Fair play to him though, he's done what he said he would do and I doubt there are many managers who would give that much of their time to talk to fans.
He probably took the three hours to answer one question!
I wonder how many times he got said "I'll probably get in trouble for saying this" before he said something that he absolutely, under no circumstances, was going to get into trouble for saying.
Yes, two members of the Trust Board plus two other fans met with Robinson and Barker plus Rubashow. The Trust will write up a report in next day or two.
Sounds like Essex Al is getting his retaliation in first.
Anything that comes out not fitting with his world view of "everything is great Riga Slade Robinson is great, the regime is great, Meire is great, Duchatelet is great, Charlton are performing the best they can and all protesters want the team to fail" will be dismissed as lies and distortions by the evil Trust people who have an agenda and who hate the club and aren't real fans like him.
Of course Essex Al won't say what WAS said according his friend as that would expose this tactic.
What might surprise a lot of you is that this mate of mine doesn't like RD and has attended a few protests, but he's still a mate. There's hope for you lot after all!
Yeah, I bet he didn't mean it. We've heard it all before. He went in with his eyes open. I hate the regime more than anyone else. He's just like Brent but not funny. He is boring and has a strange accent and believes everything latrine says and I am not going back 'till they've all gone. At the end of the day the regime are still here so it does not matter what he does. We will only be getting back to where we were before RD took over. Just can't stand listening to the bloke for more than 2 minutes and he don't say anything anyway, even though I did not wait to hear it. It will be the same old lies. Roland out!
I have said all the right things, can I have some likes now please.
It sounds like the attendees were well chosen, The Elected Trust who I assume asked a umber of pertinent regime related questions which people will be very interested to hear answers to and the others to ask tactics/team, which, ultimately is what a manager is in charge of.
Well done to KR for agreeing to this. My only question is why was Roboshaw there? I know he is comms /PR but the club has done lots of these in the past without the need
Sounds like Essex Al is getting his retaliation in first.
Anything that comes out not fitting with his world view of "everything is great Riga Slade Robinson is great, the regime is great, Meire is great, Duchatelet is great, Charlton are performing the best they can and all protesters want the team to fail" will be dismissed as lies and distortions by the evil Trust people who have an agenda and who hate the club and aren't real fans like him.
Of course Essex Al won't say what WAS said according his friend as that would expose this tactic.
What might surprise a lot of you is that this mate of mine doesn't like RD and has attended a few protests, but he's still a mate. There's hope for you lot after all!
Even you Elfs
Good set up. Cue "my mate who doesn't like RD and supports the protests has changed his opinion of the regime"
Sounds like Essex Al is getting his retaliation in first.
Anything that comes out not fitting with his world view of "everything is great Riga Slade Robinson is great, the regime is great, Meire is great, Duchatelet is great, Charlton are performing the best they can and all protesters want the team to fail" will be dismissed as lies and distortions by the evil Trust people who have an agenda and who hate the club and aren't real fans like him.
Of course Essex Al won't say what WAS said according his friend as that would expose this tactic.
What might surprise a lot of you is that this mate of mine doesn't like RD and has attended a few protests, but he's still a mate. There's hope for you lot after all!
Even you Elfs
Good set up. Cue "my mate who doesn't like RD and supports the protests has changed his opinion of the regime"
No, I won't change his opinion, he doesn't like the regime, end of!
Sounds like Essex Al is getting his retaliation in first.
Anything that comes out not fitting with his world view of "everything is great Riga Slade Robinson is great, the regime is great, Meire is great, Duchatelet is great, Charlton are performing the best they can and all protesters want the team to fail" will be dismissed as lies and distortions by the evil Trust people who have an agenda and who hate the club and aren't real fans like him.
Of course Essex Al won't say what WAS said according his friend as that would expose this tactic.
What might surprise a lot of you is that this mate of mine doesn't like RD and has attended a few protests, but he's still a mate. There's hope for you lot after all!
Even you Elfs
Good set up. Cue "my mate who doesn't like RD and supports the protests has changed his opinion of the regime"
No, I won't change his opinion, he doesn't like the regime, end of!
It sounds like the attendees were well chosen, The Elected Trust who I assume asked a umber of pertinent regime related questions which people will be very interested to hear answers to and the others to ask tactics/team, which, ultimately is what a manager is in charge of.
Well done to KR for agreeing to this. My only question is why was Roboshaw there? I know he is comms /PR but the club has done lots of these in the past without the need
Rubashaw chaired it, and seems we had no complaints there either. At one point, Andy from the Trust made a pertinent point which clearly shocked KR and he told Rubashaw "write that down".
I've marked Robinson up another point based on what I have heard, so two steps forward, one back, in my book, in the last week. I am starting to think that he is simply trying a bit too hard in public, but the trying may nevertheless be genuine.
It sounds like the attendees were well chosen, The Elected Trust who I assume asked a umber of pertinent regime related questions which people will be very interested to hear answers to and the others to ask tactics/team, which, ultimately is what a manager is in charge of.
Well done to KR for agreeing to this. My only question is why was Roboshaw there? I know he is comms /PR but the club has done lots of these in the past without the need
Rubashaw chaired it, and seems we had no complaints there either. At one point, Andy from the Trust made a pertinent point which clearly shocked KR and he told Rubashaw "write that down".
I've marked Robinson up another point based on what I have heard, so two steps forward, one back, in my book, in the last week. I am starting to think that he is simply trying a bit too hard in public, but the trying may nevertheless be genuine.
I think you may be right there. Can't fault him on the footballing side and under different owners he'd be a very shrewd appointment, and still could be if given a bit more freedom. My hope is that the club is sold soon and he's allowed to get on with it over the summer.
Care to elaborate on the point that shocked him or will it be covered in the write up?
It sounds like the attendees were well chosen, The Elected Trust who I assume asked a umber of pertinent regime related questions which people will be very interested to hear answers to and the others to ask tactics/team, which, ultimately is what a manager is in charge of.
Well done to KR for agreeing to this. My only question is why was Roboshaw there? I know he is comms /PR but the club has done lots of these in the past without the need
It sounds like the attendees were well chosen, The Elected Trust who I assume asked a umber of pertinent regime related questions which people will be very interested to hear answers to and the others to ask tactics/team, which, ultimately is what a manager is in charge of.
Well done to KR for agreeing to this. My only question is why was Roboshaw there? I know he is comms /PR but the club has done lots of these in the past without the need
I should think Roboshaw was there to put the brakes on Karls motormouth should the need arise.
Yes, two members of the Trust Board plus two other fans met with Robinson and Barker plus Rubashow. The Trust will write up a report in next day or two.
Be interesting to see the write up because my mate was one of the other two and he's just given me the low down. KR and RB was with them for almost three hours, brilliant.
KR drinks Amstel.
So by the time your mate has finished the scouser will be convinced all is well and the missing and protesting thousands are wrong.
Sounds like Essex Al is getting his retaliation in first.
Anything that comes out not fitting with his world view of "everything is great Riga Slade Robinson is great, the regime is great, Meire is great, Duchatelet is great, Charlton are performing the best they can and all protesters want the team to fail" will be dismissed as lies and distortions by the evil Trust people who have an agenda and who hate the club and aren't real fans like him.
Of course Essex Al won't say what WAS said according his friend as that would expose this tactic.
What might surprise a lot of you is that this mate of mine doesn't like RD and has attended a few protests, but he's still a mate. There's hope for you lot after all!
Even you Elfs
I still reckon you are trying to brown nose your way on the board to be the fans director.
Please remember this meeting happened because KR said publicly that he wanted to learn more about the protests. That was why CAS Trust approached him. The meet was not for us to pepper him with questions about what he thought about the regime which he couldn't have answered on the record anyway.
Yes, two members of the Trust Board plus two other fans met with Robinson and Barker plus Rubashow. The Trust will write up a report in next day or two.
Be interesting to see the write up because my mate was one of the other two
Sounds positive, why not give us the lowdown. Be interesting to see if there is any divergence in emphasis or interpretation from the other write up when it comes through.
That's exactly why I'm not saying anything until I see the write up to see if it is a true representation of the evening or what Trust members want to hear!
The Trust Board never presumes to know what 1,100 people "want to hear". Not least because, if we get to presumptious, we can get voted out.
I have heard that the other two people were more keen to talk team and tactics, and that their topics of interest, as well as ours, were amply discussed by messrs Robinson and Barker. So any differences will simply reflect the different interests of those asking the questions. The meeting went on for close on three hours, and seems to reflect well on both the professionalism and genuine willingness to engage, of both KR and RB.
That sounds an awful lot like accountable Democracy. Do you do consulting because I know a certain Government...
After that I went into a lengthy tirade about the current administration in charge of my country. It was quite in depth and was intended to be so over the top that it was clear it was tongue-in-cheek. Some people took it seriously (Weegie, Prague, LR) and quite nicely wrote to check in on me.
I'm taking it down because I really didn't mean to divert from the really, really important purpose of this thread, and leaving this note to explain posts below.
Trust write up in progress and will be shared some time tomorrow.
Yeah I'm fine. That was all done very much tongue-in-cheek.
Seriously though, I do appreciate 1) A write-up 2) That you don't suppose to know what all 1,100 members want 3) That the coaching staff met with fans for three hours.
Even you Elfs
I have said all the right things, can I have some likes now please.
Well done to KR for agreeing to this. My only question is why was Roboshaw there? I know he is comms /PR but the club has done lots of these in the past without the need
I've marked Robinson up another point based on what I have heard, so two steps forward, one back, in my book, in the last week. I am starting to think that he is simply trying a bit too hard in public, but the trying may nevertheless be genuine.
Care to elaborate on the point that shocked him or will it be covered in the write up?
The meet was not for us to pepper him with questions about what he thought about the regime which he couldn't have answered on the record anyway.
After that I went into a lengthy tirade about the current administration in charge of my country. It was quite in depth and was intended to be so over the top that it was clear it was tongue-in-cheek. Some people took it seriously (Weegie, Prague, LR) and quite nicely wrote to check in on me.
I'm taking it down because I really didn't mean to divert from the really, really important purpose of this thread, and leaving this note to explain posts below.
Trump trumped again.
(Fits of giggles, think he means farted)
Trust write up in progress and will be shared some time tomorrow.
Seriously though, I do appreciate
1) A write-up
2) That you don't suppose to know what all 1,100 members want
3) That the coaching staff met with fans for three hours.
That's enough for me.