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Game of Thrones



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    Dazzler21 said:
    cfgs said:
    Thing is we will all be a bit disappointed at how some characters end, because we have invested over a decade in them but it is what it is.  When a series runs this long not everything will be to your liking, hopefully the end will crush the doubts and moans, but alas I fear not.
    Gotta say I still love it.

    Literally the only thing that irked me was how easy the NK was to kill... In 8 Series of a TV show, that's not bad. 
    I'm with you Dazzler, still think it's great. Biggest issue I've had with this series is the first two episode being dragged out...Merge those into one and you've just gained an extra 80mins to do other things with.
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    edited May 2019
    Laddick01 said:
    Jamie has left to kill Cersei, right?
    Think you might be surprised. And not in a good way.

    For me this is the marker for how bad the writing has become. If they blatantly ignore 5 seasons of character building to just have him return to Cersei (a woman who put a hit on him) then I don’t know what they are thinking.

    Mate if you’ve read the ending then I don’t want to read comments like this. Anything you say now is going to be influenced by what you know. Whether it’s good or bad, I don’t want to have it spoilt. 

    Think I’m going to join @johnnybev1987 and get the hell out of this thread. 
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    I can't forgive the Starbucks cup bang in the middle of a scene. Ridiculous.
    Overworked staff working on next to impossible deadlines, things like this were bound to slip under the net eventually. 
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    It leaves a huge gap that the author can write a completely different ending to----- mega money
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    It leaves a huge gap that the author can write a completely different ending to----- mega money
    I have no intention of finding out any potential leaks from either book or show endings but I can be 100% sure the ending will be fairly significantly different (if it does in fact happen of course!) as even before the show overtook the books the plots had diverged fairly significantly. Characters that are alive in one are dead in the other, there are characters and sub-plots in the novels that the show hasn't even touched (understandably of course as some trimming is very necessary.)

    I have enjoyed the show overall, despite how I may seem on here I have actually enjoyed this season a great deal but there seem to be what I consider mistakes being made due to an apparently rushed conclusion. At the other end of that scale of course is George Martin himself and the distinct possibility of no conclusion whatsoever, so I can't really say either approach is 100% good or bad!
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    Back in 1990, when I was a teenager, my brother started buying and reading the Wheel of Time series of books by Robert Jordan. I said that I'd read them when the series had finished. The author died in 2007 with the series still unfinished (the last 3 books I think were written by another author).

    If I had started to read the GoT books I would now be extremely nervous about the health of a 70 year old, grossly overweight man!
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    I can't forgive the Starbucks cup bang in the middle of a scene. Ridiculous.
    What about these?

    When Melisandre took a bath without her necklace she didn't age at all.
    When Stannis was dying after battle, you can see a microphone under his leg.
    When the opening credits roll in series 1, Sansa is listed has the Targaryen sigil next to her name.
    When Margaery was visiting the poor folks in Kings Landing a member of the production teams phone goes off in the background.
    When Jon Snow rides his horse @ The Battle of The Bastard, the sword is very wobbly, as if it's not made of metal.
    When Dany gives birth to the dragons, her clothes all burn off, but not her hair.
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    Rizzo said:
    Back in 1990, when I was a teenager, my brother started buying and reading the Wheel of Time series of books by Robert Jordan. I said that I'd read them when the series had finished. The author died in 2007 with the series still unfinished (the last 3 books I think were written by another author).

    If I had started to read the GoT books I would now be extremely nervous about the health of a 70 year old, grossly overweight man!
    Not a chance they're getting finished.  He's so anal about detail.  Probably why they are so good (and why the TV show has slightly tapered).
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    WSS said:
    Rizzo said:
    Back in 1990, when I was a teenager, my brother started buying and reading the Wheel of Time series of books by Robert Jordan. I said that I'd read them when the series had finished. The author died in 2007 with the series still unfinished (the last 3 books I think were written by another author).

    If I had started to read the GoT books I would now be extremely nervous about the health of a 70 year old, grossly overweight man!
    Not a chance they're getting finished.  He's so anal about detail.  Probably why they are so good (and why the TV show has slightly tapered).
    I still think he'll make it. This will be the tricky one for him as it brings everyone back together and will no doubt be constantly making adjustments as he has a clear endgame. Well, hopefully.

    He fckn well better, I was waiting 3 years for a ADWD and now 8 years for Winds!
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    another good episode for me.  Was not expecting Euron to smash that dragon out the sky in last night's episode in such an ambush.  They did it well.  Increases the hate for Cersei.  Plus, really not sure how the fledgling army of the north can take Kings Landing now.  gonna be an interesting last 2 episodes
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    cabbles said:
    Plus, really not sure how the fledgling army of the north can take Kings Landing now.  gonna be an interesting last 2 episodes
    It was said that the two forces are about equal after the long night. Dany lost some in the subsequent ambush, but at the meeting, I didn't take it to mean that the entourage was all that was left of the Dothraki and the Unsullied.
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    Dazzler21 said:
    We feel the writing is suddenly bad because we're being told it's bad because unexpected things are happening. 
    Unfortunately, a lot of it is just badly written.  One thing that really wound me up was how they treated the reveal of Jon Snow being a Targaryen to Sansa and Arya.  The dark secret that Ned kept for 20 years at considerable personal cost is finally out there and yet the audience are denied Sansa and Arya's reaction to this bombshell moment and any ensuing dialogue that sets up a conflict at the heart of the Stark family.  The writers elect to cut away to the next scene.  We get nothing.  Next time we see Arya, she's on a horse heading out of town with the Hound like nothing has happened.  All that talk about family, and she just buggers off... why?  Sansa just treats it like a bit of gossip to get at Tyrion.  It's sadly typical of how poorly the writers serve the characters in this show at the moment.

    That scene could have been the hugely dramatic culmination of 20 years of lies that reveals their father and brother in a shocking new light, possibly tearing the family apart over divided loyalties.  Any writer worth their salt should be desperate to write that scene.  Dan and Dave, not so much.

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    Missed It said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    We feel the writing is suddenly bad because we're being told it's bad because unexpected things are happening. 
    Unfortunately, a lot of it is just badly written.  One thing that really wound me up was how they treated the reveal of Jon Snow being a Targaryen to Sansa and Arya.  The dark secret that Ned kept for 20 years at considerable personal cost is finally out there and yet the audience are denied Sansa and Arya's reaction to this bombshell moment and any ensuing dialogue that sets up a conflict at the heart of the Stark family.  The writers elect to cut away to the next scene.  We get nothing.  Next time we see Arya, she's on a horse heading out of town with the Hound like nothing has happened.  All that talk about family, and she just buggers off... why?  Sansa just treats it like a bit of gossip to get at Tyrion.  It's sadly typical of how poorly the writers serve the characters in this show at the moment.

    That scene could have been the hugely dramatic culmination of 20 years of lies that reveals their father and brother in a shocking new light, possibly tearing the family apart over divided loyalties.  Any writer worth their salt should be desperate to write that scene.  Dan and Dave, not so much.

    I do think there's a reason that scene wasn't filmed though, and it's in the pay-off. It might not turn out this way, but I'd guess a plan has been hatched regarding what to do about Jon's revelation, possibly with Jon involved, and they're withholding the details in order to provide a surprise later. Like they did with Littlefinger; we didn't get to see the conversation between Sansa, Arya and Bran then, and the result was a big moment where the Stark siblings killed him off that took viewers by surprise. Might not turn out that way, but that was my interpretation at the time
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    edited May 2019
    Exactly. You wouldn't want to provide detailed critique of any of the episodes once you're 17.5 minutes in, or 22.75 minutes from the end, or any other random time, whether you could accurately predict outcomes or not. These storylines are out over multiple episodes. Why not wait until it's all played out in a given series and then get hot and bothered if you think it should've gone another way?
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    Missed It said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    We feel the writing is suddenly bad because we're being told it's bad because unexpected things are happening. 
    Unfortunately, a lot of it is just badly written.  One thing that really wound me up was how they treated the reveal of Jon Snow being a Targaryen to Sansa and Arya.  The dark secret that Ned kept for 20 years at considerable personal cost is finally out there and yet the audience are denied Sansa and Arya's reaction to this bombshell moment and any ensuing dialogue that sets up a conflict at the heart of the Stark family.  The writers elect to cut away to the next scene.  We get nothing.  Next time we see Arya, she's on a horse heading out of town with the Hound like nothing has happened.  All that talk about family, and she just buggers off... why?  Sansa just treats it like a bit of gossip to get at Tyrion.  It's sadly typical of how poorly the writers serve the characters in this show at the moment.

    That scene could have been the hugely dramatic culmination of 20 years of lies that reveals their father and brother in a shocking new light, possibly tearing the family apart over divided loyalties.  Any writer worth their salt should be desperate to write that scene.  Dan and Dave, not so much.

    I do think there's a reason that scene wasn't filmed though, and it's in the pay-off. It might not turn out this way, but I'd guess a plan has been hatched regarding what to do about Jon's revelation, possibly with Jon involved, and they're withholding the details in order to provide a surprise later. Like they did with Littlefinger; we didn't get to see the conversation between Sansa, Arya and Bran then, and the result was a big moment where the Stark siblings killed him off that took viewers by surprise. Might not turn out that way, but that was my interpretation at the time
    Fair point, though I never really bought that Littlefinger would get suckered like that.  It does show that the writers are more interested in shocking the audience than giving them good drama and character interaction though.  
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    Missed It said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    We feel the writing is suddenly bad because we're being told it's bad because unexpected things are happening. 
    Unfortunately, a lot of it is just badly written.  One thing that really wound me up was how they treated the reveal of Jon Snow being a Targaryen to Sansa and Arya.  The dark secret that Ned kept for 20 years at considerable personal cost is finally out there and yet the audience are denied Sansa and Arya's reaction to this bombshell moment and any ensuing dialogue that sets up a conflict at the heart of the Stark family.  The writers elect to cut away to the next scene.  We get nothing.  Next time we see Arya, she's on a horse heading out of town with the Hound like nothing has happened.  All that talk about family, and she just buggers off... why?  Sansa just treats it like a bit of gossip to get at Tyrion.  It's sadly typical of how poorly the writers serve the characters in this show at the moment.

    That scene could have been the hugely dramatic culmination of 20 years of lies that reveals their father and brother in a shocking new light, possibly tearing the family apart over divided loyalties.  Any writer worth their salt should be desperate to write that scene.  Dan and Dave, not so much.

    They have done it for a reason no doubt, they could have easily included it. I personally don't think it has been glossed over, however we don't know...

    A lot of glass half empties here, I just enjoy the series why its here. It has been probably the best series that I have watched as a whole, there are always moments you think they could have done this or they have not dragged out certain things. That's all down to opinions, I just enjoy what there is and don't over analyse it. Each to their own I guess, just its total fiction yet people are looking too far into it and wanting a back story for everything which unfortunately will probably remain unfilled. I wish it went on until series 15-20 whatever so we have more and more and less chance of missing bits out and not completing sections, however it is what it is. As Dazzle says once its done people will realise, it would be hard to beat in my opinion but that could just be me.

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    The reveal scene to the starks was probably written and filmed, but cut, since we’ve had the reveal a few times before. I’m guessing the show runners were under pressure to reduce the run time so must have deemed necessary to cut it, to get to the next scene. 
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    I now believe that Bran will sit on the throne. Yes, the most useless character this season will be elected to lead everyone. Why? Because I thought of the dumbest idea the writers could come up with and that was it. So I think it will happen. 
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    thenewbie said:

    Unfortunately, I do fear for Tyrion. He's my favourite character left and I'd be gutted if he copped it. If Dany goes full on psycho pyromaniac, as it looks like they're pointing her toward, Tyrion's stupid advice and plotting with Varys is going to get him in big trouble.

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    Bron? Like, short dude with a crossbow, kind of scruffy, punched Tyrion in the face Bronn?
    Well whatever floats your boat dude....
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    I wonder where Jamie stuck his metal hand whilst he was showing Brienne his sword?
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