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Savings and Investments thread



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    Rob7Lee said:
    it's hotting up:

    FTSE100 Level7072.97  
    NameLevelVariance% Variance
    Exiledin Manchester710633.030.47%

    I did say on Friday the competition should have finished then. I was almost bang on the money then. 
    It ain't over till the corpulent person with a vagina sings.
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    Up again today. At lunch it was at 7114 - less than 20 points away from my (well thought out) guess.
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    Up again today. At lunch it was at 7114 - less than 20 points away from my (well thought out) guess.
    I'm banking on the cash-futures divergence coming together at the close tomorrow, where futures peaked at about 7155 overnight.
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    @golfaddick, any funds catching your eyes these days that you recommend? 

    Predictions for peak growth for the rest of year being Europe in Q3 and Emerging Markets in Q4.

    I'm currently holding a very balanced (and more boring than 2020 Growth hunting) portfolio and drip feeding into it each month. Working well and less sleepless nights!
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    Up again today. At lunch it was at 7114 - less than 20 points away from my (well thought out) guess.
    I'm banking on the cash-futures divergence coming together at the close tomorrow, where futures peaked at about 7155 overnight.
    Going the other away again now. Back down to 7087.

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    It's going to be tight, one day to go:

    NameLevelVariance% Variance
    Exiledin Manchester710618.450.26%
    WishIdStayedInThe Pub715062.450.88%
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    I'd hazard a guess and say it will end up between 7050 & 7100. So between Large and TelMc32.
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    Just let you know that I m spending the rest of the day manipulating the market down a few more points. Sorry guys but it had to be done! 😁 

    It's certainly working at the moment...7021.16   :D
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    edited June 2021
    TelMc32 said:
    Just let you know that I m spending the rest of the day manipulating the market down a few more points. Sorry guys but it had to be done! 😁 

    It's certainly working at the moment...7021.16   :D
    Looks like Large to win the Palarse season ticket.
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    I think it's going to eb and flow a bit more yet.......
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    TelMc32 said:
    Just let you know that I m spending the rest of the day manipulating the market down a few more points. Sorry guys but it had to be done! 😁 

    It's certainly working at the moment...7021.16   :D
    I had 7021, stop the count.'s up to 7044.48   :D
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    edited June 2021
    7073, and looks like the Dow is leading it upwards….

    Edit: and as soon as I post that, the Dow runs out of steam. Looks like @TelMc32 is in pole position
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    Aaaaand ...  it's LargeAddick fighting back, desperate for that Surrey Season Ticket.
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    I thought it was one for the Den. If I knew it was for the Croydon boys I would have tried harder....😄.
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    Last price I saw was 7052.62. May settle 1 or 2 points away, but looks like congratulations to LargeAddick.
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    Sorry, bit of a long day at work.

    A very well done to LargeAddick who was less than ten points out! And to the Top 7 who managed to get within 1%. Overall most people were within 5% which is not too shabby at all.

    Shall we do again for year end?
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    That was close!
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    Do it again, do it again, do it again …. Please can we……
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    A very muted response to @LargeAddick victory but I'll say well done!

    Might even seek from advice from you! What's your go to fund for the next 6 months! :-) 😂

    As regards the top 8 (ie those who finished above me) how many of you actually work in the finance industry. Just a simple yes or no - no need to give any details. (Reason I ask is just interested to know if the professionals have any more real insight into where the market is going than mug punters like me) 
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    edited July 2021
    Well done to everyone who beat me, which is basically everyone.

    As usual, wild optimism got the better of me, which is why I dont touch AIM any more
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    A very muted response to @LargeAddick victory but I'll say well done!

    Might even seek from advice from you! What's your go to fund for the next 6 months! :-) 😂

    As regards the top 8 (ie those who finished above me) how many of you actually work in the finance industry. Just a simple yes or no - no need to give any details. (Reason I ask is just interested to know if the professionals have any more real insight into where the market is going than mug punters like me) 
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    Are we not playing to the price is right rules? Where you can’t go over.
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    Well done everyone who thrashed me, pleased I was wrong as my pension fund seemed to appreciate the gains. Think I might be a bit more optimistic next time.
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    edited July 2021
    up 120bps this morn as I write to rub salt in the wounds for the more bullish punters...lot of window dressing going on yday into qtr/month end - tough break for the 7050+ crew. Enjoyed reading this, may get involved and ridicule myself in the next edition...
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    up 120bps this morn as I write to rub salt in the wounds for the more bullish punters...lot of window dressing going on yday into qtr/month end - tough break for the 7050+ crew. Enjoyed reading this, may get involved and ridicule myself in the next edition...
    Interesting. As I write the FTSE stands at 7120, which would have @valleynick66 literally spot on and our resident expert @golfaddick only a few points out.
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    Well done @LargeAddick I hope you enjoy your Saturday afternoon's down at the rusty toolbox   ;)

    @Fortune 82nd Minute I work in banking*, but I have always looked after professional firms (i.e. private and not listed on any exchange), so no real business knowledge of the markets side of the corporate world.  Just follow out of my own interest.  

    *at the moment 
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