Reading young Cabbies post on the General Things That Please You thread about going back to tell his schoolboy self and studying to become an astronomer (surprisingly not doing the knowledge as his befitting moniker would suggest) got me thinking about this as I trundle along on the train for another day of soul selling tedium.
So much easier in retrospect to do things when young and free of commitments but the cruel irony of youth being wasted on the young and wisdom arriving too late but I think the saying "Do something you love/are passionate about for a job and you'll never work a day in your life" probably holds a lot of truth.
Wish I'd done some kind of fitness or writing based career myself and plan to one day.
What would you do if you had your time again?
Photography is another career Id have liked
Only thing I would have done is worked harder at school, academic qualifications aren't everything however they don't half help create opportunities and open doors.
These days there are too many people out there who think they can do it with an iPhone for a lot cheaper and customers are being fooled because they dont realise the overall quality etc. will be worse
I hate office work, it just seems I have always been good at it.
I truly wish I had never left Fitness Instructing when I did.
It's still my long term goal to get back into the industry. But it's realistically only ever going to be a hobby now.
Thought about taking on a Sevenoaks Hi-Fi franchise s few years back but bottled it.
Still holding onto the dream I started a media course at nwk college but it didn't work out and was a pretty badly run course from what I remember. So I left, found a apprentiship and worked my way up from there.
Just recently I've had the urge to write a few ideas down and see where it takes me
One of the best bits of the holiday is hurtling down the runway @ 100mph and then for the first few minutes in the air seeing the whole of the English Countryside below you like one of those miniature village places you can go to
Or retired dotcom multi millionaire.
Or a writer, or something in media / marketing
My wife got it for me for Christmas, choosing the Victorian Ordnance version of where we currently live and what our area looked like back then (its helpful because the section of the map where you live is a jigsaw piece in the shape of a house rather than a typical piece)
Only difficult thing is there is no picture of the Jigsaw completed so your forced to put it together blind yet since competing it I've looked at other maps of our area and the one I've got dates back to around 1895
Having said that I'm only 22 have have about 2 years of work under my belt. While I enjoy what I do now I'll probably hate it in 10 years. work is about my level.