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Maybe Duchatelet hasn't got it wrong



  • Trying to decide whether this deserves a flag or not

    Yep we want our Charlton back.

  • micks1950 said:

    lancashire lad - if you could write that then I assume that you didn't read the Duchatelet interview in CAST New 10 last September, so I attach a pdf of the interview for your information.

    To put it bluntly - as you should realise if you read the interview - he is a delusional crackpot with some sort of 'messiah' complex (cue inevitable 'Life of Brian' joke).

    To be fair, the guaranteed basic income is IMHO a very good idea; although you don't need to be a messiah or visionary to implement it but, yes, it's being promoted in Switzerland and Finland as well, I believe. And much as I dislike Rat and his obvious disdain for the fans of all his current/former clubs, somewhere along the line I do think his antipathy towards transfer fees/agents fees and the rest could be justified (simply because if the current situation continues most professional football clubs will eventually implode). But in that case he should maybe wait for another clubs like Maidstone to come along, save them from liquidation, and build his network up from there: that way there's nothing to lose.

    What needles me (apart from the fact he's an arrogant, self-opiniated c**t) is that he's prepared to systematically destroy succesful existing clubs in order to persue his weird, sorry, unique mantra to massage his own ego. Add to that the fact that he bangs on about relieving poverty, and at the same time he's one of Belgium's top 10 wealthiest people. He does sounds like Alan Turning, who «did everything with a shockingly bad sense of timing». Now that's our Roland alright!

  • Accept it's not all been a disaster, and you give some examples where things have been done correctly. However ...

    Signing below-par network players and then unfit loan players, with questions of who was making the decisions
    Appointing an in experienced and woefully inadequate CEO and then not doing anything when this became apparent
    Appointing a succession of utterly inadequate managers
    Allowing communications with fans to become non existent; condoning lies in media statements
    Allowing long-serving members of staff to leave (more than would be expected)
    Not watching the club for 17 months
    Refusing to accept/tackle on-field collapse and off-field chaos

    Etc etc. Lots more.

    For me, this massively outweighs any positives.
  • What about the list of inexperienced, hopeless coaches/ managers?
  • Roland is right, football finances are mental. He thought he could find another way. He couldn't, his approach/thinking points to an, I am ways right philosophy.

    Even in the hands of a highly skilled business operator, backed by the finest football brains, it was always going to be a tough journey to the Roland football Utopia

    We got RD, KM and the Belgian puppets.

    Roland, mate, you have not got a clue, jog on.
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  • In any other country Roland's ideas would probably work.

    The trouble is that in England there is so much Television money thrown about, teams will just risk it all
  • @micks1950 - that's the CAST interview isn't it.

    Money + that mindset makes someone dangerous.

    Katrien said he doesn't do failure, although his political party was very much a flop. So now he's taken political ideas and turned them into ideas of how to be successful under FFP - and got that wrong as well.
  • You can achieve success by spending less, but you need continuity. When he came to the club, he had an incredibly popular manager (not without his faults but working with huge financial restrictions) who it would have made sense to back a bit and see how it went. Instead he embarked on a costly path of trying to find something new without a proper understanding of the league and English game. Imposing his football ideas without identifying that the club were on an upward trajectory before the money was pulled and could be put back on that trajectory. That has been his biggest mistake - and he made it again by not appointing Riga that first season.
  • Sorry, but Duchatelet is up there with David Icke. He'll be wearing a pink shell suit next.
  • look you lot I'M NOT FUCKING STUPID I am just putting an alternative point of view, not necessarily one that I necessarily agree with but thought that it needed airing for intelligent discussion - it seems that is not the case

    If i am honest with myself, all rants aside, a lot of what you say does make sense. And our fans probably wouldn't care as much about a lot of the silly things if the team was performing. Although i still think KM's comments and the fact they have taken this long to try and "explain" them with that pathetic excuse for a statement is inexcusable.

    Yes he has spent money on the pitch, ground, training ground, "sofa" :-) , but the underlying issue is where it counts. Performances on the pitch. Continuously over his reign he thought his approach would work and it keeps failing. Young foreign players to come to a physical league like the championship, set the world alight and be sold on for a profit. Ultimately neither his coaches or a majority of those players have been anywhere near good enough. Those that were have had injury problems.

    Maybe we would have looked at this season differently if Bauer, Diarra, Kashi, Ceballos, Jackson, Henderson, Vetokele, Lookman, etc to name a few, hadn't been injured for so long. One of the problems with this season is Luzon told RD he was struggling with the players he had due to the sheer number of unexpected injuries and RD didn't back him. Instead he replaced him with yet another incompetent at this level coach. KF brought through Lookman and Lennon and for that i am grateful but ultimately tactically he was not good enough and made some of the most bizarre sub changes and formations i've ever seen. Had RD backed Luzon or hired a coach that the fans respected once Luzon was removed relations with the fans could have been different. I mean how close were we to getting that Hungarian manager before the fans said "enough is enough" and he was told to go home and hired Riga instead.

    The problem with RD is on the pitch, where it counts and where the fans ultimately care the most. I'd be happy (or happier) with him plowing money into the club if he were to listen to the fans and bring in the correct sort of players and coaches to sort this team out and make me proud of the team again. Pride doesn't necessarily mean successful, just show enough effort and commitment to prove you give as much a damn as the fans do. As i have said before my proudest team is the one which got relegated from the Premiership the first time with the likes of Kinsella, Robinson, Brown, etc. They showed true passion and commitment. we don't have that any more, or at least not enough.

    RD's arrogant approach that he knows whats best for this league on the pitch is appalling and its been a trait thats been with him at all his clubs past and present. RM comes out and says they have learnt from their mistakes and yet they bring in more dross. I liked Riga's appointment but only because he was the best of a bad bunch, but ultimately we needed someone in the Warnock mold.

    On the pitch is where RD is failing and not learning. If that's his advisors faults, scouts fault, backroom staffs fault, then replace them with the correct ones. But he won't because he believes he is right. That is why i want him out.
  • I guess @MuttleyCAFC that as Chris Powell is a Charlton man through and through, he was never going to be suitable to manage as part of the Duchatalet network - for example, could you see SCP suddenly switching from a Charlton promotion push to managing Standard Liege because that's what the network thought was best use of resources at that time?
  • edited March 2016
    maybe, but we were in a FA Cup quarter final against a lower league team. RD could have brought in a two or three players of Powell's choosing which would have kept us up, let him get on with the job for the season and assessed the approach with an open mind. That is what any logical person would do. In that time he would have gained a much better sense of what he was dealing with. He has admitted he underestimated the league - but there were enough people he could have listened too that could have put him right. Instead, from the off, as Chrissy has said, he told him that he had players better than Solly, Stephens and Kermogant!!! On the day of the quarter final, the manager was under pressure to play certain players, the mood was not what it needed to be- it was an incredibly poor judgement call - it made sense to back Powell fully, at least until after that game, but from day one, he came in with his size 10s and his agenda!!!!
  • We owe Strapix £38m and rising plus interest. He has got it right - but just for himself

    Except he'll never see that money again unless, by some miracle, we get promoted to the land of milk and honey, otherwise know as the Premier League. No-one is going to pay what he's spent on us to take us off his hands, and he couldn't liquidate the club and get the money back from the assets, so he's lost a fortune trying his experiment and the sooner he gets out, the lower his future losses will be.
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  • edited March 2016

    maybe, but we were in a FA Cup quarter final against a lower league team. RD could have brought in a two or three players of Powell's choosing which would have kept us up, let him get on with the job for the season and assessed the approach with an open mind. That is what any logical person would do. In that time he would have gained a much better sense of what he was dealing with. He has admitted he underestimated the league - but there were enough people he could have listened too that could have put him right. Instead, from the off, as Chrissy has said, he told him that he had players better than Solly, Stephens and Kermogant!!! On the day of the quarter final, the manager was under pressure to play certain players, the mood was not what it needed to be- it was an incredibly poor judgement call - it made sense to back Powell fully, at least until after that game, but from day one, he came in with his size 10s and his agenda!!!!

    Fully agree that's what should have happened, but with Roland's way of doing things that was never going to be the case. As others have said, he bought the wrong club. Crewe of a few years ago, or when they were a non-Premier League side perhaps Southampton (owners would never have sold though), might be about the only suited to the network selling young talent philosophy.

    With all those games in hand, with the support of the board, I think SCP would have had a springboard the next season, instead of Bob Peeters coming in specifically as a give kids a chance coach.
  • Thanks for the reasoned debate which is why I started this thread.

    My view is that he should replace KM now, she has completely failed to understand the ethos that is our club, she has completely mismanaged the recruitment of football coaches as well as upsetting a lot of good club staff and mismanaged her relationship with the fans.

    As for RD, there are a number of foreign owners who stay away, if he admits his mistakes, recruits a competent CEO and gives that person the freedom and budget to make us a competitive Championship team then OK. If not please sell up and go.

    My apology to all for blowing my top yesterday but sometimes things Charlton just get to me!
  • Thanks for the reasoned debate which is why I started this thread.

    My view is that he should replace KM now, she has completely failed to understand the ethos that is our club, she has completely mismanaged the recruitment of football coaches as well as upsetting a lot of good club staff and mismanaged her relationship with the fans.

    As for RD, there are a number of foreign owners who stay away, if he admits his mistakes, recruits a competent CEO and gives that person the freedom and budget to make us a competitive Championship team then OK. If not please sell up and go.

    My apology to all for blowing my top yesterday but sometimes things Charlton just get to me!

    The problem is you still seem to think that the ‘failure to understand the ethos of the club, the completely mismanaged recruitment of football coaches [and players] as well as upsetting a lot of good club staff and the mismanaged relationship with the fans’. is the fault of someone other than Duchatelet, rather than flowing directly from his 'player farming club network' plan to make football 'pay'.

    If he couldn’t allow a competent professional like Mel Baroni to do her job without interfering with his ‘Statement’ rant do you really believe that he could ever ‘ recruit a competent CEO and give that person the freedom and budget to make us a competitive Championship team’?
  • Thanks for the reasoned debate which is why I started this thread.

    My view is that he should replace KM now, she has completely failed to understand the ethos that is our club, she has completely mismanaged the recruitment of football coaches as well as upsetting a lot of good club staff and mismanaged her relationship with the fans.

    As for RD, there are a number of foreign owners who stay away, if he admits his mistakes, recruits a competent CEO and gives that person the freedom and budget to make us a competitive Championship team then OK. If not please sell up and go.

    My apology to all for blowing my top yesterday but sometimes things Charlton just get to me!

    I don't think replacing KM will solve the underlying problem. Katrien is a puppet. She would only be replaced with another puppet.

    Most other foreign owners appoint competent people in positions of authority and allow them to carry out their roles. ( even Vincent Tan has changed his stance on some issues at Cardiff)

    RD seems to think he knows better than professional managers, coaches, scouts, communications managers, etc etc and,mostly, seems to appoint weak people who he can manipulate. This is why I feel replacing Katrien would not fix the problem.

    RD has to go.
    PS. I'm not saying ANYTHING is better than Roly. No point replacing one ego maniac with another.
  • look you lot I'M NOT FUCKING STUPID I am just putting an alternative point of view, not necessarily one that I necessarily agree with but thought that it needed airing for intelligent discussion - it seems that is not the case

    But its not really an alternative view? Its suggesting that RD has put his faith in people beneath him, ie KM, who have got it wrong. He is still ultimately responsible. He has not interfered yet in the youth teams (thank god) and the matchday experiences have produced mixed results. The pitch needed relaying and as someone said, would have been factored into the price, although some say Kermorgant's sale financed this anyway so what do we believe? I don't think you are presenting an alternative argument, just a slightly different one. I don't think any attempt that is perceived as defending the Belgians will be well received, as is evident from the abuse the likes of colin receive when they attempt to stir up controversy by sympathising with the Belgian lunatics.
  • In a strange way Id prefer Roland as CEO over KM.

    i.e. Look at the two Statements, with KM's on Sunday she beat around the bush, tried to make it all rosey but ultimately we knew she was lying as surely she wanted to say differently.

    Least with RD he came out and said how he felt, none of this pissing around crap and got straight to the point.

    Its a shame his Interview from his last visit couldnt have been more bluntly honest like his Statement rather than the usual transparent waffle that we all see through... Reckon people might respect him a bit more if so
  • Sorry, but Duchatelet is up there with David Icke. He'll be wearing a pink shell suit next.

    Duchatelet or David Icke ?

    No contest.

    David Icke every day of the week.

    A football person who was on the books of Coventry,
    and is a great communicator.
    A very save pair of hand ( see what i did there )
    he would be his own head of comms because of his past service at the BBC.

    You may say, he is mad as a box of frogs ?

    The royal family and leaders of the world being Lizards ?

    After reading Darwin i thought we all came out the sea ?

    David Icke's red and white Shell suits.

    I would even wear one to get rid of Duchatelet.


  • Thanks for the reasoned debate which is why I started this thread.

    My view is that he should replace KM now, she has completely failed to understand the ethos that is our club, she has completely mismanaged the recruitment of football coaches as well as upsetting a lot of good club staff and mismanaged her relationship with the fans.

    As for RD, there are a number of foreign owners who stay away, if he admits his mistakes, recruits a competent CEO and gives that person the freedom and budget to make us a competitive Championship team then OK. If not please sell up and go.

    My apology to all for blowing my top yesterday but sometimes things Charlton just get to me!

    I don't think you have to apologise at all. You put accross the positives under this current ownership. Many took this as a support for them which I know you did not intend (as you have since clearly stated). There have been improvements but the huge areas of failure, coupled with our deep emotional attachment with the club and our general hatred of the regime, outweigh any appreciation and make us look the other way and generally ignore them for comment on here.

    I am squarely in the camp of wanting them out, as soon as possible, as they give me no confidence they have the ability, as individuals, to turn the club around.

    IMO, I think a big failing has been his reliance of only selecting people he knows personally to fill the important jobs, convinced by them that they have the ability and unhesitatingly buy into his ideas. I also believe he assumes these people will report honestly to him and not mislead him on the success, or otherwise, of their respective areas of responsibility and control within his network. This mis-placed trust coupled with his long-distance management of them appears to have contributed massively to the failure of his tenure whilst at Charlton. As has already been pointed out, similar failings at other clubs under his ownership are seen so it is unlikely he has learned anything from these past experiences and will arrogantly continue to ignore all attempts to point him in the right direction.

    It's a pity he chose to plow investment into the training ground before he had ensured the first team had the correct set-up with the right management structure in place before he pursued development of the academy.

    This man is no good for Charlton or for his involvement in football ownership anywhere. Please pick up your ball and go away.
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Roland Out Forever!