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Letter to Charlton and response

Dear Katrien,

As you are aware Charlton are currently in a precarious position whereby to maintain their Championship status they must win nearly all of their remaining games and hope others lose.

The last time the board publicly engaged in dialogue with supporters in November fans were told that: appointments had been "proved correct" as the team had "always improved their ranking and results". We were told that the club's objective was to be "an established Championship club with Premier League ambitions". It was also said that the club had no contingency plans for relegation.

Before renewing my season ticket I would like to see an honest assessment from the club's leadership team, and an update on objective and strategy, as these messages are no longer appropriate. Each managerial appointment can not have been correct as the team are now in such a difficult position. Even if the team stay up we can not improve upon our ranking from last season - or even any of the last three seasons. The facts are that the season before this leadership team arrived the club missed out on the Championship play offs by just 3 points! The team are now far from being an established Championship club, and therefore the strategies in place to meet this objective can not be working.

There appears to be a lack of ambition for footballing success, which is what ultimately compels supporters to come to matches, emphasised by the consistent high turnover of managers and players with both a lack of pedigree and experience for the Championship - regardless of their continual failure.

Chairman Richard Murrary openly admitted this in his statement, and said that the club had "underestimated the Championship". This is a terrible mistake that has been allowed to continue over the entire Duchâtelet ownership. If this same underestimation of the league the club is in continues how can fans expect to see a competitive Championship club. Can we even expect to survive in League One with this approach?

I would like to see the board honestly address these concerns before fans, such as myself, are expected to renew their tickets. I think, if you look at the history of the club, an ambition for midtable Championship ranking is the very least that supporters expect and deserve. What is happening to change the existing failing policies to allow the club's own objective (to be established in the Championship) to happen?

CARD have clearly explained to supporters why they shouldn't renew. They make a convincing case. If the club valued their fanbase they should respond with why we should.


Hello David,

Thank you for your email.

We understand your concerns and value the fact of the huge part our supporters play in the running of the club. We obviously are disappointed to hear that you and your family may not be renewing your season tickets, but we understand and please consider our plans below to help determine your decision. And we know we have a major job to do to bring back fans like yourself to The Valley, and the staff here are trying hard to improve things at the club for the future.

In order to improve current situation our plans are as follows: Our immediate priority is to try and improve recruitment, which is why we are currently interviewing for a Chief Scout – the Head Coach is involved in this appointment because the scout will be supplying players for his team. The club has admitted that recruitment has not been good enough. We have shown some stability of late in picking up 10 points from 15. We hope we can continue to pick up points to remain in the Championship.

We want to keep on developing and playing Academy talent because it’s something this club has a proud tradition of. It’s why we are investing in the training ground and Academy – we want to keep on attracting the best talent. And we want that talent to first and foremost be having long and prosperous careers with Charlton. Some players do move on, some of their own choosing, but it’s why we have worked hard over the last couple of years to get our young talent on long-term deals.

Importantly we know that we have to rebuild bridges with supporters. That is going to require some hard work from all of us at the club over the coming months but we will of course do that. We are trying to communicate more, the Richard Murray Q&A and Roland Duchatelet interviews were part of that, as is this new email – we know we need to have more conversations. Something like the change of the scoreboard to team sheets as opposed to live feed came about through conversations with fans, as did making the North Lower our most affordable area.

We will keep on trying and we hope that you stay with us.

Best regards
The Supporter Relations Team


  • I thought it had a conciliatory air around it. I doubt it was from the Kat.
  • It appears that they have developed an almost standard reply to any questions about season ticket renewal. At least the response was quick albeit that it was exactly what I expected.

    Good Afternoon Katrien,

    As a long standing season ticket holder who has supported Charlton for over 50 years I feel I must ask a few questions as to why I should renew my season ticket for next season. This season has been another where despite efforts by "the management team" and the ever missing "Owner" the team has failed spectacularly to achieve any hope of progress. We are told that the Owner "does not do failure" but I can no longer see how this can be possible when we are about to almost certainly drop into League One. We are also told that Charlton is a team with "Premier League ambitions" which again is now something that appears less likely as with the probability of a substantial number of current players either wanting to leave or being made available for transfer in an attempt to balance what will be a large drop in income especially in terms of season ticket sales (even though this is suggested as 1/3 rd of the clubs revenue stream) we can expect to see a team made up of young players from the development squad along with others who have passed their best (Roger Johnson for example).

    You have in the past described fans as "customers" and questioned if we were to go to a restuarant would we complain to the management in the same way we do at a football club. I suggest to you that if CAFC were a restuarant then currently we could consider that we are being served not haute cuisine standard food (reserved for Premier League customers) but probably Table d'hote style food yet when we are likely relegated and are at best served with a fast food dish yet you are intending for us to pay the same price as before. How can you justify no decrease in price for what will be much less quality fare. As you ought to be aware C.A.R.D have laid out good reasons for fans (customers) not to renew their season ticket and I would like you to provide me with your reasons as to why I should renew.

    I look forward to your considered response.

    Hello Graham,

    Thank you for your email.

    We are disappointed that you feel this way at the moment but we do understand why. We value the fact of the huge part our supporters play in the running of the club. As requested, here are our plans for you to consider in regards to making your decision whether to renew.

    In order to improve current situation our plans are as follows: Our immediate priority is to try and improve recruitment, which is why we are currently interviewing for a Chief Scout – the Head Coach is involved in this appointment because the scout will be supplying players for his team. The club has admitted that recruitment has not been good enough.

    We want to keep on developing and playing Academy talent because it’s something this club has a proud tradition of. It’s why we are investing in the training ground and Academy – we want to keep on attracting the best talent. And we want that talent to first and foremost be having long and prosperous careers with Charlton. Some players do move on, some of their own choosing, but it’s why we have worked hard over the last couple of years to get our young talent on long-term deals.

    Importantly we know that we have to rebuild bridges with supporters. That is going to require some hard work from all of us at the club over the coming months but we will of course do that. We are trying to communicate more, the Richard Murray Q&A and Roland Duchatelet interviews were part of that, as is this new email – we know we need to have more conversations. Something like the change of the scoreboard to team sheets as opposed to live feed came about through conversations with fans, as did making the North Lower our most affordable area.

    We know we have a major job to do to bring back fans like yourself to The Valley, and the staff here are trying hard to improve things at the club for the future.

    We will keep on trying and we hope that you stay with us.

    Best regards
    The Supporter Relations Team
  • Still taking us for fools.
  • Do they honestly think we're going to stay up? Deluded.
  • edited April 2016
    Noooooo! They haven't got a template where they choose relevant paragraphs to use, have they? Genius absolute genius, real personal touch, :angry:
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  • Still cut and paste ...they have stopped trying ...not even thinking about it now. Pathetic approach.
  • Swisdom said:

    Macronate said:

    after the thank you

    paragraph 1-grammatically awful

    paragraph 2-not much better, bit of flannel

    paragraph 3-mention of player farm

    paragraph 4-bullshit

    paragraph 5-makes it sound like you're on a life support machine

    Considering most of the emails in probably read as follows I think it's a decent attempt actually.

    "Dear Charlton

    Your well shit. When are you gonna fuck off you belgiummers.

    Mike Hunt"
    Also, a comma after off and a question mark at the end instead of a full stop.
  • If you're going to leave in 'belgiummers' you might as well forget the rest of the corrections.
  • sarge1g said:

    It appears that they have developed an almost standard reply to any questions about season ticket renewal. At least the response was quick albeit that it was exactly what I expected.

    Good Afternoon Katrien,

    As a long standing season ticket holder who has supported Charlton for over 50 years I feel I must ask a few questions as to why I should renew my season ticket for next season. This season has been another where despite efforts by "the management team" and the ever missing "Owner" the team has failed spectacularly to achieve any hope of progress. We are told that the Owner "does not do failure" but I can no longer see how this can be possible when we are about to almost certainly drop into League One. We are also told that Charlton is a team with "Premier League ambitions" which again is now something that appears less likely as with the probability of a substantial number of current players either wanting to leave or being made available for transfer in an attempt to balance what will be a large drop in income especially in terms of season ticket sales (even though this is suggested as 1/3 rd of the clubs revenue stream) we can expect to see a team made up of young players from the development squad along with others who have passed their best (Roger Johnson for example).

    You have in the past described fans as "customers" and questioned if we were to go to a restuarant would we complain to the management in the same way we do at a football club. I suggest to you that if CAFC were a restuarant then currently we could consider that we are being served not haute cuisine standard food (reserved for Premier League customers) but probably Table d'hote style food yet when we are likely relegated and are at best served with a fast food dish yet you are intending for us to pay the same price as before. How can you justify no decrease in price for what will be much less quality fare. As you ought to be aware C.A.R.D have laid out good reasons for fans (customers) not to renew their season ticket and I would like you to provide me with your reasons as to why I should renew.

    I look forward to your considered response.

    Hello Graham,

    Thank you for your email.

    We are disappointed that you feel this way at the moment but we do understand why. We value the fact of the huge part our supporters play in the running of the club. As requested, here are our plans for you to consider in regards to making your decision whether to renew.

    In order to improve current situation our plans are as follows: Our immediate priority is to try and improve recruitment, which is why we are currently interviewing for a Chief Scout – the Head Coach is involved in this appointment because the scout will be supplying players for his team. The club has admitted that recruitment has not been good enough.

    We want to keep on developing and playing Academy talent because it’s something this club has a proud tradition of. It’s why we are investing in the training ground and Academy – we want to keep on attracting the best talent. And we want that talent to first and foremost be having long and prosperous careers with Charlton. Some players do move on, some of their own choosing, but it’s why we have worked hard over the last couple of years to get our young talent on long-term deals.

    Importantly we know that we have to rebuild bridges with supporters. That is going to require some hard work from all of us at the club over the coming months but we will of course do that. We are trying to communicate more, the Richard Murray Q&A and Roland Duchatelet interviews were part of that, as is this new email – we know we need to have more conversations. Something like the change of the scoreboard to team sheets as opposed to live feed came about through conversations with fans, as did making the North Lower our most affordable area.

    We know we have a major job to do to bring back fans like yourself to The Valley, and the staff here are trying hard to improve things at the club for the future.

    We will keep on trying and we hope that you stay with us.

    Best regards
    The Supporter Relations Team

    I don't care what their first language is. That sentence is terrible. ...bring back fans like you to The Valley. Was this written by a fourteen school girl?
  • The whole construct is laughable.

    ''We are disappointed that you feel this way at the moment but we do understand why'...Who understands? What is their understanding in relation to this supporter and their particular reasons for writing in? Why the reference to 'at the moment' unless you think it's a results/relegation issue? It isn't.

    So that's the first sentence. Does not get better.
  • Compare that to what we receive with this current lot, shows how lucky we had it with a more understanding and knowledgeable regime.

    No way were they the best, and ultimately money ran out. But they stuck by Powell and delivered exactly what they aimed to achieve that season. Had the money not ran out/Cash pull out of funding, we may have pushed on further when we finished 9th back in the Championship.

    Whilst we are under this current regime, I can't ever see us being in a similar position to what we were back then, only a lot, lot worse.

    Simple opinion is I just don't think the club care about us or the playing side half as much as it used to, and nothing like it should.
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  • I think the response in the OP is fine and suitable. The issue is that nothing they say would have changed anyone's mind as it has gone too far and they have systematically burnt all bridges. This is RD, KM and RM's fault and there is no coming back no matter how many comms staff they employ.
  • Better communications with the fans like Richard Murray Q & A and Roland's videos? Murray told us we were panicking about relegation and it was all bad luck due to injuries but with January investment and recoveries we would stay up. Roland, on the other hand, issued his rant against the best advice of his new Head of Communications who promptly resigned (constructive dismissal case surely). Yeah, dream on The Supporters Relations Team.
  • Charm offensive or yet another PR disaster?

    Crisis what Crisis get Uncle Phil involved!

    Oh bugger they already did, didn't they!

    Keep up the good work they are indeed "under pressure".
  • I think the response in the OP is fine and suitable. The issue is that nothing they say would have changed anyone's mind as it has gone too far and they have systematically burnt all bridges. This is RD, KM and RM's fault and there is no coming back no matter how many comms staff they employ.

    Whatever comes out of the club is hot air. I don't take any notice of what s*** they spout now.

  • They copy and paste a message which would be questionable written english from a 10 year old. It's also a load of boring meaningless repetitive drivel.

    Utterly pathetic.

    The most lazy unprofessional thing I have ever seen. They must think all Charlton fans have interlinked robotic brains that all think exactly alike.

    Charlton fans are infact people.

  • Am I getting deja?

    Why start another thread?
  • I just got my copy and paste response "Mr Duchatelet has no plans to sell the club"
  • So glad the response mentioned the 'scoreboard'. Eight months to take action and even then it wasn't great - thought they would have kept quite about that one. Again a poorly constructed and grammatically incorrect document. I realise I am a stickler for grammar and punctuation and appreciate not everyone finds it easy or important. However this is supposedly an official document and should be perfect. One bright point the sign- off "The Supporter Relations Team" does indicate to me they acknowledge Charlton does have only one supporter left so perhaps CARD are getting through to them
  • edited April 2016

    Am I getting deja?

    Why start another thread?

    Thought I was going mad...
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