I believe she is a Doctor and this matters how exactly?
Just that it couldv'e affected her judgement on the injury presented to her, but if she's a proper doctor than she must know what she's talking about.
Wonder if she was a nurse before and if she kept her uniform.....
Thats the point of the whole issue, Nurse or Doctor, how could she assess the injury until she went onto the pitch and checked? Perhaps she should have been issued with binoculars and then the whole sorry episode could have been avoided....
It's not beyond the realms of believability that Jose and or Hazard decided to go down injured to break the play at the time favouring Swansea. Happens all the time. Deano was a master at this when Charlton were under the cosh.
I doubt the Chelsea meds team would be party to this little game so were correct to act in the way they did. Jose knowing that Hazard wasn't in fact injured would no doubt flavour his opinion of the incident.
Only two points worth noting. If he was feigning to gain advantage then it's cheating so who cares what Jose or Hazard think. If he was genuinely injured then the meds were perfectly correct and who cares what Jose thinks.
I would suggest that the ref knew exactly what was going on here, as it was he who called the medics on, knowing full well that Hazard would need to leave the pitch. I think that's what's getting Mourinho's dander up more than anything.
It's not beyond the realms of believability that Jose and or Hazard decided to go down injured to break the play at the time favouring Swansea. Happens all the time. Deano was a master at this when Charlton were under the cosh.
I doubt the Chelsea meds team would be party to this little game so were correct to act in the way they did. Jose knowing that Hazard wasn't in fact injured would no doubt flavour his opinion of the incident.
Only two points worth noting. If he was feigning to gain advantage then it's cheating so who cares what Jose or Hazard think. If he was genuinely injured then the meds were perfectly correct and who cares what Jose thinks.
Did you not see the foul? Are you saying Chelsea paid the Swansea player to make that foul at that time?
He was clearly hurt. But clearly not seriously. He knew he would be up and able to continue within 2 mins whether the medics came on or not.
It's not beyond the realms of believability that Jose and or Hazard decided to go down injured to break the play at the time favouring Swansea. Happens all the time. Deano was a master at this when Charlton were under the cosh.
I doubt the Chelsea meds team would be party to this little game so were correct to act in the way they did. Jose knowing that Hazard wasn't in fact injured would no doubt flavour his opinion of the incident.
Only two points worth noting. If he was feigning to gain advantage then it's cheating so who cares what Jose or Hazard think. If he was genuinely injured then the meds were perfectly correct and who cares what Jose thinks.
Did you not see the foul? Are you saying Chelsea paid the Swansea player to make that foul at that time?
He was clearly hurt. But clearly not seriously. He knew he would be up and able to continue within 2 mins whether the medics came on or not.
Clearly hurt. Agree. On that basis the medical team were clearly correct in responding. I would rather my wellbeing in the hands of a qualified doctor and physio than in some poncy over opinionated football coach pumped up with testosterone and ego.
It's not beyond the realms of believability that Jose and or Hazard decided to go down injured to break the play at the time favouring Swansea. Happens all the time. Deano was a master at this when Charlton were under the cosh.
I doubt the Chelsea meds team would be party to this little game so were correct to act in the way they did. Jose knowing that Hazard wasn't in fact injured would no doubt flavour his opinion of the incident.
Only two points worth noting. If he was feigning to gain advantage then it's cheating so who cares what Jose or Hazard think. If he was genuinely injured then the meds were perfectly correct and who cares what Jose thinks.
Did you not see the foul? Are you saying Chelsea paid the Swansea player to make that foul at that time?
He was clearly hurt. But clearly not seriously. He knew he would be up and able to continue within 2 mins whether the medics came on or not.
Clearly hurt. Agree. On that basis the medical team were clearly correct in responding. I would rather my wellbeing in the hands of a qualified doctor and physio than in some poncy over opinionated football coach pumped up with testosterone and ego.
So we agree no cheating on the part of Chelsea, Hazard or Mourinho?
It's not beyond the realms of believability that Jose and or Hazard decided to go down injured to break the play at the time favouring Swansea. Happens all the time. Deano was a master at this when Charlton were under the cosh.
I doubt the Chelsea meds team would be party to this little game so were correct to act in the way they did. Jose knowing that Hazard wasn't in fact injured would no doubt flavour his opinion of the incident.
Only two points worth noting. If he was feigning to gain advantage then it's cheating so who cares what Jose or Hazard think. If he was genuinely injured then the meds were perfectly correct and who cares what Jose thinks.
Did you not see the foul? Are you saying Chelsea paid the Swansea player to make that foul at that time?
He was clearly hurt. But clearly not seriously. He knew he would be up and able to continue within 2 mins whether the medics came on or not.
Clearly hurt. Agree. On that basis the medical team were clearly correct in responding. I would rather my wellbeing in the hands of a qualified doctor and physio than in some poncy over opinionated football coach pumped up with testosterone and ego.
So we agree no cheating on the part of Chelsea, Hazard or Mourinho?
I tend to agree that there was no cheating. A routine football knock. Of course thats not initially obvious to the medical team and it was the referee that called them on. In all honesty I think Mourhinho was pumped up, stressed and over reacted. I feel certain that he wished he'd reacted differently but of course he is the special one and can't back down. It's a pity. I like Mourinho in general and think he's good for football. He can be precious though. I have seen nothing on the media issue so can't comment.
What ever the rights and wrongs of the original incident I find it sickening that by Friday the media were still telling us that a bloody physio would not be on the bench for the next game - casually referring to her as if she was the usual centre half. By all means mention Mourinho's latest silly little outburst (diversion from the fact they didn't win) but ffs let it drop. If this had been the Swindon physio we wouldn't have heard a bleeding thing about it, and quite rightly don't even know his / her name. Nauseating.
It's not beyond the realms of believability that Jose and or Hazard decided to go down injured to break the play at the time favouring Swansea. Happens all the time. Deano was a master at this when Charlton were under the cosh.
I doubt the Chelsea meds team would be party to this little game so were correct to act in the way they did. Jose knowing that Hazard wasn't in fact injured would no doubt flavour his opinion of the incident.
Only two points worth noting. If he was feigning to gain advantage then it's cheating so who cares what Jose or Hazard think. If he was genuinely injured then the meds were perfectly correct and who cares what Jose thinks.
Did you not see the foul? Are you saying Chelsea paid the Swansea player to make that foul at that time?
He was clearly hurt. But clearly not seriously. He knew he would be up and able to continue within 2 mins whether the medics came on or not.
Clearly hurt. Agree. On that basis the medical team were clearly correct in responding. I would rather my wellbeing in the hands of a qualified doctor and physio than in some poncy over opinionated football coach pumped up with testosterone and ego.
So we agree no cheating on the part of Chelsea, Hazard or Mourinho?
I tend to agree that there was no cheating. A routine football knock. Of course thats not initially obvious to the medical team and it was the referee that called them on. In all honesty I think Mourhinho was pumped up, stressed and over reacted. I feel certain that he wished he'd reacted differently but of course he is the special one and can't back down. It's a pity. I like Mourinho in general and think he's good for football. He can be precious though. I have seen nothing on the media issue so can't comment.
What ever the rights and wrongs of the original incident I find it sickening that by Friday the media were still telling us that a bloody physio would not be on the bench for the next game - casually referring to her as if she was the usual centre half. By all means mention Mourinho's latest silly little outburst (diversion from the fact they didn't win) but ffs let it drop. If this had been the Swindon physio we wouldn't have heard a bleeding thing about it, and quite rightly don't even know his / her name. Nauseating.
I recommend you obtain motion sickness medication from your local pharmacist. Your four minutes are up. Next patient, please!
Other than his record as a Manager he's also a destroyer and, if you believe the media, ruined morale at Inter and Madrid. Jose, if you don't want a Facebook reply then don't whinge to the National Press and embarrass the medicos, Chelsea - and yourself. IMO he's actually bad for he game in England and extremely unprofessional with his comments on other Managers and Clubs. If Chelsea are lying third or below at Christmas he will leave/get sacked. I hope they lose to City today and I hope they're lying third, or below, at Christmas
Other than his record as a Manager he's also a destroyer and, if you believe the media, ruined morale at Inter and Madrid. Jose, if you don't want a Facebook reply then don't whinge to the National Press and embarrass the medicos, Chelsea - and yourself. IMO he's actually bad for he game in England and extremely unprofessional with his comments on other Managers and Clubs. If Chelsea are lying third or below at Christmas he will leave/get sacked. I hope they lose to City today and I hope they're lying third, or below, at Christmas
He was revered at Inter - somewhere on youtube there's a clip of him and that noted softie Marco Materazzi sharing a tearful farewell as the Inter team prepared to set off home with the European Cup. Mourinho stayed behind to sort his move to Real, leaving Benitez to destroy Inter in record time.
It seems to me that Spannish (and Catalan) football brings out the worst in him, some of the rows he's got into with Barca have been pretty unsightly. Whether he felt he was treated badly at Barca I don't know, but putting him in charge of Real was always going to make life interesting.
I doubt the Chelsea meds team would be party to this little game so were correct to act in the way they did. Jose knowing that Hazard wasn't in fact injured would no doubt flavour his opinion of the incident.
Only two points worth noting. If he was feigning to gain advantage then it's cheating so who cares what Jose or Hazard think. If he was genuinely injured then the meds were perfectly correct and who cares what Jose thinks.
He was clearly hurt. But clearly not seriously. He knew he would be up and able to continue within 2 mins whether the medics came on or not.
; )
Not publicly though
It seems to me that Spannish (and Catalan) football brings out the worst in him, some of the rows he's got into with Barca have been pretty unsightly. Whether he felt he was treated badly at Barca I don't know, but putting him in charge of Real was always going to make life interesting.
Who's he going to blame for this one?
Tea lady?
Have that you smug arrogant prick.
Actually, he could blame the doctor again for her social media comments unsettling the team.