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Colchester vs Charlton FA cup 3rd Round - Post match views



  • He sounds like he doesn't give a shit in that interview. Hardly the man to motivate a change of fortune.
  • £16.50 ticket, £24.60 train, £10 beer, £6 food, eleven hours door to door. What a waste of my time and money. Thanks Roland, Katrien, and most of all Karel.
  • We are an embarrassment, the charlton we knew has gone and won't be coming back anytime soon!
    Players don't give a monkeys and it shows & whilst I do feel sorry, in a sense, for fraye he's gotta go but in saying that who you do you replace him with? It would be another network bod I'm sure but if they wanted someone outside the circle, who the fuck would want to come to this shambles?
  • Solidgone said:

    Any positives....?

    It might mean we see the back of Karel.
  • vffvff
    edited January 2016
    'highlights' of the match.

    Some abject Charlton defending. Colchester Midfielders seemed to be running straight through the Charlton midfield without any challenge that doesn't help them. After the first Colchester goal, Moncur celebrates in front of the Charlton crowd, and there's a kid who angrily has a go back to him, definitely from South London stock that kid. Fox is delivering a cross from the right midfield position for Charlton's only chance of the first half. What was he doing there ? Sordell has acres of room for for the second. Charlton goal from Reza too late but Charlton supporters can be clearly heard 'stand up if you want them out'.

    All the rest of the 3rd round goals

  • The only way is to embarass him in his own back yard- in Belgium. We have to find a way to get the Belgian press on our side.

    It's A way, but not the only way. We must keep the pressure on here too, and I'm sorry to say that part of me is pleased about today because I think it means they are in for an even rougher ride come the Blackburn game.
  • Stig said:

    The positives:
    - The interview with Kyle Andrews in the programme which was critical of certain aspects of the club's management. It's about as close to sedition as you'll ever see in a football programme.

    Anyone got a screenshot of this, or did everyone bin their programmes in disgust?
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  • edited January 2016
    Sad thing is we know what the next few days have in store. A long trip to Huddersfield, a defeat, more hand-wringing from an increasingly downbeat Fraeye and a wall of silence from that woman and Richard "I know we have to communicate with the fans better" Murray.

    Their last gamble has to be we get a win in one of the games before Blackburn or the powers that be will face a really hard afternoon.
  • edited January 2016
    Fraeye has to go now, the tactics/subs were amateurish, no central midfield at all, players standing still. Slow play, constantly playing around the back even one point in the 1st half fox and cook swapped full-back position's for some strange reason and the 2nd half Makienok started playing on the wings.

  • IdleHans said:

    The only way is to embarass him in his own back yard- in Belgium. We have to find a way to get the Belgian press on our side.

    It's A way, but not the only way. We must keep the pressure on here too, and I'm sorry to say that part of me is pleased about today because I think it means they are in for an even rougher ride come the Blackburn game.
    I think action in his home town is a big part of what we need to do. It's obvious that whatever happens here, has very little dent on his home life. Lets face it, we are several hundred miles away, so he isn't actually seing or hearing anything. He PERSONALLY needs to feel the pain that we feel.
  • Doing a 9pm.

    Arrived home about 45 min ago and scrambled eggs on toast & a cuppa later, am still mulling over the events of today.

    6 of us met up in the Beefeater near the station at 12.30 for a bite of lunch accompanied by 2 bottles of wine ( and a 2 for 1 mains voucher!) and the chance to discuss what had been happening over the past week. RM's "statement" & the return of the prodigal sons was on the agenda amongst other issues as we enjoyed our meals.

    Only 5 of us are Addicks , the 6th being a sensible lady who was going shopping whilst we wasted our afternoon at the match and of that 5, I stood out as being the most committed to the protests/their aim. Of the other 4, 3 are seriously bending in my direction (?) whilst the other, who sometimes posts on here and is a high profile supporter, tries to see both sides....For him , the arrival of Diego, Rojo & Rhys are symbolic of the (belated)new level of understanding that has allegedly recently dawned on RD & co ie that our squad is threadbare & totally unbalanced with a severe dearth of Championship experienced players. He also spoke of the rumour concerning the return of a certain Mr Bent ( NOT Old Blue Eyes) and the outside chance of our original Beast coming home....He also felt that RD won't sell at any price until his "work" is done, quoting KM's conversation with him a year or more ago when she stated that her Puppet Master is definitely in it for the long haul . And, as such , he believes that no amount of protesting will have any bearing on our ownership but , that the best we could hope for would be for RD to soften his rigid approach to issues such as his choice of coach/manager.

    Then, on the concourse, I spoke with a guy we know from SL, who seemed surprised to see my black & white scarf. He was full of praise for what is taking place at the Trg Ground and told me the players are happy with KF and that they" enjoy their training" under his supervision.

    From then onwards, the day took a turn for the worse.....the match kicked off.

    I take no pleasure from saying that this was a shambles of a performance from the boys in red. 2 new players in the starting eleven , plus Moussa who has hardly featured previously this season, young RCC who was one of the few decent players but with limited minutes under his belt and Ceballos , only just returned from injury.....Could this be the start of a wonderful Cup run ?

    Sadly, our fragile hopes were dashed once again as it became apparent that a hard working Colchester side had the measure of us, and that, aided by some kamikaze play from our lads, there would only be one winner. The early loss of young Jordan didn't help and those of us travelling to Yorkshire (twice) next week will wonder whether yet another of our more dependable players will make the trip. The poor performance naturally fuelled the fire of those standing up to make their protests against the current regime on a day when KF & co might have allowed us one , much needed victory and a boost to the playing side to boot. Sadly, any remaining confidence must have been further eroded this afternoon and the boos that rang out at the final whistle left no-one on the pitch in any doubt as to the feelings of the majority of our fans.

    As always, I don't blame the players....I have grave concerns as to what this current situation is doing to their heads. It's a sure fire recipe for disaster with the ingredients of an inexperienced coach, a mish mash of players lacking in game time, fitness, motivation & in some cases, little knowledge of their colleagues on the pitch , all the direct result of a weird experiment by an even weirder owner. It beggars belief that a well run, well regarded Club with players proud to wear the shirt should have come to this....and sadly, it won't end here.

    Another in our group today has previously worked with Peter Varney and I'm sure she won't mind my mentioning that she emailed him last week regarding news of his investment involvement. He responded saying that he was certain that his "party" would be a great fit for our Club but that it was all too evident that RD will not sell , seemingly at any cost. That, then, would seem to be that.

    So, where do we go from here ?

    Well, the obvious answer is, on to Huddersfield, but with each subsequent match, our heads, like those of the players, drop ever lower. We need a miracle to turn this around and after today, my hopes of avoiding the dreaded "R" are receding. Whether stepping up the planned protests and the further eroding of attendances at The Valley will have any effect on our owner or not, we HAVE to keep plugging away and encourage more fans to join in. And IF RD has any sense & recognises how damaging a descent into Div One will be for all concerned, surely the least we should expect to see is the departure of the hapless, however personable KF, and the appointment of a manager with serious , undisputed experience of the Championship at the very least. The very future of OUR Club is firmly embedded in the month of January 2016 - making changes of note any later, and it could be curtains.

    If anyone can find the Belgian's Achilles heel, please note I'm practising my archery 24/7.

    Support the team, not the regime !

    Interesting insights.

    If the players are enjoying training so much, but this is not translating onto the pitch on match day then it makes you wonder if "player power" has taken hold.

    Not keen on him, but I'd pay up and get Warnock now.
  • I'd settle for Mike Bassett now!
  • Give KF the. Job you silly fucking arse holes , thick as shit enough is enough sort it out KM wot a total joke ur .

    Cafc the fans and not customers love our club
  • edited January 2016
    It wasn't the defeat today so much as the manner of it. I am not sure anyone involved has a clue how to turn things round, it's just hoping that somehow something will work, like someone relying on winning the lottery to pay off their debts. And today just put into context the level of the crap spouting by Murray in his fascicle New Year message to the 'customers'.
  • cabbles said:

    Thread not up yet so I'll start. A new low. The club is an utter shambles and RD's ownership is toxic

    I was beyond angry at the final whistle and wasn't sure if KF came over to clap the fans. A sign he might resign I hope.

    Over to you all.

    Don't think he has ever done so tbf.
  • First half really off the pace. A wee bit better second. Confidence was certainly a factor. Not the only one.
  • aliwibble said:

    Stig said:

    The positives:
    - The interview with Kyle Andrews in the programme which was critical of certain aspects of the club's management. It's about as close to sedition as you'll ever see in a football programme.

    Anyone got a screenshot of this, or did everyone bin their programmes in disgust?
    I've still got the programme. I can't scan it at the moment though, because our house is in turmoil. Happy to do so in a week or so - I might need reminding though. Don't be too excited though. Already, I've got a horrible feeling that I might have oversold it ;-)
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  • £16.50 ticket, £24.60 train, £10 beer, £6 food, eleven hours door to door. What a waste of my time and money. Thanks Roland, Katrien, and most of all Karel.

    mate you want to see @ElfsborgAddick about those train ticket prices, he doesn't just do pitchside protests you know !
  • Stig said:

    The positives:
    - The interview with Kyle Andrews in the programme which was critical of certain aspects of the club's management. It's about as close to sedition as you'll ever see in a football programme.
    - The tribute to Seb Lewis on the big screen. Well done Col U.
    - The fact that it is another nail (perhaps even the final one) in Fraeye's coaching coffin.

    The Negatives:
    - Absolutely everything else.

    The worst performance since Preston (Actually the performance was probably worse than that. It's just that Preston are better than Colchester). The worst cup exit since Northwich (maybe - there's a lot that my mind deliberately blanks out these days). It took us 15 minutes to have a shot and 30 to get one on target against a team 24 places below us. Any build up play that we managed was excruciatingly slow and predictable. Players control of the ball was appalling; Roger Johnson twice made awful headers down into his own box to totally open things up for them. There were also some awful balls played right across our own back line. Colchester were generally poor, but we made them look fantastic. They did what they had to at the back (not very much) and had some good diagonal movement up front. We defended way too deep allowing them control right up to and around the box - and with a couple of centre halves who looked like they'd been fitted with lead boots, right through the middle as well.

    We alternated two different playing formations. Firstly, we played the crucifix formation which consisted of having an eight man spine, with one man out on each touch line. When in possession, this meant that no one could make a decent pass because every other player was directly in front or behind their teammates except the two wingers who were too far away from everyone else. When defending, it meant that we were always under threat, because Colchester only had to nudge it a couple of yards wide and they could run through. The other formation that we tried was the jellyfish. This consisted of having players dotted around randomly with seeming no rhyme or reason to what they were doing. Sometimes they did the static jellyfish which was a bit like having eleven pre-school kids playing musical statues whilst the kids from down the road were allowed to run around freely between them. At other times they played the mobile jellyfish, AKA running around randomly trying to confuse your own teammates. It would be nice to think that the mobile jellyfish was controlled by some simple but effective algorithm, like the one that Starlings employ to make beautiful patterns in the sky. Such an algorithm might lead us to play our own seamless and flowing brand of total-football. In reality though, our jellyfish formation is controlled by the brain of one Karel Fraeye and as such, no-one not even Fraeye himself had a clue what was going on. Perhaps the greatest indication of this was when Vaz Te was brought on. Did he come on with instructions from our 'coach' on what should be happening? Did he go to where he should have been playing and start threatening them? No, he stood there like a showroom dummy until Poyet told him were he had to go. Next time Ricardo, I'd like to be the one to tell you where to go!

    And where was the fight? Friends of mine from Colchester said that they were bracing themselves at half time for an onslaught. We had to give it a go surely! Surely not. We came out for the second half like a bunch of loveable puppies waiting for our tummies to be tickled. By the time we started anything like a fightback it was well too late. In the end, Reza's goal might have done us a disservice. We deserved to lose by more. I hate seeing us lose, but if it takes a heavy defeat or two for the scales to fall from our owner's eyes it's a sacrifice I'm prepared to make.

    Sorry, but there's no other words for it. It was a total fucking disgrace. Fraeye, you have to go! Meire, you employed him - you have to go too! Duchatelet, you're the one playing Billy fucking big bollocks with your pathetic little experiment - you have to go as well!

    This and this. People called the Begians, they go the house.
  • £16.50 ticket, £24.60 train, £10 beer, £6 food, eleven hours door to door. What a waste of my time and money. Thanks Roland, Katrien, and most of all Karel.

    Same here mate cost me about £120 for me and my son total dross. But i was home in Basingstoke st 19.05 so well done to the shuttle buses i was on the 17.03 back to london and thumbs up to the railways for once.
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Roland Out Forever!