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2016 World Heavyweight Champions (AJ v Klitshko from Page 20)



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    I believe if Yafai wins, he still wins the belt
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    Yeah, belt still up for grabs for Kal but is it a case that Concepcion struggled to make the weight (which if he's not done the weight right would be good news for Yafai) or did he not even make any real effort to make the weight (perhaps knowing he couldn't make the weight anymore) and as such given himself an advantage going into the fight.
    Guess we will find out in the next 30 minutes or so...
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    Need to see Callum Smith up against better quality now
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    Some hit from Smith there, glad Blackledge was ok. Agree to certain extent his corner should maybe have pulled him out earlier. World title awaits for Smith next year surely!!
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    Fuck me, punch and a half that one
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    Anyone got a stream..... please save me from the x factor
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    Anyone got a stream..... please save me from the x factor

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    Yafai looking very good
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    Smiths opponents corner should be ashamed. Should have been dragged a lot earlier.
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    Yafai is making this bloke look a clown
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    Decent win for Yafai here.

    Just keep him away from Roman Gonzales for the next few years.
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    Bored of this now. Yafai is boxing really well but it looks like they've put him in with someone off the street
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    CAFCsayer said:

    Bored of this now. Yafai is boxing really well but it looks like they've put him in with someone off the street

    Tbf he can take a punch though

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    Incredible performance. Concepcion is world class and Yafai made him look like a journeyman no hoper!
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    Adam Smith making an idiot of himself
    "we have a world champion in every weight class"

    Including Yafai we've got a world champion in 11/17 weight classes. Very impressive in its own right, no need to exaggerate.
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    Decent finish that by Quigg.

    Wished they'd drop the women's fight, can do without a late night
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    Kate Abdo is very pleasing on the eye
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    There's that presenter in the blue dress again.

    God damn!
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    Kate Abdo is a princess

    Whyte v Chisora will cure insomnia
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    Absolute zero interest in women's boxing... Why is this on the card?
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    CAFCsayer said:

    Absolute zero interest in women's boxing... Why is this on the card?

    Understand they see pound notes possible with Taylor, but this shouldn't have been scheduled for this point of the card.
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    CAFCsayer said:

    Absolute zero interest in women's boxing... Why is this on the card?

    Understand they see pound notes possible with Taylor, but this shouldn't have been scheduled for this point of the card.
    It's so shit, like a totally different sport
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    Like women's football.
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    Gives me time for some cheese on toast (red Leicester, mature cheddar combo) bit of Worcester sauce and pot of tea.
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    Gives me time for some cheese on toast (red Leicester, mature cheddar combo) bit of Worcester sauce and pot of tea.

    Just done exactly the same with a pint
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    CAFCsayer said:

    Gives me time for some cheese on toast (red Leicester, mature cheddar combo) bit of Worcester sauce and pot of tea.

    Just done exactly the same with a pint
    Did you grate the cheese or slice. I grated!!
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    At this rate joshua won't be on until midnight. Wish I'd gone to the pub 1st now
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    If ever there was a fight where I'd like to see both boxers knocked out it's this 1
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    Chisora 4/1 into 5/6jf.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!