Another attempted for the club to hush the talks of a Protest...
Seriously? How long are us Charlton fans going to just let them piss over us like this?
We got the Valley back together, And we can get our club back Together, Don't sit and do nothing and let these twats ruin our fantastic club,
Take and stand... And lets make sure they %100 know how we feel!
I would move the protest to 3pm as it would have more effect with the ground missing a few, especially as I suspect a large group would attend any protest from the north upper? If they lock people out then all the better as it would likely attract media coverage. The players would understand and wouldn't be overly affected or bothered.
This would also stick two fingers up at the smartar5e who organised the kids event to dampen the original plan.
Some activities for kids, involving the Community Trust who know how to run these things, appealing to parent and children, might boost attendances or at least hold them at the same level. Might not either.
The timing is just amazing. Not because there is a planned protest but because it is November. In England. Where is rains. Often. And it's a car park. With cars coming in and fans walking through to get somewhere.
And they are publicising it on the Wednesday before a game on Saturday. Great lead-in time.
Yes, it is to run all season so it's only one game but I wonder how many kids will be asking "Can we go and see the shouty men, please dad" or "mummy, what does wanker mean?"
Airman Brown, who isn't an apologist for this regime in case you haven't noticed, says this was planned BEFORE any protest was announced.
Good idea, poor execution, even worse timing
Assume it's white flags they wave then?!
NB Our Club now k/a Charlton Pathetic.
happy to be conflicting, happy to be confrontational... unwilling to accept any
Wouldn't do that would she?
Get there at the same time and protest the way you would have anyway. Job done