Taking my wife and the MIL’s out for a long boozy Mother’s Day lunch at Ferrari’s in Bexley, coming home and plotting up on the sofa with a big box of chocolates.
having watched this week's First Dates the vegan boy on there made a very good case for being put on the General Things That Really, Really Annoy You thread
having watched this week's First Dates the vegan boy on there made a very good case for being put on the General Things That Really, Really Annoy You thread
My mate Colin, who at 57 thought romance would never come again, marrying an absolutely stunning , lovely, kind, sweet lady last Saturday. And - after a week of almost constant rain and storms, the sun came out for a few hours in the nick of time...
having watched this week's First Dates the vegan boy on there made a very good case for being put on the General Things That Really, Really Annoy You thread
I think anyone on that programme's views about anything can be discounted though. Don't you?
Playing songs to match things that people have said. This morning my son said his trousers were baggy, which was an obvious cue for Madness, my wife said she'd heard a rumour so I got to play Arabian Knights and when she said we should eat more fruit, we had the delights of Jack Hodges' (Spike Milligan) Everything Is Fresh Today. Sometimes though I prefer the more obscure ones so nobody knows that I'm doing it. When spoons were mentioned this morning, it could have been a cue for Substitute but instead I chose the (very personal) joy of playing obscure Swedish post-punks Kitchen & The Plastic Spoons. Oh, the endless fun - I wouldn't want to be anyone else but me!
Going away to France with 3 of the nicest guys you could meet. Went to Vimy Ridge this afternoon and have been in various bars in Arras this afternoon, drinking, talking shit and having a right laugh.
Classic car show tomorrow then another evening on the piss.
Taking a place on a station platform between two clumps of regular commuters and finding that the train stops with the doors right in front of me, not them.
He has a 'by clicking on this icon, I concur with the views and merits of the above mentioned post' button.
Yeah, we’re alright I suppose.
How not to spread the Vegan message...
Hope that the midwifes @ Darent Valley have looked after you, how they took care of us
Did you have a Boy or Girl in the end?
Classic car show tomorrow then another evening on the piss.
DiddyIrn Bru Cup Final tomorrow. This is the take on it from our poet-in-residence“Something is inside this clubs bones, like elephant tusk and volcanic stone”
Come on you Sons