Rudd goal kick to NOvak, Aribo from Nsiala, right to Byrne, in to Novak, back to Crofts but - wins it back actually does Novak, good work, ball - nearly, well played but keeper collects.
Throw in now won by Crofts, Botaka central gets it, right to Holmes, passes man edge of area, he's upended by Dodds and we have a free kick far edge of area.
We have a man down, who is it...? Novak it seems...?
Novak has been an architect for us it seems - break in play while he's down. He's found a few good passes and got us into good positions for our chances on goal...
Holmes free kick, chips, Tex far post - cleared by them, and now they counter wit roberts, sees the man Dodds on the left, breaks, Byrne, Dodds - saved by Rudd. Whalley, chips across, Yates third time blocked by Crofts, Holmes can recounter, Novak far side Magennis in box - off them... and straight to their keeper.
January was an absolute joke for this team. Completely gutted the squad thinking we could stay in midtable and save some money. Reminded me of the first window after RD took over.
GK from Leutwiler to Rudd. He threw, Botaka caught on it and Rudd claims - looks for another throw, Holmes central to Botaka and ARibo, Aribo now back to Crofts, right to Byrne, crosses for Magennis, heads but it's looped up and straight to Leutwiler.
He rolls to Whalley, Botaka chases, touch finds two options though - both offside and Rudd picks up rolls to Byrne. Inside to Crofts, up to Magennis, Touch to Novak WHAT A GOAL RICKY
Rudd has it now. Rudd loses it and gathers it. crofts in the middle Aribo and on the right, cross, and josh forces a routine save as they break it is an offside game continues and YESSSSSSSS Holmes thunderbolt
We have a man down, who is it...? Novak it seems...?
they don't say who is injured.
Thiings can only get .better.. Worse
A let off for us there.
He rolls to Whalley, Botaka chases, touch finds two options though - both offside and Rudd picks up rolls to Byrne. Inside to Crofts, up to Magennis, Touch to Novak WHAT A GOAL RICKY
Rudd loses it and gathers it.
crofts in the middle
Aribo and on the right, cross, and josh forces a routine save
as they break it is an offside
game continues
Holmes thunderbolt