There have been one or two references in recent days to the relative contribution made towards the demise of Duchatelet and Meire by the various protest groups. As someone who has been heavily involved in the protests I would like to offer a personal perspective on this.
Such references are missing the point. And here's why.
As the instigator and co-manager (with
@Curb_It ) of the protest fund, I have been one of the CARD organisers since its inception. In my view, CARD has been particularly adept at mobilising large numbers of people, in devising unique and eye-catching ways to make their point, and in clever engagement with the media to maximise publicity. The number of press column inches and the amount of airtime devoted to our protests, despite Charlton being such a relatively small club, has been truly astounding. I have seen first hand the huge amount of work that has gone into driving the protests and I have nothing but admiration for my colleagues, both on the CARD organising group and amongst the large numbers of volunteers that have regularly given up their time to help.
I have equally huge respect and admiration for our friends in the Belgium 20/RoT. They have expended a huge amount of energy and not inconsiderable personal finances to take the fight to Duchatelet in Belgium on a regular basis. They have been determined, dogged and courageous. Although CARD and the Belgium 20 have liaised frequently and indeed worked together on the unity protest in Belgium last March, there have been some differences of opinion and approach. But that’s fine, because the actions of each group are focused entirely on the removal of the hated Duchatelet regime and are complimentary in nature.
And WAR? That sprang out of the disgust of our female supporters for the “misogony” lie peddled by Meire and her cronies. Have you noticed how quickly the regime and their PR advisors dropped that one? A very effective counter measure.
Nor should we forget the groups that were formed very early in the struggle, such as Spell It Out and the Anti-Roland Campaign. Without these, arguably the later protests would not have had such large followings.
Then there are the boycotters, who arguably made the greatest sacrifice of all giving up coming to watch the club they love play in the stadium they love. And those fans who added to the financial pressure on the club by rationing attendances, boycotting commercial outlets etc.
This is not an exhaustive list of all of those involved at any stage of the protests but is rather intended to illustrate just how much all of the various groups have contributed in their own way to the imminent end of the Duchatlet era.
At the end of the day, it isn’t about who did the most. It’s about what we did together. Because, when the tragic and disastrous reign of Duchatelet is finally over and the story is written, it won't be about this protest group or that protest group -it will be about how Charlton fans united once more to fight for the heart and soul of the club. And win. Anyone who played a part in this, and there are thousands upon thousands of them, will be able to stand proud and say that they “got their Charlton back”.
He claims to have the ear of the club. Though that could change now the ear in question has quit.
Mind you, he does constantly change his mind on anything and everything Charlton.
Flip-flop Flip-flop ................................:)
I'm certainly eyeing up my flights back to London for January already!
I know you clearly state it's not an exhaustive list, but when the lists are finally compiled, please don't forget the group off here who worked bloody hard to bring the Protest Shirt to market, going on to sell a thousand of them and raising huge profits despite the low cost.
And I've no doubt you'd also want to highlight those who made contributions (big and small, one off or monthly) to the Protest Fund which allowed the protests to be undertaken.
As you do state, it runs into the thousands who have played a part.
I am sure that we will do a final report on the protest fund in due course, and I will then be unstinting in my appreciation of all those who have contributed to that.
And more generally, I am very aware that Duchatelet has not yet gone. But some of the comments being made about which groups had made the greater contribution needed countering now. They are unfair and potentially divisive, at a time when we should be standing together.
Anyway when it’s done. There are some absolute legends on my spreadsheet. Particularly those who are still donating . By the way can you cancel your Standing Orders please. Hope that’s not tempting fate.
I suspect that the intrusions into his private life in Belgium were probably the most effective forms of protest, as anything around The Valley didn’t affect him personally, even if they generated massive publicity against his ownership