I keep the same thing, "Trump is dangerous" "Trump is a bigger threat than ISIS" is the funniest one.
Can someone explain to me why exactly this is the case? Am I missing something? Should I commute to London each day wondering whether we're going to be hit from a terror attack by Trump? ISIS are the danger surely, and does he not have every intention of wiping them out no?
If someone could explain without referring to me as a right wing idiot that would be great, genuine question, if your answer convinces me to think otherwise then so be it.
International politics relies heavily on compromise, tolerance and above all diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy.
I could be wrong but I don't see Trump long suited on those requirements.
It could be argued that there is now far too much compromise, tolerance and diplomacy, to the point of appeasement. Is the world a better, or worse place for it? It could be argued that the world has become far more unstable in recent years because of the lack of strong leadership. Please don't use the bozo George W as an argument against strong leadership in recent times, I'm thinking more in terms of Regan, Thatcher or Churchill.
I keep the same thing, "Trump is dangerous" "Trump is a bigger threat than ISIS" is the funniest one.
Can someone explain to me why exactly this is the case? Am I missing something? Should I commute to London each day wondering whether we're going to be hit from a terror attack by Trump? ISIS are the danger surely, and does he not have every intention of wiping them out no?
If someone could explain without referring to me as a right wing idiot that would be great, genuine question, if your answer convinces me to think otherwise then so be it.
Trump has found a winning formula and is sticking with it, he'd be mad not to! Much of what he says is show business, nothing more. He's having some fun at his opponents expense and he is loving the reaction from the public and from winding up all the lefties and the PC brigade, as am I, it is long overdue IMHO. I would be extremely surprised if he turned out to be even half as radical as he purports to be should he get elected.
I keep the same thing, "Trump is dangerous" "Trump is a bigger threat than ISIS" is the funniest one.
Can someone explain to me why exactly this is the case? Am I missing something? Should I commute to London each day wondering whether we're going to be hit from a terror attack by Trump? ISIS are the danger surely, and does he not have every intention of wiping them out no?
If someone could explain without referring to me as a right wing idiot that would be great, genuine question, if your answer convinces me to think otherwise then so be it.
Trump has found a winning formula and is sticking with it, he'd be mad not to! Much of what he says is show business, nothing more. He's having some fun at his opponents expense and he is loving the reaction from the public and from winding up all the lefties and the PC brigade, as am I, it is long overdue IMHO. I would be extremely surprised if he turned out to be even half as radical as he purports to be should he get elected.
That's nice that he's enjoying himself and "winding up the lefties" but he is actually running for the most powerful office in the world so a few policy ideas would be nice.
As your hero Tony Abbott found out in such brutal fashion, you can be the best campainger in the world but that has nothing to do with actually being able to run the country.
Abbott got exposed as a clueless Bogan and Trump will be similarly found out in the comjng weeks.
Yeh the clueless bogan who you on the left all mocked and derided "you can't turn back the boats, blah, blah", but the clueless bogan achieved it within months and was so successful that now other European leaders are talking about how to stop people smugglers by, yes, that's right, turning back boats! The clueless bogan that got rid of the hopeless and costly mining tax. How much did that disaster cost the country? The only tax that cost more money to implement than it actually brought in. How much did Rio Tinto lose last year? Tinkler going bust, Palmer on the precipice? Great tax, perfect timing by the Goose to bring that one in! What's Malcolm done BTW, other than make an announcement about "innovation" ? He may present better than Abbott but once you see through the waffle you realise he's achieved nothing since toppling Abbott. Tony wasn't a good campaigner, he was a very poor communicator unfortunately for conservatives. But he did stop the boats, he did repeal the mining and carbon taxes and implement 3 free trade agreements. He failed to make significant inroads into cutting debt thanks to a hostile senate and outcry from the left. He also let down conservatives by failing to repeal 18c as promised. The truth is whoever was running against Labor would have won that election seeing as the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd shambles was such a disastrous period for the country. When are the Vic Pol fraud squad finally going to charge your hero with fraud?
Why are people protesting against Trump? They should go their own rallies or leave it to the ballot box.
Maybe they're protesting because they're concerned at the prospect of having that megalomaniacal, narcissistic hate-monger being elected as their president. I for one salute them for entering the bear pit of a Trump rally to voice their disapproval.
I keep the same thing, "Trump is dangerous" "Trump is a bigger threat than ISIS" is the funniest one.
Can someone explain to me why exactly this is the case? Am I missing something? Should I commute to London each day wondering whether we're going to be hit from a terror attack by Trump? ISIS are the danger surely, and does he not have every intention of wiping them out no?
If someone could explain without referring to me as a right wing idiot that would be great, genuine question, if your answer convinces me to think otherwise then so be it.
Trump has found a winning formula and is sticking with it, he'd be mad not to! Much of what he says is show business, nothing more. He's having some fun at his opponents expense and he is loving the reaction from the public and from winding up all the lefties and the PC brigade, as am I, it is long overdue IMHO. I would be extremely surprised if he turned out to be even half as radical as he purports to be should he get elected.
That's all ok then. Phew. Worth a punt on the off chance that electing the most powerful man on the planet might not be quite as bonkers as he seems.
Exactly right SHG. Under George W and Obama, the US has gone from being the worlds number 1 superpower, only to become a country wallowing in a sea of debt, that lurches from one foreign policy disaster to the next, losing it's standing, credibility and respect around the world, whilst China continues to go from strength to strength. Perhaps the time has come for Americans to "take a punt" rather than opt for more of the same.
Exactly right SHG. Under George W and Obama, the US has gone from being the worlds number 1 superpower, only to become a country wallowing in a sea of debt, that lurches from one foreign policy disaster to the next, losing it's standing, credibility and respect around the world, whilst China continues to go from strength to strength. Perhaps the time has come for Americans to "take a punt" rather than opt for more of the same.
The USA only had one true golden age where they were undeniably the greatest country in the world. The 1950s. A decade filled with racism and was off the back of a world war where all other nations were rebuilding their infrastructure after a devastating conflict.
So trump wants to make America great again? Hmmm...
The USA is still the greatest country on the planet in so many ways but not as you would expect on every measure.
China will soon eclipse the states as the biggest ecconomy but as far as human rights, democratic process and poverty are concerned they are light years behind. The same could have been said of the former USSR.
For all its faults the USA still remains the most powerful and most influential nation and I can't see that changing any time soon.
Why are people protesting against Trump? They should go their own rallies or leave it to the ballot box.
They do, 1000s attend bernies rallies.
I don't see the issue in shutting down trumps hate filled meetings.
But would you see the issue if thousands of Trump supporters turned up and closed down one of Bernie's rallies because they disagreed with his lefty socialist agenda? Why is it always one way traffic with the left side of politics? On the vary rare occasions when the right decides to protest about anything they are always drowned out and confronted with a militant leftist army convened and organised in the twitter sphere, Facebook and the like by activist students and career socialist protesters who rather than get a proper job, sit at their computers all day waiting for the next protest to attend.
I do enjoy a good politics thread. Because it really doesn't matter if you are left, right or anywhere in between eventually it will get silly. Eventually generally being 'by the second page, latest.'
I do enjoy a good politics thread. Because it really doesn't matter if you are left, right or anywhere in between eventually it will get silly. Eventually generally being 'by the second page, latest.'
Poisoning the Well & Straw Man. Guilty as charged :-)
Why are people protesting against Trump? They should go their own rallies or leave it to the ballot box.
They do, 1000s attend bernies rallies.
I don't see the issue in shutting down trumps hate filled meetings.
But would you see the issue if thousands of Trump supporters turned up and closed down one of Bernie's rallies because they disagreed with his lefty socialist agenda? Why is it always one way traffic with the left side of politics? On the vary rare occasions when the right decides to protest about anything they are always drowned out and confronted with a militant leftist army convened and organised in the twitter sphere, Facebook and the like by activist students and career socialist protesters who rather than get a proper job, sit at their computers all day waiting for the next protest to attend.
So many preconceptions it's hard to know where to begin, You sound like a angry old man
The USA is still the greatest country on the planet in so many ways but not as you would expect on every measure.
China will soon eclipse the states as the biggest ecconomy but as far as human rights, democratic process and poverty are concerned they are light years behind. The same could have been said of the former USSR.
For all its faults the USA still remains the most powerful and most influential nation and I can't see that changing any time soon.
I'm cucious, what does democracy have do with a countries greatness?
Also, China are miles behind The US economy, numbers are made up as people please here, I just read a great article suggesting even box office figures cannot be trusted.
All of those protestors have a vote, they can use it any way they like. The same way Trump's supporters can use it any way they like. The protestors made themselves look a bit silly IMO.
The popularity of Trump is growing as the convention approaches, surely an indication of how angry the electorate is with "establishment politicians". The national debt is approaching 20 trillion dollars and it seems to not matter to Obama and his cronies. Almost one third of taxes collected will soon be for paying the national debt, much of which is held by China. Bernie and Hilary are promising more "free stuff", like college tuition and healthcare, with no mention of how taxpayers, whose share of the national debt is already about $160,000 each, are going to be lumbered further. The current administration's "couldn't care less" attitude towards controlling illegal immigration, even though ISIS has stated they are crossing into the U.S. with the "normal illegal traffic", the release of illegals who have committed serious crimes, and the burdens placed on businesses are just a few more reasons for anger and Trump's popularity.
The USA is still the greatest country on the planet in so many ways but not as you would expect on every measure.
China will soon eclipse the states as the biggest ecconomy but as far as human rights, democratic process and poverty are concerned they are light years behind. The same could have been said of the former USSR.
For all its faults the USA still remains the most powerful and most influential nation and I can't see that changing any time soon.
I'm cucious, what does democracy have do with a countries greatness?
Also, China are miles behind The US economy, numbers are made up as people please here, I just read a great article suggesting even box office figures cannot be trusted.
If a country isn't it's people then i don't know what measure you use. Dictatorships are signs that the leadership do not trust its own people. China and many others have appalling human rights issues. I do not see that a country that is not respectful of its people can ever be considered great. Powerful perhaps but not great.
As for the Ecconomy of China surpassing that of the USA it is predicted and widely known that this should occur in a decade or so. I havn't made that up and thanks for the suggestion that I did. See below
Mr trump, you have done great things in your life.. How do I begin?
Well, I'm sure his families money helped.... Although that's not stopped 4 of his buisness going bankrupt.
Your point being?? Perhaps he would have been better off investing all his fathers wealth in high yielding stocks, bonds and real estate. Then sat back and watched the money roll in for the rest of his life whilst living the life of Riley. Instead the stupid fool started up numerous companies, you know those entities that actually employ people! He took risks, he lost it all, but rather than feel sorry for himself, he persevered, took even more risks and ended up building an even bigger fortune the second time around, whilst employing even more people..
Mr trump, you have done great things in your life.. How do I begin?
Well, I'm sure his families money helped.... Although that's not stopped 4 of his buisness going bankrupt.
Your point being?? Perhaps he would have been better off investing all his fathers wealth in high yielding stocks, bonds and real estate. Then sat back and watched the money roll in for the rest of his life whilst living the life of Riley. Instead the stupid fool started up numerous companies, you know those entities that actually employ people! He took risks, he lost it all, but rather than feel sorry for himself, he persevered, took even more risks and ended up building an even bigger fortune the second time around, whilst employing even more people..
Point has been made way back in this thread about how Trump (the family) made their money, how they protected it and how Junior fucked it up to the extent of a $5-$8bn bankruptcy.
Then how he was bailed out, by the same protectionists who helped the family build their business in the first place.
Sure, he employed plenty of illegal Poles and others, but what exactly did they get when he ran the whole shebang into the ground? Fuck all!
Junior on the other hand, had his old family friends bale out his incompetence and let him go again. He has made his fortune despite his abilities, not because of them.
The USA is still the greatest country on the planet in so many ways but not as you would expect on every measure.
China will soon eclipse the states as the biggest ecconomy but as far as human rights, democratic process and poverty are concerned they are light years behind. The same could have been said of the former USSR.
For all its faults the USA still remains the most powerful and most influential nation and I can't see that changing any time soon.
I'm cucious, what does democracy have do with a countries greatness?
Also, China are miles behind The US economy, numbers are made up as people please here, I just read a great article suggesting even box office figures cannot be trusted.
If a country isn't it's people then i don't know what measure you use. Dictatorships are signs that the leadership do not trust its own people. China and many others have appalling human rights issues. I do not see that a country that is not respectful of its people can ever be considered great. Powerful perhaps but not great.
As for the Ecconomy of China surpassing that of the USA it is predicted and widely known that this should occur in a decade or so. I havn't made that up and thanks for the suggestion that I did. See below
I'm glad I'm not American.
Much of what he says is show business, nothing more. He's having some fun at his opponents expense and he is loving the reaction from the public and from winding up all the lefties and the PC brigade, as am I, it is long overdue IMHO.
I would be extremely surprised if he turned out to be even half as radical as he purports to be should he get elected.
As your hero Tony Abbott found out in such brutal fashion, you can be the best campainger in the world but that has nothing to do with actually being able to run the country.
Abbott got exposed as a clueless Bogan and Trump will be similarly found out in the comjng weeks.
What's Malcolm done BTW, other than make an announcement about "innovation" ? He may present better than Abbott but once you see through the waffle you realise he's achieved nothing since toppling Abbott.
Tony wasn't a good campaigner, he was a very poor communicator unfortunately for conservatives. But he did stop the boats, he did repeal the mining and carbon taxes and implement 3 free trade agreements. He failed to make significant inroads into cutting debt thanks to a hostile senate and outcry from the left. He also let down conservatives by failing to repeal 18c as promised. The truth is whoever was running against Labor would have won that election seeing as the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd shambles was such a disastrous period for the country.
When are the Vic Pol fraud squad finally going to charge your hero with fraud?
Maybe they're protesting because they're concerned at the prospect of having that megalomaniacal, narcissistic hate-monger being elected as their president. I for one salute them for entering the bear pit of a Trump rally to voice their disapproval.
So trump wants to make America great again? Hmmm...
China will soon eclipse the states as the biggest ecconomy but as far as human rights, democratic process and poverty are concerned they are light years behind. The same could have been said of the former USSR.
For all its faults the USA still remains the most powerful and most influential nation and I can't see that changing any time soon.
They do, 1000s attend bernies rallies.
I don't see the issue in shutting down trumps hate filled meetings.
I do enjoy a good politics thread. Because it really doesn't matter if you are left, right or anywhere in between eventually it will get silly. Eventually generally being 'by the second page, latest.'
You don't ?
So many preconceptions it's hard to know where to begin, You sound like a angry old man
Also, China are miles behind The US economy, numbers are made up as people please here, I just read a great article suggesting even box office figures cannot be trusted.
Well, I'm sure his families money helped.... Although that's not stopped 4 of his buisness going bankrupt.
The current administration's "couldn't care less" attitude towards controlling illegal immigration, even though ISIS has stated they are crossing into the U.S. with the "normal illegal traffic", the release of illegals who have committed serious crimes, and the burdens placed on businesses are just a few more reasons for anger and Trump's popularity.
As for the Ecconomy of China surpassing that of the USA it is predicted and widely known that this should occur in a decade or so. I havn't made that up and thanks for the suggestion that I did. See below
Perhaps he would have been better off investing all his fathers wealth in high yielding stocks, bonds and real estate. Then sat back and watched the money roll in for the rest of his life whilst living the life of Riley. Instead the stupid fool started up numerous companies, you know those entities that actually employ people!
He took risks, he lost it all, but rather than feel sorry for himself, he persevered, took even more risks and ended up building an even bigger fortune the second time around, whilst employing even more people..
Then how he was bailed out, by the same protectionists who helped the family build their business in the first place.
Sure, he employed plenty of illegal Poles and others, but what exactly did they get when he ran the whole shebang into the ground? Fuck all!
Junior on the other hand, had his old family friends bale out his incompetence and let him go again. He has made his fortune despite his abilities, not because of them.