Saying a club is not for sale, may just be a tactic to get the right price, having thought about it, i agree no-one just comes along and says can i buy your club, so someone, somewhere must have said something to PV to make him interested. The question is who makes the next move?
Saying a club is not for sale, may just be a tactic to get the right price, having thought about it, i agree no-one just comes along and says can i buy your club, so someone, somewhere must have said something to PV to make him interested. The question is who makes the next move?
Saying a club is not for sale, may just be a tactic to get the right price, having thought about it, i agree no-one just comes along and says can i buy your club, so someone, somewhere must have said something to PV to make him interested. The question is who makes the next move?
Or the other option is he is an elderly, arrogant prat who really doesn't know what he wants. He has enough cash not to sell just to spite those at CAFC who have dared question his supremeness
I tweeted Richard Cawley moments after he posted it looking for an actual source of where the quote came from and although he did reply still did not say where or even if there was one.
I tweeted Richard Cawley moments after he posted it looking for an actual source of where the quote came from and although he did reply still did not say where or even if there was one.
Maybe it was written with the hope of provoking a response from them.
I'm wondering if the alleged animosity between Varney and Murray has had something to do with the lack of interest from m KM/RD as its pretty much evident from my observations of what's going on in the directors box that Murray has KM's ear. Is Murray at the root of all this?
Lookman isn't up for sale, but if we're offered more than £5M next week, he'll be gone.
Is anyone willing to cut off a horse's head and put it in the b'stds bed!!!
Someone must have dropped a hint to him