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Dear Katrien

It would appear that you see this site and the efforts of the Charlton Athletic's Supporters Trust as being counter productive and against everything that you and Roland want to achieve.

I can promise you that this is not the case. We all want to see the same outcome. A successful football Club challenging the 'big boys' of English football, whilst retaining the Community Spirit of what a football club can and does bring to the locality and beyond.

I truly believe that I and a lot of other fans appreciate how you are trying to bring this success to our Club for all of us.

We know you and our owner have made mistakes in the past and are happy to accept that as part of the 'learning process'. I am willing to accept similar errors of judgment in the future, If they are made in an effort to progress the Club for the benefit of all.

Please, please register on here and talk to us. I promise you, that you will genuinely be accepted and will have a vast legion of people who want to assist you and the owner in bringing success and a 'profitable' future for all.

This is the one Club in the Network than can deliver enormous success for the owner. With the supporters behind you the sky is the limit. If you ignore what this group of supporters are attempting to do to achieve the same aims as you and the owner then you are doing nothing but heading for failure.

We understand issues like financial constraints, we are realistic about our place in the football hierarchy, but we can also see that with the right investment and involvement of dedicated and knowledgeable fans, we can achieve so much more.

We've proved it before and we can prove it again. Richard Murray realised this, speak to him.

Work with us. Trust us. We all want the same outcome and we are realistic about what is possible.

We also understand that sometimes you have to say 'no'. Again we understand and accept this. But be open and transparent about this and people will accept the decision.

Sure, there will be arguments and dissatisfaction along the way, but involve the power of the supporters of this unique club and you will see more positives than negatives.


  • LOL Do you really believe that KM will read this or are you only looking for brownie points from fellow CL'ers who see things the same way that you do?
  • Addickted said:

    LOL Do you really believe that KM will read this


    I like your optimism.
  • I really like this post, however I don't believe KM will become a lifer in the foreseeable future, although that'd certainly be awesome. There's other ways to send it to her. You could always find her address and send her a letter in the post. I agree however that she needs to see the lifers for what we are
  • edited March 2015
    Back on topic though; I wouldn't be surprised if she saw this - a lot of things from CharltonLife seem to find their way back to the club.

    Would she sign-up though? I doubt it; although that's not to say the feedback from here isn't taken on board. Just that it's very much a one way dialogue.
  • PS. Buy Nadir Ciftci in the summer and all will be forgiven.
  • she does read Charlton life FACT!
  • C4FC4L1f3 said:

    she does read Charlton life FACT!

    Yep, 100% she does.
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  • Excellent start to a thread, although I don't believe that Katrien should join us. What she and Roland SHOULD do, is to listen to what we say. We won't always be right, just as they have proved themselves to make mistakes. The secret is never make the same mistake twice, and learn from them. We will always be stronger if we are marching in the same direction, and at the risk of getting boring, you need to start communicating Roland. You might hold this Club in the Bank, but we hold it in our hearts.
  • I like the original post, sounds like a caring passionate fan, but katrien does not need to sign to Charlton life nor should anyone expect her to. It's a fans forum, for the fans to the fans.
    The positive spirit that she might do that is good.

    She has not done anything that bad to have to keep explaining herself.

    Myself, a previous disillusioned fan under the network (check my threads you will see), eventually got over it and just saw it for what it was. Certainly not the end of the world.


    1. Strangely, all the managers RD has brought to the club eventually won the Charlton faithful over one way or another. Riga, Peeters, Luzon are not that bad of coaches and certainly showing/showed positive aspects of good results/performances.
    Not all great but not all that bad either.

    2. The network of players, cor, we've had some shockers. The flip side is that we have easier access to players that could strengthen our squad.

    Tony Watt being the most relevant and highlighted player in this instance.

    3. We are financially secure. At least safe and sound.

    Then there is a heap of negatives that we can reflect on but it's not about that anymore.

    The man is not looking for approval and his methods are not going to change.

    There is nothing we can do, so listen to oasis and roll with it.
  • edited March 2015

    C4FC4L1f3 said:

    she does read Charlton life FACT!

    Yep, 100% she does.
    She cant do or she would have topped herself by now!.
  • Halix said:

    C4FC4L1f3 said:

    she does read Charlton life FACT!

    Yep, 100% she does.
    She cant do or she would have topped herself by now!.
    Its ok, every time things get a bit rough on here I send her a bouquet
  • Addicted said:

    Halix said:

    C4FC4L1f3 said:

    she does read Charlton life FACT!

    Yep, 100% she does.
    She cant do or she would have topped herself by now!.
    Its ok, every time things get a bit rough on here I send her a bouquet
    I take it you own a florist then there must be van loads going to the Valley.
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  • I spoke to Katrien on Saturday and she certainly is aware of the negativity of a section of our fans. There is no way she will put herself in a position to suffer some of the personal and abusive comments that are made on here.
  • edited March 2015
    delroofer said:

    I spoke to Katrien on Saturday and she certainly is aware of the negativity of a section of our fans. There is no way she will put herself in a position to suffer some of the personal and abusive comments that are made on here.

    Fair enough and I don't blame her but I have to say it is probably more animosity rather than negativity Del. Also it takes two to tango and she hasn't exactly covered herself in glory with the way certain things have been poorly communicated and a take it or leave it attitude to name but a couple of issues.

    Sometimes you have to put your hands up and say 'I got that wrong, now how can we square things up and move forward?'' She'd be thought a lot more of for it.
  • It is stakeholder relationship management 101 to keep an eye on what people are saying about you (the product/the brand/the club). Whether KM herself is doing it or one of her staff and reporting back you can be sure it is happening from within the club executive. The most important stakeholders to listen to are the loyalists. So it's some poor sod's job within the club to shift through the buckets of crap and banter on here (think 50+ pages of Delortisms!) and spot any genuine 'consumer' insights/trends. They then need to act on those insights as they see fit and as they determine necessary and as and when resources and the business plan permits. In short this thread is not completely without chance of passing by KM's eyes.
  • Send some flowers.
  • JaShea99 said:

    Right, can people stop posting stuff like this now? It's getting a bit ridiculous. I love this site but in case you hadn't noticed, it's not a channel for communication with the club's owners, it's an unofficial fans forum. If you want to get in contact with Katrien or anyone else at the club, write to them and stop polluting this site with your nonsense. Do you honestly expect her to sign up for an account, give your post a 'like' or sit in front of her computer and type out a response? Sometimes I really don't know what planet some of our fans live on.

    You are quite correct in the most part.

    The only problem is that Meire does not look at her email account too often!
  • edited March 2015
    I don't think Katrein has been subjected to uneccessary abuse on this forum, merely constructive criticism. Unfortunately because she is not responding (understandably) to questions about her lack of clarity, then doubts persist. But there is no doubt that like many supporters I have issues with, she has the club at her heart. Not sure I agree with those questioning her competence either. Doubt any have been in touching distance of an active management position in a company our size despite any relative wealth. Criticism is easy, doing it harder. Senior management experience gives you a good voice, actual responsibility over employees lives is different gravy. VOTV issue is a good example of this, these guys never experienced power.
  • edited March 2015
    I know what you're saying harveys, but I've been in charge of over 100 employees, in my time & I very much doubt, I'm the only one.
    So I think people can make valid judgements.

    You only have to attend meetings & listen to her talk, to gain a very good impression.

    A bit like a David Cameron or David Milliband interview as opposed to the leader of The Greens interview.

    I think people can make a fair assesment on competence by entering into or listening to discussions/meetings and the way things are run, such as no programme sellers and the like.
  • I don't think Katrein has been subjected to uneccessary abuse on this forum, merely constructive criticism.

    this kind of constructive criticism HG ?

    by CharltonToddler · February 13
    Roland, Luzon and Katrien fuck off out of our club.
  • I don't think there is anything at all wrong with posing the OP's question to Katrein. Whether she takes you up on it, I doubt, but the intention is very good and it will certainly get her thinking. And these things will get back to RD. The more of this the better imo as it shows that the fans care and do want a voice.
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Roland Out Forever!