Perhaps people should live in North Korea for a year and see what it is really like.
Typical liberal bleeding heart PC response.
No sense of humour.
That is an outrageous slur Henry. I demand that you apologise.
The official organ of liberal bleeding heart PC types is of course the Guardian. It was the Guardian via its SE7 resident sports journalist, which first made the North Korea analogy
This is unbelievable behaviour from Charlton. Has the Valley been moved to N Korea overnight?
Had an encounter with a steward yesterday who was totally embarrassed about having to take the top off my water bottle at the turnstiles. Unscrewing bottle tops must have been a difficult skill to master on the training course. All part being in North Korea.
Had an encounter with a steward yesterday who was totally embarrassed about having to take the top off my water bottle at the turnstiles. Unscrewing bottle tops must have been a difficult skill to master on the training course. All part being in North Korea.
Next time, test his training to the full by commenting "no worries, I've got some spare tops on me" as he unscrews it.
Had an encounter with a steward yesterday who was totally embarrassed about having to take the top off my water bottle at the turnstiles. Unscrewing bottle tops must have been a difficult skill to master on the training course. All part being in North Korea.
In fairness, that's pretty standard and happened at The Valley pre regime.
Yes, eventually. Unfurled 2 mins before half time. Looked like it had 2 cuddly cats as weights tied to the bottom. A security lady in the directors box tried to pull it down but it wouldn't budge. A security guy in the upper tried to untie it but I assume it was cable tied or something. They pulled it back up to the upper and then removed it.
Black & white scarves
That definitely makes more sense than a stuffed cat or 2!
The way people live in North Korea is disgusting and the fact that are mocking it and using it as an example is awful. You should be thankful that you live in country such as ours and the fact that you are comparing North Korea to a football is derogatory to people in North Korea
You are literally - literally - the worst person on the planet
This thread has just made perfect reading over a cup of tea.
Loving the commitment by wiwlb. In the face of ridicule they kept at it. I applaud them for it. It also confirmed my view that people should have to pass some kind of test before being allowed to use the internet, or in fact venture an opinion anywhere.
When this lot sell up, I reckon the best move for the next owner would be to appoint SCP as manager and back him. I reckon with that bounce and money behind us, we could make the prem.
In the war; Henry Irving will endorse this fact. The People of Britain sang "Hitler has only got one ball" and would do the goose step and mock the Nazis and use humour to help the terrible stress of being bombed and losing loved one or worrying about family members who were fighting aboard. Charlie Hebdo journos and Artists mocked all religion and leaders. From the Pope to Muhammad; They paid with their lives, because of Piousness and People who have No sense of humour.
In Britain we take the Piss out of ourselves and others, It can be cruel and if on the end of it, a pain, BUT it helps to stop us disappearing up our own back sides.
I feel it is disingenuous of wiwlb not to understand that 99% of us do understand what's going on in North Korea and we feel sorry for folk who have to live under a tyrant.
Creative freedom of free speech and expression whether doing a mock coffin march, flags drapped over our CEO or Nugs fantastic posters, is allowed in our country.
Had an encounter with a steward yesterday who was totally embarrassed about having to take the top off my water bottle at the turnstiles. Unscrewing bottle tops must have been a difficult skill to master on the training course. All part being in North Korea.
This thread has just made perfect reading over a cup of tea.
Loving the commitment by wiwlb. In the face of ridicule they kept at it. I applaud them for it. It also confirmed my view that people should have to pass some kind of test before being allowed to use the internet, or in fact venture an opinion anywhere.
He/she did give it a jolly good go eh. I do like a bit of tenacity, me...
In the war; Henry Irving will endorse this fact. The People of Britain sang "Hitler has only got one ball" and would do the goose step and mock the Nazis
I see to recall singing the hitter has only got one ball song at school in the '80s.
Can't remember why now. Probably to relieve the grimness of growing up in Coventry.
Had an encounter with a steward yesterday who was totally embarrassed about having to take the top off my water bottle at the turnstiles. Unscrewing bottle tops must have been a difficult skill to master on the training course. All part being in North Korea.
Take a spare in your pocket.
Just loctite the top on and watch him struggle getting it off.
In the war; Henry Irving will endorse this fact. The People of Britain sang "Hitler has only got one ball" and would do the goose step and mock the Nazis
I see to recall singing the hitter has only got one ball song at school in the '80s.
Can't remember why now. Probably to relieve the grimness of growing up in Coventry.
Coventry had more building bombed than anywhere else in Britain on a % of size. so i guess the song had been passed down from older Coventry folk.
In the war; Henry Irving will endorse this fact. The People of Britain sang "Hitler has only got one ball" and would do the goose step and mock the Nazis
I see to recall singing the hitter has only got one ball song at school in the '80s.
Can't remember why now. Probably to relieve the grimness of growing up in Coventry.
We used to replace hitler with the caretakers name or one of the dinner ladies, but then of course it loses its credibility as a lyric...
Except old mighty morrison at Horn Park juniors, on reflection she was the right age to of been in the Hitler Youth!
Had an encounter with a steward yesterday who was totally embarrassed about having to take the top off my water bottle at the turnstiles. Unscrewing bottle tops must have been a difficult skill to master on the training course. All part being in North Korea.
In fairness, that's pretty standard and happened at The Valley pre regime.
I never had my water bottle tampered with pre or post the regime ? Must be a new thing this season ?
In the war; Henry Irving will endorse this fact. The People of Britain sang "Hitler has only got one ball" and would do the goose step and mock the Nazis
I see to recall singing the hitter has only got one ball song at school in the '80s.
Can't remember why now. Probably to relieve the grimness of growing up in Coventry.
Coventry had more building bombed than anywhere else in Britain on a % of size. so i guess the song had been passed down from older Coventry folk.
Where does the saying "sent to Coventry" come from?
In the war; Henry Irving will endorse this fact. The People of Britain sang "Hitler has only got one ball" and would do the goose step and mock the Nazis
I see to recall singing the hitter has only got one ball song at school in the '80s.
Can't remember why now. Probably to relieve the grimness of growing up in Coventry.
Coventry had more building bombed than anywhere else in Britain on a % of size. so i guess the song had been passed down from older Coventry folk.
Where does the saying "sent to Coventry" come from?
Have you ever been to Coventry?
If in doubt ask NLA he loves them almost as much as Charlton.
In the war; Henry Irving will endorse this fact. The People of Britain sang "Hitler has only got one ball" and would do the goose step and mock the Nazis
I see to recall singing the hitter has only got one ball song at school in the '80s.
Can't remember why now. Probably to relieve the grimness of growing up in Coventry.
Coventry had more building bombed than anywhere else in Britain on a % of size. so i guess the song had been passed down from older Coventry folk.
I have a sneaking suspicion that we can blame an episode of Dads' Army, when Captain Mannering was driven demented by Pike singing it...
I took the NK flag to the Boro game. My main motivation was the club's Roland knows best attitude. "The owner does it his way and fans need to accept that." "Every appointment proved to be an improvement." "Roland loves all of his clubs equally like his children." They really are statements you'd expect from NK. Meanwhile there were the OTT searches, confiscations, heavy handed stewards, etc.
As time goes on they really are becoming more draconian, desperate and pathetic. Such flags are now even more appropriate than in March, and anything that annoys Meire is worth doing in my view. A decent number of NK flags would easily make news in Belgium and beyond.
In the war; Henry Irving will endorse this fact. The People of Britain sang "Hitler has only got one ball" and would do the goose step and mock the Nazis
I see to recall singing the hitter has only got one ball song at school in the '80s.
Can't remember why now. Probably to relieve the grimness of growing up in Coventry.
Coventry had more building bombed than anywhere else in Britain on a % of size. so i guess the song had been passed down from older Coventry folk.
Where does the saying "sent to Coventry" come from?
Have you ever been to Coventry?
If in doubt ask NLA he loves them almost as much as Charlton.
Usual 2 year period of "root and branch re-education" in order, I feel.
1 bit of humour with 1 flag and the blue touch paper well and truly lit.
@WSS take a bow " my other neighbour is a soldier" - priceless!!!
I'm off to the bar to get a beer.
But Fair play to wiwlb, he has got over 100 LOL's on this thread and I thank him for every single one!
Loving the commitment by wiwlb. In the face of ridicule they kept at it. I applaud them for it. It also confirmed my view that people should have to pass some kind of test before being allowed to use the internet, or in fact venture an opinion anywhere.
Loving Stig's idea for the masks.
But what are the chances of us obtaining the services of this guy?
The People of Britain sang "Hitler has only got one ball"
and would do the goose step and mock the Nazis and use humour to help the terrible stress of being bombed and losing loved one or worrying about family members who were fighting aboard.
Charlie Hebdo journos and Artists mocked all religion and leaders.
From the Pope to Muhammad; They paid with their lives, because of Piousness and People who have No sense of humour.
In Britain we take the Piss out of ourselves and others, It can be cruel and if on the end of it, a pain, BUT it helps to stop us disappearing up our own back sides.
I feel it is disingenuous of wiwlb not to understand that 99% of us do understand what's going on in North Korea and we feel sorry for folk who have to live under a tyrant.
Creative freedom of free speech and expression whether doing a mock coffin march, flags drapped over our CEO or Nugs fantastic posters, is allowed in our country.
Now that is worth fighting for.
I do like a bit of tenacity, me...
Can't remember why now. Probably to relieve the grimness of growing up in Coventry.
Except old mighty morrison at Horn Park juniors, on reflection she was the right age to of been in the Hitler Youth!
The other is in the Albert hall,
Himmler is kind of similar,
While goebells has nothing at all.
If in doubt ask NLA he loves them almost as much as Charlton.
As time goes on they really are becoming more draconian, desperate and pathetic. Such flags are now even more appropriate than in March, and anything that annoys Meire is worth doing in my view. A decent number of NK flags would easily make news in Belgium and beyond.
Haha, I thought i remembered a dads army connection but I couldn't be sure. Definitely Pike singing.