Sorry to those of you that live there, but this news will be music to the ears of the NRA
Nope, not a dickie bird from them when black people get shot.
I’m surprised. He was black, which normally means not on their radar, but I would have thought they would jump all over this as an example of what happens when only the Government has guns.
Sorry to those of you that live there, but this news will be music to the ears of the NRA
Nope, not a dickie bird from them when black people get shot.
I’m surprised. He was black, which normally means not on their radar, but I would have thought they would jump all over this as an example of what happens when only the Government has guns.
this is worth your time - in my mind perfectly encapsulates why teachers are teachers and not marksmen/police/security guards
That is completely insanity. I get that they have a different culture to us, and I can see the ‘logic’ behind their rationale for this course of action. But how can they not take a step back and see this for the madness it is. Guns in schools. That video is truly horrific to behold and contemplate.
Obviously things are very different here, but as a teacher, if I was asked to be responsible for protecting pupils with a gun I'd be gone in a flash. Surely the majority of teachers in the US wouldn't contemplate accepting that responsibility?
is that some sort of joke? just a way for gun supporters to say 'ha look how ridiculous it would be if we didn't have guns to protect ourselves in schools'
Wait til you all get a gander at the nut job woman who shot up YouTube. She claims they censored her videos because they got "less and less views over time" and "they didn't pay me for my videos." She brings a whole new wrinkle to #metoo.
A mate sent me this link, the USA have no chance of changing their gun laws......not a hope in hell. I like the bit at the end when the fella who happens to be English says 'fun toy'
It appears that a clause in the English bill of rights 1689 is indirectly responsible for all these terrible shootings in America.
The English Bill of rights was basically designed to limit the powers of the monarchy, but within its clauses it also gave the right for Englishmen to bear arms. The Americans adopted this clause in 1791 as amendment 2 in their Bill of rights.
However, the English have at least attempted to react to violent situations as they arose by amending laws. Shootings such as the Sydney Street siege in 1911, and more recently Hungerford and Dunblane have all been significant in these modifications.
America prefers it seems to remain in the time of the wild west. It therefore has to suffer the dire consequences.
British law changes.
1870 a licence was introduced for anyone who wanted to carry a gun outside their home. But there were no restrictions on keeping a firearm indoors
1903 Pistols Act which denied ownership to anyone who was "drunken or insane".
1920 Firearms Act, which introduced a registration system and allowed local police forces to deny a licence to anyone who was "unfitted to be trusted with a firearm".
1937 Firearms Act, which banned most fully automatic weapons.
1967 Criminal Justice Act required licences - but not registration - for shotguns.
1988 Firearms (Amendment), which banned semi-automatic and pump-action rifles; weapons which fire explosive ammunition; short shotguns with magazines; and elevated pump-action and self-loading rifles. Registration was also made mandatory for shotguns, which were required to be kept in secure storage.
1997 Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) outlawed .22s
2006 Violent Crime Reduction Act was introduced. This made it an offence to manufacture, import or sell realistic imitation guns; doubled the maximum sentence for carrying an imitation gun to 12 months, and made it a crime to fire an air weapon beyond the boundary of any premises. It also increased the age limit for buying or possessing an air weapon from 17 to 18
I get that they have a different culture to us, and I can see the ‘logic’ behind their rationale for this course of action.
But how can they not take a step back and see this for the madness it is. Guns in schools. That video is truly horrific to behold and contemplate.
If they are looking into it then , I don't know but it may be part of a bigger picture and is connected to something else?
I like the bit at the end when the fella who happens to be English says 'fun toy'
Good to see people taking steps to deal with the real dangers facing Americans.
The English Bill of rights was basically designed to limit the powers of the monarchy, but within its clauses it also gave the right for Englishmen to bear arms. The Americans adopted this clause in 1791 as amendment 2 in their Bill of rights.
However, the English have at least attempted to react to violent situations as they arose by amending laws. Shootings such as the Sydney Street siege in 1911, and more recently Hungerford and Dunblane have all been significant in these modifications.
America prefers it seems to remain in the time of the wild west. It therefore has to suffer the dire consequences.
British law changes.
1870 a licence was introduced for anyone who wanted to carry a gun outside their home. But there were no restrictions on keeping a firearm indoors
1903 Pistols Act which denied ownership to anyone who was "drunken or insane".
1920 Firearms Act, which introduced a registration system and allowed local police forces to deny a licence to anyone who was "unfitted to be trusted with a firearm".
1937 Firearms Act, which banned most fully automatic weapons.
1967 Criminal Justice Act required licences - but not registration - for shotguns.
1988 Firearms (Amendment), which banned semi-automatic and pump-action rifles; weapons which fire explosive ammunition; short shotguns with magazines; and elevated pump-action and self-loading rifles. Registration was also made mandatory for shotguns, which were required to be kept in secure storage.
1997 Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) outlawed .22s
2006 Violent Crime Reduction Act was introduced.
This made it an offence to manufacture, import or sell realistic imitation guns; doubled the maximum sentence for carrying an imitation gun to 12 months, and made it a crime to fire an air weapon beyond the boundary of any premises. It also increased the age limit for buying or possessing an air weapon from 17 to 18