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Chris Parkes The only CAFC Representative



  • Do we know what she thinks about Chris being the only manager at the game?
  • rikofold said:

    Do we know what she thinks about Chris being the only manager at the game?

    That it was romantic for them?
  • rikofold said:

    Do we know what she thinks about Chris being the only manager at the game?

    Chris went as Roland Duchatelet and affected an accent. Sue went as Katrien and tried to look down her nose at everyone and chortled as each goal went in.
  • Not sure why any Charlton fan would work for Ducahatlet. They have their chance to support the protestors this Saturday.
  • "Many of you are like sheep now, losing track of your original aim but still continuing to follow aimlessly those who perpetuate rumours intended to destabilise the club"
  • Scoham said:
    It's a shame for her that she is now being referred to in a semi-official capacity. Can understand why she wants to stick up for the club but this may have started a shitstorm which she ought to have seen coming. Not helped by some of the phraseology used in posts.
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  • edited January 2016
    I don't know Sue , i'm sure she's a really nice lady , but stuff like this really doesn't help, she's entitled to her opinions of course as everyone is, but it doesn't come across as a very wise move.
    Personally i do agree with Sue, going on the pitch on Saturday would be daft and we would probably incur a fine or points, so i can't blame her for saying that, some of the other stuff i'm not sure about, it might be time for her to quit the group rather than causing more unrest.

    I'm sure she cares about the club as we all do , to me it seems like she is being used by the club to shut the fans up, if she was in the Duchchalet out camp, would Cafc let her carry on sharing her views and be happy about it?
  • edited January 2016
    i dont know the lady at all but some of her facebook posts are bizarre to say the least was a nearly a code of conduct, i dont condone any illegal activity, but she was telling people not to drink and so on, and this why is it stupidity, i was up for the pitch invasion if it was a concise effort not just 10 people.

    well do what we want and face the consequences.
  • kentred2 said:

    Not sure why any Charlton fan would work for Ducahatlet. They have their chance to support the protestors this Saturday.

    Chris works for Charlton, whoever is in charge, and has done for about 27 years. He is around retirement age but the club have never given him a pension scheme. He has a mortgage to pay. I have no idea about his feelings on the events unfolding, but I do know that plenty of people on this forum stick up for players earning more in a month than he does in a year, who move to another club for an extra 5 grand a week, because "anyone would".

    I think someone in Chris's position is very much entitled to put the wellbeing of himself and his family first.
    I was hoping that you would post something, AA as I know you are friendly with Sue & Chris.

    Think most will understand where you're coming from but I'm still unsure whether Sue is doing herself & Chris any favours.

    Sounds like a case of it being difficult "mixing business with pleasure".

  • Sue Parkes doesn,'t know when to stop digging apparently. Not seen any rumours about pitch invasions apart from the one she has created herself. Building bridges she ain't.

  • kentred2 said:

    Not sure why any Charlton fan would work for Ducahatlet. They have their chance to support the protestors this Saturday.

    Chris works for Charlton, whoever is in charge, and has done for about 27 years. He is around retirement age but the club have never given him a pension scheme. He has a mortgage to pay. I have no idea about his feelings on the events unfolding, but I do know that plenty of people on this forum stick up for players earning more in a month than he does in a year, who move to another club for an extra 5 grand a week, because "anyone would".

    I think someone in Chris's position is very much entitled to put the wellbeing of himself and his family first.
    Completely agree with everything you say. I would urge Chris to suggest to Sue that she stops posting about Charlton as she is going to upset one side or another every time and that's making his situation difficult. As we know, Meire places no value on loyalty or experience.
  • She should post whatever she wants a and Chris shouldn't advise her to do anything, we can not have a moan that the club are stifling opinion by players being unable to attend fan meetings, Yet advocate the silence of another fan,

    The advice was so as not to compromise her husband. I would prefer to have someone inside the club who is 'one of us' and quiet rather than someone who loses their job. Ultimately, it is her choice, of course.
  • edited January 2016
    Got a tad messy now, not sure I agree with SLP taking comments on Facebook and then running a story like that whatever she's said. Although her comments have been foolish of late on the group to say the least. I'm sure Sue will be biting her tounge a lot more in he future

    There is zero chance of a pitch invasion on Saturday anyway. This is Charlton remember!
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  • I don’t know Chris nor Sue, but some of the stuff she is spouting on the face of it seems like it could be coming from the mouth of Meire. Now I have no problem with people with different views to myself, but she is becoming the spokesperson of Duchatelet. Whilst the others are bunkering down in their fox hole she is still chanting the mantra. The cynic in me feels that Meire, who seems to very charming on a one to one level, has engineered a friendship here whereby her case can be put forward whilst not having to answer any relevant questions put by any nasty journalist.
    If I knew Chris or Sue, I’d tell Sue to button it for a bit, she is being used.
  • She should post whatever she wants a and Chris shouldn't advise her to do anything, we can not have a moan that the club are stifling opinion by players being unable to attend fan meetings, Yet advocate the silence of another fan,

    She shouldn't, because she is party to confidential information and discussions by virtue of the fact that she is at every game in the boardroom. Since she is outside the club's control, she is the only one exercising judgement over what she discloses. If she wants that access and the level of free hospitality she has enjoyed from the club for decades, she should have the common sense to keep quiet. Chris may be able to argue that he is working on matchdays - nobody else takes their wife to work.
    I agree airman. She is associated with the running of the club, long suffering fan or not.
  • Scoham said:
    It can't be April fool's day already.

    First Hendo fronts the press over the 5-0, and now Sue Parks is on a one-woman crusade to stop rioting fans invading the pitch.

    Sue has become a star! She can go to Z-list parties now.

  • She should post whatever she wants a and Chris shouldn't advise her to do anything, we can not have a moan that the club are stifling opinion by players being unable to attend fan meetings, Yet advocate the silence of another fan,

    She shouldn't, because she is party to confidential information and discussions by virtue of the fact that she is at every game in the boardroom. Since she is outside the club's control, she is the only one exercising judgement over what she discloses. If she wants that access and the level of free hospitality she has enjoyed from the club for decades, she should have the common sense to keep quiet. Chris may be able to argue that he is working on matchdays - nobody else takes their wife to work.

    Hence why I said previously

    her posting shouldn't be censored just looked at more closely by us all as ultimately there is a great chance she will divulge something beneficial to our needs,

  • HarryLime said:

    I don’t know Chris nor Sue, but some of the stuff she is spouting on the face of it seems like it could be coming from the mouth of Meire. Now I have no problem with people with different views to myself, but she is becoming the spokesperson of Duchatelet. Whilst the others are bunkering down in their fox hole she is still chanting the mantra. The cynic in me feels that Meire, who seems to very charming on a one to one level, has engineered a friendship here whereby her case can be put forward whilst not having to answer any relevant questions put by any nasty journalist.
    If I knew Chris or Sue, I’d tell Sue to button it for a bit, she is being used.

    This is what happens when there is a vacuum of communication.
  • I reckon Sue has probably been in the Ladies with Katrien whilst she (Katrien) has sobbed away about how nasty those protesting Charlton fans are and that nothing is her fault and felt sorry for her.

    Now she has been made aware of the utter contempt with which Ms Meire actually holds any supporters of around her husband's age or a decade younger she may rethink her position.

    A different message seems to be emanating from Jim Davidson (former Bournemouth Director is that why they got the West Stand last season) to what he was saying around the time of the last home game.

  • LoOkOuT said:

    @Fanny, when does the pleasure start???

    See @Fanny Fanackapan Quote in @I want my charltonback thread.....
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