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  • edited July 2016
    sam3110 said:

    They're stripey c*nts that are just as annoying as the Surrey lot, if there was one species I could choose to make extinct it would be them.

    Just to be clear you mean the Surrey lot, not the buzz buzz lot?
  • A few years back when we went on holiday, had just arrived and taken a seat around the pool when a big, fat one landed on my inner thigh and stung the granny out of me. Literally watched as it raised its stinger and plunged it into me as deep as it could.

    And people ask why I voted in favour of Brexit.
  • Macronate said:

    A few years back when we went on holiday, had just arrived and taken a seat around the pool when a big, fat one landed on my inner thigh and stung the granny out of me. Literally watched as it raised its stinger and plunged it into me as deep as it could.

    And people ask why I voted in favour of Brexit.

    Spiteful little freaks
  • I got stung by a bee once..............15 quid for a jar of hunny.......!
  • edited July 2016
    There's a big buzzy ooh look at me bluebottle in the lounge at the moment and it's very hot here, and if he doesn't work out there's an open window right next to him in the next minute, I'm going to see if he can pass through glass with the aid of a rolled up Victoria Plum catalogue.
    Grrrr he's still there buzzing away.....and the clock is ticking, my fine friend.....
    I think I need a hobby....

  • The buzzy little pricks have set up a nest on the roof of my building, and living on the top floor I came home to about 15 of them in the flat on Monday.

    Have had to keep all the windows/sky lights closed last two days and my flat is now hotter than the sun.
  • LouisMend said:

    The buzzy little pricks have set up a nest on the roof of my building, and living on the top floor I came home to about 15 of them in the flat on Monday.

    Have had to keep all the windows/sky lights closed last two days and my flat is now hotter than the sun.

    Oops sorry that might have been me...

    I didnt realise everyone was joking when they said you were a Palace fan
  • Got stung 5 times by Asian hornets, a coupla weeks after my transplant. Nearly fuckin killed me. Worst bit about it waso, I weren't even at work, I was at home
  • Noah could have swatted both the little bastards. He didn't - another reason not to be a Christian...

    I'm sure Noah would agree with you as he was a Jew!
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  • Got stung 5 times by Asian hornets, a coupla weeks after my gender reassignment transplant. Nearly fuckin killed me.

    Ooh, that's nasty. :wink:
  • edited July 2016
    So whats everyone like when a Wasp comes near them when walking down road...

    (1) Do what I do and just stand deadly still as it takes a look over me before it pisses off


    (2) Do what my missus does and do a very quick version of river dance whilst yelling: Getit away from me, Gettit away from me

    The damned things really are relationship killers as despite caring for my missus very much, I'm not bloody stupid enough to attack a wasp to "Getit away from her" as I know the damned thing will come after me, either way I get it in the neck from at least one of them!!
  • edited July 2016
    Hex said:

    A few useless facts about wasps. In the first part of the summer they catch lots of bugs (GOOD) to feed their young to make them grow fast (BAD). Once the young are fully grown the parents have lots of time on their hands so get a taste for the sweet life and become pests to you and me (DEFINITELY NOT GOOD). The reason the sprays you can get to destroy nests have a 20+ foot jet is, as soon as they think they are being attacked, they send out a message to all of their mates to come and help attack you. A wasp nest has on average 4-5000 wasps. If you attack a wasp nest you do not want to be close by. The last useless fact is wasp nests don't usually get re-used.

    I feel better now !

    Just to add to the useless facts: - they feed on a sticky secretion produced by the young grubs. When the young are fully grown at the end of the summer they stop secreting, at which point the wasps start invading our space looking for their sticky treats
  • I'm 47 and I have never been stung by wasp or a bee . Is that unusual?

    I went 22 years until I woke up one morning and one stung me on the forehead and immediatley flew out the window. Vindictive little fucker. I was then stung the next day while riding my bike to work. I'm assuming it was the same little bastard as I haven't been stung since.
  • I guess like on most insect matters, I stand alone on this. I love them. I think they are beautiful and fascinating. Mozzies are the only insects I don't like.


    Here's wasp I encountered a couple of years ago. It's a bit of a mutant; if you look closely you'll see it has little growths on its tarsal claws. The wasp equivalent of having six toes. All together now: Your sister is you mother...
  • edited July 2016
    On a slightly different note and another useless fact, did you know a Bee's thorax vibrates at 22hz, which is what makes the humming noise, not its' wings.

  • So THAT'S why the latest Ann Summers thingummyjig is called Buzzin' Bee !

  • Asian Hornets nest

  • So THAT'S why the latest Ann Summers thingummyjig is called Buzzin' Bee !

    Sorry Fanny, can you elaborate a bit here please. Nobody has any idea what you're referring too :-)
  • edited July 2016
    Stig said:

    I guess like on most insect matters, I stand alone on this. I love them. I think they are beautiful and fascinating. Mozzies are the only insects I don't like.


    Here's wasp I encountered a couple of years ago. It's a bit of a mutant; if you look closely you'll see it has little growths on its tarsal claws. The wasp equivalent of having six toes. All together now: Your sister is you mother...

    For the record Stig, that's the Lesser Spotted Bermondsey Wasp. Makes it's home in a high tower, expects everyone else to do the work. True parasite.

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  • For the record it's a German Wasp, Vespula germanica. It's one of the commonest wasps in the UK. If you get the chance to stare one in the face, you'll see it looks as if it's got a little butterfly tattooed on its forehead.
  • Stig said:

    For the record it's a German Wasp, Vespula germanica. It's one of the commonest wasps in the UK. If you get the chance to stare one in the face, you'll shit yourself before swatting it with an electric zapper and/or spray the shit out of it with wasp spray

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