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How do the Tories need to change?



  • She has been stabbed in the hope that she stumbles over it. :) I think she will be urged to stand firm, but this must be a terrible time for her on a personal level. She may be persuaded by those close to her that enough is enough.
  • I don't think anything will come of it as there's no one 'in waiting'. Boris although popular in some quarters time has passed him by and his general popularity has reduced an awful lot since the two somewhat surprising (to me) wins as Mayor in a Labour held city.

    Aunty Theresa will crack on until such time as they sort out a Ruth Davidson or similar post Brexit unless a surprise candidate pops out of the woodwork but I don't see one. The only way I can see her going is if she feels she's had enough and quits, but I don't see her doing that.

    Would be interesting to hear who the 30 are, I suspect I won't have heard of half of them.
  • edited October 2017

    The move has started. This is what Boris wants as the longer May goes on, the more likely the Tories will find an alternative to him. Whilst he has a lot of support within the party, he also has enemies. His recent behaviour has probably added to that list. Of course if he can guarantee victory, everybody will fall in behind him, but a lot of Tories have severe doubts about that...

    He can't go anywhere. With his diplomatic skills we desperately need him as Foreign Secretary. Not.

    Actually the man is a self-centred, bumbling oaf. He's not fit to be in Parliament, let alone in government. As for PM, it beggars belief that he is a possible contender.
  • Stig said:

    The move has started. This is what Boris wants as the longer May goes on, the more likely the Tories will find an alternative to him. Whilst he has a lot of support within the party, he also has enemies. His recent behaviour has probably added to that list. Of course if he can guarantee victory, everybody will fall in behind him, but a lot of Tories have severe doubts about that...

    He can't go anywhere. With his diplomatic skills we desperately need him as Foreign Secretary. Not.

    Actually the man is a self-centred, bumbling oaf. He's not fit to be in Parliament, let alone in government. As for PM, it beggars belief that he is a possible contender.
    He's the Trump of the UK ...... looked what happened there! I really don't believe he'd get support within the party but stranger things have happened.
  • edited October 2017
    There will be a lot that support Boris, but there is a lot of bitterness towards him. His stance on Brexit didn't endear himself to firm pro-remainers. His disloyalty doesn't go down well with some either whilst others simply know that he is a bumbling oaf that makes no effort to understand his brief. This is why I think this coup will not necessarily work. But it weakens her further and human beings have their own tolerance levels.

    We have seen Vince Cable defending May and Corbyn hasn't tried to make any capital out of her speech. I said teh other day, it would be the press and the Tories themselves sharpening the knifes. The fact is that none of the issues were her fault. What is also true that she knew she had the infection over the weekend, but because in no small part due to the antics of her foreign secretary, she had to do too many speaking engagements prior to her speech to assert her authority. A leader not under pressure would have been allowed to rest and prepare herself physically for the speech if they were ill.

  • Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.
  • If Ruth Davidson became leader of the conservative party, it is the first and only time i'd consider voting for them.*

    It would be the first time that I would have seen a Conservative Party capable of change and putting belief above party.

    *Manifesto dependent
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  • It won't take long. If there's one thing the Tories are ruthlessly efficient at, it's getting rid of their party leader. They might only replace them with another knob-jockey but they know when to ditch a dud.
  • Ruth Davidson is a rising star without doubt. Those that both know and oppose her are it would seem impressed.

    Would she unite the conservatives ? I'm not so sure that she would. She's anti Brexit for a start. That alienates at least 60% of the party and 50% of the electorate. She might unite the party under a competent leadership but the old divisions would remain. I also think that the Westminster pool of Tories has a lot more sharks in it than does Holyrood. Assuming she does decide to jump the good ship HMS Holyrood for its sister ship in London there is also the small matter of winning a seat although I doubt that would be too much of an issue.

    Should she ever need the DUP to come to her aid then I think she can whistle in the wind. Her stance on Gay marriage in Northern Ireland put her on a collision course.

    Her time might yet come but I can't see it for this current Tory crisis. She may well be needed to ride over the hill in 2022.

    I agree, she is appealing to me but then so is Ken Clarke and I much preferred John Major to Thatcher and Cameron.

    Before the election I though that Phillip Hammond was the most sensible Cabinet Minister and he was sidelined with the probability of being sacked after the election.

    My point being that I am probably not the target audience for them.

    Also Ruth Davidson has not had the full spotlight beamed on her yet. Look at the shit that Sturgeon has had thrown at her for being a woman, Scottish and short.
  • So has May been stabbed or pushed over the cliff ? ;0)

    she's been stabbed by cliff Richard in a row over Johnson

  • Theresa May has said she has the "full support of her cabinet" after a former party chairman said there should be a leadership contest.

    The prime minister said the country needed "calm leadership" adding: "That's what I'm providing."

    I personally would rather have choppy effective leadership than calm ineffective leadership.
  • edited October 2017
    I hope Boris doesn't become PM. He and Trump would constantly feltching each others bum holes.
  • I hope Boris doesn't become PM. He and Trump would contantly feltching each others bum holes.

    Should that be constantly or contently?
  • bobmunro said:

    I hope Boris doesn't become PM. He and Trump would contantly feltching each others bum holes.

    Should that be constantly or contently?
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  • I don't think Boris has any chance. He may be popular with the membership but it's the MPs who choose a shortlist of two and he is viscerally disliked by the Parliamentary party at present.
  • Jints said:

    I don't think Boris has any chance. He may be popular with the membership but it's the MPs who choose a shortlist of two and he is viscerally disliked by the Parliamentary party at present.

    Don't worry about that. The Tory MPs will fall in behind whoever they think can win them a general election including Boris or for that matter Attila The Hun.

  • All been a bit of a do about nothing. Aunty T's around for a while yet ..... gawd knows if that weeks months or years though!

    On a brighter note mortgage rates are increasing, looking more likely a BOE interest rate hike soon.
  • I would have wanted Boris in the past, but the fact he bottled going for the leadership only to constantly snipe from the sidelines makes him a complete cock in my opinion.

    Part of Boris' appeal was that he at least seemed harmless, he can't claim that anymore.
  • edited October 2017
    Rob7Lee said:

    All been a bit of a do about nothing. Aunty T's around for a while yet ..... gawd knows if that weeks months or years though!

    On a brighter note mortgage rates are increasing, looking more likely a BOE interest rate hike soon.

    I agree mate - she's not going anywhere because if you look at the alternatives, despite how much Boris and egg nog speak to the heart of the party membership, they know they're not viable leaders in the eyes of the electorate

    Hammond despite coming across as a more moderate Tory, has looked constipated for the last 12 months or so, and these fringe players like amber Rudd are just bigging up their support for May

    It's gonna be her for a while, and one of the worst things they could do for them, is elect a Boris
  • cabbles said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    All been a bit of a do about nothing. Aunty T's around for a while yet ..... gawd knows if that weeks months or years though!

    On a brighter note mortgage rates are increasing, looking more likely a BOE interest rate hike soon.

    I agree mate - she's not going anywhere because if you look at the alternatives, despite how much Boris and egg nog speak to the heart of the party membership, they know they're not viable leaders in the eyes of the electorate

    Hammond despite coming across as a more moderate Tory, has looked constipated for the last 12 months or so, and these fringe players like amber Rudd are just bigging up their support for May

    It's gonna be her for a while, and one of the worst things they could do for them, is elect a Boris
    that made me laugh on the train home.

    It's a sorry state of affairs, Tories are self destructing and to come we've got Corbyn, Abbot and McDonnell, somewhere I suspect in-between that we've brexit and probably a promotion and relegation to throw in for good measure......

    I hope the Tories hold on for the 5 years gives me enough time to load up and then get on a plane out of dodge!

    Boris is an interesting one, I met him for 30 minutes when he visited the school once and came across as a lovely bloke, everyone from the 3 year olds to 70's loved him. Maybe it was meeting me as since then he's become a complete cock! I'd like to totally discount him but any Tory who wins the mayor election twice in a labour dominated city is probably not to be underestimated although plenty of water under the bridge since then.

    If this wasn't all so important it'd be a great soap opera.
  • Bungle for PM.
  • I suspect she is a crisis away. If I was a betting man, I think she is hanging on as Prime Minister as a selfless act for her party. She has admitted responsibility for the election defeat and knows she will not fight the next election as leader. But they need time as a party to identify and find a new leader and a new direction. I mean, her husband is a millionaire hedge fund manager, she is diabetic - she has been Prime Minister which can't be taken away from her! It can only be that she is sticking it out through a sense of duty.

    Unfortunately, it is a sense of duty to her party and not the country. It is telling that the EU have stepped up Brexit talks with the Labour party.

    It is the selfishness of the Conservative party that has caused this mess we are all in.
  • Seems that the big star at the fringe meetings attracting numbers that the main audatorium struggled with was none other than the Moggster.

    It couldn't happen could it ?

    I wondered why he hasn't been posting lately....

    Hope you are ok @Miserableoldgit
  • One thing I'd like to say is that May deserves a bit of credit, even from the most biased on here for having the political bravery to talk about the organ donor register and having to opt out.

    I know Wales already have the soft opt out etc, but for me, I opted in once I read a thread on here. It often takes someone hearing a personal story about how much someone's lives have changed/been saved as I did on here, in order for people to take the decision to opt in. That for me is completely ridiculous as a system. Much better that someone has to take the 2 minutes to opt out if they care enough about it to let their organ rot in the ground rather than save someone's life, than have to fill out a form to save someone's life that they might not have the time or find the time to fill in.

    She might have coughed whilst saying it though, so forgive me if I've focused on the wrong part.
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