Executing a perfect fart. I was in the sea this afternoon with my wife and daughter and felt one (a big one) coming on. Swam past them and carfully lifted my arse out before letting rip. I managed to get it just right. Out enough to get the noise but just under the surface to make the water bubble up. I really should know better at my age but my daughter thought it was hysterical, my wife less so.
Executing a perfect fart. I was in the sea this afternoon with my wife and daughter and felt one (a big one) coming on. Swam past them and carfully lifted my arse out before letting rip. I managed to get it just right. Out enough to get the noise but just under the surface to make the water bubble up. I really should know better at my age but my daughter thought it was hysterical, my wife less so.
Executing a perfect fart. I was in the sea this afternoon with my wife and daughter and felt one (a big one) coming on. Swam past them and carfully lifted my arse out before letting rip. I managed to get it just right. Out enough to get the noise but just under the surface to make the water bubble up. I really should know better at my age but my daughter thought it was hysterical, my wife less so.
You've changed your tune since last week.
Too right. Last week I wouldn't have even trusted coughing without sitting on the bog.
Executing a perfect fart. I was in the sea this afternoon with my wife and daughter and felt one (a big one) coming on. Swam past them and carfully lifted my arse out before letting rip. I managed to get it just right. Out enough to get the noise but just under the surface to make the water bubble up. I really should know better at my age but my daughter thought it was hysterical, my wife less so.
Doing the VIP check in service at the airport on our way home. Cost us £40 each but worth every penny. Cleared passport control and security checks in 10 minutes and sat in an air conditioned lounge. Antalya airport is carnage, they were queuing out the door when we arrived. An added bonus was that we pissed a German family off by being taken to the front of the passport check queue.
Maximover XLWB lowloader with air suspension can't wait to get the beast on the road and earning back it's money
See you at 4pm Maximover
Mate, you know you're getting old when you get excited over a Peugeot van.
Not wrong mate even worse when all the way home you think what a great move it was putting the restricter on and not allowing it to go over 70mph then, think it's really good on fuel consumption
Or the fact it's 4.5 metres long just the body and 2.7 mtrs in height
And how much you can fit in
Don't get me started on the fact it's got air bags so I can lower it to 11 inches off the floor. And then raise it up to 3 ft when loaded
1 A*, 7 A, 2 B & 1 C + she took 2 early and got 2 As
One of the Bs she had ready an A. .
Gets her good looks and her brains from me. I know Mrs GA doesn't read this site.
5 days of just me and the dogs.
They'd better get use to it coz where they're going gets a lot hotter than this
Maximover XLWB lowloader with air suspension can't wait to get the beast on the road and earning back it's money
See you at 4pm Maximover
Or the fact it's 4.5 metres long just the body and 2.7 mtrs in height
And how much you can fit in
Don't get me started on the fact it's got air bags so I can lower it to 11 inches off the floor. And then raise it up to 3 ft when loaded
What a machine