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Trust response to Club Q&A



  • Stick a date on it of a fortnight. If ignored or incompetent response then full throttle ahead with protests... good questions but it's wasted efforts in question form as we know what happens from here; ignore or spouted lies. They won't magically start telling the truth, Roland won't let his real plan come out to the media or he'd be shot to pieces, hence why the little lies are here there and everywhere, and he sticks in little sweeteners at convenient times such as Diego resigning.

    It's already time to go against them IMO, their latest 'statement' says it all about how they want to communicate with FANS (it was sent out to appease the media or a small section of it)
  • Are we really likely to get the answers in public to some of these questions? As much as I would love an answer to all of them they will not publicly answer most of these. But its good to know the Trust is going to ask these, just a shame they will never be answered

    •Why is Karel Fraeye still interim head coach? Does the board genuinely believe that Karel Fraeye has the knowledge and experience to get Charlton out of the relegation zone? If not, what is being done to recruit a permanent manager? Are they really going to come out and say they don't believe he as the knowledge but are going to keep him in charge anyway?

  • mogodon said:

    For all those knocking the Trust (and I am not part of it), surely at times like this we are best having as many voices hammering at the door as possible? We cannot all behave in the same way. We (the fans) can, and should, protest and chant etc ... that doesn't mean other approaches through other channels are not just as effective.

    I agree.

    Rodney has summed it up that there can be different approaches.

    I'm very pleased the Trust has stepped up and is now asking for specific answers to specific questions and not just for dialogue. It is what a lot of people having been suggesting for sometime.

    I still think there should be a cut off point/deadline, whether that is made public or not, where the Trust says "Right, you haven't responded so we move to the next stage of campaigning".

    mogodon said:

    For all those knocking the Trust (and I am not part of it), surely at times like this we are best having as many voices hammering at the door as possible? We cannot all behave in the same way. We (the fans) can, and should, protest and chant etc ... that doesn't mean other approaches through other channels are not just as effective.

    This post is very welcome. Please be assured that in private we do have red lines, cut off points and deadlines, but as i think most of us now agree, it is counter productive to set them out in public. Definitely we are not, and have never been , just waiting to see how the window works out. Hopefully we can all do our best to collaborate effectively from here on.

  • Fabulous well done everyone.
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  • well played the trust, if they did not know it already they will now we will not just go away and be fooled by there stupid attempts to belittle us and our concerns.

    I really cant see them responding because they cant.
  • cafc999 said:

    It's called being professional.

    Just because the trust welcome the comments is doesn't mean that it endorses them.

    If you do not welcome the comments it also plays into there game of the fans being seen to being unreasonable. Charlton fans are better than that and them.

    Manners are free to all

    I wouldn't disagree with anything you've said. But you can also be polite, professional, respectful and fair at the same time as being firm, honest, critical and representative. Having read it again, I do not have so much of an issue with the content of the Trust's reply, but more of an issue with what isn't included.

    The Trust should have set reasonable deadlines for the Club to respond. It should have made clear what action it would take, should the club not respond, the questions didn't need to be so 'frilly' etc.

    I don't want to 'bash' the Trust. But at what point does the Trust stop being so polite and subsequently ineffective on this issue and make some decisions as to the 'next step'? If the Trust continues to try and liase with the club and the club continues to ignore the trust, what's the point? And as someone else asked, if the club do respond to the Trust, what then? Even if they came back with a really negative, confrontational response basically telling the Trust to sod off and mind it's own business....what does the Trust do then? Write another polite letter back?

    Maybe the trust needs to remind people what it's purpose is and what power/influence it has. Perhaps some of us, me included just don't understand enough about the Trust. There are dark clouds over The Valley right now, and everyone is desperate for them to be lifted, perhaps some of us are just expecting too much from the Trust, but if that's the case, set us straight. Either way, I think this whole scenario does raise questions over the purpose of The Trust and its future. Again, just my opinion.
  • And just to confirm that the Trust Chair has emailed the questions directly to RD, RM and KM.

    A good move. If, as we all expect, the three wise monkeys ignore the email as they ignore everything else, it will expose Murray's words as being meaningless. If they break cover and reply, then once we have got got over the shock we might get a sniff of a hint of an answer. Either way, there's a follow-up story there to be fed to the media.
  • But are the Trust and the protestors after the same thing? The protestors see change as new owners, the Trust see change as them at the table advising the owner through dialogue. Chalk and cheese.
    I will shut up now though as like after the sheff utd game I appear to be a lonish voice for now.
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  • kentred2 said:

    But are the Trust and the protestors after the same thing? The protestors see change as new owners, the Trust see change as them at the table advising the owner through dialogue. Chalk and cheese.
    I will shut up now though as like after the sheff utd game I appear to be a lonish voice for now.

    The West Stand protesters can shout that they want new owners but it's rather more difficult to ask for dialogue on the same basis. The result can be the same, though.
  • Really wish we could put an end to all of the Trust bashing...

    I really wish the trust would do something.........................
  • I have accused the trust on another thread of sitting on the fence, I am glad to say they have stepped off it.
    I agree that they have had to be polite in their response to Murray's laughable Q&A and they have done well in bringing the response to the attention of the media.
    However, like others on this thread I feel that a deadline for reply should have been added, (21st Jan possibly?). Might have missed a trick there.
    We all need to now stick together more than ever and not take our foot off the gas.
  • Good response and released appropriately within 24 hours of the club 'statement'.

    However, I agree with others that a deadline would have been appropriate ...end of the transfer window?
  • Well done to the trust. You've joined the protest in a reserved way and it WORKS. Superb
  • I have accused the trust on another thread of sitting on the fence, I am glad to say they have stepped off it.
    I agree that they have had to be polite in their response to Murray's laughable Q&A and they have done well in bringing the response to the attention of the media.
    However, like others on this thread I feel that a deadline for reply should have been added, (21st Jan possibly?). Might have missed a trick there.
    We all need to now stick together more than ever and not take our foot off the gas.
  • Nice work. Appreciate it's a difficult job with a multi-member organisation like the trust, but pleased to see the tanker's been turned around and is starting to steam in the right direction, along with the other vessels.
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