I have been the Match Day Sponsor numerous times over the last few years. It really has been an enjoyable day with my Family. Recently, I coincide it with my younger Sons Birthday in April. Great memories of my son playing keepy uppy with Yann's son with a balloon for an hour after the game. And when my older Son was with Ruud van Nistelrooy, Ronaldo, Giggs, etc.
After the 3rd went in at The Cottage my son said "Dad I just don't want to come anymore". " I would rather be asleep than watch any more of this!" trust me - from him that is one big statement! On the train home he said "Dad -Is it me, am I a Jinx as I never seen them win" (he has not missed many games this season at all - 3 I think). Last win he witnessed was April last year - 10 months ago... His best memory this year was ironically against Fulham when Jacko and Cousins done the biz, when Fulham blew it frankly. His worst? - Colchester and MK Dons Away.
He has had a season ticket for 5 years, he is part of the 4 generations of CAFC support, he has every CAFC kit going, he plays CAFC on PS4, he has all the stuff from the Club shop, he has been Mascot too many occasions for me to remember, he knows all the players names, which I struggle with the merry go round of it all - oh and his favourite player this year was Watt..... He is generally a really happy upbeat kid and nothing really fazes him. He loved it in League 1 funnily enough, he didn't know any different. His favourite match day memories are the 6-0 Barnsley Away the Danny Haynes wonder goal Leicester Away. We were on the way to the Valley a few weeks back and he asked "Dad is Jose Riga still our Manager" - it was his 2nd game! - Sums the last 2 years up really! Last night he could not name me a favourite recent Valley memory other than being a Mascot until my oldest said "Leaving" was his favourite matchday moment which we all had a laugh at :-(
I know that this can all sound like - "he only wants to go when you are winning brigade" but how much resolve have you got when you are 9? As adults we find it difficult to be enthusiastic, is it any wonder that he isn't engaged anymore. I have forgotten what it must be like for a 9 year old, he must be ribbed at School, every week with the Chelsea, Arsenal and Palace shirts on at School Football, as he wears his CAFC shirt constantly. Ironically he has been going to CAFC early match days recently as he has wanted to get involved with B&W campaign and CARD ( he is always around the Club Shop/Ransom Walk area giving out Leaflets, Stickers, Masks, Scarfs, etc), as he looks forward to this and the protests - it certainly isn't for the excitement of the football.
I really hope this is not the beginning of the end for him but how can you keep going when your Son doesn't want to? - life is too short.
So.....this year I just cannot Sponsor the game. I will not pay the Regime £2000 plus for a day out and have just cancelled this Morning. I will donate another £200 to CARD today instead. I am now arranging for my Son to have his Party at Bromley FC and will be the Mascot, I will probably be Match Day sponsor there the same day. I still go every week to CAFC as we have 4 Season Tickets (myself, 2 sons and my Dad) but is this the beginning of the end? Will I be going to Bromley every week next season? I can walk there and they are showing real ambition as a Club. If he gets bored (not my Dad!) he can have a kickabout on the astro pitches next to the ground. I know and have known for ages that I will not be renewing my Season Tickets next year.
The dilemma.....I cannot leave my youngest Son at home on a Saturday but my oldest will still go to CAFC I think. If I do not go then my Dad will probably go to Dartford as he lives there and has supported the Darts all of his life along with CAFC. Is this the beginning of the end of an Era?????......ARRRRRGGGHHHH.
Thanks Roly and NightMeire.....
I am sure there are thousands of stories like this, for those that have been through this - any advice welcome! Cheers.

fingers crossed they continue to enjoy.
As I was sat there on Saturday, I decided unless things change vastly before April that was my last game this season.
I won't return home or away.
It's not just the CEO and her puppet master.
It's the players too. There are too many not trying... forcing others to try too hard. neither is constructive.
The atmosphere and the mood it's all poisoned for me.
It's just not worth my time and patience.
Sad really.
You would think she would also notice the loss of sponsorship revenue.
Something seems to have gone horribly wrong, i don't know if its foreign ownership without a soul, but it feels like the batteries have been taken out of the club, my only hope is one day we will have a club left standing that we can be proud of, people ask me whats going on at Charlton & i can't even talk to them about it as its continuous & relentless failure, that could have been avoided if things had been done properly, thats the bit that makes me sad & mad.
Hearing that the fitness coach had gone recently was a reminder of the dismantling brick by brick of the club, c'mon Mr Varney knock some heads together.
I put a like on your post, not because I enjoyed reading it, but in solidarity.
I live in Omagh, where a song keeps claiming that there's a "pretty little girl from", but apparently she took out some kind of court order against me....
But don't hold it against me.
I have an 8yo son, albeit over here in Canada - he has no peer pressure from schoolmates supporting other teams - he's probably confused about the whole thing but still wears his Charlton shirt with pride and has posters of Leon Cort (!) and Chris Solly on his bedroom wall.
Really appreciate the further donation to the protest fund but wish with all my heart that the fund soon becomes redundant and that you and your sons, along with so many others, find their love for Charlton again when the regime is history.
They will be back when the Rat has left the Sinking Ship CAFC.
They will win tonight and the great escape will be up and running. I will keep going as I have seen worse at the Valley. It can't get worse.
It's just made me quite sad that I no longer have the urge to go anymore and spend the afternoon with my family or friends at games.
Anyway, they'll keep using kids to hide behind, even though there's probably some poor little sods getting the piss ripped out of them at school because their team are so bloody awful right now. Somewhere in SE London or Kent there's no doubt some kid with a birthday coming up soon who's desperately hoping *not* to get some CAFC stuff because it's all become so toxic.
But two can play at that game. If anyone has any kids who don't want to come to Charlton any more, can I suggest they ask the kids to send a letter to Katrien Meire and/or Richard Murray? It might make them start to realise the damage they're causing.
In the meantime we must press on. Sending her copies of this can only help.
Alternatively, get him to help out his older brother, he'll enjoy that.
I really don't care about me, I'll be there whatever, but I just want us to win something for him, even one match will do!
Just to lighten the mood on this thread ;-)
Another photo from the archive, couple of customer favourites in this pic...
As for BR3 it's entirely up to you and yours and wouldn't judge you on your decision. I'll always go to games regardless, but it wasn't until i reached my mid-twenties that I could take a defeat on the chin. Until then it more that spoilt my Saturday. My mum firmly recalls that if we'd lost on a Saturday, she might as well throw the dinner in the bin as neither of me or dad would be very hungry. Nowadays I can take it but still get the hump.
It's tough being Charlton because most of us have faced this most of our supporting lives.
We'll all still be here when Roland goes I don't doubt.
Mate, just seen your post and that is heart-breaking. Really sums up what these bas**rds are doing to this club.
Don't give up. Douchbag and squirrel face won't always be here. We've just got to out last them.
The good times will come back.