The only problem I have is the way she expresses her opinions in a "I'm better than all of you" tone. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I (and evidently others) interpret her tone, on this and other others subjects as well.
Long service award, yet no pension scheme. What a grateful employer.
I'd love to know how much Mrs Parkes spent watching Charlton last weekend.
There's supporting your husband and then there's sycophancy.
Something else this kamikaze regime has missed then - Auto-enrolment!
They're aware and are addressing it, may have done so already. Bit late for Chris, which isn't really the current regime's fault.
Based on the the club's size and the prescribed timetable they would have been required to adopt auto enrolment during the tenure of this current regime.
Previous regimes don't avoid blame, I agree - most companies of the size of a tier 2 (relatively recently tier 1) football club should have had a scheme in place before waiting for the government to force it.
To my certain knowledge the club used to offer to contribute an additional percentage of salary into people's own pension schemes as part of its salary package, going back to the 1990s.
What a poor post. I agree that a pitch invasion wouldn't be sensible. I also agree that some of the initial anti-Meire chants were disgusting. The last protest though was a) clean b) non-violent c) huge.
To ignore this and infer all protesters are acting like sheep and have lost sight of their objective is insulting and further alienating.
Comments like 'we can see from the size of the protests the fans frustration with mistakes that have been made and we want them to identify again with the club that we all support. I can't agree with actions that could harm the club, and I include a points deductions a well as significant violent and abusive behaviour in this category.
I still think the current owner can be good for us if appropriate changes are made, not just to keep us up but going forwards. I see many disagree and for those who can't work with the current regime, I'm sorry. We are where we are, it is what it is and I will be supporting our team for both survival and their long term future.'
I wouldn't agree with her but it would piss me off a lot less.
Long service award, yet no pension scheme. What a grateful employer.
I'd love to know how much Mrs Parkes spent watching Charlton last weekend.
There's supporting your husband and then there's sycophancy.
Something else this kamikaze regime has missed then - Auto-enrolment!
They're aware and are addressing it, may have done so already. Bit late for Chris, which isn't really the current regime's fault.
Based on the the club's size and the prescribed timetable they would have been required to adopt auto enrolment during the tenure of this current regime.
Previous regimes don't avoid blame, I agree - most companies of the size of a tier 2 (relatively recently tier 1) football club should have had a scheme in place before waiting for the government to force it.
To my certain knowledge the club used to offer to contribute an additional percentage of salary into people's own pension schemes as part of its salary package, going back to the 1990s.
Right now this thread's hotting up. Can we get some de-risking chat going
The sheep I look after on the farm think we should be honoured to be likened to them and thank Sue Parkes for raising their profile. Some of them have expressed an interest in the pitch invasion.
Worst page on CL. Should be closed. 11 pages arguing over the merits of an elderly ladies musings on Facebook.
Tend to agree. I don't agree with what she says, I certainly don't feel she is in a position to be publicly speak negatively about supporters, but some of the posts have gone beyond what I would hope and expect and I don't think this debate can go any further without getting repetitive.
Hopefully in time to Sue's views on us mindless idiots and sheep will have changed with hindsight.
Previous regimes don't avoid blame, I agree - most companies of the size of a tier 2 (relatively recently tier 1) football club should have had a scheme in place before waiting for the government to force it.
To ignore this and infer all protesters are acting like sheep and have lost sight of their objective is insulting and further alienating.
Comments like 'we can see from the size of the protests the fans frustration with mistakes that have been made and we want them to identify again with the club that we all support. I can't agree with actions that could harm the club, and I include a points deductions a well as significant violent and abusive behaviour in this category.
I still think the current owner can be good for us if appropriate changes are made, not just to keep us up but going forwards. I see many disagree and for those who can't work with the current regime, I'm sorry. We are where we are, it is what it is and I will be supporting our team for both survival and their long term future.'
I wouldn't agree with her but it would piss me off a lot less.
It's got over 200 likes already.
Hopefully in time to Sue's views on us mindless idiots and sheep will have changed with hindsight.