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Where were all the banners ?



  • shirty5 said:

    shirty5 said:

    Gentleman came around the Royal Oak about 1:45 and asked if you were sitting in the Covered End. (Matt Wright plus an older male)When the answer was no, they pissed off without an acknowledgement. Does it matter where you sit? If you want to hold a banner up, them let them do it.

    Do not believe we are not wanting the same cause if we don't sit behind the goal!

    I think you'll find that the decision was made to create the greatest impact by targetting the North Lower & Upper only on this occasion.

    Had those 100 or so been sprinkled around all 3 sides, it would have considerably diluted the protesters' aim.

    Was you a party to this then Jean? I personally thought it was patronizing to other people behind the cause
    Not sure what you mean by that, shirty.

    I played a miniscule part in yesterday's banner campaign but totally agreed with the decision to concentrate the 100 available in the North for reasons stated previously.

    Maybe more donations to the CARD fund would mean that banners could be distributed to ALL home areas another time.

  • Absolutely hilarious, worst protest I have ever seen!!... Penalty came at the perfect time tbh and nothing of note happened!

    Got a better idea or are you just another sad act like PL45?
    Another Belgian apologist.
  • Ok well at least you're pleased with some things that people are working hard on. That's a relief.
  • @shirty5 Pat downs and bag searches at the East Stand Harvey Gardens turnstiles.
  • Absolutely hilarious, worst protest I have ever seen!!... Penalty came at the perfect time tbh and nothing of note happened!

    Is it a co-incidence your username contains the word "Franck" which is mainly of Belgium origin or do you want to come clean and tell us who you really are?
  • There were less than 50 banners on show in the North Stand. I took a picture and counted about 25.
  • PopIcon said:

    There were less than 50 banners on show in the North Stand. I took a picture and counted about 25.

    That'll be less than 30 then :smiley: .
  • Maybe the thing to have done was to announce that banners would be in the West Stand; and then brought them in to the Covered End.

    Seriously though, we now know how the regime will react, and should plan accordingly - given the response times for emails, maybe we could sneak banners in in packages addressed to our fragrant and lovely CEO, we'd then find them unattended stacked in a corner somewhere...

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  • edited February 2016
    mogodon said:

    Absolutely hilarious, worst protest I have ever seen!!... Penalty came at the perfect time tbh and nothing of note happened!

    Got a better idea or are you just another sad act like PL45?
    I think comparing anyone to PL45 or Colin is below the belt.
    This got me my first abuse flag. From PL45. I see it as a badge of honour.
    [Edit] Taken down shortly afterwards
  • I think coordinated banners and other in game protests dilute the support for the team, negatively affect the atmosphere and are essentially destructive.

    I have no problem with standing up because I want them out. These chants occur during quiet points in the game and do not effect the support for the team.

    To deliberately target a set time in the game for a protest action can affect the flow of the support and therefore the game and can turn a win into a draw and a draw into a loss.

  • mogodon said:

    Absolutely hilarious, worst protest I have ever seen!!... Penalty came at the perfect time tbh and nothing of note happened!

    Got a better idea or are you just another sad act like PL45?
    I think comparing anyone to PL45 or Colin is below the belt.
    PL45 handed me my first abuse flag for this comment. And then removed it. And then added it again. Is this usual behaviour for a troll? Either way, I seem to have struck a nerve.
  • shirty5 said:

    shirty5 said:

    shirty5 said:

    Gentleman came around the Royal Oak about 1:45 and asked if you were sitting in the Covered End. (Matt Wright plus an older male)When the answer was no, they pissed off without an acknowledgement. Does it matter where you sit? If you want to hold a banner up, them let them do it.

    Do not believe we are not wanting the same cause if we don't sit behind the goal!

    I think you'll find that the decision was made to create the greatest impact by targetting the North Lower & Upper only on this occasion.

    Had those 100 or so been sprinkled around all 3 sides, it would have considerably diluted the protesters' aim.

    Was you a party to this then Jean? I personally thought it was patronizing to other people behind the cause
    Not sure what you mean by that, shirty.

    I played a miniscule part in yesterday's banner campaign but totally agreed with the decision to concentrate the 100 available in the North for reasons stated previously.

    Maybe more donations to the CARD fund would mean that banners could be distributed to ALL home areas another time.

    Sorry all, but I'm afraid I disagree with by diluting the banners by placing them all in one area. By spreading the banners around all stands would have probably meant a higher percentage getting into the ground. (no stewards by the west stand, unsure about the east) Stewards were all over the Covered End which meant a few were confiscated before they could get in.

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and I'm sure things will be done differently in future. We all learn from our errors/ mistakes and make sure they don't happen again.

    On a positive note, the main banner was up for over 70 minutes over an advert, but no move seen to remove it. The Billboard is excellent, and the cost for the club in Stewards and extra police. (Never seen that many police in home areas especially the Lower West) would have been higher than any time this season. The extra barriers put up again outside the West Stand is all cost to them and is making it difficult every home game for the club to manage.

    Finally i agree that we all need to pull together and get these people out of our club. Infighting does not help, so If I have offended anyone with my criticism about the banners then I apologise but it's only cause I care, not that I want a row with anyone.
    Shirty5 try getting in touch with CARD YOUSELF SURE YOUR INPUT WOULD BE WELCOME....and you can put this to the test where you sit.
  • @AFKABartram, it wasn't the banners that bothered me at all. I'm happy with banners.

    It was that in the run up to the times protest the whole ground seemed to go silent as many of the most vocal parts of the ground were thinking about the protest more than they were following the game.

    I agree the players see nothing while they are in game but I also think they do hear and feed off the noise, almost no matter what is being sung.
  • I only saw about 5 banners from The Upper North. So yes, it seemed like a damp squib, when we were hoping to see nearer 100.

    I doubt most up there realised, that they were all in The Lower North and unseen to us.

    It backfired from that point of view. I'm not criticising, just observing.

  • PL54 said:

    mogodon said:

    mogodon said:

    Absolutely hilarious, worst protest I have ever seen!!... Penalty came at the perfect time tbh and nothing of note happened!

    Got a better idea or are you just another sad act like PL45?
    I think comparing anyone to PL45 or Colin is below the belt.
    PL45 handed me my first abuse flag for this comment. And then removed it. And then added it again. Is this usual behaviour for a troll? Either way, I seem to have struck a nerve.
    I didn't remove it but it seems someone up top did, so I reinstated it.
    Bad news. They removed it again. But good to know you stuck to your guns. And intrigued how it can be classified as 'abuse'?
  • mogodon said:

    PL54 said:

    mogodon said:

    mogodon said:

    Absolutely hilarious, worst protest I have ever seen!!... Penalty came at the perfect time tbh and nothing of note happened!

    Got a better idea or are you just another sad act like PL45?
    I think comparing anyone to PL45 or Colin is below the belt.
    PL45 handed me my first abuse flag for this comment. And then removed it. And then added it again. Is this usual behaviour for a troll? Either way, I seem to have struck a nerve.
    I didn't remove it but it seems someone up top did, so I reinstated it.
    Bad news. They removed it again. But good to know you stuck to your guns. And intrigued how it can be classified as 'abuse'?
    It was aimed at me. In what manner did you intend the comment - abuse, piss take, congratulations etc ?

    I only find myself flagging comments aimed at me that are derogatory or are in any other way sexist, racist etc.

    Many (largely the same people) flag me for posting but that's cool if it gives them a kick.
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  • PL54 said:

    mogodon said:

    PL54 said:

    mogodon said:

    mogodon said:

    Absolutely hilarious, worst protest I have ever seen!!... Penalty came at the perfect time tbh and nothing of note happened!

    Got a better idea or are you just another sad act like PL45?
    I think comparing anyone to PL45 or Colin is below the belt.
    PL45 handed me my first abuse flag for this comment. And then removed it. And then added it again. Is this usual behaviour for a troll? Either way, I seem to have struck a nerve.
    I didn't remove it but it seems someone up top did, so I reinstated it.
    Bad news. They removed it again. But good to know you stuck to your guns. And intrigued how it can be classified as 'abuse'?
    It was aimed at me. In what manner did you intend the comment - abuse, piss take, congratulations etc ?

    I only find myself flagging comments aimed at me that are derogatory or are in any other way sexist, racist etc.

    Many (largely the same people) flag me for posting but that's cool if it gives them a kick.
    It's a tongue in cheek comment. It's certainly not abusive, and as far as I can see not sexist. And fairly certain I have never flagged you (or anyone come to that, but I am be wrong). But you have chosen to flag it yet again, which is your prerogative but all a bit silly, don't you think? I always assumed the flag was there for genuine abuse and bad taste, not because of a comment like this. You live and learn.
  • I assumed flags were for highlighting comments that were personally abusive or wholesale illegal.
  • PL54 said:

    I assumed flags were for highlighting comments that were personally abusive or wholesale illegal.

    Well, which was mine then? Because I genuinely don't have a clue.
  • mogodon said:

    Absolutely hilarious, worst protest I have ever seen!!... Penalty came at the perfect time tbh and nothing of note happened!

    Got a better idea or are you just another sad act like PL45?
    I think comparing anyone to PL45 or Colin is below the belt.
    So in what manner was this comment meant ?

    I really don't give a turd but I have highlighted that it was personal, directed at me and meant to offer abuse. Like many others. 109 flags my end, and counting.....
  • PL54 said:

    mogodon said:

    Absolutely hilarious, worst protest I have ever seen!!... Penalty came at the perfect time tbh and nothing of note happened!

    Got a better idea or are you just another sad act like PL45?
    I think comparing anyone to PL45 or Colin is below the belt.
    So in what manner was this comment meant ?

    I really don't give a turd but I have highlighted that it was personal, directed at me and meant to offer abuse. Like many others. 109 flags my end, and counting.....
    OK, I see where you are coming from. Although given you thought fit to post "Lying male twat", for which you were flagged (in your mind unfairly no doubt), it's a bit rich to start crying about something so trivial!
  • I'm not crying
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