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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • Gay like me then according to lol benty
    I just think you're confused - possibly you're going through a rebellious phase. You'll grow out of it so don't worry.
  • edited July 2018
    Not sure the argument is furthered by us calling people gay. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay :)
  • I just think you're confused - possibly you're going through a rebellious phase. You'll grow out of it so don't worry.
    You've gone back to capital letters again - I'm worried.
  • Not sure the argument is furthered by us calling people gay. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay :)

    Agreed... But a guy with bent in his name called me bent
  • A few years back, many of us proudly wore shirts with Bent on the back.
  • Agreed... But a guy with bent in his name called me bent
    I didn't but I think you might be gender fluid. You seem to have a bit of a crush on Farage.
  • A few years back, many of us proudly wore shirts with Bent on the back.

    Indeed i wasn't one of them.
  • I didn't but I think you might be gender fluid. You seem to have a bit of a crush on Farage.
    Yes we are lovers but dont tell the wife.. You told your parents where your if you keep on i will.
  • Yes we are lovers but dont tell the wife.. You told your parents where your if you keep on i will.
    I wish I had parents.. I've not had an easy life.
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  • I wish I had parents.. I've not had an easy life.
    Neither did i..
  • Huskaris said:

    Nice to see Juncker pulling the Diane Abbot line.

    Maybe this thread should be "under the influence in the EU"

    I don't think Diane Abbot claimed to, as a result of a car accident, with time spent in a coma, suffer from severe sciatica.

    Just as it appears that it is true that Diane Abbot has diabetes, it may also be true that Mr Juncker is suffering from the (quite debilitating) condition that he claims.

    Indeed, if he'd been pissed, rather than in pain, it is almost impossible to imagine that his aides would have allowed him attend the later meeting in a wheelchair (or that the rumour mill would have been as quiet as it has - or even that the current US President would have said nothing).
  • edited July 2018

    I don't think Diane Abbot claimed to, as a result of a car accident, with time spent in a coma, suffer from severe sciatica.

    Just as it appears that it is true that Diane Abbot has diabetes, it may also be true that Mr Juncker is suffering from the (quite debilitating) condition that he claims.

    Indeed, if he'd been pissed, rather than in pain, it is almost impossible to imagine that his aides would have allowed him attend the later meeting in a wheelchair (or that the rumour mill would have been as quiet as it has - or even that the current US President would have said nothing).
    Does that illness make people drunkenly pull ties and bitchslap people too?

    Crazy what these conditions can do.
  • I don't think Diane Abbot claimed to, as a result of a car accident, with time spent in a coma, suffer from severe sciatica.

    Just as it appears that it is true that Diane Abbot has diabetes, it may also be true that Mr Juncker is suffering from the (quite debilitating) condition that he claims.

    Indeed, if he'd been pissed, rather than in pain, it is almost impossible to imagine that his aides would have allowed him attend the later meeting in a wheelchair (or that the rumour mill would have been as quiet as it has - or even that the current US President would have said nothing).
    You his PR man.. What would you say if that was Farage..... Shouldn't have been there he is corrupt.
  • You his PR man.. What would you say if that was Farage..... Shouldn't have been there he is corrupt.
    I'd have no problem being his PR man, or at least working for the Commission, but I'm not.

    I have no doubt that Nigel Farage does suffer from the effects of injuries that he received in his plane crash.

    As Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Juncker sought to defend Luxembourg's interests, annoying some other EU leaders - but I am unaware of any corruption charges being laid at his door for his actions (much less a conviction) and, while some have been unhappy at the coronation of Martin Selmayr as his replacement, my understanding is that the letter (if not the spirit) of the rules was followed. I'd be wary of making too many allegations in print (which includes social media), but only because I'm allergic to paying damages...
  • edited July 2018
    Huskaris said:

    Does that illness make people drunkenly pull ties and bitchslap people too?

    Crazy what these conditions can do.
    If he was drunkenly pulling ties and bitch-slapping people, do you think for one minute that any of his many critics (because, although the head of the EU Commission, he is not necessarily universally popular) would have kept quiet about it?

    He stumbled, and had to be assisted by others to prevent him from falling - but, if it was because he was pissed, he would not have been let, on behalf of the EU, attend the meeting after the photocall.
  • After the photocall they turn around and watch and listen to the only credible argument for brexit I've ever heard
  • I'd have no problem being his PR man, or at least working for the Commission, but I'm not.

    I have no doubt that Nigel Farage does suffer from the effects of injuries that he received in his plane crash.

    As Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Juncker sought to defend Luxembourg's interests, annoying some other EU leaders - but I am unaware of any corruption charges being laid at his door for his actions (much less a conviction) and, while some have been unhappy at the coronation of Martin Selmayr as his replacement, my understanding is that the letter (if not the spirit) of the rules was followed. I'd be wary of making too many allegations in print (which includes social media), but only because I'm allergic to paying damages...
    We went through this 3 months ago when the governor BA couldn't stand half a page of this bent idiot.... Still he is your leader.
  • Accusing people of having sham marriages and gay jokes, this thread has hit a new low.
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  • edited July 2018

    If he was drunkenly pulling ties and bitch-slapping people, do you think for one minute that any of his many critics (because, although the head of the EU Commission, he is not necessarily universally popular) would have kept quiet about it?

    He stumbled, and had to be assisted by others to prevent him from falling - but, if it was because he was pissed, he would not have been let, on behalf of the EU, attend the meeting after the photocall.

    Must have been a flare up of his illness. Using disabilities as an excuse for things like this is seriously offensive in my opinion.

    And to be clear I'm not accusing you of deliberately doing this as it looks like you aren't aware of his past form, although I would suggest that you are likely to be more willing to be persuadef by outright lies than someone who views things a bit more cynically. After all, they seem to be on your side of the argument.

    As pointed out above, I am 100% sure that if Farage was stumbling about at a photo call and blamed it on injuries from the plane crash, no one on here would give him the benefit of the doubt. I am sure of it.
  • Well you are wrong. I agree if he is using illness as an excuse he deserves sanction, but if not comments about that are not right. Diane Abbott definitely has diabetes.
  • The people around Juncker didn't seem to have much sympathy for a bloke suffering "sciatica", they were either walking round him, looking quite embarrassed, or helping him out while having a laugh.
  • The people around Juncker didn't seem to have much sympathy for a bloke suffering "sciatica", they were either walking round him, looking quite embarrassed, or helping him out while having a laugh.

    Good enough for me.

  • edited July 2018

    Well you are wrong. I agree if he is using illness as an excuse he deserves sanction, but if not comments about that are not right. Diane Abbott definitely has diabetes.

    I know she does, and I don't dispute that juncker has whatever he might be claiming to have.

    What is would dispute in both cases is that that is the legitimate reason for their conduct and performance.

    Like I said, does that illness cause you to slap people and act in an exceptionally drunken way and declare a leader "a dictator"? If it does I am willing to entertain it.

    As for Abbot, if you believe her piss poor performance in that interview was a consequence of her diabetes than more the fool you I guess.

    I always find it amazing, the level of misdirection and lies we will gladly sit through, if they are on our side. Theres plenty of outright lies on the right as well (whenever Trump opens his mouth), but for personal reasons I find the blaming it on a disability thing (where if you are truly honest with yourself in both cases, we can tell it's not) very, very distasteful.

    I would like to think I am wrong and both Juncker and Abbot are telling the truth, but I just don't think they are. That's not because I don't want to believe, it's because looking at the evidence and their form, it's not down to an illness. It's like whiplash, you can never truly prove or disprove. Which makes it all the more cynical
  • Good enough for me.

    You could say that to any comment on his condition though couldn't you? My comment is just an observation, after looking at a couple of videos. There's really no need to bother wasting your time getting sarcastic on my behalf mate
  • I'm talking about this week, and the allegations made about him at the NATO meeting.

    The specific issue is this week's allegation, not something from a few years ago. I would just say that this week's allegation falls into a pattern of, often online, claims that he is unfit to lead the Commission, that he is some of Nazi, while, at the same time, that he is Jewish. A cynic might ask who, or what group, is behind such claims, and why do they make them.

    He has admitted that he is "fond of a drink", which I have always taken as meaning he is prone to drinking too much.

    However, he is being portrayed this week like he is a second Boris Yeltsin, even the video you provide (which does have a loop feel about it) does not show him in that light.

    Given your references to Nigel Farage, I get the impression that you think I like Jean Claude Juncker, when I'm not really bothered about him one way or the other. He would not have been my choice for Commission President if I'd had one, but, then again, I don't get a choice on Senior Civil Servants (or, being in Northern Ireland, Ministers) in the UK.

    I resent your suggestion that I am, in some way, prepared to believe out right lies, because I lack a level of cynicism.

    I am, in fact, massively cynical about everyone and everything, not just what I don't like. Having been a student of history, I know there's a lot to be cynical about (including anyone, even me, claiming to be objective), and, IMHO, the amount of things worthy of cynicism is increasing.

    I do like the EU, because I have seen the good that it does first hand, but that does not mean that I believe everyone associated with it is a saint, or that everything it does is wonderful - it is, however, vastly superior to the alternatives.

    I am equally cynical of news and social media, and very conscious of how the latter is being used to normalise far right ideologies, and I am particularly cynical of politicians seized by some form of Messianic fervour when campaigning to bring about "the will of the people" (always have been, always will be), because I think they are at best charlatans.
    I'm not interested in any claims about him being a Nazi, or anything else other than him being drunk to be honest with you. I hope you're not trying to draw a parallel between my claim that he is just drunk with claims he is a nazi, because that would be a mistake. As would be paying too much attention to weird websites where they claim such things.

    I hold no feelings for him either way, like I said, I very much dislike people blaming mistskes on disability.

    I am not claiming you lack cynicism, just that you are willfully ignorant and are apparently incapable of objectivity because of his politics. The fact you are discrediting that video because of the way it was edited shows this. You are arguing the semantics of someone slapping someone else (several people actually) in the face.

    Like you said, you are very cynical about all of the right wing nonsense being spread on social media, as am I, do you have any concerns about the left by any chance? Go on, show me how objective you can be. I dare you.

    As a side note, I keep telling you people, it's not black and white. It's YES (here is my argument) BUT (here is the counter argument) SO (on balance, this is what I believe). Its a constant "Yes" with no attention given to the counter argument. Opinions have become so binary, that is when things are dangerous. Journalism is going that way too. You are all just seeking things to validify your own opinion, not to actually look at things objectively. Rant over :-)
  • Huskaris said:

    I'm not interested in any claims about him being a Nazi, or anything else other than him being drunk to be honest with you. I hope you're not trying to draw a parallel between my claim that he is just drunk with claims he is a nazi, because that would be a mistake. As would be paying too much attention to weird websites where they claim such things.

    I hold no feelings for him either way, like I said, I very much dislike people blaming mistskes on disability.

    I am not claiming you lack cynicism, just that you are willfully ignorant and are apparently incapable of objectivity because of his politics. The fact you are discrediting that video because of the way it was edited shows this. You are arguing the semantics of someone slapping someone else (several people actually) in the face.

    Like you said, you are very cynical about all of the right wing nonsense being spread on social media, as am I, do you have any concerns about the left by any chance? Go on, show me how objective you can be. I dare you.

    As a side note, I keep telling you people, it's not black and white. It's YES (here is my argument) BUT (here is the counter argument) SO (on balance, this is what I believe). Its a constant "Yes" with no attention given to the counter argument. Opinions have become so binary, that is when things are dangerous. Journalism is going that way too. You are all just seeking things to validify your own opinion, not to actually look at things objectively. Rant over :-)
    You are misunderstanding what I have been arguing about.

    I am talking about this week, at a NATO event. At this event, he stumbled, certain parties seek to claim he was pissed and my contention is simply that, if that was the reason, "sources" within the EU/NATO would have provided some support. The fact that they did not, and the degree to which the claim is being so forcibly rejected, makes one doubt the suggestion of inebriation - as does his presence at the later meeting (in a wheelchair), if pissed, this would never have been allowed happen.

    The video that you have posted is from an EU meeting in 2015, when Latvia held the presidency (among other things, the presence of Francois Hollande was a bit of a give away, as was the Latvian flag). It has edited in such a way as to make a political point which may, or may not, be true (here I am being a little cynical, because it appears that the editing that was done was to make things appear worse for Juncker than they would have without the loops, etc.). It is, as I said earlier, something that falls within a pattern of ad hominem attacks against him, mostly online.

    I'd be interested to know what you mean by "you people"; as an aside, I am quite competent when it comes to weighing up the pros and cons of an argument - I generally tend to do it well in advance of making comments here or elsewhere (again the benefit of having been a student of history).
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