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    Jim White just announced that he'd just heard from Duchatelet who wished all Charlton fans a good Christmas and hopes we can be the 12th man again next year!! Bless him.

    the way things are going soon the whole crowd would fit on the subs bench....
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    Dannoo_86 said:

    Wonder if phone ins will be allowed on the day...

    I hope so, be nice for him to talk to the stupid people.
    Although in my current state I would come across as stupidly drunk.
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    RD probably waiting till Robinson wins a game first then he really can trot out the "new era" line.

    They live under the ridiculous misapprehension that every time we win a game it provides absolution and they peer down on us idiots from the moral high ground. This is the ridiculousness of the people that we're dealing with and the reason that I have to face the uncomfortable truth that, much of the time, I'm not that worried whether we win or not. Because when their Charlton win a game, it's a win for a cloob that I do not recognise as my own.
    good post, I feel the same way.
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    Does Big Jim know we're stupid?
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    RD probably waiting till Robinson wins a game first then he really can trot out the "new era" line.

    They live under the ridiculous misapprehension that every time we win a game it provides absolution and they peer down on us idiots from the moral high ground. This is the ridiculousness of the people that we're dealing with and the reason that I have to face the uncomfortable truth that, much of the time, I'm not that worried whether we win or not. Because when their Charlton win a game, it's a win for a cloob that I do not recognise as my own.
    good post, I feel the same way.
    Could you imagine how they would act and carry on if we went on a 10 game winning streak..!!

    No chance of that happening I know, but just the thought of it scares me shitless
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    I have got a Christmas wish for Duchatelet. Stick the holly and the Ivy up your Arse you stupid person.
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    CAFCTrev said:

    If it happens it will just be a pointless exercise in sycophantic hyperbole (stick that in your pipe).

    Hyperphantic Sycobole.
    Another Belgium manager ?
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    edited December 2016
    dickplumb said:

    I have got a Christmas wish for Duchatelet. Stick the holly and the Ivy up your Arse you stupid person.

    I'm off to France for a couple of days tomorrow morning - happy to take a detour and help him get it up there.

    We have had his Christmas message already - He has called us stupid. He has also called a Charlton legend stupid. He is not fit to lace Powell's boots! I wish him the sh*test Christmas imaginable.
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    Stig said:
    Never thought I'd say this but hats off to Talk Sport. Jason Cundy and Dean Saunders are making every caller name a Charlton legend.
    Enjoyed listening to that 
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    Stig said:
    Never thought I'd say this but hats off to Talk Sport. Jason Cundy and Dean Saunders are making every caller name a Charlton legend.
    It went on for a good couple of hours!

    They did however claim Carlton Cole was a Charlton legend...
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    Breakfast show host Laura Woodsy Woods has just announced she's leaving the show.
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    Breakfast show host Laura Woodsy Woods has just announced she's leaving the show.
    Probably off to TNT Sports (the relaunched BT Sport).
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    Yeah she's off to replace Jake Humphrey at TNT 
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    edited June 2023
    Breakfast show host Laura Woodsy Woods has just announced she's leaving the show.
    Not surprising really given the amount of other stuff she does. I've seen her presenting evening events and is then on air at 6am the next morning, which has to take its toll after a while.

    She's going to replace Jake Humphrey and do the champions league coverage next season. 
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    I thought This Morning might be a shout?
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    I certainly don’t mind having to watch Laura Woods instead of that gimp Humphrey.
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    Massive improvement if that is the case - BT are so unbelievably shit, the CL final coverage was a bit of a joke
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    Breakfast show host Laura Woodsy Woods has just announced she's leaving the show.
    That is a real shame her and Ally have been great.
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    cfgs said:
    Breakfast show host Laura Woodsy Woods has just announced she's leaving the show.
    That is a real shame her and Ally have been great.
    Good news all round.  Everyone get to see a lot more of her on tv (there's no denying she's very easy on the eye!) and I get to hear less of her on my morning walk/commute which normally takes in the breakfast show and the start of Jim White/Simon Jordan.

    As it happens, when Mrs JB bumped into Alan Brazil at the Champagne Bar in Waitrose about 3 months ago and they ended up talking for an hour when her friend was running late for dinner, she told him that I much preferred the breakfast show on Thursdays & Fridays without Laura on and Alan said she was leaving in the summer, she'd already told everyone she was off.
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    I thought This Morning might be a shout?
    Her & Holly, 😛
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    JohnBoyUK said:
    cfgs said:
    Breakfast show host Laura Woodsy Woods has just announced she's leaving the show.
    That is a real shame her and Ally have been great.
    Good news all round.  Everyone get to see a lot more of her on tv (there's no denying she's very easy on the eye!) and I get to hear less of her on my morning walk/commute which normally takes in the breakfast show and the start of Jim White/Simon Jordan.

    As it happens, when Mrs JB bumped into Alan Brazil at the Champagne Bar in Waitrose about 3 months ago and they ended up talking for an hour when her friend was running late for dinner, she told him that I much preferred the breakfast show on Thursdays & Fridays without Laura on and Alan said she was leaving in the summer, she'd already told everyone she was off.
    In Canary Wharf? Must have got a pay rise if he’s moved there from his residence in the Sports Bar 😉
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