Heard a rumour that you're unable to buy tickets in the North lower against Burnley.
Decided to check it out myself and it's sort of correct. You can buy tickets but not in the first 6 rows and that applies to every block in the north lower.

My first thought was that people would just buy tickets and sit there anyway but I assume the club are going to put sheeting across the seats to make sure no one can gain access. Like this:

Not sure what the club will do to compensate season ticket holders in the area but looks as if anyone planning a pitch invasion will have to buy elsewhere. Must be noted that this is the only area where restrictions are applying as far as I know.
Worse view bit I don't care about that. Wanna shout at her from close range and disrupt the game. Worry is if I am the only one in West lower chucking things on at various points in the game will I get chucked out. Joe did on Saturday and he was North lower and surrounded by others. Also no singing in the west lower will annoy me. Still Undecided.
Makes it more difficult for a pitch invasion, but in reality we always new that wasn't going to happen, the club have got it wrong again! If they do put those covers on imagine the bounce when the beach ball hit's hit having been launched from the upper north.....
However I think they are up to something here and will make every home fans day as awkward as possible.
They put this in the West and there will be a surge alright.
........A surge to get lower bodies under it.
Leave your blanket at home day!
The FA & CAFC will be coming up with as many plans as possible to stop problems occurring to stop the game, that's all they care about. Katrien will get some weird kick out of the game being completed.