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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



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    Rob7Lee said:

    IAgree said:

    And another thing!

    Since when has weird meant unique?!

    This is the one thing where I'm prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to KM. Speaking in a second language, it would be easy for her to use 'wierd' where she meant something like 'unusual', which is what the sense of ownership fans feel for a club is, when compared to, say, they way cinema-goers feel about their local fleapit. Still, she was an idiot for not getting a native English speaker to check it for her. A piece of "Dunglish" (cf. a previous post on this thread).
    You are missing the point.....even if its 100% true that there was a semantic slip on her part KM is still repeating her argument that the fans are blameworthy for effectively having an emotional rather than a businesslike attachment to the club and therefore not seeing themselves as customers.

    There is no climbdown or explanation about that just a weak attempt to play the second language card (and from a person who studied at the LSE in London for a year?) to defend her now increasingly recognised approach to the CEO post (i.e, winging it in the hope you won't get called out).

    No, sorry, doesn't get anywhere close.
    I think people have misunderstood my comment. I was not defending Katrien's view of us, only giving her the benefit of the doubt over the use of the word "weird" when she possibly meant something else. Yes, her Dublin statement in its entirety is ridiculous and insulting.
    As posted elsewhere she clearly knows the difference between unique and weird. During that same interview she used the word unique elsewhere so it's nothing to do with language barrier etc.

    Unless of course she has confused the two which means she's trying to establish a weird match day experience..... And we are all unique.....Yer right.
    To be fair to Her, she is delivering that
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    buckshee said:

    LuckyReds said:
    Stan has been very supportive as have most of the Talksport team , same goes for sky sports. Don't seem to be getting the same support from the BBC it seems , no wonder I guess when their phone in has KM's friend working on it.
    That is massively incorrect and you obviously don't listen to Radio London Sport. 606 long ago became irrelevant for any serious discussion about football.

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    If Duchatelet approved this statement then surely he is still backing Meire. Nothing much has changed except for another idiotic decision by the owners.
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    Is this a 'whoosh' moment? Am I about to look stupid?

    Only if it was you that wrote it...
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    By the way, I have to say thanks to @IA for what is possibly the best gif I've ever seen:



    Ha, I'd been waiting for an excuse to use it.

    By the way, I took a bit of flak on here for defending the Dublin comments (while criticising her general tone), but I want to say that she should have left them in the past. It was weird for her to discuss them in detail at the FF and absolutely bizarre to tag them on at the end of a club statement.

    She's rattled
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    johnny73 said:

    If Duchatelet approved this statement then surely he is still backing Meire. Nothing much has changed except for another idiotic decision by the owners.

    It would seem it's from Roly himself ......
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    Everyone should flood the inbox, don't be abusive but tell them why you are confused by their approach.
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    Woke up... Read the statement again... Rubbed my eyes... It was still there. As suicide notes go, this one is spectacular.

    Imagine what they'll say when they finally shove off?
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    Just caught up with this after a night out! A parody surely or writings of a deranged CEO/owner?! Now I really know they are rattled. Keep up the pressure.
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    Rob7Lee said:

    johnny73 said:

    If Duchatelet approved this statement then surely he is still backing Meire. Nothing much has changed except for another idiotic decision by the owners.

    It would seem it's from Roly himself ......
    That might just mean he approved it. Refers to himself in the third person. He may have done this but I am thinking at the moment that he approved the statement and sent it to comms.
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    They're absolutely clueless
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    I've read it 5 times and still cannot get me head around it, they've lost it....time to dial it up!
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    boggzy said:

    They're absolutely clueless

    You caused all this with you on the pitch stunt :p
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    seth plum said:

    It was put to me, admittedly in a manner I struggled to understand, that in terms of Roland and Charlton, failure is success.
    It is something to do with tax avoidance, and churning money around the network, funneling it here and there with good bits ending up with Staprix, and in this system it somehow needs for part of it to be actually failing in order to create wealth for other parts and for there to be overall profit.
    It was a bit over my head, but is sort of made sense at the time, and the concept of 'failure is success' has been nagging me all day.
    Yeah I am confused, but is there any rationale or scenario for part of an interlinked enterprise to swallow up money and fail, in order to boost another part?

    You can utilise tax losses against inter group companies but there would be far more efficient ways to do so without pissing off thousands and destroying your credibility whilst inviting media ridicule.

    I think it's been a case of seeing the FFP being ushered in but having no clue about football but an abundance of arrogance and stubbornness. ..perhaps topped off with a good few ounces of delusion has failed to acknowledged his plan and objective of breaking even is unworkable based upon the retraction of FFP and the fact he knows nothing about football or South East London football fans.
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    Is she saying they will sell if we stay up then?
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    buckshee said:

    LuckyReds said:
    Stan has been very supportive as have most of the Talksport team , same goes for sky sports. Don't seem to be getting the same support from the BBC it seems , no wonder I guess when their phone in has KM's friend working on it.
    That is massively incorrect and you obviously don't listen to Radio London Sport. 606 long ago became irrelevant for any serious discussion about football.

    Radio London Sport were hopeless on Sunday.
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    When I tell people about the plight of Charlton, it sounds so outlandish that they think I must be making it up, or greatly exaggerating / misinterpreting what the Belgians have said

    So I will now memorise Jor-El's opening speech as it seems like a good rebuttal:-

    This is no fantasy, no careless product of
    a wild imagination, we are not dealing here with wild supposition.

    No my good friends, these indictments that I have brought you this day, the specific charges listed therein against these individuals, their acts of treason and ultimate aim of sedition - these are matters of undeniable fact!
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    And there they are!
    Tony Keohane/Richard Murray*, Katrien Miere, Roland Duchatelet.

    *delete the one that annoys you least. For me, after the fans forum the thought of Keohane annoys me more than Murray.
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