Corbyn would be right at home, surely? Son of a teacher and an engineer, brought up in Yew Tree Manor, private prep school, then grammar school, two E grades at A level, some time local hack and overseas geography teacher, dropped out of Poly. Current income £136,000.
I reckon he is about as middle class as you can get.
I would argue that it is where you are from (the forces that shaped you) rather than your income in later life that defines your class. But yeah he is definitely middle class.
I guess he has embraced the one true class though, just like Joe Strummer did.
Corbyn would be right at home, surely? Son of a teacher and an engineer, brought up in Yew Tree Manor, private prep school, then grammar school, two E grades at A level, some time local hack and overseas geography teacher, dropped out of Poly. Current income £136,000.
I reckon he is about as middle class as you can get.
You would be disappointed if your teacher only had 2 Es at A Level, let alone the Prime Minister
Um, David Cameron with his 3 A grade, A levels and Degree from Oxford was a very disappointing PM. John Major with less qualifications than Corbyn managed ok in comparison. Academic qualifications aren’t the be all in the real world. Look at that wanker Johnson for another example.
The only thing resolved about Brexit in 12 months time is that we will have left the EU. A step that cannot be reversed for a generation.
And that's when May might run out of road for the three tribes decant into two. At the moment we have remoaners (abort the process) Norway and Canada (FTA on goods).
When it is no longer possible to stop Brexit the country and Parliament is faced with the fact that around two thirds want to stay in the single market and 80% want to stay in the Customs Union.
Perhaps that is when Johnson is thrown under the bus?! Alternatively May might attempt to kick the can down the road and ask for a longer transition period?
In the meantime NHS targets have been removed and a few jobs will gently migrate to the EU, thus reducing employment and tax. Nothing spectacular but enough to hurt the exchequer.
And all these stats can be laid at the door of the Brexiteers who will doubtless find somebody else to blame.
The premise of this article is that NHS failure is inevitable – and it will shock those responsible into action.
The author knows a lot more about it than me but I think he is being somewhat optimistic if he thinks the government will be shocked into action. Why haven't they been already?
Watched a very moving programme last night about a father and son Father was explaining how he didn't want to go to hospital wth his illness (suspected TB), because he didn't want to burden the overworked staff in the overcrowded A&E.
Watched a very moving programme last night about a father and son Father was explaining how he didn't want to go to hospital wth his illness (suspected TB), because he didn't want to burden the overworked staff in the overcrowded A&E.
Watched a very moving programme last night about a father and son Father was explaining how he didn't want to go to hospital wth his illness (suspected TB), because he didn't want to burden the overworked staff in the overcrowded A&E.
It was an episode of Steptoe and Son.
Well he was right, he needs to go to his GP.
But he'll need to wait 3 weeks for an appointment.
Watched a very moving programme last night about a father and son Father was explaining how he didn't want to go to hospital wth his illness (suspected TB), because he didn't want to burden the overworked staff in the overcrowded A&E.
It was an episode of Steptoe and Son.
Well he was right, he needs to go to his GP.
But he'll need to wait 3 weeks for an appointment.
They don't even bother to lie well anymore - they know there are people out there who will vote for them if one of their policies was to kill all Tory voters (mind you, that would probably be a lie too...).
The landscape has changed compared to 15/20 years ago with gangs and this type of criminality and we haven't kept up. You probably need 1,000’s of police indoors monitoring social media as much as you need them on the streets as well as that's where all but the odd case it is planned.
Lack of youth services and the like will probably have played a bigger part than police numbers having reduced, but it's ludicrous for politicians to try to say it wouldn't have had some impact whether that is saving 1 life or 49.
But you could put a bobby on every street corner 24/7, it would lower the numbers slightly maybe but it wouldn't eradicate the issue as it would simply happen elsewhere/underground.
The answer as always is to educate and change the mindset, not simply to try to move the issue elsewhere or push it underground. We didn't reduce dramatically 'armed bank hold up's' by policing it, CCTV, the sentencing term for armed robbery as well as the fact that most bank (and other places like shops and bookmakers) reduced holding the size of monies they held in a till meant for single figure thousands with a sentence of 10 years minimum to life has reduced it dramatically.
Sadly I think we are in a time where this will get worse before it gets better as it's a whole myriad of matters that have brought the situation to where it is and will take time and a concerted effort from society as a whole to even begin to dramatically reduce the number of unnecessary deaths.
Expel people like Rees Mogg who are in favour of rape. He implied in as many words that even women who are raped should not be entitled to abortion.
As much as I dislike RMogg and as much as I believe in a woman's right to choose, I think it's a bit much to argue that his 'pro life ' stance means he is in favour of rape.
The landscape has changed compared to 15/20 years ago with gangs and this type of criminality and we haven't kept up. You probably need 1,000’s of police indoors monitoring social media as much as you need them on the streets as well as that's where all but the odd case it is planned.
Lack of youth services and the like will probably have played a bigger part than police numbers having reduced, but it's ludicrous for politicians to try to say it wouldn't have had some impact whether that is saving 1 life or 49.
But you could put a bobby on every street corner 24/7, it would lower the numbers slightly maybe but it wouldn't eradicate the issue as it would simply happen elsewhere/underground.
The answer as always is to educate and change the mindset, not simply to try to move the issue elsewhere or push it underground. We didn't reduce dramatically 'armed bank hold up's' by policing it, CCTV, the sentencing term for armed robbery as well as the fact that most bank (and other places like shops and bookmakers) reduced holding the size of monies they held in a till meant for single figure thousands with a sentence of 10 years minimum to life has reduced it dramatically.
Sadly I think we are in a time where this will get worse before it gets better as it's a whole myriad of matters that have brought the situation to where it is and will take time and a concerted effort from society as a whole to even begin to dramatically reduce the number of unnecessary deaths.
How would violent crime go on 'underground', exactly?
They've just announced a whole raft of funding to address criminality on the dark web, perhaps we will see a reduction in teenage knifings now? Hint: no we won't.
Anyone who can say, with a straight face, that falling police numbers has nothing to do with rising crime is either deluded or a liar. They also do a disservice to people that have to wait 2 days for police to visit after a burglary or to people who have their cars or parts stolen and simply get a reference number over the phone for insurance and nothing else. Amber Rudd is a company woman and simply wants to continue Teresa May's assault on civil liberties at the expense of the victims of physical crime.
Expel people like Rees Mogg who are in favour of rape. He implied in as many words that even women who are raped should not be entitled to abortion.
As stig says, as much as I equally can't stand the bloke, I don't think that's fair, I think he said a woman seeking an abortion following a rape was committing a second wrong, indication rape was the 1st.
I don't agree with his viewpoint at all, particularly on abortion following a rape, but suspect he's not the only person in parliament with those views predominantly formed by the religion they follow and interpret. Could expel anyone whose not an atheist I suppose?
Son of a teacher and an engineer, brought up in Yew Tree Manor, private prep school, then grammar school, two E grades at A level, some time local hack and overseas geography teacher, dropped out of Poly.
Current income £136,000.
I reckon he is about as middle class as you can get.
I guess he has embraced the one true class though, just like Joe Strummer did.
Tory Brexiters seem to be keeping their heads down. They even let Farage front up the dead fish 'chucking'.
And that's when May might run out of road for the three tribes decant into two. At the moment we have remoaners (abort the process) Norway and Canada (FTA on goods).
When it is no longer possible to stop Brexit the country and Parliament is faced with the fact that around two thirds want to stay in the single market and 80% want to stay in the Customs Union.
Perhaps that is when Johnson is thrown under the bus?! Alternatively May might attempt to kick the can down the road and ask for a longer transition period?
In the meantime NHS targets have been removed and a few jobs will gently migrate to the EU, thus reducing employment and tax. Nothing spectacular but enough to hurt the exchequer.
And all these stats can be laid at the door of the Brexiteers who will doubtless find somebody else to blame.
The premise of this article is that NHS failure is inevitable – and it will shock those responsible into action.
The author knows a lot more about it than me but I think he is being somewhat optimistic if he thinks the government will be shocked into action. Why haven't they been already?
Father was explaining how he didn't want to go to hospital wth his illness (suspected TB), because he didn't want to burden the overworked staff in the overcrowded A&E.
It was an episode of Steptoe and Son.
I have been holding back on this as it seemed to open a goal.
Lack of youth services and the like will probably have played a bigger part than police numbers having reduced, but it's ludicrous for politicians to try to say it wouldn't have had some impact whether that is saving 1 life or 49.
But you could put a bobby on every street corner 24/7, it would lower the numbers slightly maybe but it wouldn't eradicate the issue as it would simply happen elsewhere/underground.
The answer as always is to educate and change the mindset, not simply to try to move the issue elsewhere or push it underground. We didn't reduce dramatically 'armed bank hold up's' by policing it, CCTV, the sentencing term for armed robbery as well as the fact that most bank (and other places like shops and bookmakers) reduced holding the size of monies they held in a till meant for single figure thousands with a sentence of 10 years minimum to life has reduced it dramatically.
Sadly I think we are in a time where this will get worse before it gets better as it's a whole myriad of matters that have brought the situation to where it is and will take time and a concerted effort from society as a whole to even begin to dramatically reduce the number of unnecessary deaths.
They've just announced a whole raft of funding to address criminality on the dark web, perhaps we will see a reduction in teenage knifings now? Hint: no we won't.
Anyone who can say, with a straight face, that falling police numbers has nothing to do with rising crime is either deluded or a liar. They also do a disservice to people that have to wait 2 days for police to visit after a burglary or to people who have their cars or parts stolen and simply get a reference number over the phone for insurance and nothing else. Amber Rudd is a company woman and simply wants to continue Teresa May's assault on civil liberties at the expense of the victims of physical crime.
I don't agree with his viewpoint at all, particularly on abortion following a rape, but suspect he's not the only person in parliament with those views predominantly formed by the religion they follow and interpret. Could expel anyone whose not an atheist I suppose?