I don't know John Commerford but those kind of comments suggest we are lucky to have RD in charge! Now I can certainly understand fans wanting to get behind the team but i'd be amazed if any fans attending games are happy with how the club is being run.
If those comments are attributed to John then he's brought a similar unnecessary spotlight onto himself much in the way Sue Parkes has done with her recent outbursts.
I even wonder if the club and their posh PR agency Pitch tried to place the quote from the spokesman as part of a positive spin article? Headline might suggest that too. Fortunately the journalist did not fall for it.
Apologies if I am doing a disservice to anyone in CARD with this suggestion.
I don't believe the club initiated this article. AFAIK the journalist contacted CARD and then went to the club for a response, but was always looking to reflect both sides of the story.
Nick Miller has covered the protests and problems at the club in previous articles. Has always done a fair job in my opinion, this article being no exception.
Been reading his work for a while now (used to write for F365) and always enjoyed it.
We all know just as we want Meire/Duchatalet to sling their hooks, there are a sizeable number who just want to watch football regardless of whether we are owned by Duchatalet or Kim Jong-Un or Jimmy Savile, and within that group are a small number who actively loathe anyone who opposes what is happening. That's fine. All that's happened is that some within that group have started to make a noise - we all know who - and there's been a decision that East Kent Addicks will be the 'officiual' fan vehicle to voice that view. Again, all good.
What this interview makes clear is that link with the club's hierarchy. The Guardian, during research, would have asked the club for pro-regime fans to talk to, and clearly the club pointed them straight to East Kent Addicks. As if the Meire Q&A told there had not told us enough. Expect to see them quoted quite a lot more in the coming months.
Just shows how John Comberford and EKA have been conned. He's loaned the money to the club. We have £38m+ of debt to Roland. He hasn't put more money in, just more debt. And that debt means he is asking a silly price of the few potential buyers he will actually talk to.
Absolutely and I would like to see how JC backs up his assertion that RD put more into the club than any other owner.
Old PR trick. Keep repeating a lie and eventually it becomes accepted as fact. All the more so in this age of the internet. Anyone researching the background to the mess -and let's be honest, almost all journalists will start with Google, hence Meire's repeated cleansing of negative comments - will keep coming across the statement that Duchatalet has invested more than anyone etc and so will assume that to be correct, and in all probability repeat it, further fuelling the myth.
Is it only me that feels uncomfortable with the slating John Commerford is getting? After all, the offending 'quote' was unattributed. If we can prove it's him then fair enough, but isn't there room for some doubt here?
Whether we like it or not (probably not!) he is fully entitled to his views. Slightly more of an issue in that he does appear to be being used to back the club line which is becoming very familiar elsewhere, namely the protests are smaller than portrayed and it's no more than a few using social media to whip up a frenzy against decent people. That annoys me in that it portrays the majority of protesters as mindless idiots. The new club PR seems to have adopted a strategy of undermine and divide the protests, so expect more.
Surely the biggest - and most silent - evidence of what a mess Duchatalet and Meire have made are the vast banks of empty seats at home matches.
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
Not that I know of but there must have been a few, the likes of Airman and Steve Dixon would have been more aware of those in favour of the move away.
I went to Selhurst because I already had a ST and like many who are still going today it was a family get together. There was no other option as it seemed to happen all of a sudden. It also felt like us against the rest of the world but fortunately little old Charlton actually managed to come good that season under Lenny with promotion to the top tier where we managed to stay for 4 seasons. This period gave us breathing space for the 'return' to gather momentum and support because nobody I ever met wanted to be at Selhurst in the first place. It was and still is a sh*thole and was an even worse nightmare to get to, back then.
The main difference for me was that it still felt that it was our club, we may have been slung out of our historical home but the fabric of the club still felt very much in tact. We had the training ground as a local base and a strong Junior Reds section. We hadn't been disrespected or used as a crazy experiment and totally disenfranchised like now!
You'd have to say this is actually quite well played by the club. Perhaps it's because we already all know the story, but this thread is four pages in and all the focus has been on that East Kent Addicks toadie. I was furious when I read his arsehole comments and clearly everyone else was as well; wonder if that's their plan - make us so focused on the scum fans willing to say nonsense like that and stifle the discussion about how badly the club's been run.
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
Not that I know of but there must have been a few, the likes of Airman and Steve Dixon would have been more aware of those in favour of the move away.
I went to Selhurst because I already had a ST and like many who are still going today it was a family get together. There was no other option as it seemed to happen all of a sudden. It also felt like us against the rest of the world but fortunately little old Charlton actually managed to come good that season under Lenny with promotion to the top tier where we managed to stay for 4 seasons. This period gave us breathing space for the 'return' to gather momentum and support because nobody I ever met wanted to be at Selhurst in the first place. It was and still is a sh*thole and was an even worse nightmare to get to, back then.
The main difference for me was that it still felt that it was our club, we may have been slung out of our historical home but the fabric of the club still felt very much in tact. We had the training ground as a local base and a strong Junior Reds section. We hadn't been disrespected or used as a crazy experiment and totally disenfranchised like now!
I think this is covered in @Airman Brown 's book, but anyway, bears re-telling. The thing about Selhurst is that few of us knew anyone other than family and mates whom we went to the Valley with. Who to turn to, when this bombshell struck? I assumed, the Supporters Club. So I went to the next meeting after the move. First time I had ever been.
Lennie Lawrence was the guest. But on the agenda there was nothing about the move. Nothing. It was all about away travel and other such stuff. After listening to them chuntering on for about an hour, I somehow managed to grab the microphone and launched into a rant about how astounding it was that this had been done to us, and that the so-called Supporters Club was just ignoring it. As I recall, when I finished there was no applause. Just a stunned and quite hostile silence. Although I did notice two young guys regarding me with a sort of knowing smile. Somebody, the chairman I suppose, said something like there is nothing the SC can do, and moved on to more important matters.
When I hear people suggesting that a Fans Forum is all you need, I think back to that night. The memory is what convinces me that all clubs need a strong, intelligent Supporters Trust, through good times and bad.
And the two young guys? As I found out later when I received my first copy of the Voice, they were Airman, and Steve Dixon...
At the time of the move to Selhurst Park I seem to remember the chairman of the supporters club being interviewed on television and endorsing the decision to quit the Valley.
Is it only me that feels uncomfortable with the slating John Commerford is getting? After all, the offending 'quote' was unattributed. If we can prove it's him then fair enough, but isn't there room for some doubt here?
Whether we like it or not (probably not!) he is fully entitled to his views. Slightly more of an issue in that he does appear to be being used to back the club line which is becoming very familiar elsewhere, namely the protests are smaller than portrayed and it's no more than a few using social media to whip up a frenzy against decent people. That annoys me in that it portrays the majority of protesters as mindless idiots. The new club PR seems to have adopted a strategy of undermine and divide the protests, so expect more.
Surely the biggest - and most silent - evidence of what a mess Duchatalet and Meire have made are the vast banks of empty seats at home matches.
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
The article clearly states that they were the views of "spokesperson for the East Kent Addicks" and as such should be regarded as the views of the whole of that group or an unknown majority. Since no group members have come forward to disagree we can assume the former.
Is it only me that feels uncomfortable with the slating John Commerford is getting? After all, the offending 'quote' was unattributed. If we can prove it's him then fair enough, but isn't there room for some doubt here?
Whether we like it or not (probably not!) he is fully entitled to his views. Slightly more of an issue in that he does appear to be being used to back the club line which is becoming very familiar elsewhere, namely the protests are smaller than portrayed and it's no more than a few using social media to whip up a frenzy against decent people. That annoys me in that it portrays the majority of protesters as mindless idiots. The new club PR seems to have adopted a strategy of undermine and divide the protests, so expect more.
Surely the biggest - and most silent - evidence of what a mess Duchatalet and Meire have made are the vast banks of empty seats at home matches.
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
The article clearly states that they were the views of "spokesperson for the East Kent Addicks" and as such should be regarded as the views of the whole of that group or an unknown majority. Since no group members have come forward to disagree we can assume the former.
Given the complete lack of response from any individual members of East Kent Addicks perhaps they should consider a name change to Stepford Addicks.
Thank you PragueAddick you are IMO correct. Clubs need a strong, intelligent Supporters Trust, through good times and bad, providing a debated, agreed and then united voice representing the supporters.
I was astounded yesterday when I read this thread and the other one about the East Kent supporters but I didn't post then as I wanted time for my anger to subside. The thing is that it hasn't.
I can readily understand, but not agree with, those supporters who find the protests a bit of a nuisance and in some way affecting their enjoyment of watching their team play on a Saturday. They view the protests as disruptive and unhelpful and in some way bringing Charlton into disrepute.
There is another group whose mantra is " support the team, not the regime" and and feel that boycotting is self defeating and protests should be outside the stadium. All noise inside the ground should be directed to getting behind the team. I don't agree with this view but again I can understand why they feel that way and I have happily and hopefully, respectfully, debated with them on this forum.
Others believe that Roland and Katrien have learnt their lesson and cite the appointment of a British manager and players with experience of the English leagues as evidence of this. Again, I disagree but it's a view I can understand.
This bloke from East Kent is a different matter. Some people on here have expressed reservations about the abuse he has got on here. Normally I would steer away from directly abusing another Charlton supporter but he really is a wanker.
As an "East Kent Addick" can I just say that I totally condemn the idiotic, apologist comments quoted by the East Kent Addick "representative" in the otherwise excellent Grauniad article - great that it gave the final word to Wendy Perfect. No I'm not a member of the so called "official" fan group (whatever one of those is) and I certainly wouldn't join if those are really the views of that group. Social media really? What division are we in? Is that the fault of a few keyboard warriors? Wake up and smell the coffee FFS!
Seconded. You learn very quickly with this regime that you can't take what's said at face value. There's clearly been a change in policy regarding the manager but a change in strategy? I'm yet to be convinced. RD has to get back to the Championship ASAP as financial rules prevent him from loading more debt on the club the way he can at the level above.
And the SMT changes that are desperately needed haven't been made. All smoke and mirrors, Pitch PR are earning their money.
"Spokesman" doesn't speak for this East Kent Addick either.
Is it only me that feels uncomfortable with the slating John Commerford is getting? After all, the offending 'quote' was unattributed. If we can prove it's him then fair enough, but isn't there room for some doubt here?
No, nail him up I say. How dare he speak on my behalf. He is entitled to his opinion but that's all. If he wants to suck up to these insects that's his want but if he spouts nonsense and basically rubbishes our cause I think he has stepped over the line. When this is over and sanity has returned to our Charlton I think we should out all these dissidents and re-educate them NK style.
At the time of the move to Selhurst Park I seem to remember the chairman of the supporters club being interviewed on television and endorsing the decision to quit the Valley.
Think this is right - can't remember his name as was only nine at the time but Airman will know it and is no doubt mentioned in his book too if I can find my copy
Is it only me that feels uncomfortable with the slating John Commerford is getting? After all, the offending 'quote' was unattributed. If we can prove it's him then fair enough, but isn't there room for some doubt here?
Whether we like it or not (probably not!) he is fully entitled to his views. Slightly more of an issue in that he does appear to be being used to back the club line which is becoming very familiar elsewhere, namely the protests are smaller than portrayed and it's no more than a few using social media to whip up a frenzy against decent people. That annoys me in that it portrays the majority of protesters as mindless idiots. The new club PR seems to have adopted a strategy of undermine and divide the protests, so expect more.
Surely the biggest - and most silent - evidence of what a mess Duchatalet and Meire have made are the vast banks of empty seats at home matches.
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
The article clearly states that they were the views of "spokesperson for the East Kent Addicks" and as such should be regarded as the views of the whole of that group or an unknown majority. Since no group members have come forward to disagree we can assume the former.
Given the complete lack of response from any individual members of East Kent Addicks perhaps they should consider a name change to Stepford Addicks.
I'm a member of East Kent Addicks and I can confirm that I was not aware of the public statement before it was issued and only read it late last night.
I was not consulted, nor do I, routinely, invite anyone ( about football or anything else) to speak on my behalf.
However, I have been subject to mild abuse on here because of my association with EKA and received a very surprising rebuke from a close friend of over twenty years yesterday when I pointed out that the press statement was not issued on my behalf or with my knowledge. With that in mind I am not, in the least, surprised that the members of EKA have all gone quiet - something that I will be doing from now on!
Is it only me that feels uncomfortable with the slating John Commerford is getting? After all, the offending 'quote' was unattributed. If we can prove it's him then fair enough, but isn't there room for some doubt here?
Whether we like it or not (probably not!) he is fully entitled to his views. Slightly more of an issue in that he does appear to be being used to back the club line which is becoming very familiar elsewhere, namely the protests are smaller than portrayed and it's no more than a few using social media to whip up a frenzy against decent people. That annoys me in that it portrays the majority of protesters as mindless idiots. The new club PR seems to have adopted a strategy of undermine and divide the protests, so expect more.
Surely the biggest - and most silent - evidence of what a mess Duchatalet and Meire have made are the vast banks of empty seats at home matches.
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
The article clearly states that they were the views of "spokesperson for the East Kent Addicks" and as such should be regarded as the views of the whole of that group or an unknown majority. Since no group members have come forward to disagree we can assume the former.
Given the complete lack of response from any individual members of East Kent Addicks perhaps they should consider a name change to Stepford Addicks.
I'm a member of East Kent Addicks and I can confirm that I was not aware of the public statement before it was issued and only read it late last night.
I was not consulted, nor do I, routinely, invite anyone ( about football or anything else) to speak on my behalf.
However, I have been subject to mild abuse on here because of my association with EKA and received a very surprising rebuke from a close friend of over twenty years yesterday when I pointed out that the press statement was not issued on my behalf or with my knowledge. With that in mind I am not, in the least, surprised that the members of EKA have all gone quiet - something that I will be doing from now on!
@kings hill addick Feelings are running high and anyone associated with EKA is unfortunately guilty by association. I'm not sure what personal abuse you've had but why withdraw? You've made it quite clear that you don't agree with the 'Spokesman's' views so that's good enough for me and I'm sure the vast majority of us on here.
Far be it from me to tell you what to do but if I were you I would out this person at your next AGM or call an EGM to remove him forthwith and get somebody as Chairperson who reflects the majority view because he is not doing the rest of you any favours.
I don't always agree with your points of view but you are a valued member of this forum as far as I am concerned so have a rethink eh? .
Is it only me that feels uncomfortable with the slating John Commerford is getting? After all, the offending 'quote' was unattributed. If we can prove it's him then fair enough, but isn't there room for some doubt here?
Whether we like it or not (probably not!) he is fully entitled to his views. Slightly more of an issue in that he does appear to be being used to back the club line which is becoming very familiar elsewhere, namely the protests are smaller than portrayed and it's no more than a few using social media to whip up a frenzy against decent people. That annoys me in that it portrays the majority of protesters as mindless idiots. The new club PR seems to have adopted a strategy of undermine and divide the protests, so expect more.
Surely the biggest - and most silent - evidence of what a mess Duchatalet and Meire have made are the vast banks of empty seats at home matches.
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
The article clearly states that they were the views of "spokesperson for the East Kent Addicks" and as such should be regarded as the views of the whole of that group or an unknown majority. Since no group members have come forward to disagree we can assume the former.
Given the complete lack of response from any individual members of East Kent Addicks perhaps they should consider a name change to Stepford Addicks.
I'm a member of East Kent Addicks and I can confirm that I was not aware of the public statement before it was issued and only read it late last night.
I was not consulted, nor do I, routinely, invite anyone ( about football or anything else) to speak on my behalf.
However, I have been subject to mild abuse on here because of my association with EKA and received a very surprising rebuke from a close friend of over twenty years yesterday when I pointed out that the press statement was not issued on my behalf or with my knowledge. With that in mind I am not, in the least, surprised that the members of EKA have all gone quiet - something that I will be doing from now on!
@kings hill addick Feelings are running high and anyone associated with EKA are unfortunately guilty by association. I'm not sure what personal abuse you've had but why withdraw? You've made it quite clear that you don't agree with the 'Spokesman's' views so that's good enough for me and I'm sure the vast majority of us on here.
Far be it from me to tell you what to do but if I were you I would out this person at your next AGM or call an EGM to remove him forthwith and get somebody as Chairperson who reflects the majority view because he is not doing the rest of you any favours.
I don't always agree with your points of view but you are a valued member of this forum as far as I am concerned so have a rethink eh? .
Thanks, kind words. I'm not planning on keeping off CL just the topic of EKA.
In time, people will even forget that I am a member.
Is it only me that feels uncomfortable with the slating John Commerford is getting? After all, the offending 'quote' was unattributed. If we can prove it's him then fair enough, but isn't there room for some doubt here?
Whether we like it or not (probably not!) he is fully entitled to his views. Slightly more of an issue in that he does appear to be being used to back the club line which is becoming very familiar elsewhere, namely the protests are smaller than portrayed and it's no more than a few using social media to whip up a frenzy against decent people. That annoys me in that it portrays the majority of protesters as mindless idiots. The new club PR seems to have adopted a strategy of undermine and divide the protests, so expect more.
Surely the biggest - and most silent - evidence of what a mess Duchatalet and Meire have made are the vast banks of empty seats at home matches.
As said, they are his views and he is perfectly entitled to them. I'm gutted they are his (and others) views though. It feels like the whole of football is united in seeing that Duchatelet/ Meire are bad for football / Charlton, except for a small amount of Charlton fans.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
The article clearly states that they were the views of "spokesperson for the East Kent Addicks" and as such should be regarded as the views of the whole of that group or an unknown majority. Since no group members have come forward to disagree we can assume the former.
Given the complete lack of response from any individual members of East Kent Addicks perhaps they should consider a name change to Stepford Addicks.
I'm a member of East Kent Addicks and I can confirm that I was not aware of the public statement before it was issued and only read it late last night.
I was not consulted, nor do I, routinely, invite anyone ( about football or anything else) to speak on my behalf.
However, I have been subject to mild abuse on here because of my association with EKA and received a very surprising rebuke from a close friend of over twenty years yesterday when I pointed out that the press statement was not issued on my behalf or with my knowledge. With that in mind I am not, in the least, surprised that the members of EKA have all gone quiet - something that I will be doing from now on!
@kings hill addick Feelings are running high and anyone associated with EKA are unfortunately guilty by association. I'm not sure what personal abuse you've had but why withdraw? You've made it quite clear that you don't agree with the 'Spokesman's' views so that's good enough for me and I'm sure the vast majority of us on here.
Far be it from me to tell you what to do but if I were you I would out this person at your next AGM or call an EGM to remove him forthwith and get somebody as Chairperson who reflects the majority view because he is not doing the rest of you any favours.
I don't always agree with your points of view but you are a valued member of this forum as far as I am concerned so have a rethink eh? .
Thanks, kind words. I'm not planning on keeping off CL just the topic of EKA.
In time, people will even forget that I am a member.
All fans should have their views listened to and we should not abuse them but I would say to the pro regime sympathisers open your eyes and look around the stadium
All fans should have their views listened to and we should not abuse them but I would say to the pro regime sympathisers open your eyes and look around the stadium
What, at all the lovely red seats and bright yellow steps? Pitch looks good too.
I don't know John Commerford but those kind of comments suggest we are lucky to have RD in charge! Now I can certainly understand fans wanting to get behind the team but i'd be amazed if any fans attending games are happy with how the club is being run.
If those comments are attributed to John then he's brought a similar unnecessary spotlight onto himself much in the way Sue Parkes has done with her recent outbursts.
Been reading his work for a while now (used to write for F365) and always enjoyed it.
What this interview makes clear is that link with the club's hierarchy. The Guardian, during research, would have asked the club for pro-regime fans to talk to, and clearly the club pointed them straight to East Kent Addicks. As if the Meire Q&A told there had not told us enough. Expect to see them quoted quite a lot more in the coming months.
Surely the biggest - and most silent - evidence of what a mess Duchatalet and Meire have made are the vast banks of empty seats at home matches.
Was too young then and wouldn't have had the socia media platform like now, but were there a few club apologists who sided with the club when they announced the Selhurst move?
I went to Selhurst because I already had a ST and like many who are still going today it was a family get together. There was no other option as it seemed to happen all of a sudden. It also felt like us against the rest of the world but fortunately little old Charlton actually managed to come good that season under Lenny with promotion to the top tier where we managed to stay for 4 seasons. This period gave us breathing space for the 'return' to gather momentum and support because nobody I ever met wanted to be at Selhurst in the first place. It was and still is a sh*thole and was an even worse nightmare to get to, back then.
The main difference for me was that it still felt that it was our club, we may have been slung out of our historical home but the fabric of the club still felt very much in tact. We had the training ground as a local base and a strong Junior Reds section. We hadn't been disrespected or used as a crazy experiment and totally disenfranchised like now!
Lennie Lawrence was the guest. But on the agenda there was nothing about the move. Nothing. It was all about away travel and other such stuff. After listening to them chuntering on for about an hour, I somehow managed to grab the microphone and launched into a rant about how astounding it was that this had been done to us, and that the so-called Supporters Club was just ignoring it. As I recall, when I finished there was no applause. Just a stunned and quite hostile silence. Although I did notice two young guys regarding me with a sort of knowing smile. Somebody, the chairman I suppose, said something like there is nothing the SC can do, and moved on to more important matters.
When I hear people suggesting that a Fans Forum is all you need, I think back to that night. The memory is what convinces me that all clubs need a strong, intelligent Supporters Trust, through good times and bad.
And the two young guys? As I found out later when I received my first copy of the Voice, they were Airman, and Steve Dixon...
I can readily understand, but not agree with, those supporters who find the protests a bit of a nuisance and in some way affecting their enjoyment of watching their team play on a Saturday. They view the protests as disruptive and unhelpful and in some way bringing Charlton into disrepute.
There is another group whose mantra is " support the team, not the regime" and and feel that boycotting is self defeating and protests should be outside the stadium. All noise inside the ground should be directed to getting behind the team. I don't agree with this view but again I can understand why they feel that way and I have happily and hopefully, respectfully, debated with them on this forum.
Others believe that Roland and Katrien have learnt their lesson and cite the appointment of a British manager and players with experience of the English leagues as evidence of this. Again, I disagree but it's a view I can understand.
This bloke from East Kent is a different matter. Some people on here have expressed reservations about the abuse he has got on here. Normally I would steer away from directly abusing another Charlton supporter but he really is a wanker.
And the SMT changes that are desperately needed haven't been made. All smoke and mirrors, Pitch PR are earning their money.
"Spokesman" doesn't speak for this East Kent Addick either.
How dare he speak on my behalf. He is entitled to his opinion but that's all. If he wants to suck up to these insects that's his want but if he spouts nonsense and basically rubbishes our cause I think he has stepped over the line.
When this is over and sanity has returned to our Charlton I think we should out all these dissidents and re-educate them NK style.
I was not consulted, nor do I, routinely, invite anyone ( about football or anything else) to speak on my behalf.
However, I have been subject to mild abuse on here because of my association with EKA and received a very surprising rebuke from a close friend of over twenty years yesterday when I pointed out that the press statement was not issued on my behalf or with my knowledge. With that in mind I am not, in the least, surprised that the members of EKA have all gone quiet - something that I will be doing from now on!
Far be it from me to tell you what to do but if I were you I would out this person at your next AGM or call an EGM to remove him forthwith and get somebody as Chairperson who reflects the majority view because he is not doing the rest of you any favours.
I don't always agree with your points of view but you are a valued member of this forum as far as I am concerned so have a rethink eh?
In time, people will even forget that I am a member.