Didn’t Terry (killersbeard?) say on the Sunday night show that he had the feeling something sizemic has happened in the last week, judging by KR’s demeanour and attitude? Take a bow son
Our Father in Charlton heaven, Curbishley be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in SE7. Give us today our takeover thread. Forgive us our lack of wins as we forgive those who win against us. Lead us not into relegation but deliver us from Belgian evil. For the peacock, the Powell, and the Traore are yours now and for ever. Amen.
Our Father in Charlton heaven, Curbishley be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in SE7. Give us today our takeover thread. Forgive us our lack of wins as we forgive those who win against us. Lead us not into relegation but deliver us from Belgian evil. For the peacock, the Powell, and the Traore are yours now and for ever. Amen.
Our Father in Charlton heaven, Curbishley be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in SE7. Give us today our takeover thread. Forgive us our lack of wins as we forgive those who win against us. Lead us not into relegation but deliver us from Belgian evil. For the peacock, the Powell, and the Traore are yours now and for ever. Amen.
I’ll get me own coat.
This is brilliant.
Let’s hope that prayer is answered and we can finally say the deal is done and to be announced imminently!
We have had poetry, pot noodles, and now we have a Charlton adapted version of The Lords Prayer. All on a takeover thread.
Our Father in Charlton heaven, Curbishley be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in SE7. Give us today our takeover thread. Forgive us our lack of wins as we forgive those who win against us. Lead us not into relegation but deliver us from Belgian evil. For the peacock, the Powell, and the Traore are yours now and for ever. Amen.
Didn’t Terry (killersbeard?) say on the Sunday night show that he had the feeling something sizemic has happened in the last week, judging by KR’s demeanour and attitude? Take a bow son
My brothers a good judge of sizemic activity. Usually his own.
Take a bow son
Our Father in Charlton heaven,
Curbishley be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in SE7.
Give us today our takeover thread.
Forgive us our lack of wins
as we forgive those who win against us.
Lead us not into relegation
but deliver us from Belgian evil.
For the peacock, the Powell,
and the Traore are yours
now and for ever.
I’ll get me own coat.
Let’s hope that prayer is answered and we can finally say the deal is done and to be announced imminently!
We have had poetry, pot noodles, and now we have a Charlton adapted version of The Lords Prayer. All on a takeover thread.
Only on Charlton Life.
Usually his own.