/Kashi/JFC as well? Is his asking price realistic? Is he deliberately trying to sabotage our season?
the answer to CARDs question was given in the statement yesterday. They are asking for a 'pledge' for a change in that answer. I have supported CARDs actions to date but have doubts this will achieve much, if anything.
So we have potential buyers of the club at the game on Saturday and then CARD come along with a pointless exercise as i think it is fair to say that not one person from the club will come out and make a statement, all what will happen is make a potential buyer think twice, surely it would be better to get behind the team, create an atmosphere and potential buyers thinking we could have something good here. Imagine selling a house would you let potential buyers view your property when the noisy neighbours are in or out. No logic whatsoever and will get no thanks from the management team.
Maybe just maybe it will force someone from the club apart from Robinson to make a statement about what's going on, even if it's before Saturday, as i'm sure they (club) wouldn't like a scene.
Do you really think that they will give you answers with people outside shouting. The only thing that will happen is that you prove that the club is currently toxic and if i was a buyer wouldn't touch it with a ten foot barge pole. Flip it to have a great atmosphere in the ground, and buyers would see the club as a good investment rather than anarchy in the car park wearing black and white.
Well, after several years of protests, it hasn't stopped three groups interested in buying Charlton!
"Mr Murray, would you like to go out and talk to the angry mob?"
"No thanks. I'll have another glass of wine though."
Quite. The chances of Murray addressing an angry crowd is slim, but CARD obviously know that. Presumably, it a tactic to put the heat on Murray to encourage him to put the heat on RD to sell up asap.
What power does Murray have? It's not as if RD has paid much attention to the fans beforehand...
I imagine Murray will put out a statement stating that negotiations are ongoing, the details are confidential, not wanting to reveal information that might derail them etc
Murray is pretty much the only authoritative person running the club for RD & RD needs his backing. If Murray walks or refuses to cooperate with RD, can the club run for the rest of the season without serious problems ?
It's already running with serious problems. We haven't been able to fill the bench in our last two matches. I haven't noticed Murray doing anything to address that problem. He has no clout at the club.
Why is he still on the board then?
As a misguided figurehead of better days gone by. Pointless.
So we have potential buyers of the club at the game on Saturday and then CARD come along with a pointless exercise as i think it is fair to say that not one person from the club will come out and make a statement, all what will happen is make a potential buyer think twice, surely it would be better to get behind the team, create an atmosphere and potential buyers thinking we could have something good here. Imagine selling a house would you let potential buyers view your property when the noisy neighbours are in or out. No logic whatsoever and will get no thanks from the management team.
Every single protest has been dismissed as a waste of time and counter-productive, as hurting the club and putting off potential buyers.
Yet there are said to still be four potential buyers willing to buy the club.
No logic whatsoever, indeed.
Meanwhile at least one part of the management team will be delighted. KR has been desperately trying to get the fans to see how badly he's been lied to, how promises have been broken even the Holmes fee snatched away from him.
He will be delighted that the fans are protesting again IMHO
Only 5 days ago two potential interested parties held talks with the club
There have been 3 others that are more than interested
What more is there that you need to know
Airman has been updating Redhenry has we have heard far more than we really should or needed to
What else do you really expect to hear
None of which has been said by the club and unless they read Charlton Life most fans would be unaware of that.
No one expects names or numbers but some sort of update and some clarity on what happens to the Holmes, and if it happens, Konsa fees would be a start.
Would Murray coming out and saying the fees went straight in Duchatelet's bin make you feel better?
So we have potential buyers of the club at the game on Saturday and then CARD come along with a pointless exercise as i think it is fair to say that not one person from the club will come out and make a statement, all what will happen is make a potential buyer think twice, surely it would be better to get behind the team, create an atmosphere and potential buyers thinking we could have something good here. Imagine selling a house would you let potential buyers view your property when the noisy neighbours are in or out. No logic whatsoever and will get no thanks from the management team.
Maybe just maybe it will force someone from the club apart from Robinson to make a statement about what's going on, even if it's before Saturday, as i'm sure they (club) wouldn't like a scene.
Do you really think that they will give you answers with people outside shouting. The only thing that will happen is that you prove that the club is currently toxic and if i was a buyer wouldn't touch it with a ten foot barge pole. Flip it to have a great atmosphere in the ground, and buyers would see the club as a good investment rather than anarchy in the car park wearing black and white.
But there won't be a great atmosphere in the ground. It's dying in there. Crowds are dwindling and that will only accelerate as Duchatelet sells the talent and refuses to sanction decent replacements. The whole club is irretrievably toxic under Duchatelet and he knows it, which is partly why he's looking for the exit route. A buyer will see the potential, including from the fans, and base a buying decision on that.
But H you understand how these things work anyone with half a brain cell know that it’s not good business practice to discuss your business in public especially if it weakens a postition for negotiation
It’s a nonsense to ask no sorry demand that a statement is made on the current situation
Transfer wise same again nothing will be said
Gobbinson should be keeping schtum and get on with what he is paid for
Those at this protest will be the same people as on here and therefore fully aware of the situation
Things are happening we have been told
The old bstd is selling he has said it
The despicable Meire has gone
And we are in talks and DD has been done what more do people want to know
Only 5 days ago two potential interested parties held talks with the club
There have been 3 others that are more than interested
What more is there that you need to know
Airman has been updating Redhenry has we have heard far more than we really should or needed to
What else do you really expect to hear
None of which has been said by the club and unless they read Charlton Life most fans would be unaware of that.
No one expects names or numbers but some sort of update and some clarity on what happens to the Holmes, and if it happens, Konsa fees would be a start.
Would Murray coming out and saying the fees went straight in Duchatelet's bin make you fell better?
Why are you making this about me? Why does how I feel matter?
Murray isn't going to say that anyway but if he did at least we'd have it confirmed.
As I said above sometimes you ask a question to get information, sometimes you ask a question to expose the lack of information.
So we have potential buyers of the club at the game on Saturday and then CARD come along with a pointless exercise as i think it is fair to say that not one person from the club will come out and make a statement, all what will happen is make a potential buyer think twice, surely it would be better to get behind the team, create an atmosphere and potential buyers thinking we could have something good here. Imagine selling a house would you let potential buyers view your property when the noisy neighbours are in or out. No logic whatsoever and will get no thanks from the management team.
Maybe just maybe it will force someone from the club apart from Robinson to make a statement about what's going on, even if it's before Saturday, as i'm sure they (club) wouldn't like a scene.
Do you really think that they will give you answers with people outside shouting. The only thing that will happen is that you prove that the club is currently toxic and if i was a buyer wouldn't touch it with a ten foot barge pole. Flip it to have a great atmosphere in the ground, and buyers would see the club as a good investment rather than anarchy in the car park wearing black and white.
The club IS currently toxic.
If potential buyers have not done their due diligence on understanding the problems over the past few years then I'm not 100% comfortable with them being decent medium to long term owners anyway.
I'd flip it and says it shows that they are buying a club where there are a number of core actors (2% or so) who care about the future of the club. They have the creativity and passion to make Charlton better, to increase gates and make a great atmosphere. If new owners can tap into and collaborate with this passion then they are onto a winner much more than many clubs in the country.
Only 5 days ago two potential interested parties held talks with the club
There have been 3 others that are more than interested
What more is there that you need to know
Airman has been updating Redhenry has we have heard far more than we really should or needed to
What else do you really expect to hear
How long the fire sale will go on for? How big the fire sale will be? Is he trying to cash in on just Konsa or are we in danger of losing Aribo/Kashi/JFC as well? Is his asking price realistic? Is he deliberately trying to sabotage our season?
Your absolutely way off point if you think you will get a public Answer to any of the above
So we have potential buyers of the club at the game on Saturday and then CARD come along with a pointless exercise as i think it is fair to say that not one person from the club will come out and make a statement, all what will happen is make a potential buyer think twice, surely it would be better to get behind the team, create an atmosphere and potential buyers thinking we could have something good here. Imagine selling a house would you let potential buyers view your property when the noisy neighbours are in or out. No logic whatsoever and will get no thanks from the management team.
Maybe just maybe it will force someone from the club apart from Robinson to make a statement about what's going on, even if it's before Saturday, as i'm sure they (club) wouldn't like a scene.
Do you really think that they will give you answers with people outside shouting. The only thing that will happen is that you prove that the club is currently toxic and if i was a buyer wouldn't touch it with a ten foot barge pole. Flip it to have a great atmosphere in the ground, and buyers would see the club as a good investment rather than anarchy in the car park wearing black and white.
But there won't be a great atmosphere in the ground. It's dying in there. Crowds are dwindling and that will only accelerate as Duchatelet sells the talent and refuses to sanction decent replacements. The whole club is irretrievably toxic under Duchatelet and he knows it, which is partly why he's looking for the exit route. A buyer will see the potential, including from the fans, and base a buying decision on that.
The reality is certain people have let it die by arranging boycotts and protests, it comes as no consequence that the club has been put up for sale after there has been no demonstrations. If, just if there were buyers on Saturday and they pulled out due to the protests whom would CARD blame then.?
So we have potential buyers of the club at the game on Saturday and then CARD come along with a pointless exercise as i think it is fair to say that not one person from the club will come out and make a statement, all what will happen is make a potential buyer think twice, surely it would be better to get behind the team, create an atmosphere and potential buyers thinking we could have something good here. Imagine selling a house would you let potential buyers view your property when the noisy neighbours are in or out. No logic whatsoever and will get no thanks from the management team.
Maybe just maybe it will force someone from the club apart from Robinson to make a statement about what's going on, even if it's before Saturday, as i'm sure they (club) wouldn't like a scene.
Do you really think that they will give you answers with people outside shouting. The only thing that will happen is that you prove that the club is currently toxic and if i was a buyer wouldn't touch it with a ten foot barge pole. Flip it to have a great atmosphere in the ground, and buyers would see the club as a good investment rather than anarchy in the car park wearing black and white.
But there won't be a great atmosphere in the ground. It's dying in there. Crowds are dwindling and that will only accelerate as Duchatelet sells the talent and refuses to sanction decent replacements. The whole club is irretrievably toxic under Duchatelet and he knows it, which is partly why he's looking for the exit route. A buyer will see the potential, including from the fans, and base a buying decision on that.
The reality is certain people have let it die by arranging boycotts and protests, it comes as no consequence that the club has been put up for sale after there has been no demonstrations. If, just if there were buyers on Saturday and they pulled out due to the protests whom would CARD blame then.?
Nonsense. No serious buyers would pull out because fans held a rally in the car park before the game.
So we have potential buyers of the club at the game on Saturday and then CARD come along with a pointless exercise as i think it is fair to say that not one person from the club will come out and make a statement, all what will happen is make a potential buyer think twice, surely it would be better to get behind the team, create an atmosphere and potential buyers thinking we could have something good here. Imagine selling a house would you let potential buyers view your property when the noisy neighbours are in or out. No logic whatsoever and will get no thanks from the management team.
Every single protest has been dismissed as a waste of time and counter-productive, as hurting the club and putting off potential buyers.
Yet there are said to still be four potential buyers willing to buy the club.
No logic whatsoever, indeed.
Meanwhile at least one part of the management team will be delighted. KR has been desperately trying to get the fans to see how badly he's been lied to, how promises have been broken even the Holmes fee snatched away from him.
He will be delighted that the fans are protesting again IMHO
It also comes as no surprise that the club has four bidders and has been put up for sale in a season with no protests and not a toxic atmosphere. IF i was KR i would rather have the fans behind the team than shouting in the car park. But then that is me speaking with a red and white hat and not a black and white hat.
Personally I don't think it's a good idea and judging by the number of people who feel likewise already i wonder if CARD Should have a rethink. We don't need more division among the fans. Better to demand a meeting between Murray and CARD representatives for a Q&A which can be relayed back to the fans. Far more civilised as I worry the mob mentality could lead to something we may regret
So we have potential buyers of the club at the game on Saturday and then CARD come along with a pointless exercise as i think it is fair to say that not one person from the club will come out and make a statement, all what will happen is make a potential buyer think twice, surely it would be better to get behind the team, create an atmosphere and potential buyers thinking we could have something good here. Imagine selling a house would you let potential buyers view your property when the noisy neighbours are in or out. No logic whatsoever and will get no thanks from the management team.
Maybe just maybe it will force someone from the club apart from Robinson to make a statement about what's going on, even if it's before Saturday, as i'm sure they (club) wouldn't like a scene.
Do you really think that they will give you answers with people outside shouting. The only thing that will happen is that you prove that the club is currently toxic and if i was a buyer wouldn't touch it with a ten foot barge pole. Flip it to have a great atmosphere in the ground, and buyers would see the club as a good investment rather than anarchy in the car park wearing black and white.
But there won't be a great atmosphere in the ground. It's dying in there. Crowds are dwindling and that will only accelerate as Duchatelet sells the talent and refuses to sanction decent replacements. The whole club is irretrievably toxic under Duchatelet and he knows it, which is partly why he's looking for the exit route. A buyer will see the potential, including from the fans, and base a buying decision on that.
The reality is certain people have let it die by arranging boycotts and protests, it comes as no consequence that the club has been put up for sale after there has been no demonstrations. If, just if there were buyers on Saturday and they pulled out due to the protests whom would CARD blame then.?
Nonsense. No serious buyers would pull out because fans held a rally in the car park before the game.
And if they did then they're not the right owners for Charlton. If anything it reminds any potential owner(s) what a passionate and powerful fan base they can tap into if we work together.
Only 5 days ago two potential interested parties held talks with the club
There have been 3 others that are more than interested
What more is there that you need to know
Airman has been updating Redhenry has we have heard far more than we really should or needed to
What else do you really expect to hear
How long the fire sale will go on for? How big the fire sale will be? Is he trying to cash in on just Konsa or are we in danger of losing Aribo/Kashi/JFC as well? Is his asking price realistic? Is he deliberately trying to sabotage our season?
But those aren't questions he would ever answer. He's hardly going to say that if the club isn't sold by 1pm on the 25th January, we'll sell JFC. The price for the club is entirely down to confidential negotiations which Murray almost certainly won't be at.
Apart from anything else, imagine if he said in public "if RD doesn't sell by the 25th January, we'll need to raise £500k to cover the losses for February" how would that affect player morale or indeed the sort of transfer fees we'd attract?
There have been 3 others that are more than interested
What more is there that you need to know
Airman has been updating Redhenry has we have heard far more than we really should or needed to
What else do you really expect to hear
we're a fucking laughing stock of a club and we should just carry on happy clapping our way, wow
No one expects names or numbers but some sort of update and some clarity on what happens to the Holmes, and if it happens, Konsa fees would be a start.
We are not talking about Y belong lower than X. That is a given. We are talking about Y being zero.
How big the fire sale will be? Is he trying to cash in on just Konsa or are we in danger of losing Aribo/Kashi/JFC as well?
Is his asking price realistic?
Is he deliberately trying to sabotage our season?
They are asking for a 'pledge' for a change in that answer.
I have supported CARDs actions to date but have doubts this will achieve much, if anything.
Yet there are said to still be four potential buyers willing to buy the club.
No logic whatsoever, indeed.
Meanwhile at least one part of the management team will be delighted. KR has been desperately trying to get the fans to see how badly he's been lied to, how promises have been broken even the Holmes fee snatched away from him.
He will be delighted that the fans are protesting again IMHO
It’s a nonsense to ask no sorry demand that a statement is made on the current situation
Transfer wise same again nothing will be said
Gobbinson should be keeping schtum and get on with what he is paid for
Those at this protest will be the same people as on here and therefore fully aware of the situation
Things are happening we have been told
The old bstd is selling he has said it
The despicable Meire has gone
And we are in talks and DD has been done what more do people want to know
Murray isn't going to say that anyway but if he did at least we'd have it confirmed.
As I said above sometimes you ask a question to get information, sometimes you ask a question to expose the lack of information.
If potential buyers have not done their due diligence on understanding the problems over the past few years then I'm not 100% comfortable with them being decent medium to long term owners anyway.
I'd flip it and says it shows that they are buying a club where there are a number of core actors (2% or so) who care about the future of the club. They have the creativity and passion to make Charlton better, to increase gates and make a great atmosphere. If new owners can tap into and collaborate with this passion then they are onto a winner much more than many clubs in the country.
We've done it before and we can do it again.
Which is exactly why it’s pointless
But then that is me speaking with a red and white hat and not a black and white hat.
Better to demand a meeting between Murray and CARD representatives for a Q&A which can be relayed back to the fans. Far more civilised as I worry the mob mentality could lead to something we may regret
Apart from anything else, imagine if he said in public "if RD doesn't sell by the 25th January, we'll need to raise £500k to cover the losses for February" how would that affect player morale or indeed the sort of transfer fees we'd attract?