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Time Guy Luzon's name is sung loud at the next home game

With all the doom and gloom which has been around the club for the last few months involving the board and management I think they deserve a break and for the supporters to get behind them for the remaining games. Let's give the players the support by making the valley noisy and loud and a fortress for the rest of the season. Just like we use to do. COYR's


  • Agreed. Had a better start to a reign than CP, JR. and BP!!
  • But have we clarified if it is Guy like sky or Guy like flee ?
  • edited March 2015
    Not saying we shouldn't, just don't see it as a big thing. All that time Curbs was our most successful manager, how much did his name get sung? An occasional Alan C's red and white army, which was never one of our staple songs, and a half hearted humour one about him having no personality which never really took off, but that was it.
  • Never really seen the obsession some have in singing the managers name. It's not like he is going to be spurred on to raise his level of pointing and crouching.

    Personally I'd much rather find songs to support players like Gudmondsson, Bulot, Ben Haim, Fox, Buyens, Johnson, Eagles etc, half the team who've never had their name sung. Those are the ones we should be wanting to give a boost to during games.

    If you want me to start song writing just say mate, You know me I don't mind
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  • But it was ok to sing the name of the opposition manager a couple of weeks ago?

    It wasn't singing the name of an oppo manager though Damo, it was singing the name of returning Charlton icon (who happened to currently be an opposition manager).

    No different you could argue to when former players have returned playing for the opposition and had their name sung, when players in our own side don't.
  • Valley11 said:

    I'll get shot down for this but I'm still not convinced. The players have been superb over the last 7 or so games and GL has made some decent attacking substitutes but the real test will come when we lose a few. He doesn't seem like a humble bloke and I wonder how that arrogant swagger will go down if we're losing.
    This is probably a bit unfair but, I'm reserving judgement for a while.

    Have you read his post match comments?
  • Tell you what, we can sing his name if he performs an interpretive dance to the tune in the centre circle, including his trademark crouching, prancing and gesticulating. Might be entertaining and we would be building a better musical moment 'together'.
  • As someone who thought he was going to be a disaster, I am really pissed off I appear to have been quite wrong :-) the turnaround in about a month is pretty amazing by any standards and I think he deserves a lot of credit. If he has had some luck and some useful additions to his squad along the way, well he has utilised those factors well.
    It is still early days, of course, and everything is going well, and yes it might all go a bit different if we lose a few on the trot, but personally I now think it will be good for the rest of this season.
    And I like his crouching, I have no idea what he can see when he does it, but who knows maybe he is just trying to see the game from Chris Solly's perspective ;-)
  • We did it with Pardew, Parkinson, Powell and Peeters so I don't see any reason why we should not do it with Luzon?

    Or do we only do it when we have a manager with a surname that starts with a 'P' lol
  • seth plum said:

    Tell you what, we can sing his name if he performs an interpretive dance to the tune in the centre circle, including his trademark crouching, prancing and gesticulating. Might be entertaining and we would be building a better musical moment 'together'.

    He's saving that for the POTY dinner, Seth.

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  • We had the "Jose Riga baby" song last season and at Reading a very long burst of the Bob Peeters no hair song, so it's definitely time for Guy to be acknowledged more. There was a chant of Luzon as he came over, which is a start...
  • Never really seen the obsession some have in singing the managers name. It's not like he is going to be spurred on to raise his level of pointing and crouching.

    Personally I'd much rather find songs to support players like Gudmondsson, Bulot, Ben Haim, Fox, Buyens, Johnson, Eagles etc, half the team who've never had their name sung. Those are the ones we should be wanting to give a boost to during games.

  • Utterly pointless.

    Luzon does not care what the fans think of him, and that is not a bad thing, I think he just loves football and loves winning. He claimed to embrace pressure and sees it as an extra motivator.

    He has won a few games and rapidly turned it around at Charlton. It does not make his name massively singable as of yet as there is still alot more to do and achieve.

    Strive for more before he gets everyone's full respect, and refreshingly, I don't think he would have it any other way.

    I like Luzon, but don't bother hugely with the name chanting until we achieve something seriously significant with him at the helm.
  • He crouches when he wants,
    He crouches when he wants,
    Network Guy Luzon,
    He crouches when he wants.
  • Still not having it

    We are Charltons Red & White army
  • Beat Millwall at the Den, and then maybe the home game after that.
  • Beat Millwall at the den and i will personally sing to him while he bathes in the milk of 100 woolwich virgins.

    Good job on finding those @Baldybonce.
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