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Is now the time to consider a mass walk out?

It seemed to work for Liverpool so why not us?


  • Is it because Liverpool were demanding a review of ticket prices which the owners were in their power to change at the drop of a hat but CARD wants RD to sell up, which isn't quite so simple and he might not want to ?

    Was it also because the Liverpool action was on the BBC news at ten and Match of the day and is part of a bigger Twenty's Plenty campaign ?
  • The only way this would work imo is if everyone just walked out and went to the car park to protest. Simply walking out and going home like Liverpool fans did, wont work.

    agree, walk out at half time and protest in car park during second half. I'd be surprised if something similar wasn't being seriously considered by CARD.

  • The risk being if it were not supported by a significant number it could have a detrimental effect. I am happy to support any protest if it gets our message across. I do however think someone from CARD should try and open a dialogue with the club. We can continue to protest but imo we should try and proactively engage with them. If RD, KM, RM et al decided to acknowledge us and put forward a programme to achieve some of our objectives i.e., start employing British, Championship experienced personnel then they would be answering one of our concerns. I don't believe we cannot achieve our objective under the current regime, but obviously they would need to make a huge U-Turn from the way we have seen the club being run
  • anfield is also a sell out most games so a mass walkout has a lot more impact as its more visible, seen a photo of dickalet on the train apparently around 8pm last night in the lewisham area, so possibly he will be at the game this weekend?.
  • I hope people are up for it this Saturday whatever it is.
    Thanks again to KM this week, CARD is still gathering momentum.
    Let's hope Louis' interview tonight fans the flames a bit, too.
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  • Spanish said:

    The risk being if it were not supported by a significant number it could have a detrimental effect. I am happy to support any protest if it gets our message across. I do however think someone from CARD should try and open a dialogue with the club. We can continue to protest but imo we should try and proactively engage with them. If RD, KM, RM et al decided to acknowledge us and put forward a programme to achieve some of our objectives i.e., start employing British, Championship experienced personnel then they would be answering one of our concerns. I don't believe we cannot achieve our objective under the current regime, but obviously they would need to make a huge U-Turn from the way we have seen the club being run

    There's been plenty of dialogue already. Dialogue suits them because it gives them more time to continue the ruination of Charlton Athletic.The only dialogue I'd be interested in now is if they asked us to stop the protests because they'd had an offer. Even then I'd want proof from the lying bastards.
  • I thought I was already part of a mass walkout. ;-)
  • edited February 2016
    Spanish said:

    The risk being if it were not supported by a significant number it could have a detrimental effect. I am happy to support any protest if it gets our message across. I do however think someone from CARD should try and open a dialogue with the club. We can continue to protest but imo we should try and proactively engage with them. If RD, KM, RM et al decided to acknowledge us and put forward a programme to achieve some of our objectives i.e., start employing British, Championship experienced personnel then they would be answering one of our concerns. I don't believe we cannot achieve our objective under the current regime, but obviously they would need to make a huge U-Turn from the way we have seen the club being run

    Spanish, you don't spend enough time on here. The Trust have been attempting dialogue, for getting on for 2 years and have been continually rebuffed.

    Any recent communication has been deliberately diluted by Meire, saturating the room with club employees and some fans that are not as well informed as The Trust (and others) and also who are not as good at communicating, as said Trust (and others). View the fans forum meeting to see what I mean.

    If the club wished to have a meaningful discusssion they would. They don't and they could never be trusted after the volume of lies that they have told us.
  • The ground is half empty it's gonna look awful. Might look ok if it happeend in the football for a fiver game as there will be a few more but still dont think it will work.
  • MrLargo said:

    I certainly wouldn't do it for the next couple of weeks, we'd just look like we'd copied the scousers. Also, it doesn't cost Roland any money if we go home early. Better off doing a sit-in protest, so they have to pay for the stewards and police until we go home.

    Especially as the forecast for Saturday is heavy rain :smile:
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  • MrLargo said:

    I certainly wouldn't do it for the next couple of weeks, we'd just look like we'd copied the scousers. Also, it doesn't cost Roland any money if we go home early. Better off doing a sit-in protest, so they have to pay for the stewards and police until we go home.

    Especially as the forecast for Saturday is heavy rain :smile:
    Yes, we need to plan well and the weather is an important factor.
  • edited February 2016
    Spanish said:

    The risk being if it were not supported by a significant number it could have a detrimental effect. I am happy to support any protest if it gets our message across. I do however think someone from CARD should try and open a dialogue with the club. We can continue to protest but imo we should try and proactively engage with them. If RD, KM, RM et al decided to acknowledge us and put forward a programme to achieve some of our objectives i.e., start employing British, Championship experienced personnel then they would be answering one of our concerns. I don't believe we cannot achieve our objective under the current regime, but obviously they would need to make a huge U-Turn from the way we have seen the club being run

    CAST has been asking for meaningful dialogue for quite some time and had nothing that lives up to meaningful.

    And as far as British managers / championship experience is concerned, according to Katrien's interview in the Daily Mail Alan Curbishley applied for the position when Bob Peeters was sacked, but that the club had been vindicated by choosing Guy Luzon over a "fan favourite".

    The most that we have had, is Katrien talking over people / abruptly interrupting them in during the fans forum in a way that suggests she's not interested in what they have to say, Tony Keohane refusing to call the Jimmy Seed stand the Jimmy Seed stand ("Tony it's called the Jimmy Seed stand!". "In the initial concept plans it's called the "South Stand") in the fans forum, and Richard Murray's Q&A statement that appears to have been made as a response to the media rather than to fans.

    Rumour even has it that Katrien has made accusations that CAFC museum trustees have incited riots and should be kicked out of the museum. If true, it's an absoloute disgrace that the club CEO is acting in this way.

    I really, really, want to know what the thinking was with Karel Fraeye. Who made the decision, who agreed at the time that it was the right decision. And how was that decision made. But we'll never have that disclosed. I think the Fraeye decision is a microcosm of how the current ownership are not good custodians of our club.
  • Fair enough... @MrLargo & @Covered End

    I do openly admit to not being on here enough to read all the content. I also understand that change under the current regime is a big ask.
  • A sit-in protest after the game would be my choice right now.
  • edited February 2016
    Mackle said:

    Rumour even has it that Katrien has made accusations that CAFC museum trustees have incited riots and should be kicked out of the museum. If true, it's an absoloute disgrace that the club CEO is acting in this way.

    Points of order @Mackle

    Only one trustee (me) and it wasn't a rumour. She accused me of "inciting a riot", and repeated the accusation twice more, to my face and in front of witnesses including my then 16 year old son. Not very impressive from a solicitor or a CEO. This took place just after the first launch of the Spell it Out in Black and White campaign calling for emails to be answered, a target 20k group to be set up and better communication. This was also before any protests had taken place.

    I'm not aware that she wanted me kicked of the Museum board and in any case the note in VOTV 125 said "senior management". It didn't say KM.
    I think even Tony Cajones would realise the PR disaster that would be if it was him.

    Again, the Museum is an independent and apolitical entity.
  • We nick other clubs songs and chants so why not nick their protests too.......
  • As I see it, and a strictly personal view:

    - Mass walk out - risky because I'm not sure how many people would take part and a failed protest is a victory for the club

    - A sit in - Easier for stewards/police to clear section by section than a mass gathering outside the West Stand, plus less impressive/newsworthy as protesters distributed around the ground

    - A walk in - the idea of starting a demo outside the West stand at 2.30 and then entering the ground 10 minutes after kick off appeals to me more. Need to be aware though that many fans would see this as not "supporting the team".
  • The problem is it obviously affected the Liverpool players because they caved in after the walk out .
  • The problem is it obviously affected the Liverpool players because they caved in after the walk out .

    Whereas ours will have already caved in!
  • our players cave in before they even get on the pitch so no worries there.
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