A belated congratulations! This must be one of the best football club forums in the country. Apart from working and looking good, it has a massive and representative user base and has genuinely achieved and changed things, both in terms of charity work but also in terms of club actions.
Like a few others here I joined when the BBC shut down the 606 boards. 10,387 comments I've posted here since February 2012! 192 ish per month, that's 6 a day!
Marvelous work guys! Helps me feel like I am in touch with the real heart of CAFC despite being so far away. And through the site I have been able to meet and drink with a lot of people I would probably otherwise never have met. The amount of time I spend on here I must be the only user in Portugal for the country to not be in the top 10!
Proud I started the most popular landing page though...
Order of Top 20 recorded areas of UK usage: London, Dartford, Croydon, Poplar, Brighton, Maidstone, Swanley, Canterbury, Gravesend, Manchester, Newham, Birmingham, Chatham, Norwich, Sheffield, Leeds, Tumbridge Wells, Bristol, Southampton, Basildon
Might want to remove this bit from the OP... Gravesend / Charham / Maidstone all clear proof that we're stealing more Gillingham fans!!
No one from Maidstone would (or should) support Gillingham.
Congratulations! Massive thanks to AFKA and Lookie for your hard work over the years. I have no experience in running websites but I know it's not easy. I've been to a lot of forums/message boards ever since I got my first computer and internet access in 1999 and it's safe to say that Charlton Life is THE BEST site of all the ones I've been to. I've been a regular poster on here for just three years but this place has been my 'virtual home' since my very first post. I've learned a huge lot about the club on here (probably more than I had in the nine years before) and 'met' so many nice people despite my location. Charlton Life is not only a forum for Charlton fans but also a truly great community. I didn't start to support this club for family reasons but this place makes me feel like a member of the big family and feel close to the club. For me there used to be a bit of loneliness in terms of supporting a club because no one around me was a Charlton fan but since I joined here I've never had that kind of feeling again. And through the stories that people share on here, I've had the many opportunities to see the most beautiful side of British people.
My personal highlights in the past three years on here were receiving Curbs' signed book and many other souvenirs from Jean @Fanny Fanackapan and co and also receiving a huge box of programmes and souvenirs from Alan @GlassHalfFull. These things would never have happened without this wonderful site.
Ten years for a forum is really an immense achievement. Not many can make it to five let alone ten. Credits to AFKA and Lookie. Also thanks to all the Lifers that have made contributions in various ways. Here's to another decade of prosperity!
Being able to share the limits of pain and joy with fellow Charlton fans via the CL forum is good for the soul. Thanks AFKABartram and all the contributers for making the experience so addictive. Heres hoping the site continues to grow for many years to come and Charlton's luck and success grows with it.
Very hearty congratulations from a disillusioned 'addick who hopes to be back in the fold one day. For now I keep in touch mainly through fantastic Charlton Life. Thank you, and here's to the next ten years.
I remember when I first discovered Charlton Life - I was single, a bit overweight and spent far too much time sitting in front of the telly with my hands down my pants. It was a pathetic existence - sordid, sleazy, debauched.
All these years later and very little has changed. Nevertheless, it's a cracking website, keep up the good work.
Growing up in Hertfordshire (now living over border in Bedfordshire), I've never had any 'mates', just my Dad for the last 25 years. Charlton Life has therefore been brilliant.
I feel like "I'll see your killing communists and raise you a disabled mother" should be our site motto.
must admit i missed that first time round ...just brilliant !
honestly i really cant be arsed with the flemish mare and duct tape man but i am happy to see a a few quips from like minded ageing charlton supporting has beens like me that reduce the pain of following this lot
happy birthday CL ..This time in 10 years who knows ? and sincerely thankyou !
I feel like "I'll see your killing communists and raise you a disabled mother" should be our site motto.
must admit i missed that first time round ...just brilliant !
honestly i really cant be arsed with the flemish mare and duct tape man but i am happy to see a a few quips from like minded ageing charlton supporting has beens like me that reduce the pain of following this lot
happy birthday CL ..This time in 10 years who knows ? and sincerely thankyou !
I missed that thread. Crying with laughter. The speed it escalated was hysterical. Thank you Charlton Life.
This site has cost me at least a grade in my degree. And now in my first year of work it cost me part of my bonus after it was mentioned that I spend too much time on here.
This site has cost me at least a grade in my degree. And now in my first year of work it cost me part of my bonus after it was mentioned that I spend too much time on here.
Yeah thanks a bloody bunch guys!
I'm joking of course. Found this site in sixth form. Read and read it but didn't get an account until I was at uni. Spent a horrendous amount of time on here and can't help but feel that I am partly responsible for both Canterbury and Chatham being in the top 5. Literally not missed a day on here since I joined. People think I'm sad but I love it. Thanks all!
And if it hadn't been for you Canters my lols and likes would only be half of what they are, much appreciated. Lads like you and @Addickted2TheReds are the future .
And if it hadn't been for you Canters my lols and likes would only be half of what they, much appreciated. Lads like you and @Addickted2TheReds are the future .
Was struggling to place what my favourite thing about this place is (apart from the grammar police). But it came to me all of a sudden. The puns! Some of the puns on here! Bloody ell!
I feel like "I'll see your killing communists and raise you a disabled mother" should be our site motto.
I can't believe I've only just read that thread, I'm in stitches, funniest thread ever! @ValleyGary well played, read it back should brighten your weekend whilst the Mrs is in Ibiza
Agreed, it was the last close season so I must have been on break and missed it as well. Harveys Gardener was in the firing line at first and then following a gif insinuating VF was a p*ssed old git, VG gets both barrels, good defence though for a striker. If anyone still hasn't read it and is feeling low it'll cheer you up no end I promise .
Like a few others here I joined when the BBC shut down the 606 boards. 10,387 comments I've posted here since February 2012! 192 ish per month, that's 6 a day!
Proud I started the most popular landing page though...
Sorry, I've just ruined the thread.
My personal highlights in the past three years on here were receiving Curbs' signed book and many other souvenirs from Jean @Fanny Fanackapan and co and also receiving a huge box of programmes and souvenirs from Alan @GlassHalfFull. These things would never have happened without this wonderful site.
Ten years for a forum is really an immense achievement. Not many can make it to five let alone ten. Credits to AFKA and Lookie. Also thanks to all the Lifers that have made contributions in various ways. Here's to another decade of prosperity!
All these years later and very little has changed. Nevertheless, it's a cracking website, keep up the good work.
I'm sorry. I can't help myself.
honestly i really cant be arsed with the flemish mare and duct tape man but i am happy to see a a few quips from like minded ageing charlton supporting has beens like me that reduce the pain of following this lot
happy birthday CL ..This time in 10 years who knows ? and sincerely thankyou !
Yeah thanks a bloody bunch guys!
Basically Viewfinder (Ned Flanders) to @ValleyGary (Lenny) - "I don't you but i'm sure you're a jerk!"
Agreed, it was the last close season so I must have been on break and missed it as well. Harveys Gardener was in the firing line at first and then following a gif insinuating VF was a p*ssed old git, VG gets both barrels, good defence though for a striker. If anyone still hasn't read it and is feeling low it'll cheer you up no end I promise
Valley Gary just completely floored and baffled by what viewfinder was going on about. "I coach kids near Dartford?...no I don't you absolute freak."