it's interesting, often when players sign for us, they often refer to us, as being a massive club or words similar. of course, a lot is just hype.
so, apart from the premiership years and the 40's.
do you think we're a massive club or is it simply relevant to whatevert division we happen to be in, at any given time?
However, we are a famous club in the history of football in this country but sadly, like many others, living on past 'glories'.
Unless some multi-billionaire Arab/Russian/Far East playboy fancies laying out some serious cash we are destined to remain much as we are; probably bouncing around Championship/League One/Two for ever and a day. Sad 'aint it!
Massive place in its fans hearts and lives.
Lost a decent amount of mass through recent illness, hopefully not terminal.
Talksport top attendances slideshow
We're up there, higher than The Massives, so we must be even more massive.
Although these days... not so much. I think of us as a decent-sized Championship club, taking a holiday in L1.