With the news that Richard Murray is unsurprisingly trying to cling onto his chairman role under the Paul Elliot takeover I think we need to make it clear to any new owner that we don't accept certain staff members being allowed to stay on under the eventual new ownership and that at least the following people are sacked and/or banned from the valley:
Sir Maurice Hatter
Sue Parkes
What about all the CACT people who have made us the laughing stock of football by having a call-centre for local community health support based at The Valley.
And Erol Umut for causing all the players' injuries and don't get me started on Jason Euell.
Don't forget Jim Davidson.
Duchatelet's alright and we need to wind our necks in.
People just don't like listening to any form of reason when pissing yourself in anger is an option.
Charging people to get upset at everything I say. Genius.
The sad thing is, I actually think you're a bright guy, and people may take on board some of your views if you communicated them in the proper way, though I do feel it's probably gone beyond that with you now.
Rest agree with
Sometimes adults seek attention because of jealousy. When someone finds himself threatened by another person who takes all the attention he is supposed to get he may respond with attention seeking behaviour.
Lack of self worth can be another cause for attention seeking behavior. Some people think that they are overlooked and so they think that the only solution to restore their balance is to bring back the lost attention. The attention they will get in this case will provide them with reassurance and will help them think that they are worthy.
Arrogant & overconfident people may seek attention because they have the feeling that they deserve to be in the center of attention.[citation needed] Because they aren’t mature enough they still think with their inner child’s mentality[citation needed] which makes them believe that they are the center of the world. Usually the child thinks that he is the center of the universe around which all other objects revolve.[citation needed] If the child’s way of thinking didn’t mature he will grow up thinking that he is the center of the world and so he will be an attention seeking adult.[citation needed]
Narcissists are also attention seekers. They consider this attention a good source of narcissistic supply and so they strive to get it. If you ignored a narcissist he will definitely hate you especially if he was hoping to get some attention from you.