Dear All
A few of you notice that Pinocchio made an appearance on the windows of the Data Techniques Box on Tuesday night, a small and silent protest in the form of some posters, I have been contacted by the club who have asked that this does not occur again. Fair to say that their explanation was vague and had the undertone of a "we will stop it" threat, certainly no reasonable explanation. I've not provided any assurance and would expect a reaction from the stewards based on Health and Safety or some such nonsense! Seems obvious that a nerve has been touched, shame that!
:- )
If you completely cover the windows, not only will it embarrass her further, you'll be the lucky few that won't have to watch the game!
Out of respect on Sunday I've asked all in said box to be dressed in the propa funeral attire for the day!
It's all getting to them
Made me and others around me smile.
From one of the previous protest days Muttley.