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Olympic Stadium - Please sign the NEW PETITION



  • Knuckles said:

    Just asking a question Pedro. Not looking to get into a slagging match but would appreciate a courteous and honest response.

    So would I
  • Knuckles said:

    Just asking a question Pedro. Not looking to get into a slagging match but would appreciate a courteous and honest response.

    OK, answers HI's q's first.....
  • What is it with West Ham supporters being absolutely obsessed with Spurs?
    It borders on embarrassing.
    Have you guys ever stuck your noses into this waste of taxpayers' money ?
    In a nutshell the Olympic Village was sold to a real estate company owned by the Qatari ruling family (mega rich)
    for just 557 million pounds which is a staggering 275 million less than what the development costs were for the taxpayer.
    Plus of course there will be no further future income from the Olympic Village now as it has been sold.
    Dig your state aid teeth into that.
  • This is from the Newham Council homepage, they don't sound unhappy about the OS and what it will bring to the community, do they ?

    Mayor of Newham Sir Robin Wales said: “Those lucky enough to have secured a place in the first event in the Stadium this Summer - the Morrisons Great Newham London Run on 19 July - will see a magnificent world class stadium in action once again.

    “We are proud that we have been able to help make this transformation happen. Our agreement with the LLDC from the outset was to provide a fixed £40m loan investment. We have not contributed to any change in the transformation costs, and it is a repayable loan so we expect no long term cost to the council.

    “In addition we have secured a series of benefits for Newham residents including free tickets, community athletics, community days in the Stadium and job targets. We are proud that what might have been a 25,000-seater stadium after the 2012 Games will be a fantastic multi-purpose stadium for athletics, football, rugby, motor sport and concerts amongst a whole range of activities.

    “Our vision for the 2012 Games was always to ensure significant benefits for our community. The former Olympic Stadium will have a fitting legacy that is good for Newham residents, London and the nation."

    The lasting legacy for the community includes:

    Year-round access for school clubs to a new floodlit 400m London Marathon Charitable Trust Community Track, which will also be home to Newham and Essex Beagles.

    Ten exclusive mass participation events in the Stadium per year for Newham residents including the Morrisons Great Newham London Run with more than 2,000 free places for Newham residents.

    Up to 100,000 free tickets every year for Newham residents to West Ham United matches.

    A training and education centre in the Stadium.

    Up to 75 per cent of jobs created at the Stadium will go to Newham residents.

    What homepage is that then?
    I get this.

    Perhaps some of the newham staff that get laid off can get zero hours contract jobs for the 25 day a year that FC London Olympic Irons play their home games.
  • Henry, I am not an employee of WestHam United or Gold and Sullivan and have absolutely no involvement with the process in any shape or form. The moderators can confirm where I work. My son used to play in goal for your acadamy team and I have always had a good relationship with your club, and, as an aside would be interested to know whether any of his former team mates are still at the club and are close to the first team.
  • Welcome. Maybe that should have been your first post.
  • Knuckles said:

    Henry, I am not an employee of WestHam United or Gold and Sullivan and have absolutely no involvement with the process in any shape or form. The moderators can confirm where I work. My son used to play in goal for your acadamy team and I have always had a good relationship with your club, and, as an aside would be interested to know whether any of his former team mates are still at the club and are close to the first team.

    A few of our youngsters are in or close to the 1st team these days - the team we put out in our last League Cup match was the youngest ever to represent Charlton. What is your son's name, how old is he now and/or what years did he play? (That will give a better idea of who he played with...)

    He may have played with Joe Gomez, Mikhail Kennedy, Reece Charles-Cook, Tarieq Holmes-Dennis, or Karlan Ahearne-Grant, all of whom have played first team football this season (but obviously Gomez was for Liverpool!).
  • Sorry, I thought I had just posted who I was but it doesn't appear to have been recorded. I am not an employee of West Ham, Gold,Sullivan or Brady and have absolutely no involvement in the bidding process. My son played in goal for your acadamy team and I spent may a Sunday at Sparrows lane and I am interested as to whether any of his team mates have got close to the first team. The moderators can see where I work when I registered.
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  • He is going to be 20 shortly. The goalie coach was a guy called Lee Smelt who I think went to Arsenal and took the other keeper in my sons age group (Ryan somebody) with him. As far as I could tell Ryan is no longer at Arsenal. He palyed up a couple of times and played with Poyet. From memory the age group below my sons had some real prospects who regularly played up and helped beat Arsenal 4-1 which was probably the highlight of his time at the club.
  • Knuckles said:

    He is going to be 20 shortly. The goalie coach was a guy called Lee Smelt who I think went to Arsenal and took the other keeper in my sons age group (Ryan somebody) with him. As far as I could tell Ryan is no longer at Arsenal. He palyed up a couple of times and played with Poyet. From memory the age group below my sons had some real prospects who regularly played up and helped beat Arsenal 4-1 which was probably the highlight of his time at the club.

    OK, cool. If he was Diego's age, he would probably have played with Gomez, plus others like Harry Lennon (now fourth choice CB), Reece Browne, Harry Gerard, Tobi Sho-Silva (now on loan at Inverness CT), Terrell Thomas (also out on loan). There are plenty of others who he may have played with, but it's tough to say without knowing exactly which group he was in and when?
  • Knuckles said:

    Henry, I am not an employee of WestHam United or Gold and Sullivan and have absolutely no involvement with the process in any shape or form.

    You haven't answered the other questions.

    Your implication was that there was some form of conspiracy with Tottenham Hotspur FC?

  • I have asked you to confirm that there isn't that is all.
  • edited September 2015
    I think Prague has already said on this thread that he has shared information with Tottenham's legal people and what they do with it is a matter for them if that is any help.
  • Knuckles said:

    I have asked you to confirm that there isn't that is all.

    No, you implied that there was.

  • Henry's comments are not aimed at being a slagging match. Just trying to establish if your genuine fan of Charlton Athletic or a new member with outside interests. I think its only fair you give us an insight to your own interests and to gain a small amount of trust.
  • Knuckles said:

    I have asked you to confirm that there isn't that is all.

    No conspiracy; it is open and transparent that the Charlton Trust is working with 13 other football club trusts (I think one of which is Spurs but bow to those who may know better) on the petition. Why would it matter if those involved in this forum/FOI requests/BBC doc had made contact with Spurs at any stage?
  • edited September 2015
    I think it's a very good point. Prague Addick seems to be very smug that Mischon de Reya contacted him about dealings with the FOIC. This is the same company that helped Spurs wriggle out of £26 million of section 106 payments to Haringay council after the first Olympic Stadium tender failed. Regardless of the point that Spurs MAY be using both over and underhand tactics to try to upset in any way it can West ham's move to the stadium, as was proven first time around, displaying this sort of attitude is in no way indicative of being a champion of the taxpayer, in the same way that demanding a public inquiry isn't, either.

    Just edited that for the benefit of doubt.

  • gavros said:

    I think it's a very good point. Prague Addick seems to be very smug that Mischon de Reya contacted him about dealings with the FOIC. This is the same company that helped Spurs wriggle out of £26 million of section 106 payments to Haringay council after the first Olympic Stadium tender failed. Regardless of the point that Spurs will be using both over and underhand tactics to try to upset in any way it can West ham's move to the stadium, as was proven first time around, displaying this sort of attitude is in no way indicative of being a champion of the taxpayer, in the same way that demanding a public inquiry isn't, either.

    Agreed. We don't want anyone diddling the taxpayer!
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  • What a coincidence that Knuckles implies that there is a conspiracy and minutes later Gavros appears and agrees with him adding the unsubstantiated claim that Spurs are using underhand methods.

    Maybe that is the conspiracy here. Or some West ham fans are paranoid.

    Ok, I'm out of here.
    Have you guys ever stuck your noses into this waste of taxpayers' money ?
    In a nutshell the Olympic Village was sold to a real estate company owned by the Qatari ruling family (mega rich)
    for just 557 million pounds which is a staggering 275 million less than what the development costs were for the taxpayer.
    Plus of course there will be no further future income from the Olympic Village now as it has been sold.
    Dig your state aid teeth into that.

    There you go.
  • Of course I wouldnt say for certain that Spurs would be using these methods. There's always a deniability aspect to these sort of things when you use third parties to do the snooping.
  • Tapping up phones from LLDC and West Ham employees ? Sudden fire at Archway Metal, the only remaining tenant standing in the way of Tottenham's new stadium ? Of course nothing could be proven and traced back to the Spurs' hierarchy who may be snidy but not stupid.
    I think it is a legitimate concern how genuine your collection of different trusts really is, claiming to fight on behalf of the taxpayer, or if this is merely a reasonably well run cover operation clubs like Spurs or Orient can hide behind while genuine football fans are being used to carry out the dirty work here.
    i said before I admire your endeavour, your committment and all you have achieved so far, I am still not convinced that your motives are genuine and you'd be content if only you knew West Ham would pay 40 million more towards the conversion costs.
  • Tapping up phones from LLDC and West Ham employees ? Sudden fire at Archway Metal, the only remaining tenant standing in the way of Tottenham's new stadium ? Of course nothing could be proven and traced back to the Spurs' hierarchy who may be snidy but not stupid.
    I think it is a legitimate concern how genuine your collection of different trusts really is, claiming to fight on behalf of the taxpayer, or if this is merely a reasonably well run cover operation clubs like Spurs or Orient can hide behind while genuine football fans are being used to carry out the dirty work here.
    i said before I admire your endeavour, your committment and all you have achieved so far, I am still not convinced that your motives are genuine and you'd be content if only you knew West Ham would pay 40 million more towards the conversion costs.

  • Dirty work? Really?? All we are asking for is transparency....
  • Nobody can put the whole world to rights, but Prague has focused on this issue and had a terrific impact. It is wrong to say he shouldn't deal with this organisation because eof this or that one because of that. We all have a part to play to make a difference. Most of us don't - he is doing his bit.
  • I think what prague has done to date is admirable and will eventually help end West Ham's name being dragged through the mud because of the silly way that the LLDC have redacted certain parts of the deal and made public others, but - be careful with whom you get into bed with over this. Not all that are for the revealing of the documentation are for the taxpayer.
  • gavros said:

    I think what prague has done to date is admirable and will eventually help end West Ham's name being dragged through the mud because of the silly way that the LLDC have redacted certain parts of the deal and made public others, but - be careful with whom you get into bed with over this. Not all that are for the revealing of the documentation are for the taxpayer.

    Totally agree and duly noted!
  • The opposition to West Hams proposed move has been extremely well organised and cordinated. It started with Tottenhams legal challenges which when they had run their course were followed by Orients. I think it is common knowledge that Tottenahms original bid was supported in writing by Orient in their submissions. When Tottenhams legal challenges ended Barry Hearn picked up the mantle running a very effective high profile campaign in the media against the move as well as using the same legal advisers to mount their challenges in the court. Barry Hearn was deliberately misleading in a number of his statements including one to the house of Lords where he told that West Ham were moving 750m from Brisbane Road. When Orients challenges ended Charltons indpendant supporters have picked up the challenge. From and outisde perspective many are intrigued why a supporters association with less than a thousand members have chosen to pick this up and why the football club itself hasn't.
    The press stories have been shared between the Times, Telegraph, Mail, Guaradian, Express, BBC etc which I suspect is not a coincidence to demonstrate this has broad support across all political persuassions.
    I have not, of course mentioned phone tapping, imprisonment of employees of a comapny employed by Tottenham although clearly these individuals were not instructed by Tottenham to act illegally (heaven forbid!).
    Your challenges are intelligent, articulate and extremely well argued and go way beyond the content of your average football forum (and I certainly include West Ham's when saying this). They have succeeded in keeping the story in the public domain at a time when Tottenham and Orient's have supposedly run their course.
    It could be a conicidence that all three main challengers have acted independantly and the timings and purely coincidental or it could be cordinated. It has certainly worked although I have still not seen a convincing arguement as to how better maintain the Olympic legacy.
    Like many others I feel that the people who are responsible for the expenses in renovating the Olympic stadium which could easily been avoided with common sense are Lord Coe, Tessa Jowell etc when the original stadium was designed and this is where taxpayers frustrations should be directed.
    I am simply asking for you to reassure West Ham supporters and your own who may question the amount of time and resource you are obviously dedicating to this challenge that your actions were totally independant. I am not talking about the petititons or the liaising with other supporters trusts but that this is not a cordinated approach with the other parties who mounted legal challenges earlier in the process.
    The fact that you have confirmed that Tottenham's legal representives have made contact following your campaign does concern anyone who feels that Mr Levy is still very interested in this. He is a very clever business man and is wise enough to keep a smart distance from this whilst other parties (and with all due respect smaller clubs more likely to win public support to keep the challenges going.
    As previously stated I do not want to get into a slagging match and will leave this forum after this but would appreciate your reassurances that my concerns are entriely misplaced. Good luck with the rest of the season.
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