So, I buy a house for £140k. I spend another £100k or so over a couple of years trying to do it up but in that time I manage to chuck out a few valuable antiques for next to nothing and buy a load of cheap tat from Ikea and some bargains from foreign flea markets. I then decide to put it back on the market, having been told it is now structurally unsound because of dry rot caused by my neglect. My asking price is £380k. Any takers?!
So, I buy a house for £140k. I spend another £100k or so over a couple of years trying to do it up but in that time I manage to chuck out a few valuable antiques for next to nothing and buy a load of cheap tat from Ikea and some foreign flea markets. I then decide to put it back on the market, having been told it is structurally unsound because of dry rot caused by my neglect. My asking price is £380k. Any takers?!
So, I buy a house for £140k. I spend another £100k or so over a couple of years trying to do it up but in that time I manage to chuck out a few valuable antiques for next to nothing and buy a load of cheap tat from Ikea and some bargains from foreign flea markets. I then decide to put it back on the market, having been told it is now structurally unsound because of dry rot caused by my neglect. My asking price is £380k. Any takers?!
So, I buy a house for £140k. I spend another £100k or so over a couple of years trying to do it up but in that time I manage to chuck out a few valuable antiques for next to nothing and buy a load of cheap tat from Ikea and some foreign flea markets. I then decide to put it back on the market, having been told it is structurally unsound because of dry rot caused by my neglect. My asking price is £380k. Any takers?!
And the area the house is in has gone down as well in the mean time.
Luckily you bought a lot of cheap roof tiles and dodgy furniture off another couple of houses you own in Europe so you saved some dosh there.
A non-negotiable element of any buy out should include a clause allowing one randomly selected season ticket holder to kick Roland squarely in the ballbag. That needs to be in there or no deal. It'll be worth it
A non-negotiable element of any buy out should include a clause allowing one randomly selected season ticket holder to kick Roland squarely in the ballbag. That needs to be in there or no deal. It'll be worth it
That would set a season ticket sales record for sure. :-)
I think we've established that Elliott is not the man doing the takeover by now, surely? He's playing the same role as Varney is for the other party. Don't know why people are going on about how much he's worth.
Elliott not so long ago was being slagged off for the contents of the leaked text to Rufus - now he could be our knight in shining armour. Funny how things change.
I got some hefty scowls in the West Lower today when I stood if I wanted them out. It wasn't the most vociferous rendition but I felt some waves of hates when I stood up.
I got some hefty scowls in the West Lower today when I stood if I wanted them out. It wasn't the most vociferous rendition but I felt some waves of hates when I stood up.
SLP says Roland wants £38m. I bet he bloody does. I can't see anyone paying £38m for what is essentially now a League One outfit. Even if we were safe it would be a stretch to get that kind of cash.
That jumped out to me too.
How on earth can he want £38,000,000 for a League One club, when he purchased it only 2 years prior for £20,000,000 and it was a league higher and staffed with competent and qualified staff?
As others have previously observed, the club's true valuation is only what someone will be prepared to pay. I'm going to hope that this is figure is purely aimed at weeding out low-ball offers, and will be used as a figure to start negotiations at.
How much of the £38m reflects money that has actually been stumped up? If you are a cynic, you might think that much of the Academy expenditure has yet to be paid, and the quoted sum represents a fairly significant profit.
Does anyone know where they actually got to with Sparrows Lane before the work stopped?
But with one more push, they'll be straight under the Channel, turning left at Calais and popping up again in Brussels.
So, I buy a house for £140k. I spend another £100k or so over a couple of years trying to do it up but in that time I manage to chuck out a few valuable antiques for next to nothing and buy a load of cheap tat from Ikea and some bargains from foreign flea markets. I then decide to put it back on the market, having been told it is now structurally unsound because of dry rot caused by my neglect. My asking price is £380k. Any takers?!
A non-negotiable element of any buy out should include a clause allowing one randomly selected season ticket holder to kick Roland squarely in the ballbag. That needs to be in there or no deal. It'll be worth it
No way will Elliott be putting any money in , we all know you'll lose money if you "invest" in football and with the way he reacted to losing money with Rufus he isn't gonna wanna be involved in a sure fire loser .
The punters who "invested" in Rufus's trading activity surely realised that they could lose when you trade on markets
Encouraging news and grounds for cautious optimism.
If the figure of £38 million is correct, or broadly correct, it really depends upon whether it is (1) Duchâtelet's opening shot in any negotiations or (2) an implicit declinature on his part to enter into any meaningful discussions about the sale of the club. Given the level of losses which he is going to have to shoulder in League 1 - doubtless underscored by dismal season ticket sales thus far - and the absence of any real positives for him in staying, I'm reasonably hopeful that we may see the back of his preposterous regime. He must now realise that his strategy will never succeed (especially with the demise of FFP and the network) and he can't be getting anything out this.
I don't see how Duchatelet can possibly get £38m for a League One club, but its a big step forward to extract a price from him when he's been telling everyone he's not selling. He has made his 'investment' and by any measure has absolutely failed to add value too the business. There is no way a new buyer is just going to let him out with zero loss. He has done severe and long-lasting damage to the club and this will be reflected in any sale price because it will take a shit-ton of cash and hard work to fix.
His only calculation in a sale is how much is he prepared to lose whilst getting rid of the club before ongoing losses mount to an unbearable level for him.
No way will Elliott be putting any money in , we all know you'll lose money if you "invest" in football and with the way he reacted to losing money with Rufus he isn't gonna wanna be involved in a sure fire loser .
The punters who "invested" in Rufus's trading activity surely realised that they could lose when you trade on markets
And this is part of the problem that I alluded to earlier, who in their right mind invests in football if they don't have some sort of ulterior motive? This motive may not be bad necessarily, you could argue that in the process of creating one huge advertisement for their country, Abu Dhabi has done some good work for the east side of Manchester, which was pretty dead and run down when I was there in 2008, just before their takeover. Of course you could argue that how that money is acquired, and who has suffered in the process, creates another version of the story.
That explains why we saw Paul Elliott and Richard Murray together in the club reception today.
Remembered binos today.
From the East Stand looking into Directors box: At about 2.50 saw Richard Murray with two other younger guys possibly his sons? Richard Murray put on a silly striped woolen hat and Katrien Meire arrived at about 2.55 with a security guy and sat next to Murray with the security guy sitting on the aisle seat to Meire's left. The others had moved away. Arriving just before Meire was Harry Redknap (strangely also accompanied by a minder who sat in aisle seat to his left about 3 rows in front of Meire and Murray).
Later, in same row as Meire and Murray but separated from them by a few empty seats was a guy whom I think from the hairstyle might have been Paul Elliott (if the reports above are correct). He was seated with the guys who may originally been with Murray but can't be sure.
Remember these deals are simply done on current assets, they're also done on potential. Roland will sell this as a medium sized club on year away from the second tier who own land in a growing part of London that is continuously being developed. The club own the ground, a training ground, and have a very sound academy which has produced 10m+ in player sales in the last five years.
I know we have a jaded view of the club which is part colored by mis-management, in part colored by impending relegation, and in part colored by our day-to-day experiences. From a potential buyer's perspective, the club should be pretty appealing. It's a real damning indictment of how poorly Roland has done since taking over. He has squandered a lot of potential.
As for those who say he's only in it for the money, I continue to disagree. I'm sure he won't want to make a loss, or a substantial loss on Charlton, but were he in it for the money everything not tied down would have been sold in January and there are various other commercial avenues he could have pursued (some of this is down to ineptitude of course)--raising ticket prices comes to mind. I think he had a "vision" for this club and how it would run surrounding a particular attraction of "customers" who may or may not exist and the full implementation of FFP, and he had/has no back-up plan should either come up short, let alone fail.
Lastly, while getting RD out is obviously a good step, there is an element of Russian roulette when it comes to new owners. For every Leicester there is a Notts County, various Portsmouth owners, Carson Yueng, Randy Lerner circa the last five years, etc. I find the thought of having Paul Elliot involved in our club, knowing what he said to RR, incredibly repulsive. But, whenever RD leaves, short of a Trust/fan ownership model, we will be rolling the dice.
Elliott is being touted as solely the front man.
Whatever happened with Rufus was unfortunate, Elliott is a Charlton man and I would think he would move us in the right direction.
All of today is pure speculation though.
What Rufus did with all that money was far worse than just unfortunate...
So where does that leave the Elliott comment on your argument?
That explains why we saw Paul Elliott and Richard Murray together in the club reception today.
Remembered binos today.
From the East Stand looking into Directors box: At about 2.50 saw Richard Murray with two other younger guys possibly his sons? Richard Murray put on a silly striped woolen hat and Katrien Meire arrived at about 2.55 with a security guy and sat next to Murray with the security guy sitting on the aisle seat to Meire's left. The others had moved away. Arriving just before Meire was Harry Redknap (strangely also accompanied by a minder who sat in aisle seat to his left about 3 rows in front of Meire and Murray).
Later, in same row as Meire and Murray but separated from them by a few empty seats was a guy whom I think from the hairstyle might have been Paul Elliott (if the reports above are correct). He was seated with the guys who may originally been with Murray but can't be sure.
Any truth in the rumour that Redknapp gave Meire a ' my old woman could run this club better than you' jibble?
I don't see how Duchatelet can possibly get £38m for a League One club, but its a big step forward to extract a price from him when he's been telling everyone he's not selling. He has made his 'investment' and by any measure has absolutely failed to add value too the business. There is no way a new buyer is just going to let him out with zero loss. He has done severe and long-lasting damage to the club and this will be reflected in any sale price because it will take a shit-ton of cash and hard work to fix.
His only calculation in a sale is how much is he prepared to lose whilst getting rid of the club before ongoing losses mount to an unbearable level for him.
He's not even going to get half of that asking price. His stewardship has been an absolute dog's breakfast. He has seriously devalued the club through getting us relegated, wrecking the management of the club on both the playing and non-playing sides and has seriously undermined the relationship with his 'customers' and other stakeholders. They are all issues created by his own and Meire's incompetence and someone is going to have to pay to put them right. To build on Weegie's house analogy, his property has structural damage. Self-inflicted structural damage. He has only two options. He can either pay out up front to fix those problems, or he can drop the price to a realistic level that would enable the new owners to repair and make good. Either way, he pays.
One thing is for certain though, If he stays, he will lose money hand over fist. They are about to find out just how much nonsense Meire was spouting when she talked about the unimportance of fans to their financial model. Between those fans that are actively boycotting next season and those that are passively drifting away because they can't stand his brand of Eurodross any longer, there are likely to be fewer fans at The Valley next season than in any since our return. Add to that the massive difficulties they will have in finding sponsors for their toxic administration and they have engineered themselves one major headache.
He has massive personal wealth, but even he could drain that away if he continues on the reckless route he's been heading down. He needs to sell up, but to do so he has to be realistic. Asking for £38m isn't so much pissing in the wind as having diarrhoea in a tornado.
I sincerely hope that Redknapp is not part of any consortium interested in taking over Charlton, or potentially one of their employees post-takeover. That goes for Rosie, too. There are a few things worse than Roly-boy and that is one.
I sincerely hope that Redknapp is not part of any consortium interested in taking over Charlton, or potentially one of their employees post-takeover. That goes for Rosie, too. There are a few things worse than Roly-boy and that is one.
To be fair, it's not his dog's fault she didn't know the account was in her name!!!!!!
So, I buy a house for £140k. I spend another £100k or so over a couple of years trying to do it up but in that time I manage to chuck out a few valuable antiques for next to nothing and buy a load of cheap tat from Ikea and some bargains from foreign flea markets. I then decide to put it back on the market, having been told it is now structurally unsound because of dry rot caused by my neglect. My asking price is £380k. Any takers?!
I sincerely hope that Redknapp is not part of any consortium interested in taking over Charlton, or potentially one of their employees post-takeover. That goes for Rosie, too. There are a few things worse than Roly-boy and that is one.
That explains why we saw Paul Elliott and Richard Murray together in the club reception today.
Remembered binos today.
From the East Stand looking into Directors box: At about 2.50 saw Richard Murray with two other younger guys possibly his sons? Richard Murray put on a silly striped woolen hat and Katrien Meire arrived at about 2.55 with a security guy and sat next to Murray with the security guy sitting on the aisle seat to Meire's left. The others had moved away. Arriving just before Meire was Harry Redknap (strangely also accompanied by a minder who sat in aisle seat to his left about 3 rows in front of Meire and Murray).
Later, in same row as Meire and Murray but separated from them by a few empty seats was a guy whom I think from the hairstyle might have been Paul Elliott (if the reports above are correct). He was seated with the guys who may originally been with Murray but can't be sure.
Any truth in the rumour that Redknapp gave Meire a ' my old woman could run this club better than you' jibble?
Luckily you bought a lot of cheap roof tiles and dodgy furniture off another couple of houses you own in Europe so you saved some dosh there.
But with one more push, they'll be straight under the Channel, turning left at Calais and popping up again in Brussels.
I think we have another raffle prize for POTY....
The punters who "invested" in Rufus's trading activity surely realised that they could lose when you trade on markets
If the figure of £38 million is correct, or broadly correct, it really depends upon whether it is (1) Duchâtelet's opening shot in any negotiations or (2) an implicit declinature on his part to enter into any meaningful discussions about the sale of the club. Given the level of losses which he is going to have to shoulder in League 1 - doubtless underscored by dismal season ticket sales thus far - and the absence of any real positives for him in staying, I'm reasonably hopeful that we may see the back of his preposterous regime. He must now realise that his strategy will never succeed (especially with the demise of FFP and the network) and he can't be getting anything out this.
A long way to go, though.
His only calculation in a sale is how much is he prepared to lose whilst getting rid of the club before ongoing losses mount to an unbearable level for him.
From the East Stand looking into Directors box:
At about 2.50 saw Richard Murray with two other younger guys possibly his sons?
Richard Murray put on a silly striped woolen hat and Katrien Meire arrived at about 2.55 with a security guy and sat next to Murray with the security guy sitting on the aisle seat to Meire's left. The others had moved away.
Arriving just before Meire was Harry Redknap (strangely also accompanied by a minder who sat in aisle seat to his left about 3 rows in front of Meire and Murray).
Later, in same row as Meire and Murray but separated from them by a few empty seats was a guy whom I think from the hairstyle might have been Paul Elliott (if the reports above are correct). He was seated with the guys who may originally been with Murray but can't be sure.
One thing is for certain though, If he stays, he will lose money hand over fist. They are about to find out just how much nonsense Meire was spouting when she talked about the unimportance of fans to their financial model. Between those fans that are actively boycotting next season and those that are passively drifting away because they can't stand his brand of Eurodross any longer, there are likely to be fewer fans at The Valley next season than in any since our return. Add to that the massive difficulties they will have in finding sponsors for their toxic administration and they have engineered themselves one major headache.
He has massive personal wealth, but even he could drain that away if he continues on the reckless route he's been heading down. He needs to sell up, but to do so he has to be realistic. Asking for £38m isn't so much pissing in the wind as having diarrhoea in a tornado.
Or is that what she wants us to think...