Seniors age has gone up to 65. Most people 60-65 work so always thought this odd. Nor sure the bloke handing out trust news will agree as he said he's 62. Then again for the last two games he has said he wants RD out and players who want to play for us and not made to be here. Obviously 3-0 wins don't satisfy him.
I'm not in the 60 age bracket yet, but this stinks - firstly because it has been done without any mention - "prices frozen unless you were a concession of 60 - 65", secondly how much extra revenue is it going to bring in? Thirdly yes its an anomaly but it was something rewarding older fans, fourthly At a time when finances are tight, why increase older supporters. There is no reference to concessions being retained for existing 60 plus's. Finally, it may be yet another shot in the foot by the club, as fans decide not to renew and take up the empty Valley seating on an ad hoc reduced basis.
And yes, I was looking forward in two years time to a reduced ST cost.
I queired this at the box office yesterday and the manager stated that existing concession (60 to 65) will keep their concession reduction, if that is true or not I cannot say, but this is what me and the boy was told I'm 62 so it does affect me.
I know things can change but I wonder if that's just for next season or for all seasons up until you're 65?
I got the impression from our conversation with the manager that for all existing older concessions it was until they reached the new qualifying age of 65. My worry was that the girls in the front office had to call the big guns in and his manner didn't fill me full of confidence, i dearly hope he wasn't making it up on the hoof.
Seniors age has gone up to 65. Most people 60-65 work so always thought this odd. Nor sure the bloke handing out trust news will agree as he said he's 62. Then again for the last two games he has said he wants RD out and players who want to play for us and not made to be here. Obviously 3-0 wins don't satisfy him.
I'm not in the 60 age bracket yet, but this stinks - firstly because it has been done without any mention - "prices frozen unless you were a concession of 60 - 65", secondly how much extra revenue is it going to bring in? Thirdly yes its an anomaly but it was something rewarding older fans, fourthly At a time when finances are tight, why increase older supporters. There is no reference to concessions being retained for existing 60 plus's. Finally, it may be yet another shot in the foot by the club, as fans decide not to renew and take up the empty Valley seating on an ad hoc reduced basis.
And yes, I was looking forward in two years time to a reduced ST cost.
It doesn't seem worth doing, given the bad feeling it will create. Unlike U18s, most seniors who attend buy season tickets so if existing holders are exempted the revenue from new applicants will be tiny even in match sales. If they are not exempted they will likely lose more money in lost sales than they gain.
Exempting existing holders but not including that in the announcement is woeful and suggests another change of mind in the face of a reaction. Is it new seniors who are exempt or does it apply to existing holders turning 60? Once again, it looks as if no one has thought the implications through or understands how people will react. And introducing the A block problem to the lower west - the premium area - after a year's experience in the east must take a special prize for stupidity.
To quote someone, I can't think who, its "beyond parody".
I will be annoyed about the 150 STS as KM implied at the VIP meeting that she was aware it was an issue a nd asked fans to wait till prices were announces to see how it has been addressed.
Looks like you can pay £175 and sit in a £475 seat.
Except that you and I cannot as those that bought them last year have until the last date (yet to be confirmed) to buy a £475 seat for £175.
Seniors age has gone up to 65. Most people 60-65 work so always thought this odd. Nor sure the bloke handing out trust news will agree as he said he's 62. Then again for the last two games he has said he wants RD out and players who want to play for us and not made to be here. Obviously 3-0 wins don't satisfy him.
I'm not in the 60 age bracket yet, but this stinks - firstly because it has been done without any mention - "prices frozen unless you were a concession of 60 - 65", secondly how much extra revenue is it going to bring in? Thirdly yes its an anomaly but it was something rewarding older fans, fourthly At a time when finances are tight, why increase older supporters. There is no reference to concessions being retained for existing 60 plus's. Finally, it may be yet another shot in the foot by the club, as fans decide not to renew and take up the empty Valley seating on an ad hoc reduced basis.
And yes, I was looking forward in two years time to a reduced ST cost.
This sort of bullshit is what is pissing me off with the Club at the moment. Do they think Supporters are stupid. I was sixty in May last year and was happy with the discounted price I paid. As people know I have given my Season ticket away in the face of what I think is the Lying to and lack of respect shown to the supporters who are the lifeblood of the Club. I have rather cut off my nose to spite my face, but it is something I felt strongly about. I was thawing a bit and was even thinking of buying a season ticket next season.
But why can't the Club just be honest with us and tell us what the changes are in Season ticket prices? I would respect that much more than them saying that the prices are frozen, but I end up paying more money because they have raised the age threshold. HONESTY AND TRANSPARANCY is what is needed, not PR bullshit.
There does now seem to be a bit of crowdsourcing in terms of ideas recently.
Except it's done in a haphazard way of teasing and judging reaction rather than actually speaking to people first to stop looking like idiots.
I'm pretty sure I remember reading that the club asked the Trust to help them, the Trust, for whatever reason declined.
Not quite, but understand why it came across that way. The Supporters' Trust was deflected away from meaningful discussion at board level (yes, that email) and instead Barnie was asked to work with her management team specifically on attendances initiatives. He personally declined, because actually the Supporters' Trust was already doing that.
I will be annoyed about the 150 STS as KM implied at the VIP meeting that she was aware it was an issue a nd asked fans to wait till prices were announces to see how it has been addressed.
Looks like you can pay £175 and sit in a £475 seat.
Except that you and I cannot as those that bought them last year have until the last date (yet to be confirmed) to buy a £475 seat for £175.
But you can in the lower west block H
Pay £175 and then go and sit in a £525 seat.
They also seem to have increased the price in M&N of the upper west by moving it from one pricing "zone" to another, contrary to their claims of the prices being based on last year's post-deadline rates. Or they've got the stadium plan wrong, which I guess is equally possible.
Not really sure what the issues are here. If I bought my ST a month before this season started, then my seat would cost the same this season.
Seeing as my ST this season was less than the previous season, I'm happy with the pricing structure - though the 60 - 65 limit is slightly underhand. But to be fair, the retirement age now is 66, so the vast majority of those paying a reduced rate aged 60 would still be employment anyway.
Indeed, I'm thinking of 'upgrading' my seat for next year.
I do have a chuckle at the 2 or 3 people on here who would not be renewing their ST next year, now complaining about the new pricing. Why should you care?
Not really sure what the issues are here. If I bought my ST a month before this season started, then my seat would cost the same this season.
Seeing as my ST this season was less than the previous season, I'm happy with the pricing structure - though the 60 - 65 limit is slightly underhand. But to be fair, the retirement age now is 66, so the vast majority of those paying a reduced rate aged 60 would still be employment anyway.
Indeed, I'm thinking of 'upgrading' my seat for next year.
I do have a chuckle at the 2 or 3 people on here who would not be renewing their ST next year, now complaining about the new pricing. Why should you care?
Not really sure what the issues are here. If I bought my ST a month before this season started, then my seat would cost the same this season.
Seeing as my ST this season was less than the previous season, I'm happy with the pricing structure - though the 60 - 65 limit is slightly underhand. But to be fair, the retirement age now is 66, so the vast majority of those paying a reduced rate aged 60 would still be employment anyway.
Indeed, I'm thinking of 'upgrading' my seat for next year.
I do have a chuckle at the 2 or 3 people on here who would not be renewing their ST next year, now complaining about the new pricing. Why should you care?
So you don't see a problem with 'marketing' something as a price 'freeze' when the majority of your current customers are going to experience an increase?
The limited information currently on the OS says:
"It has now also been confirmed that season-ticket prices will be frozen for the 2015/16 campaign.
This means that current Valley season-ticket holders’ seats will cost exactly the same as the post early-bird deadline prices ahead of the 2014/15 season".
However. last season the so called 'early-bird deadline' price was extended from April to May 6th (as a result of the uncertainty of our league position):
As a result it's almost certain that the overwhelming majority of this year's season ticket holders purchased at those pre-deadline prices - so the £25 "across the board" increase on those prices represents an additional 5 - 10% across the normal range of prices and more for concessions (17% for the cheapos in A Block).
Not an outrageous increase perhaps and probably still cheap compared to similar clubs - but if so then 'market' it as such rather than add to the widespread distrust of club statements among supporters by promoting it as a 'freeze'.
Surely its not asking too much for them just to be honest? You would think that after the pitch stunt, "the club are investigating a break in" one day then "hee hee it was us all along" the next, they might think twice before announcing a price freeze when they are not really freezing prices.
It is not called marketing it is called trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the Supporters because you have no respect for them. As Jim Royle would say, "freeze my arse".
As I still haven't seen the prices for next season ( 5 year boycott of VR due to lack of space in the loft!) I can't comment on the new structure ...yet.
However, it saddens me that this appears to be another instance of the current regime shooting itself in the foot to some degree with the lack of clarity & detail allegedly contained in the publicity thus far.
I believe that someone commented on the lack of forethought demonstrated here which will undoubtedly lead to numerous calls/emails to the Club with individual fans questioning the information as it affects them.
Wouldn't it have been better if more attention to detail had been given initially ?
What worries me is the perceived lack of time given to training ( and staff numbers too) to ensure that staff are fully conversant with issues they will be confronted with. A case in point is CharltonKerry's query as to how the senior concession change will affect him. This may well be the tip of a very large iceberg unless further clear information is issued ASAP.
Good customer service has always been high on my "must have" list for our Club. Good communication skills, together with knowledge of the "product" inside & out, is paramount for any staff members experiencing customer contact in their role. And of course this becomes more difficult when said "product " is ill defined.
With the upsurge of performances/results on the pitch, it is a pity that resources and experienced staff behind the scenes may not be viewed as similarly important.
There does now seem to be a bit of crowdsourcing in terms of ideas recently.
Except it's done in a haphazard way of teasing and judging reaction rather than actually speaking to people first to stop looking like idiots.
I'm pretty sure I remember reading that the club asked the Trust to help them, the Trust, for whatever reason declined.
Not quite, but understand why it came across that way. The Supporters' Trust was deflected away from meaningful discussion at board level (yes, that email) and instead Barnie was asked to work with her management team specifically on attendances initiatives. He personally declined, because actually the Supporters' Trust was already doing that.
So what happened to the club not communicating with the trust? It appears not only do they seek assistance from the trust with regards to attendances and they also provide regular contact with a board member. (RM)
I'm also with Addickted on the 60-65 point, if the vast majority of those people are still working, why should they get a dicount ahead of anyone else. Although why the club had to market this as a 'price freeze' when anyone with a brain cell can figure out it's not, is beyond me.
I will be annoyed about the 150 STS as KM implied at the VIP meeting that she was aware it was an issue a nd asked fans to wait till prices were announces to see how it has been addressed.
Looks like you can pay £175 and sit in a £475 seat.
Except that you and I cannot as those that bought them last year have until the last date (yet to be confirmed) to buy a £475 seat for £175.
But you can in the lower west block H
Pay £175 and then go and sit in a £525 seat.
They also seem to have increased the price in M&N of the upper west by moving it from one pricing "zone" to another, contrary to their claims of the prices being based on last year's post-deadline rates. Or they've got the stadium plan wrong, which I guess is equally possible.
Some A Blockers do move to more expensive seats and I can understand why this would rankle if someone had paid for the more expensive seat.
However most don't and personally I like the idea of seats at this price and do think it has a place in the clubs pricing structure, (although clearly there are issues).
I wonder if this is another example of a good idea in principle implemented on the hoof with limited consultation?
I also wonder how long it will be until the price goes up again, and again. In two season will theses seats be nearer the £250 mark ? After all they have gone up 16 & 1/2 % and 55.5 times the current inflation rate.
Are you against £175 seats? If so why?
If not, have you any thoughts on how it might be better?
Is there a way of not throwing the baby out with the bathwater?
Stu, the Trust were/still are seeking meaningful dialogue with the club about the outline strategy (not every detail nor commercial confidences) as, in the past, Charlton enjoyed great success with such a model, it strengthened the connection between owners and fans through thick and thin and we all mutually benefited. Some might say it became a positive part of our culture.
The current owners dismissed this, only wanting our input re "building attendances" and operational issues re fans' forum. We have been providing this all along where asked, but in the end, the whole thing really needs to go hand-in-hand, doesn't it?
It is difficult to help with initiatives on attendance if you don't know the priorities eg fill the Valley no matter the price or bring in younger supporters and not bother re older supporters or attract new fans from SW London or promote the club as edgy/sexy etc etc. What exactly are the objectives?
The Trust were not consulted at all re season tickets nor were any other fan groups to my knowledge, which is a shame, as once again we are left with some of our most loyal fans feeling as though their support is not valued.
Seniors age has gone up to 65. Most people 60-65 work so always thought this odd. Nor sure the bloke handing out trust news will agree as he said he's 62. Then again for the last two games he has said he wants RD out and players who want to play for us and not made to be here. Obviously 3-0 wins don't satisfy him.
I'm not in the 60 age bracket yet, but this stinks - firstly because it has been done without any mention - "prices frozen unless you were a concession of 60 - 65", secondly how much extra revenue is it going to bring in? Thirdly yes its an anomaly but it was something rewarding older fans, fourthly At a time when finances are tight, why increase older supporters. There is no reference to concessions being retained for existing 60 plus's. Finally, it may be yet another shot in the foot by the club, as fans decide not to renew and take up the empty Valley seating on an ad hoc reduced basis.
And yes, I was looking forward in two years time to a reduced ST cost.
I'm caught by this. As far as I can see I lose my existing concession which probably means I cannot afford to renew both my tickets at full adult price.
I'm not sure I want to buy a single and commit to going on my own so, although I've not made my mind up, I may dispense with season tickets and pick and choose a lot more.
I think they actually want old gits not to renew which is why they have done it in order to change the demographic profile of the customer base or whatever the bullshit marketing buzzword phrase is.
The Trust were not consulted at all re season tickets nor were any other fan groups to my knowledge, which is a shame, as once again we are left with some of our most loyal fans feeling as though their support is not valued.
Seniors age has gone up to 65. Most people 60-65 work so always thought this odd. Nor sure the bloke handing out trust news will agree as he said he's 62. Then again for the last two games he has said he wants RD out and players who want to play for us and not made to be here. Obviously 3-0 wins don't satisfy him.
I'm not in the 60 age bracket yet, but this stinks - firstly because it has been done without any mention - "prices frozen unless you were a concession of 60 - 65", secondly how much extra revenue is it going to bring in? Thirdly yes its an anomaly but it was something rewarding older fans, fourthly At a time when finances are tight, why increase older supporters. There is no reference to concessions being retained for existing 60 plus's. Finally, it may be yet another shot in the foot by the club, as fans decide not to renew and take up the empty Valley seating on an ad hoc reduced basis.
And yes, I was looking forward in two years time to a reduced ST cost.
I'm caught by this. As far as I can see I lose my existing concession which probably means I cannot afford to renew both my tickets at full adult price.
I'm not sure I want to buy a single and commit to going on my own so, although I've not made my mind up, I may dispense with season tickets and pick and choose a lot more.
I think they actually want old gits not to renew which is why they have done it in order to change the demographic profile of the customer base or whatever the bullshit marketing buzzword phrase is.
It's been confirmed those fans currently receiving a discount will continue to do so. You can still afford it, no one is trying to force you out.
No, Stu, Raz declined personally because Rikofold, who is treasurer of the Trust, was already due to attend such a meeting. Sorry this does not fit your argument.
The Trust were not consulted at all re season tickets nor were any other fan groups to my knowledge, which is a shame, as once again we are left with some of our most loyal fans feeling as though their support is not valued.
Seniors age has gone up to 65. Most people 60-65 work so always thought this odd. Nor sure the bloke handing out trust news will agree as he said he's 62. Then again for the last two games he has said he wants RD out and players who want to play for us and not made to be here. Obviously 3-0 wins don't satisfy him.
I'm not in the 60 age bracket yet, but this stinks - firstly because it has been done without any mention - "prices frozen unless you were a concession of 60 - 65", secondly how much extra revenue is it going to bring in? Thirdly yes its an anomaly but it was something rewarding older fans, fourthly At a time when finances are tight, why increase older supporters. There is no reference to concessions being retained for existing 60 plus's. Finally, it may be yet another shot in the foot by the club, as fans decide not to renew and take up the empty Valley seating on an ad hoc reduced basis.
And yes, I was looking forward in two years time to a reduced ST cost.
I'm caught by this. As far as I can see I lose my existing concession which probably means I cannot afford to renew both my tickets at full adult price.
I'm not sure I want to buy a single and commit to going on my own so, although I've not made my mind up, I may dispense with season tickets and pick and choose a lot more.
I think they actually want old gits not to renew which is why they have done it in order to change the demographic profile of the customer base or whatever the bullshit marketing buzzword phrase is.
It's been confirmed those fans currently receiving a discount will continue to do so. You can still afford it, no one is trying to force you out.
Not in writing as far as I can see and the person that was told this formed the impression it may have been made up "on the hoof."
I've got more confidence in Nick Clegg abolishing student tuition fees.
There does now seem to be a bit of crowdsourcing in terms of ideas recently.
Except it's done in a haphazard way of teasing and judging reaction rather than actually speaking to people first to stop looking like idiots.
I'm pretty sure I remember reading that the club asked the Trust to help them, the Trust, for whatever reason declined.
Not quite, but understand why it came across that way. The Supporters' Trust was deflected away from meaningful discussion at board level (yes, that email) and instead Barnie was asked to work with her management team specifically on attendances initiatives. He personally declined, because actually the Supporters' Trust was already doing that.
So what happened to the club not communicating with the trust? It appears not only do they seek assistance from the trust with regards to attendances and they also provide regular contact with a board member. (RM)
I'm also with Addickted on the 60-65 point, if the vast majority of those people are still working, why should they get a dicount ahead of anyone else. Although why the club had to market this as a 'price freeze' when anyone with a brain cell can figure out it's not, is beyond me.
The club didn't seek assistance with the attendances (and other aspects), it was the Supporters' Trust's initiative.
Notwithstanding, that's hardly the same as supporters working with the board to get the best out of their planning for the club's direction. Nor are informal conversations with Richard Murray.
Or perhaps you think the Fans' Forum is exactly the same as having a supporter representative on the board?
I'm kind of confused by the club's actions on season tickets at the moment. If cash flow isn't an issue, to quote Ms Meire at the VIPs meeting, then why push back the concessions? Why not offer a flat rate season ticket price with a later deadline for seat reservation? Why not offer the VIPs another 5 year ticket? If indeed cash flow is no longer an issue, then presumably the objective is simply numbers by the start of the season - so why not price and market for that purpose? Really seems odd to me.
I will be annoyed about the 150 STS as KM implied at the VIP meeting that she was aware it was an issue a nd asked fans to wait till prices were announces to see how it has been addressed.
Looks like you can pay £175 and sit in a £475 seat.
Except that you and I cannot as those that bought them last year have until the last date (yet to be confirmed) to buy a £475 seat for £175.
But you can in the lower west block H
Pay £175 and then go and sit in a £525 seat.
They also seem to have increased the price in M&N of the upper west by moving it from one pricing "zone" to another, contrary to their claims of the prices being based on last year's post-deadline rates. Or they've got the stadium plan wrong, which I guess is equally possible.
Some A Blockers do move to more expensive seats and I can understand why this would rankle if someone had paid for the more expensive seat.
However most don't and personally I like the idea of seats at this price and do think it has a place in the clubs pricing structure, (although clearly there are issues).
I wonder if this is another example of a good idea in principle implemented on the hoof with limited consultation?
I also wonder how long it will be until the price goes up again, and again. In two season will theses seats be nearer the £250 mark ? After all they have gone up 16 & 1/2 % and 55.5 times the current inflation rate.
Are you against £175 seats? If so why?
If not, have you any thoughts on how it might be better?
Is there a way of not throwing the baby out with the bathwater?
On balance I am against £175 season tickets, because I think they reduce revenue overall. Regardless of that, if you want to have them put them in an area where they can be managed and don't undermine your premium price offer, i.e the quadrants, the end blocks of the upper west or the lower north.
"It has now also been confirmed that season-ticket prices will be frozen for the 2015/16 campaign.
"This means that current Valley season-ticket holders’ seats will cost exactly the same as the post early-bird deadline prices ahead of the 2014/15 season".
This statement by the club would appear to be categorically untrue of upper west blocks M&N where tickets are more expensive than at any time for 2014/15. That's not marketing spin. It's just a false statement as far as the people affected are concerned.
On the website it states:
"The club will reveal the full list of season-ticket prices on prior to Saturday’s sold-out game against Huddersfield."
I can't find details on the website, does anybody know the correct link ?
Except it's done in a haphazard way of teasing and judging reaction rather than actually speaking to people first to stop looking like idiots.
Didn't realise that. Seems weird.
This sort of bullshit is what is pissing me off with the Club at the moment. Do they think Supporters are stupid. I was sixty in May last year and was happy with the discounted price I paid. As people know I have given my Season ticket away in the face of what I think is the Lying to and lack of respect shown to the supporters who are the lifeblood of the Club. I have rather cut off my nose to spite my face, but it is something I felt strongly about.
I was thawing a bit and was even thinking of buying a season ticket next season.
But why can't the Club just be honest with us and tell us what the changes are in Season ticket prices? I would respect that much more than them saying that the prices are frozen, but I end up paying more money because they have raised the age threshold. HONESTY AND TRANSPARANCY is what is needed, not PR bullshit.
They also seem to have increased the price in M&N of the upper west by moving it from one pricing "zone" to another, contrary to their claims of the prices being based on last year's post-deadline rates. Or they've got the stadium plan wrong, which I guess is equally possible.
Not really sure what the issues are here. If I bought my ST a month before this season started, then my seat would cost the same this season.
Seeing as my ST this season was less than the previous season, I'm happy with the pricing structure - though the 60 - 65 limit is slightly underhand. But to be fair, the retirement age now is 66, so the vast majority of those paying a reduced rate aged 60 would still be employment anyway.
Indeed, I'm thinking of 'upgrading' my seat for next year.
I do have a chuckle at the 2 or 3 people on here who would not be renewing their ST next year, now complaining about the new pricing. Why should you care?
The limited information currently on the OS says:
"It has now also been confirmed that season-ticket prices will be frozen for the 2015/16 campaign.
This means that current Valley season-ticket holders’ seats will cost exactly the same as the post early-bird deadline prices ahead of the 2014/15 season".
However. last season the so called 'early-bird deadline' price was extended from April to May 6th (as a result of the uncertainty of our league position):
As a result it's almost certain that the overwhelming majority of this year's season ticket holders purchased at those pre-deadline prices - so the £25 "across the board" increase on those prices represents an additional 5 - 10% across the normal range of prices and more for concessions (17% for the cheapos in A Block).
Not an outrageous increase perhaps and probably still cheap compared to similar clubs - but if so then 'market' it as such rather than add to the widespread distrust of club statements among supporters by promoting it as a 'freeze'.
However, it saddens me that this appears to be another instance of the current regime shooting itself in the foot to some degree with the lack of clarity & detail allegedly contained in the publicity thus far.
I believe that someone commented on the lack of forethought demonstrated here which will undoubtedly lead to numerous calls/emails to the Club with individual fans questioning the information as it affects them.
Wouldn't it have been better if more attention to detail had been given initially ?
What worries me is the perceived lack of time given to training ( and staff numbers too) to ensure that staff are fully conversant with issues they will be confronted with. A case in point is CharltonKerry's query as to how the senior concession change will affect him. This may well be the tip of a very large iceberg unless further clear information is issued ASAP.
Good customer service has always been high on my "must have" list for our Club. Good communication skills, together with knowledge of the "product" inside & out, is paramount for any staff members experiencing customer contact in their role. And of course this becomes more difficult when said "product " is ill defined.
With the upsurge of performances/results on the pitch, it is a pity that resources and experienced staff behind the scenes may not be viewed as similarly important.
I'm also with Addickted on the 60-65 point, if the vast majority of those people are still working, why should they get a dicount ahead of anyone else. Although why the club had to market this as a 'price freeze' when anyone with a brain cell can figure out it's not, is beyond me.
Where is all this info? I can't find it.
Edit - thought I'd found it on OS, but it says all will be revealed before the Huddersfield game. Anyone know what's going on?
However most don't and personally I like the idea of seats at this price and do think it has a place in the clubs pricing structure, (although clearly there are issues).
I wonder if this is another example of a good idea in principle implemented on the hoof with limited consultation?
I also wonder how long it will be until the price goes up again, and again. In two season will theses seats be nearer the £250 mark ? After all they have gone up 16 & 1/2 % and 55.5 times the current inflation rate.
Are you against £175 seats? If so why?
If not, have you any thoughts on how it might be better?
Is there a way of not throwing the baby out with the bathwater?
The current owners dismissed this, only wanting our input re "building attendances" and operational issues re fans' forum. We have been providing this all along where asked, but in the end, the whole thing really needs to go hand-in-hand, doesn't it?
It is difficult to help with initiatives on attendance if you don't know the priorities eg fill the Valley no matter the price or bring in younger supporters and not bother re older supporters or attract new fans from SW London or promote the club as edgy/sexy etc etc. What exactly are the objectives?
The Trust were not consulted at all re season tickets nor were any other fan groups to my knowledge, which is a shame, as once again we are left with some of our most loyal fans feeling as though their support is not valued.
I'm not sure I want to buy a single and commit to going on my own so, although I've not made my mind up, I may dispense with season tickets and pick and choose a lot more.
I think they actually want old gits not to renew which is why they have done it in order to change the demographic profile of the customer base or whatever the bullshit marketing buzzword phrase is.
It's been confirmed those fans currently receiving a discount will continue to do so. You can still afford it, no one is trying to force you out.
I've got more confidence in Nick Clegg abolishing student tuition fees.
Notwithstanding, that's hardly the same as supporters working with the board to get the best out of their planning for the club's direction. Nor are informal conversations with Richard Murray.
Or perhaps you think the Fans' Forum is exactly the same as having a supporter representative on the board?
I'm kind of confused by the club's actions on season tickets at the moment. If cash flow isn't an issue, to quote Ms Meire at the VIPs meeting, then why push back the concessions? Why not offer a flat rate season ticket price with a later deadline for seat reservation? Why not offer the VIPs another 5 year ticket? If indeed cash flow is no longer an issue, then presumably the objective is simply numbers by the start of the season - so why not price and market for that purpose? Really seems odd to me.