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Addicks v's Orient (pre-season friendly) Match Thread 23/7/16



  • Don't worry, KM said we would have a top 6 budget, unfortunately, it does not extend to buying any more players, just freebies and youth team. Perhaps she was not telling the whole truth when she made that statement
  • Just listened to RS interview, he said we are miles away from being a top side in the league, doesn't want to rely on kids wants 5/6 more players, didn't expect pope to go he was to be number 1 with a new number 2 coming in, now needs a new g/k at least and should be here in 48/72 hours. Finances are tight but he sounds determined to make us a top side and wants the right type of experienced players to join. Lets see what unfolds, he wasn't happy with today's performance either.

    Whoever it was I don't know, but the gist was Slade having a press conference next week.
    I am sooooooo fed p***** off with things that I'd streak through Bromley High Street if he told the Belgians to f*** off.

  • edited July 2016
    The way this is going I can see Either Slade or Meire will be gone by the end of September. Some one will need to take the blame !

    Do I believe that we will see 5 or 6 in in the next two weeks. No ! An if it does happen they are going to be the people who,s choice is us or the likes of Exeter or York .... Etc

    Hopefully, we may be finally seeing Meires demise , as it becomes clear even to Roland, that the fecking bitch hasn't got a scooby !

  • The way this is going I can see Either Slade or Meire will be gone by the end of September. Some one will need to take the blame !

    Do I believe that we will see 5 or 6 in in the next two weeks. No ! An if it does happen they are going to be the people who,s choice is us or the likes of Exeter or York .... Etc

    Hopefully, we may be finally seeing Meires demise , as it becomes clear even to Roland, that the fecking bitch hasn't got a scooby !

    I do not believe RD will put anyone, (apart from family), before KM, so if someone has to go, we know who
  • Perhaps the regime is gambling (with BETDAQ) that loads of enthusiastic fans will roar us to victories despite the obvious shortcomings.
    And if we don't roar away then failure will be our fault.
  • ross1 said:

    The way this is going I can see Either Slade or Meire will be gone by the end of September. Some one will need to take the blame !

    Do I believe that we will see 5 or 6 in in the next two weeks. No ! An if it does happen they are going to be the people who,s choice is us or the likes of Exeter or York .... Etc

    Hopefully, we may be finally seeing Meires demise , as it becomes clear even to Roland, that the fecking bitch hasn't got a scooby !

    I do not believe RD will put anyone, (apart from family), before KM, so if someone has to go, we know who
    Indeed, ross1.

    As others have already stated, the finger of blame will be pointed at the "customers" for pressing for a British manager.

    But most of us know full well that will only fuel the fires of the protests ....

    Be warned Katrien.

  • Too many youngsters thrown in together this afternoon alongside an aged team. Hanlon and Konza are promising but need another year to grow their development. If Rusty was not bald already he would be by now.

    Challenging times ahead
  • What was the score please?
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  • ross1 said:

    Don't worry, KM said we would have a top 6 budget,

    This was based on all 35,000 s/t holders renewing + additional walk up crowd of 15,000 all spending a minimum £84.72 at various franchises on the day. Not unrealistic I believe
  • SDAddick said:

    One of my fears with Slade is that he speaks very well, knows what to say, but how is he organizing a team? It's all well and good moaning that you don't have the players, but what has he done to develop the players we do have? A handful are clearly not up to scratch but from the sounds of things and watching the last two pre season matches we don't have patterns of play or ways to attack. We look nervous in possession and just lump it forward a lot. We play a very flat 4-4-2. Yes we'll probably be hard to break down, but I don't think that's going to be enough to win the league. As @seth plum pointed out very wisely, we have to hope that the way we play a flat 4-4-2 with long balls is better than how all the other sides in the division do it.

    As an aside, and not laying this all on Slade, this is my problem with The British Manager. So much of it is about getting more players in, wheeling and dealing, and so on. There is far less focus on coaching and tactics, and working with what you have. Obviously in this case Slade absolutely needs more players of better quality. But simply focusing on that instead of how we want to be playing via coaching is an outdated way of doing things.

    Jeez, give the guy a chance, he has been here a few weeks. How much time do you think it takes to develop players? In the time he has been here, there's been a mass exodus of players and he is having to plug gaps with kids who should be nowhere near the first team squad. You can't prepare a squad properly for a new season if you don't even have a proper squad available to prepare. Sure he can do the best he can with what we have, but if players aren't ready for first team football, they aren't ready, and a few weeks of pre-season training isn't likely to change that very much.

    Regardless of what you think about British managers wheeling and dealing and getting players in, it is a fact that we are in desperate need of players. The squad we have, as Slade rightly stated, is miles away from what it needs to be. I don't think Slade focused on the problems with the squad as some kind of excuse, Louis asked a direct question as to whether he was happy with the squad he currently has, and so he responded to that question, and very honestly I thought. I'm sure if he was quizzed on tactics and coaching he would have given an equally truthful reply, but he wasn't asked about that.
  • Was at the game today. On this performance we are going to be bottom six. I think that by appointing an English manager the regime thought that everything would
    be rosy. It doesn't matter where the manager is from if he dosent get the players. The main culprit is Roland as he sets the budgets which is obviously to break even. Any sales he pockets to recover his losses. His priority is his bank balance. Roland believe me you need to speculate to accumulate surely last season is proof of that.
  • First and last game of pre-season, as already said really poor. Points of note Hanlon, physically impressive but a little naive in his decision making, but has the raw potential to be a real handful, liked him.

    Tex, was feeling his hamstring during the second half. If it helps us hold onto him, I'd take it, way too good at this level.

    Highlight - My 10 year old met Seb for the first time at the end of the match and he did the worm- Cheers dude.

  • Hold the front page stuff. New manager in pre-season shock we need more players statement. Spokesman for football fans everywhere claims its unheard of for a manager to say such things.

    My guess is Russell has been given a general 'build your own team and get promotion' remit so the backing is going to be there. However, again my guess, having signed 4(?) players and saying he needs another 6 which would bring the total of signings up to 10 is probably unknown territory for any manager so it's possible Russell may have been thinking its too big an ask when he was making the post match statement but one thing we all do know about RD is that rapid multiple personnel changes is a concept he doesn't seem to be unfamiliar with so its not going to be an issue. I also suspect that the sort of players Russell needs will be available a lot cheaper salary wise than the network ones and we'd still be quids in on the wage bill with Jordan, JBG etc having been offloaded already.

    With two weeks to go before the Bury match, reality will be somewhere between all the doom and gloom posts and this one. Two or three players will come in.

    It worries me that you're actually being serious!

    We were short of players last season, so yes the fact he's signed 4 is a good thing. But we've got rid of around 8-9 including both senior goalkeepers, not to mention that Diarra and Kashi are both injured, Bauer hasn't had a pre season and Ajose has missed pretty much all the games since Welling.

    So surely you can see we're far worse off than last season. Look at the team sheet from yesterday. That doesn't concern you in any way? We're woefully short of players!
  • edited July 2016

    Hold the front page stuff. New manager in pre-season shock we need more players statement. Spokesman for football fans everywhere claims its unheard of for a manager to say such things.

    My guess is Russell has been given a general 'build your own team and get promotion' remit so the backing is going to be there. However, again my guess, having signed 4(?) players and saying he needs another 6 which would bring the total of signings up to 10 is probably unknown territory for any manager so it's possible Russell may have been thinking its too big an ask when he was making the post match statement but one thing we all do know about RD is that rapid multiple personnel changes is a concept he doesn't seem to be unfamiliar with so its not going to be an issue. I also suspect that the sort of players Russell needs will be available a lot cheaper salary wise than the network ones and we'd still be quids in on the wage bill with Jordan, JBG etc having been offloaded already.

    With two weeks to go before the Bury match, reality will be somewhere between all the doom and gloom posts and this one. Two or three players will come in.

    We successfully blooded 12 newbies in August 2011, with a further 3 making their debuts that September. Ten new signings would therefore be nothing new. Those fifteen debutants were the rump of a team that won our record ever points total and it's ironic that they include Kermorgant, Stephens and Morrison, three players that this regime stupidly jettisoned in favour of hopeless sub-Standardites. Of course, to be successful in acquiring and integrating such a high number of new recruits you need to get a lot of things right. You need to recognise that such recruitment is necessary, you have the have the funding to get the right people and you need to have a plan - not just of who you want, but how you're going to get them. You'll also find that they job is a whole lot easier if your footballing reputation isn't in tatters and the person in charge of negotiations isn't an arrogant incompetent.

    Whatever skills and experience Russell Slade brings to the table (and I still personally think he's good), will be wiped out by the unwillingness of Duchatelet and the incompetence of Meire. Sadly, I see no reason for optimism, and no reason to think they'll get it right in the coming weeks.
  • ross1 said:

    Don't worry, KM said we would have a top 6 budget, unfortunately, it does not extend to buying any more players, just freebies and youth team. Perhaps she was not telling the whole truth when she made that statement

    That was always likely to be in her mind only and nowhere else.
    How would she even know? Can't imagine all the league's finance directors sitting round a table and disclosing their player recruitment and wages budgets. It just ain't going to happen.
  • To be fair it wouldn't surprise me if we had a top six budget. But we are spending so much of it subsidising the wages to players out on loan that we cant offload (Sarr). Plus spending more terminating the contracts of the likes of George Tucadean, that there is nothing left for an actual squad.
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Roland Out Forever!