apart from the Dunblane shooting in 1996 I don't think there has been any others in Britain since, not sure about before 1996. that shooting led to the ban of handguns.
Also, blaming Ritalin is so late 80s/early 90s, which is of course the last time Oliver North was relevant.
Along with Gina Haspel, Oliver North is an excellent example of why you need to fully prosecute people for serious war/international crimes or they keep coming back to haunt you.
One entrance and exit. One guard, even two that react slower than your gunman and you have an entire stream of people with only one open/closing to try to head for it all at once. Just a steady line of targets.
One entrance and exit. One guard, even two that react slower than your gunman and you have an entire stream of people with only one open/closing to try to head for it all at once. Just a steady line of targets.
Stupid god damn America.
Not to mention the excitement when the school catches fire - try getting everyone out through one exit. But not to worry, if they just stop force feeding teenagers Ritalin, the problem will go away.
One entrance and exit. One guard, even two that react slower than your gunman and you have an entire stream of people with only one open/closing to try to head for it all at once. Just a steady line of targets.
Stupid god damn America.
But not to worry, if they just stop force feeding teenagers Ritalin, the problem will go away.
It won't solve the problem, but it'd be a good start.
One entrance and exit. One guard, even two that react slower than your gunman and you have an entire stream of people with only one open/closing to try to head for it all at once. Just a steady line of targets.
Stupid god damn America.
But not to worry, if they just stop force feeding teenagers Ritalin, the problem will go away.
It won't solve the problem, but it'd be a good start.
Would it? Is there some link between Ritalin and gun violence we've all missed? Now I'm not saying it wasn't over-prescribed in the past, particularly in the 90s, but I personally know people where it has completely changed their lives for the better. Would you advocate not prescribing it to them because Oliver North doesn't want to admit that it's American gun culture that's the real problem?
Just came across this quote, as most shooting occur in America but equally it applies everywhere.
‘If everyone who had a gun just shot themselves, there wouldn't be a problem.’ George Harrison
He had some good ideas our George did.
This is probably the stupidest thing I've read on this site in a while, and England played last night
Oh come on @Leuth, it's hardly likely to happen and is obviously been said more tongue in cheek but as @ShootersHillGuru said it is quite insightful and do you think those who own guns have an ounce of sense in the heads and should be allowed to continue owning them, they are clearly the problem along with their stupid ideas on why they own and need a gun!!!!
What the hell has England playing got to do with it, I didn't watch it but were some of the players packing pistols?
Shooting at the "Capital Gazette" newspaper in Maryland. CG is a subsidiary of the Baltimore Sun newspaper. Early reports are mutiple fatalities but this is not confirmed.
Milo Yiannopolous is such an odious waste of blood and organs. I’m a peaceful kind of bloke but I would stand and laugh if I saw that c*** being skinned alive and rolled in salt.
Mass shooting at a video game tournament in Jacksonville.
Sickening, the FIFA version of this tournament was hosted in the O2 Arena recently, can't imagine what goes through the attackers mind to target things of this nature
Mass shooting at a video game tournament in Jacksonville.
Sickening, the FIFA version of this tournament was hosted in the O2 Arena recently, can't imagine what goes through the attackers mind to target things of this nature
LA times saying he lost, so decided to shoot people for it. Fucking horrific.
Hope the American 'right wing' media don't some how turn this into an argument that games are the bad influence here to cover up yet another mass shooting.
The moment I heard about it I thought... probably someone who lost.
I hear the shooter's name is David Katz (not Derek Jones as originally mentioned.)Claims he lost to one of the victims because of a "glitch." Went on Twitter and said "Someone is going to die today." Killed himself after killing 3 others and injuring 11. Apparently aimed at the best players. Video of the shooting shows a red scope light on the person who beat him moments before shots rang out.
Seemed like a 'normal' kid.
These kids aren't fucking around.
Also, blaming Ritalin is so late 80s/early 90s, which is of course the last time Oliver North was relevant.
Along with Gina Haspel, Oliver North is an excellent example of why you need to fully prosecute people for serious war/international crimes or they keep coming back to haunt you.
Stupid god damn America.
Oh dear!
And the bad thing is they have power over us all.
I used to think I'd love to live there. No more.
‘If everyone who had a gun just shot themselves, there wouldn't be a problem.’
George Harrison
He had some good ideas our George did.
What the hell has England playing got to do with it, I didn't watch it but were some of the players packing pistols?
But I hear that Milo dude just the other day seemed to encourage this. Hope this guy was not inspired...
Hope the American 'right wing' media don't some how turn this into an argument that games are the bad influence here to cover up yet another mass shooting.
I hear the shooter's name is David Katz (not Derek Jones as originally mentioned.)Claims he lost to one of the victims because of a "glitch." Went on Twitter and said "Someone is going to die today." Killed himself after killing 3 others and injuring 11. Apparently aimed at the best players. Video of the shooting shows a red scope light on the person who beat him moments before shots rang out.