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Suppose I got to ask RD my questions, and he answered like this...

I posed in another thread the main questions I personally would like to ask RD. I tried to emphasise that i could fully imagine a positive answer to my questions, but some posters chose to assume that just posting my questions was some kind of hostile act. To try and demonstrate that this was not my intention, here I try to imagine how he might answer, in a way which would give me comfort that there is a plan we could believe in and support. "Angel's advocate" ? Certainly I think these answers are perfectly plausible. But at this time they remain questions he has never addressed in any details.

I hope this will be of interest to those who just want to try and make intelligent guesses at what the business objectives and strategy are, without any assumed personal "agendas"

1. I have read that your main goal is to show that football clubs can be run at break even? Is this your business goal?

No, of course not. I became interested in how football is a bigger and bigger social phenomenon, more and more money comes into football, and yet clubs run up bigger and bigger losses. I want to demonstrate that such losses are absurd and can be eliminated

2. What should break even? Each individual club P&L, or Staprix NV?

It’s all my money, so of course I evaluate my total return. But each club needs its own P&L so that I can inspect how it is doing on both the revenue and cost sides.

3. When do you expect break even? This season or over a longer period?

It’s unusual for a new business to turn a profit or break even in the first year, so yes a longer period. I’d rather not specify how long

4. Do you accept that break even in the Championship seems almost impossible, in which case, promotion is the most likely route to CAFC break even?

Certainly I’m disappointed by the failure to stick to FFP rules. And by the way, I’m puzzled that you fans don’t get more angry with those who govern football, rather than with me. Clearly there are huge new revenues available if Charlton get to the FAPL. However I have also noticed a lot of Championship club owners gambling recklessly to get those revenues. This is absurd, and I will not do it. We are finding smarter ways to build a competitive team. In the medium term they include more young players from the Academies at Charlton and throughout the network.

5.If each club is to break even, then how does the network valuation of players work in a way which is transparent? After all, we've apparently "paid" a lot of money for some players who did not give value for money. That is the most puzzling aspect of the network model for me, if indeed each club is expected to stand on its own feet.

We have a software package which calculates sensible player values, based on rational statistical information .

There are a lot of transfer fees which are not sensible. Look at some of the very high fees I have managed to get for Standard players I sold. And of course many of these fees are inflated by the need for agents to get their cut. Our software is far more sophisticated than Transfermarkt. However if you look at Transfermarkt, there is not a great deal of difference between the fees for Tucudean and for Tony Watt, in the context of European fees for strikers . So there may be some that work out better than others, but it is based on data, and I believe will overall deliver better players to Charlton for less than the open market can do.

You also need to understand that the other clubs are our business competitors. When Charlton get players from the network, it means we are not giving money to our competitors for players.


  • I'm impressed with Rolands lucidity as English is probably his third language
  • Forgive me asking but why are so many Charlton fans up in arms about the current ownership? (P.S. I live in Lewisham and have been a Charlton admirer since Humphreys and Pender were on your books).
  • Friday nights in Prague go off!!!!!
  • Excruciating.
  • *Cancels lads weekend to Prague*
  • I'd save your breath.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Despite the pisstakes above I thought this was excellent PA

    I agree on the whole (apart from 5) that these would be encouraging answers.
  • edited March 2015
    Suppose I had an interview with Rachel Riley, I've decided what her answers could possibly be:

    Me: Hi Rachel, you're looking very nice today.
    RR: Thanks, you scrub up alright too!
    Me: Really? I mean, yes, of course. Fancy going for a drink?
    RR: Sure. Let's go now, we can do some sums on the way.

    I think this is perfectly plausible.
  • The irony here of course is people bitching "Oh yeah PA, what sort of answers would you be happy with exactly??"

    PA: "here you go"

    The majority of posters (so far): "oh yeah in your dreams he's going to answer them like that. Deluded, etc"
  • edited March 2015
    Very, very we'll put.
    A very well structured reasoned and eloquent set of points, Stevie.
    I doff my hat to you, sir.
  • Great post StevieK
  • "3, This had led to a level of questioning of strategy and plan that is just not normal for football clubs and did not happen under the last regime here. How many football fans know anything more about their club’s strategy than ‘we want to win the league’, which might be true but is pure fantasy for most. It seems that some people would be happier if the club did lie to them on this and give them bland, la-la land promises."

    To be fair, whilst it is not usual for fans to want this information, or rather be given this information I recall Prague asking for business plans from the club numerous times during the Curbishley years, so it's not just s new owner phenomenon.
  • Excellent Stevie
  • So, now we know who's the puppet master and who's the dummy.

    Mr Prague and Little Roly
  • Stig said:

    So, now we know who's the puppet master and who's the dummy.

    Mr Prague and Little Roly

    Which one is Rick?
  • Sponsored links:

  • "Please do not misunderstand me on this, I am a member of the Trust and a huge supporter of it and admirer of the people who lead it, but when it starts throwing round words like ‘season-ticket strikes’ and ‘bringing RD to the table’, when it runs surveys where everyone has to answer that getting rid of RD is at least on their priority list, and when it makes a special effort to publicise the views of the former, and now opposition, manager on the club’s big game of the season (and, as a journalist myself, I do completely sympathise with the quandary that the Trust found itself on that), then I think the club can be forgiven for a little wariness."

    I'm on the train to Cardiff and I don't find it easy to post on my mobile, but the highlighted text is 1) a year old, 2) not something put out by the trust and 3) something that specifically relates to the circumstances surrounding the sacking of Chris Powell. So I suggest its inclusion as something the trust has done or is doing and a basis for comment about the trust is unreasonable, to say the least.

    I'll leave it at that for now ...
  • edited March 2015
    I agree with a lot of what StevieK says and also agree with Airman Brown's correction.

    However, the public meeting, organised by the Trust, had Airman as the most passionate speaker & Steve Dixon as wanting RD out.

    This of course, to most fans, who don't follow events with a fine tooth comb, like it or not, muddies the water, with what the Trust are saying/wanting.

    I was at the meeting and am far from confident overall (I hope I'm wrong), but as a way forward, I think StevieK has made a valid point.
  • Well this thread ' s gone well :-)

    Not much to add really. good post @Stevie K . Just to be clear, as Airman says the Trust has never supported the idea of a season ticket strike. We think it's in the best interests of everyone that the club maximizes its revenue, and certainly we are are interested to help with plans that increase that revenue.

    Actually Stevie K why don't you come and have a chat with one of the Trust people at one of the games. You're a member, you believe we ve been sounding the wrong notes at times, we want to hear from people like you, you can help to shape our message and action.

    No idea what @Kap10 refers to. I don't think a discussion on Glynnes mailing list, which he was part of, constitutes a "demand" . Anyway on the other thread which I was chased off I was told that I used to have "cozy chats" with the chairman in those days.

    And @greenie ...Every cloud, eh?
  • How do you get chased off a thread?
  • Well this thread ' s gone well :-)

    Not much to add really. good post @Stevie K . Just to be clear, as Airman says the Trust has never supported the idea of a season ticket strike. We think it's in the best interests of everyone that the club maximizes its revenue, and certainly we are are interested to help with plans that increase that revenue.

    Actually Stevie K why don't you come and have a chat with one of the Trust people at one of the games. You're a member, you believe we ve been sounding the wrong notes at times, we want to hear from people like you, you can help to shape our message and action.

    No idea what @Kap10 refers to. I don't think a discussion on Glynnes mailing list, which he was part of, constitutes a "demand" . Anyway on the other thread which I was chased off I was told that I used to have "cozy chats" with the chairman in those days.

    And @greenie ...Every cloud, eh?

    @PragueAddick I was simply pointing out that you were not just asking for answers from this regime, as others may have thought but that you had concerns and requests of previous regimes - sorry if I misused the word demand - I forgot how sensitive you could be even if someone was supporting you.
  • Kap10 said:

    Well this thread ' s gone well :-)

    Not much to add really. good post @Stevie K . Just to be clear, as Airman says the Trust has never supported the idea of a season ticket strike. We think it's in the best interests of everyone that the club maximizes its revenue, and certainly we are are interested to help with plans that increase that revenue.

    Actually Stevie K why don't you come and have a chat with one of the Trust people at one of the games. You're a member, you believe we ve been sounding the wrong notes at times, we want to hear from people like you, you can help to shape our message and action.

    No idea what @Kap10 refers to. I don't think a discussion on Glynnes mailing list, which he was part of, constitutes a "demand" . Anyway on the other thread which I was chased off I was told that I used to have "cozy chats" with the chairman in those days.

    And @greenie ...Every cloud, eh?

    @PragueAddick I was simply pointing out that you were not just asking for answers from this regime, as others may have thought but that you had concerns and requests of previous regimes - sorry if I misused the word demand - I forgot how sensitive you could be even if someone was supporting you.
    Well I apologize, if that's what you were doing. Unfortunately it seems a number of people on CL seem at the moment to get very riled by people simply asking these sort of questions. I just assumed you'd joined them. That old mailing list was probably a much better place to have this kind of discussion, but that's the way eu world moves on.Sorry, Kap.

  • Kap10 said:

    Well this thread ' s gone well :-)

    Not much to add really. good post @Stevie K . Just to be clear, as Airman says the Trust has never supported the idea of a season ticket strike. We think it's in the best interests of everyone that the club maximizes its revenue, and certainly we are are interested to help with plans that increase that revenue.

    Actually Stevie K why don't you come and have a chat with one of the Trust people at one of the games. You're a member, you believe we ve been sounding the wrong notes at times, we want to hear from people like you, you can help to shape our message and action.

    No idea what @Kap10 refers to. I don't think a discussion on Glynnes mailing list, which he was part of, constitutes a "demand" . Anyway on the other thread which I was chased off I was told that I used to have "cozy chats" with the chairman in those days.

    And @greenie ...Every cloud, eh?

    @PragueAddick I was simply pointing out that you were not just asking for answers from this regime, as others may have thought but that you had concerns and requests of previous regimes - sorry if I misused the word demand - I forgot how sensitive you could be even if someone was supporting you.
    Well I apologize, if that's what you were doing. Unfortunately it seems a number of people on CL seem at the moment to get very riled by people simply asking these sort of questions. I just assumed you'd joined them. That old mailing list was probably a much better place to have this kind of discussion, but that's the way eu world moves on.Sorry, Kap.

    No worries. I think the questions are legitimate and should continue to be asked, even if we don't get answers. The day we stop asking questions is the day any regime believes that we no longer care.
  • Well this thread ' s gone well :-)

    Not much to add really. good post @Stevie K . Just to be clear, as Airman says the Trust has never supported the idea of a season ticket strike. We think it's in the best interests of everyone that the club maximizes its revenue, and certainly we are are interested to help with plans that increase that revenue.

    Actually Stevie K why don't you come and have a chat with one of the Trust people at one of the games. You're a member, you believe we ve been sounding the wrong notes at times, we want to hear from people like you, you can help to shape our message and action.

    No idea what @Kap10 refers to. I don't think a discussion on Glynnes mailing list, which he was part of, constitutes a "demand" . Anyway on the other thread which I was chased off I was told that I used to have "cozy chats" with the chairman in those days.

    And @greenie ...Every cloud, eh?

    And you guys accuse KM/RD of telling porkie pies. LOL
    Airman Brown Member
    March 2014 in General Charlton
    My view is that we should consider asking supporters to withhold their season ticket renewals for the time being until we get some clarity about what is going on with our club.

    Personally I have no confidence in any of the people running it, including the leadership team as well as the board, and season tickets are the one lever we can pull without being accused of damaging the team. It's just an idea and I'd welcome people's input.
  • edited March 2015
    Sorry, how does that show the Trust supported the idea of a season ticket strike exactly? You do realise that Airman doesn't equal the Supporters' Trust, right?
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Roland Out Forever!