Roland Duchatelet has dismissed Charlton's Unity Protesters as, “a few hot heads who previously worked directly or indirectly for the club and who were shown the door due to their rebellious and rowdy attitude”. Can we use this thread to show that that is just more of Roly's nonsense. If you are going to Beligium, please post your messages below.
I'm Stig and I have been a Charlton supporter for 46 years (and destined to be one for six years before that). I have never been employed by the club, let alone 'shown the door'.
Although if Fox can be sold for £1m , at the ripe old age of 46 I'm considering donning my mouldy Puma Kings again and you may wish to consider me in a player / manager type role soon .
Roland - I'm GHF, I'm a few months younger than you and this is my 63rd season as an Addick. I have never been an employee of CAFC. You, sir, have broken my club and broken my heart but you will never break my spirit. See you on the 4th in the Grote Markt, ouwe lul !!
Since then though Roland, I have just been a mere supporter of the club. I doubt very much that you have got anything to offer that can beat that so why not do us all a massive favour and f-off!
Sadly, I can't be in Sint Truiden on the 4th because the organisers failed to check my holiday schedule before they picked the date and I will be in sunnier climes. However, I'll be thinking of those that are there and hoping they make your life miserable. After all, you've done that to so many of us.
You are ruining my club - yes, it's my club, not yours, no matter how much debt you burden it with. Just sell, and go, and take your clown of a CEO with you.
I must suffer from amnesia because I can't remember working for cafc.
But you or your CEO would never lie.
I've checked my finances and can confirm I've received no wages from you.
Don't worry, just take it off your asking price for da cloob.
I've never worked for the club apart from a bit of voluntary waste clearance nearly 30 years ago but I must confess to standing on the picket line to spread the word about your regime's mindless destruction of a famous old football club.
Unfortunately I have to attend a prior commitment of my other family so won't be able to be in St Truiden on 4 March but lots of my brothers and sisters will be, to dispel the myths and lies about our plight, enjoy the experience you deserve it.
Oh, and none of us have equity cards by the way
Never been employed by the club, but if I did, I'd have seen it as an absolute privilege and honour, not some "right" like your imbecile of a CEO!
Do us a favour, take your fortune, retire and f*** off to some place anywhere but here. I'll list you a few options:
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- North Korea
I 'celebrated' 50 years supporting Charlton in January this year. The closest I have come to working for CAFC is when my band was booked for a function in one of the suites about 10 years ago. (Coincidentally by a rugby club. There was much dancing and celebration that you would surely have approved of, marred only by the singing of some rather rude songs by those naughty rugby lads).
Now I'm sure outside of all this nonsense you are a thoroughly likeable bloke. The trouble is, the way you are destroying our club leads a lot of Charlton fans to think you are a bitter, twisted nasty piece of work who thinks he can do what he likes with our club because he has money. Please do the decent thing; perhaps buy a rugby club! Maybe you could use your visionary skills to sort out those who sing such rude songs. Many thanks. IHS
Some of my friends might say I have a rebellious or rowdy attitude. Good. Putting up with crap just because someone more powerful than you says it has to be that way is a one-way ticket to dictatorship. Or was that something else you didn't learn from your failure in politics?
I am pleased to say I will be paying my first proper visit to Belgium soon to show how strongly I feel about this. I hope to meet other CAFC fans and indeed, Belgian fans of STVV, who feel the same way about your sporting failures. Yes, failures. I know Katrien says you don't do failure. But in your heart of hearts you know you do. You've failed at politics. Now you've failed at football. Why not try stamp collecting?
I'm Missed It. I first started going to Charlton back in 1992, when we played at Upton Park (RIP) and our crowds were about the same size as it was for that dismal game against Oxford this week. At least we had hope back then.
I've never worked for Charlton. In fact, I try to avoid work whenever possible, a bit like your worthless CEO. Please sell the club to someone who might care about Charlton's success on the pitch.
I have never worked for Charlton Roland. As well as being a coward, you are a proven liar. You told the Belgian people that the players you brought in were better than Powell's. You said Powell was stupid and the players you brought in kept us up. You know that is a lie. Apart from one player who Powell wanted straight away, the players you brought in were all rubbish failures. You also sold Kermogant and Stephens which speaks for itself! Of course the Belgian people do not have enough interest in Charlton to know the truth, but we know. You and your CEO are LIARS!
I don't mind you calling me stupid - but a club legend like Powell is crossing a line! You are stupid if you don't see that you have to sell now. There is no positive future for you with this club!
Roland if you are right, why not name and shame these bitter ex employees. As the saying goes either 'put up or shut up'.
Left London in 1969 and from 1972 to 2011 studied and worked as an archaeologist on sites in England, Italy and the Middle East and thereafter as an ancient historian currently based in the West Country.
I have never worked for Charlton.
I was appalled by your 'work-experience' appointment into a senior management CEO role, of Katrien Meire........
Her dismissal of the history of the Club with the words Je m'en fous (I really don't care) touched a particular nerve with me and must go down as one of her most insulting comments among a plethora of such offerings.
I know that a football club is a business. But how does somebody "work indirectly" for a business, anyway?. Do you perhaps mean, doing loads of stuff which helps the business, without being paid? If so, OK, I am one of them. 27 years ago I persuaded the boss of arguably the UK's best advertising agency at the time to run a campaign which helped the Club get back home. Failure would have led to the club withering and dying. The agency did all this work for free. Funny enough, Roland, my boss's name was Chris Powell.
The week after we returned home, I started my new life and work in Prague, where I remain now, so obviously it wasn't practical to continue to be "employed", even for nothing. So I tried to continue my support by buying the VIP, buying the shares, and most bizarrely, buying a season ticket even though I could never use it more than 5 times a season. What a business, Roland, customers so loyal they spend shed loads of disposable income on something they can hardly consume!
I expect, Roland, that because the campaign appears in Rick's book, and when I am at the Valley I sit where he and others from that campaign sit, I have been identified to you as one of "them". Maybe not as an employee, but as one of the "hotheads?" Well people tried to describe us that way (or worse) in 1990, but we were just citizens who succeeded in starting a conversation which led those in power to change their minds. Far from being a "hothead", Roland, I've tried to get the conversation going with you through 'correct' channels. You've rebuffed us. You rebuffed us, when we tried to reach you via Richard Murray, via direct approaches, via Belgian journalists, via your Melexis board, via your son and his partner in Budapest.
When we were at Selhurst, people were drifting away. Our campaign then re-energised people reminded them of what Charlton means to them. Now, this last year, I too wondered if there was any point. It didn't feel like the Charlton I was so proud to be part of, any more. But now there is a new generation of fans who are not prepared to let it die. They want a conversation with you, that's all. To persuade you it isn't working for any of us. I don't even know these people. But I recognise them. They are showing the same spirit we did in 1990. They are intelligent, creative and determined. They've gained the respect of the football world and the media both here and in Belgium. Nothing about my club makes me proud to be a Charlton fan. But these people make me feel proud.
So I'm none of the things you think I am Roland. I am not coming back to the UK to live. I am winding down my working life. I'm just an old git now. But loads of old gits supported us in 1990, because we reminded them what it meant to be a Charlton fan. When these new guys ask for support, in numbers,when all else has failed, as we did back then, how could I fail to answer that call?
See you next week, Roland.
I have never worked for the club and look forward to meeting you next Saturday where I shall respectfully ask you to sell our great club to someone who is ambitious and wants to regularly watch their team play at the Valley .
So Roland, I am not connected to the club other than being a former season ticket holder in your time here.
The protest is taking part on my behalf and will represent myself, my two sons, my father and younger sister.
So please empty you head of these stupid lies. Look at the real reasons or at least look at the reasons that we are protesting and (even if you don't agree with them) try to answer them honestly and explain your plans.
I have supported the club since attending my first game as a six year old in 1963. I've given my services to the club but have never been paid, rather the other way around. I'm not a bitter ex-employee who was shown the door for being a naughty boy - but I am devastated at what you have done and continue to do to my beloved Charlton for which you and your sidekick should be ashamed.
Just piss-off.
I was born in Charlton, and first visited The Valley in around 1965, standing on the East Terrace. My adult life has been lived away from S.E. England, so I have been a casual attender, rather than a season ticket holder, for 50+ years.
I have never been an employee of the club. I can be assertive, and tenacious, and at the moment I am a rebel with a cause – to reclaim my club from the hands of a regime which is not fit for purpose. Sadly, you won’t be able to judge my rowdiness in person in Sint Truiden – a long-awaited operation next week means I will not be fit to travel to Belgium and join the Unity March. But I will certainly be there in spirit with my fellow Addicks, calling for you to SELL Charlton and GO, taking your inept and incompetent regime with you.
I'm quite sure if he was here today he would despise your ownership; your interference in transfer dealings, your lack of ambition, your treatment of former Charlton legend Chris Powell, your feeble attempt to market Charlton as place of entertainment for the uncommitted. And I'm quite sure he would have despised you duct tape wrapped shoes.
I have never been an employee of the club, but a family commitment means I won't be able to make the trip to Belgium.
But the family will be there in spirit.
Could there be anything more ridiculous than RD trying to argue the spivs' flawed case nearly five years later - or for that matter me harbouring a grudge from it against him? I suppose there could - the idea that the thousands of people involved in protests over the last 18 months are motivated or influenced by it in any way whatsoever.
My Names Will and I've been a Charlton fan for nearly all my life. My dad took to my first game vs Ipswich Town on a Tuesday night for a Coca-Coca Cup (League Cup) and I was hooked.
I have experienced highs of unbridled joy and the lowest of lows, but never gave up belief in my team. Until you came along and poisoned my beloved football club. I used to be proud of the club I supported and would defend them. Now there's no point as under your ownership we jump from one embarrassment to the next be it on the pitch or from the board room.
I have 2 children who want to follow Cafc and I'll encourage them to do this, but until you have gone I won't be bringing them to the Valley. Pbear has been to 6 Charlton away games in her short life, that's double (possibly triple) what you have done. Roops is half her age and already been to one, so he's catching up to you.
I won't be in Belgium on March 4th as I'm looking after my ill fiancé, but I, like thousands of others, will be there in spirit. (and my banners). You claim all the protesters are "bitter ex-employees" yet I have never worked for Cafc in my entire life. {...}
I'll end with this, Just sell our club, our famous football club. We don't really want you here. We want you gone, we hate Katrien Meire. We don't really want you here. Stop poisoning our club and sell.
Has a season ticket from 1986 until last season.
I will never go to the Valley whilst you own the club.
You have blatantly destroyed Charlton since your arrival.
Please sell up so that an old man can go and enjoy his football again.
You have never employed me or indeed have Charlton.
We were warned of you by the Standard Liege supporters.
If only the 'Spivs' had carried on or sold to someone else!
I am not a hothead just a Charlton fan!¬
I have never ever worked for Charlton. I did not renew my S/T this season, and will not until you sell up for the good of our club.