Signed, just as every fan should. Local rivalry aside any club with problems should be supported.
Here's the list of Trusts that got together to seek an enquiry into the Olympic Stadium fiasco:
Arsenal Supporters Trust Charlton Athletic Supporters’ Trust Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Crystal Palace Supporters’ Trust Fulham Supporters’ Trust Leyton Orient Fans’ Trust QPR1st Supporters’ Trust Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust
The Lions Trust is conspicuous by its absence and just wasn't interested in, for example, the impact on Orient.
And now their support suddenly expect assistance from elsewhere to save the toolbox?
They can swivel on it.
I agree that they should have joined in, I personally think that even more should be done regrading the OS deal. I am sure Prague has much up his sleeve and rightly is not giving to much away.
That said how many of our own fans on this very forum have taken the view that we and our trust should not be wasting time and effort on the OS deal but putting everything into the (now) C.A.R.D movement?
The Den problems have been ongoing for sometime and while I have already stated they should join in with the bigger issues in Football, perhaps they have been putting everything into trying to sort out this whole mess that they are in for the time being.
Helping them now might encourage them to open to the wider issues in time.
Those clowns at the "Lions Trust" are the only ones in London who refused to join the Olympic Stadium Coalition. Somebody please tell me why I should sign this....
Because if you don't you will come across as being petty and I don't think that's the case with you.
Sure, that would be the adult and reasonable way to behave. Especially if you are in an official position in your Supporters Trust. That's why when @Sparrows Lane Lion contacted me privately about this in Jan 2014, I did my best to help him. He mainly wanted help making FOI requests. Interestingly (i just went back and dug out that chat) I mentioned that it would be great if CAFC and Millwall Trusts co-operated on things like this. But he swerved my question of whether he was actually a Lions Trust member. I don't have any record that I ever asked him for help in reaching their Trust re the Olympic but he must have seen that thread here.
He and @Big_Bad_World seem like decent guys who have just been born with an unfortunate genetic defect, thats why they are regular visitors here, I suppose. So I just wanted to make the point, so that they might make it to their neanderthal tribe. There is actually a good reason for Trusts to talk to each other, and help each other. And we were ready to help them on this. But even their Trust hides in its "lair" growling at anyone who has the temerity to approach them. That's why this petition will get far less support than it could have.
But I'll sign the bloody thing of course.
I never swerved your question, just with all that info to take in I neglected to answer that bit! (No I'm not in the Lions Trust)
No idea why our 'trust' or Millwall supporters club never joined forces to fight the west ham stadium. Odd in my view. They are about as much use as a chocolate tea pot and don't get much support from fans/club.
At a time when we, as a club, are receiving sympathy from everyone else ourselves - even down to away fans offering to fly our banners for us - it reminds you that we're all football fans underneath our respective colours and badges. No club deserves to have their ground under threat, as a club we know this.
Those clowns at the "Lions Trust" are the only ones in London who refused to join the Olympic Stadium Coalition. Somebody please tell me why I should sign this....
That did cross my mind actually, that whole situation still doesn't make sense to me. However, not every fan backs their club trust from what I hear...
Got some mates who are Millwall fans and actually go to the games a few times a season. So I obviously would feel bad for them if they got turfed out of their shit hole.
But for the rest and the club as a whole? Fuck em, I'm too bitter and too emotionally unintelligent to sign that
First off, huge thanks to those of you that have signed the petition.
Secondly, an even bigger thanks goes to @cafcfan@Baldybonce@Off_it@Fumbluff@charltonkeston@Redrobo@paulbaconsarnie and @Carter for not signing the petition. It's quite evident that you're the types whose support we don't actually want or need. However, if you were just puffing your chests out to impress your cyber mates on here and have signed it, even through gritted teeth, then I thank you unreservedly.
We're not the best at asking for help as we genuinely appreciate the apathy that tends to be directed towards us if and when we're in any sort of trouble. We also like to try and get things done ourselves before asking others for their help.
Sign it, don't sign it, it's your choice and will, in the grand scheme of things, make very little difference.
Thanks for the mention @Big_Bad_World - such a nomination is a bit like winning a BAFTA. I have often said in the past that if I won a lottery roll-over, I would buy Millwall, close it down, demolish the ground and build residential. However, currently I'm of the view that your club serves a purpose. It's a bit like a modern day equivalent of a plague ship. Keeping all the human detritus in one place. Without Millwall, who knows where it might end up? (But I still haven't signed the petition.)
Thanks for the mention @Big_Bad_World - such a nomination is a bit like a nomination for a BAFTA. I have often said in the past that if I won a lottery roll-over, I would buy Millwall, close it down, demolish the ground and build residential. However, currently I'm of the view that your club serves a purpose. It's a bit like a modern day equivalent of a plague ship. Keeping all the human detritus in one place. Without Millwall, who knows where it might end up? (But I still haven't signed the petition.)
We obviously haven't done a very good job of attracting all the detritus, as has been evidenced recently with the ghastly sexism and racism amongst your own towards Belgian people.
You've also got the nasty piece of work who tried to injure a bird of prey because it was the mascot of another team. Let's not forget the Stephen Lawrence chanters that were prosecuted as well.
You see, we've all got idiots that follow our clubs but some of us don't let those idiots cloud our judgement when it comes to doing the right thing.
Anyway, it matters not if your scrawl isn't present.
Pleasure. I have been to both the old and new Den on several occasions and witnessed the violence and racism. This maybe a small minority, but it does seem that the vast majority enjoy the reputation, indeed, wallow in it.
There is the argument that if Millwall folded that the support may move elsewhere and that there is a chance that some would end up here and it is therefore better they survive.
I believe that your club has become a focus to unite scum and it would be a good thing for that focus to go. This may upset a few genuinely nice supporters, but is a cost that is worth it.
Pleasure. I have been to both the old and new Den on several occasions and witnessed the violence and racism. This maybe a small minority, but it does seem that the vast majority enjoy the reputation, indeed, wallow in it.
There is the argument that if Millwall folded that the support may move elsewhere and that there is a chance that some would end up here and it is therefore better they survive.
I believe that your club has become a focus to unite scum and it would be a good thing for that focus to go. This may upset a few genuinely nice supporters, but is a cost that is worth it.
I've been to many grounds around the country and witnessed the same. Even the Valley. I wont put my self righteous head on though as it clouds judgement.
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you. I'd never wish any club to lose their ground or go out of business (other than MK Dons) so it would seem that we have very different views and ethics at play.
It's your prerogative and one that I hope never requires you to ask for help from those you spurn.
First off, huge thanks to those of you that have signed the petition.
Secondly, an even bigger thanks goes to @cafcfan@Baldybonce@Off_it@Fumbluff@charltonkeston@Redrobo@paulbaconsarnie and @Carter for not signing the petition. It's quite evident that you're the types whose support we don't actually want or need. However, if you were just puffing your chests out to impress your cyber mates on here and have signed it, even through gritted teeth, then I thank you unreservedly.
We're not the best at asking for help as we genuinely appreciate the apathy that tends to be directed towards us if and when we're in any sort of trouble. We also like to try and get things done ourselves before asking others for their help.
Sign it, don't sign it, it's your choice and will, in the grand scheme of things, make very little difference.
Thanks for the thanks and pleased I cant be of any help to your club what's so ever. The apathy is there for a reason, (although many would choose a different word), which is of your clubs making.
First off, huge thanks to those of you that have signed the petition.
Secondly, an even bigger thanks goes to @cafcfan@Baldybonce@Off_it@Fumbluff@charltonkeston@Redrobo@paulbaconsarnie and @Carter for not signing the petition. It's quite evident that you're the types whose support we don't actually want or need. However, if you were just puffing your chests out to impress your cyber mates on here and have signed it, even through gritted teeth, then I thank you unreservedly.
We're not the best at asking for help as we genuinely appreciate the apathy that tends to be directed towards us if and when we're in any sort of trouble. We also like to try and get things done ourselves before asking others for their help.
Sign it, don't sign it, it's your choice and will, in the grand scheme of things, make very little difference.
Thanks for the thanks and pleased I cant be of any help to your club what's so ever. The apathy is there for a reason, (although many would choose a different word), which is of your clubs making.
Thanks for the thanks for the thanks.
I wouldn't blame the club for the apathy as it'd be wrong. A proportion of the support? definitely, and I've said and acknowledged as much.
Seriously @Big_Bad_World are you a member of the Lions Trust? If yes, can you tell me why they are so fucking uncooperative with other London Trusts? And if not, what organisation do you have that can run such a campaign? You need to be organised. That much at least you ought to have learnt by being such a regular on here.
Seriously @Big_Bad_World are you a member of the Lions Trust? If yes, can you tell me why they are so fucking uncooperative with other London Trusts? And if not, what organisation do you have that can run such a campaign? You need to be organised. That much at least you ought to have learnt by being such a regular on here.
To be honest, @PragueAddick , I, like many other fans don't trust a lot of the organisations associated with the club so cannot cast any light on their incompetence.
I signed the petition as the right thing to do even though I'm no fan of the Trust itself.
Organisation seems to have always been an issue with our fans groups as they never seem keen on working together. Why this is is anyone's guess but I'd assume it's because they all want the plaudits for themselves if anything is ever achieved, which is a massive shame.
People often cite unfortunate encounters with Millwall fans, and en mass they can be vile and violent and racist when under the shield of numbers. I also believe proportionately they have a much greater number of nasty and lumpen fans than most. They may like to think of themselves as salt of the earth and keeping it real types but they have to self-justify some stuff somehow. However. People don't often mention when they have encountered decent Millwall supporters, I have known one or two so I believe they exist. The petition is some kind of effort by their fans to do some kind of something, and as we are often shouting about our own fanbase being pro-active in confronting stuff, it seems wrong to me to condemn other fans for trying to do the same. I agree with Prague that if Millwall do have a Trust, and it is affiliated in some way with the wider trust initiative, then they could show some interest especially in the Olympic Stadium thing, it is a London issue after all. I have signed the petition on the basis that it is good to nurture any healthy growth amongst weeds.
Signed. Many memories of the Old Den in the early 1960's. Too young for my parents to let me go to Charlton away matches, outside London that is. So me and my school friend, Paul Harsent (who tragically died at a very young age) used to get the train from Bexleyheath to New Cross and then walk through the backstreets to the ground. Working class, Victorian terraces, probably worth hundreds of thousands, or more, these days. Millwall were then working their way through Divisions 4 and 3 to finally join Charlton in the second division in 1966-7 if I remember correctly. Players I remember? Brian Snowden, Harry Cripps, Alex Stepney, Len Julians and Joey Broadfoot, who was a very good winger. Always stood behind the Cold Blow Lane end, occasionally on the terrace opposite the stand. Used to hear some very colourful language from the home fans!
After that only went when Charlton were playing there. I just hope we beat you again before I fall off the perch, but I doubt it.
Fuck 'em.
They won't care.
Hate them, Lewisham Council started my illness back in the 90s.
Sod it......If it upsets one person in Lewisham Council it'll be worth it.
That said how many of our own fans on this very forum have taken the view that we and our trust should not be wasting time and effort on the OS deal but putting everything into the (now) C.A.R.D movement?
The Den problems have been ongoing for sometime and while I have already stated they should join in with the bigger issues in Football, perhaps they have been putting everything into trying to sort out this whole mess that they are in for the time being.
Helping them now might encourage them to open to the wider issues in time.
No idea why our 'trust' or Millwall supporters club never joined forces to fight the west ham stadium. Odd in my view. They are about as much use as a chocolate tea pot and don't get much support from fans/club.
At a time when we, as a club, are receiving sympathy from everyone else ourselves - even down to away fans offering to fly our banners for us - it reminds you that we're all football fans underneath our respective colours and badges. No club deserves to have their ground under threat, as a club we know this. That did cross my mind actually, that whole situation still doesn't make sense to me. However, not every fan backs their club trust from what I hear...
Well after the fifth attempt you can shove your petition up your Neil Arris.
But for the rest and the club as a whole? Fuck em, I'm too bitter and too emotionally unintelligent to sign that
Secondly, an even bigger thanks goes to @cafcfan @Baldybonce @Off_it @Fumbluff @charltonkeston @Redrobo @paulbaconsarnie and @Carter for not signing the petition. It's quite evident that you're the types whose support we don't actually want or need. However, if you were just puffing your chests out to impress your cyber mates on here and have signed it, even through gritted teeth, then I thank you unreservedly.
We're not the best at asking for help as we genuinely appreciate the apathy that tends to be directed towards us if and when we're in any sort of trouble. We also like to try and get things done ourselves before asking others for their help.
Sign it, don't sign it, it's your choice and will, in the grand scheme of things, make very little difference.
I have often said in the past that if I won a lottery roll-over, I would buy Millwall, close it down, demolish the ground and build residential.
However, currently I'm of the view that your club serves a purpose. It's a bit like a modern day equivalent of a plague ship. Keeping all the human detritus in one place. Without Millwall, who knows where it might end up? (But I still haven't signed the petition.)
Oh wait..
You've also got the nasty piece of work who tried to injure a bird of prey because it was the mascot of another team. Let's not forget the Stephen Lawrence chanters that were prosecuted as well.
You see, we've all got idiots that follow our clubs but some of us don't let those idiots cloud our judgement when it comes to doing the right thing.
Anyway, it matters not if your scrawl isn't present.
There is the argument that if Millwall folded that the support may move elsewhere and that there is a chance that some would end up here and it is therefore better they survive.
I believe that your club has become a focus to unite scum and it would be a good thing for that focus to go. This may upset a few genuinely nice supporters, but is a cost that is worth it.
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you. I'd never wish any club to lose their ground or go out of business (other than MK Dons) so it would seem that we have very different views and ethics at play.
It's your prerogative and one that I hope never requires you to ask for help from those you spurn.
there's always less chance of our own c***s looking to start a fight with us so bollox to em let em rot
There, I feel better now.
The apathy is there for a reason, (although many would choose a different word), which is of your clubs making.
I wouldn't blame the club for the apathy as it'd be wrong. A proportion of the support? definitely, and I've said and acknowledged as much.
I signed the petition as the right thing to do even though I'm no fan of the Trust itself.
Organisation seems to have always been an issue with our fans groups as they never seem keen on working together. Why this is is anyone's guess but I'd assume it's because they all want the plaudits for themselves if anything is ever achieved, which is a massive shame.
People don't often mention when they have encountered decent Millwall supporters, I have known one or two so I believe they exist.
The petition is some kind of effort by their fans to do some kind of something, and as we are often shouting about our own fanbase being pro-active in confronting stuff, it seems wrong to me to condemn other fans for trying to do the same.
I agree with Prague that if Millwall do have a Trust, and it is affiliated in some way with the wider trust initiative, then they could show some interest especially in the Olympic Stadium thing, it is a London issue after all.
I have signed the petition on the basis that it is good to nurture any healthy growth amongst weeds.
So me and my school friend, Paul Harsent (who tragically died at a very young age) used to get the train from Bexleyheath to New Cross and then walk through the backstreets to the ground. Working class, Victorian terraces, probably worth hundreds of thousands, or more, these days.
Millwall were then working their way through Divisions 4 and 3 to finally join Charlton in the second division in 1966-7 if I remember correctly.
Players I remember? Brian Snowden, Harry Cripps, Alex Stepney, Len Julians and Joey Broadfoot, who was a very good winger.
Always stood behind the Cold Blow Lane end, occasionally on the terrace opposite the stand.
Used to hear some very colourful language from the home fans!
After that only went when Charlton were playing there.
I just hope we beat you again before I fall off the perch, but I doubt it.