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Outrageous behaviour from our stewards today.



  • There were a lot of witnesses.
  • A banner protest all over the ground is a great idea, but how about one of the huge flags like the 'Killer' one (I think) that nearly all the Covered End or stands could all pass round? Nobody could be ejected for holding it as we would all be holding it!

    Getting it in the ground without anyone noticing might be tricky
    Laundry basket?
  • It seems like the Police were involved (there was comment earlier that the lad that got kicked out had the police basically questioning the stewards as to why). Why didn't they nick the steward who'd punched the woman in the face ? Horrendous behaviour, really hope that whomever it was that carried out what sounds like a nasty assault is identified and dealt with using the full force of the law, we can't be having this at our own ground.
  • Hope you take them on and win. I'm not a violent person in the slightest but I've never, ever wanted to give someone a kicking more than the scumbag of a steward who (literally) chucked me out the City Ground a couple of years back for absolutely nothing. Bullying Cowards who get off on picking on easy targets but wouldn't dare try with certain groups. On that occasion it was under the stand so no cameras and all the police could say was "we always get complaints about him - write to the club".

    If I ever found out that cretin had been hurt I would raise a glass.

    I thought I'd moved on but this has brought the anger all back. Grrrrr.

    Good luck Gwen and Son.
  • Chunes said:

    There must be somebody on this board who knows a steward. If we could get an anonymous quote on what they've been told to do (e.g., to aggressively remove any and all banners critical of the board and eject from the stadium), the media would eat it up.

    I do and he is a sound fella. Will ask.
  • @Gwen strongly advise you to contact that Football Supporters Federation lady. If I remember correctly, she has investigated claims against our bully boy snatch squad on behalf of an away team a couple of seasons ago, so won't be going into this blind.

    I have my own opinions on one or two of that bully mob and their despicable behaviour I have witnessed in the past.
  • @Gwen sorry all 3 of you had to experience the behavior of those knuckle draggers. As everyone has mentioned, they are just bullies looking for a "This one time I had to (inset lame story of picking on a single fan)" story.

    Glad to see the motion is in place to get this moron sorted out and I bet as the justice grip goes for his neck, he will turn into the gutless quivering wreck we know he is.
  • Every cause needs a martyr!!

    I am willing to take one for the team. I am a small guy, look about 15 (although I am actually 20). I am willing to hold a nice big banner and if they approach me will stand between them and it, in an unprovocative way hands behind my back but unmoving. Then at the first sign of contact I am falling down the stairs/ over the seats. Serious injuries may follow!

    I have some good news and bad news, canters ?

    The good news is after seeing your CV, the club are prepared to put you straight into the 18 man squad for Saturday.

    The bad news for the rest of us is that, the football team you play for on a Sunday in Kent, Didn't put you on even when they went down to 10 men,
    and you were the only sub ! :wink:
    This is an accurate assessment of my footballing ability.
  • The club are aware of a small number of safety and security incidents that took place during and after the match versus Blackburn Rovers at The Valley on Saturday
    Working with the Police, stadium security and after consulting with fans, we are aware of a small number of safety and security incidents that took place during and after the match versus Blackburn Rovers at The Valley on Saturday.

    These specifically relate to the removal of a banner in the Upper North, objects thrown from the Upper West and objects thrown post-match outside main reception.

    The CCTV of these incidents has been reviewed and we believe that staff working for Charlton Athletic have acted appropriately at all times. The supporters involved in all of these incidents have been contacted and invited in to see club officials to review the footage and discuss actions taken on the day. We will communicate further after this process is complete.

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  • shirty5 said:

    smiffyboy said:

    mrbligh said:

    Private prosecution is pointless. Call 101 explain you've been assaulted (numerous times) a theft (or two has been committed) and explain that you would support a prosecution and are willing to give a statement. Explain the whole thing is on cctv and they also assaulted your mother. The police are duty bound to investigate. It's really that simple

    What's the betting the CCTV has accidentally been erased
    Maybe, but there are witnesses to the incident who are prepared to back up Gwen and her son. Ringing 101 and reporting the incident will one of the first things to take forward after this incident. No point sending tweets to the police about it if the incident has not been reported in the first place.
    As I said before, it probably is a good idea, now, to get a list of anyone in the vinicity or saw what happened.
    If this does go further at least there will be some evidence relating to the incident.
  • Sorry, overlapped @hawksmoor 's post.

    Now ?
  • Best idea is to invite the bully fk steward to have a mano on mano with people who like to participate in his style of response and then batter him tbh
  • Disgusting.

    The Police and FSF need to be contacted again.
  • edited January 2016
    Not surprised, my complaint last year against a bully steward was found to have 'acted in the appropriate manner'. He's still swaggering around. Knew I was wasting my time (no reply from Katrien either surprise surprise)
  • Bunch of lying, arse covering f#cksticks.
  • The more i think about it the more mad it seems how daft the club is treating 'its customers' why are we employing such a heavy handed approach towards our own?
  • Okay.
    If anyone saw anything, I'd suggest, at the first opportunity, to write down what they saw.
    The longer you leave it, the more the mind plays tricks.
    Apologies for keeping on about this, but it is important.
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  • edited January 2016

    Edit. - re read the story, people involved are invited in to watch the CCTV anyway
  • Theres no point going down the proper route with these people, at the top of the club or the scum bag who done it, play them at their own game at every turn
  • For a start the objects in the Upper West were dropped, not thrown.
  • I've realised there's very little point of following the club on either Facebook or Twitter anymore, nothing that seems to come out of CAFC at the moment seems to be worth paying any attention to.

    As for the official site, it's largely rendered pointless because I find stuff out on here.
  • this is the club essentially condoning and endorsing bullying and intimidation.

    I'm sure no journo's already interested in our situation will find anything to say about that...
  • Only wished I had recorded the first steward on my phone. I said at the time he was out of order and I still maintain that was the case.
  • I think it is disgusting that the club has defended the stewards who think it is acceptable to hit a carer in the face, when the police argued with the offender to allow them back into the club. why are the club trying so hard to cover up our message of CARD and why are the club being so defensive.

    Next step options are two fold:
    1) instead of having the protests in the car park, we remain IN the stadium after the whistle, hoping to get our voices heard in the post match interviews.

    2) we take a leaf out of Standard Liege's book and we storm the executive offices until they see that no-one likes the regime.
  • Only wished I had recorded the first steward on my phone. I said at the time he was out of order and I still maintain that was the case.

    If you were near enough the incident, you can probably request the CCTV as my above says. Will be very useful for clarity.
  • What an awful response, delivered with the now usual self satisfied smugness we all link to our CEO.

    I fee that this is another provocative reaction intended to make the fans violent in our response. I think their tactic is to generate such venom that our protests turn from organised and planned to ad hoc and aggressive. They will then use this against us.

    It is clear from the response at the time to the banner being taken and subsequent accounts that there is a clear case to answer.

    Could some of the funds be used if necessary to support this family in whatever action they deem appropriate?
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